Blooming spring applique senior group. Collective application: “Flower meadow

Stasenko Yulia

Abstract of GCD on application in the senior group on the topic: « Spring flowers»


"Cognitive development» :

To consolidate and generalize the signs of early spring; revive ideas about the first spring flowers.

To instill in children a love of nature, develop interest in learning about nature;

« Artistic and ethical development» :

Practice cutting a circle from a square, rounding the corners; cut the circle in half to create a semicircle.

- develop skills in working with paper, making neat, precise folds;

- develop imagination, creativity in children.

"Speech development» :

expand children's vocabulary topic: « Flowers» ,

develop children's coherent speech

Material: scissors, glue, brushes, napkins, colored blue and green squares colors

Progress of the lesson.

1. Guys, we are now going to the forest, and guess which forest we will end up in, please guess. (Children close their eyes, a recording sounds spring forest) .

The streams rang and the rooks flew in.

The bee brought honey to her hive,

There are dense lumps on the branches,

Sticky leaves lie dormant in them.

Who can say, who knows when this happens?

Children: in the spring. We're in spring forest!

2. Conversation about the signs of spring

Q: Tell me, children, what happens in nature when spring comes?

(the snow is melting, it’s getting warmer outside, birds are flying in, grass is appearing and the first spring flowers)

Which ones do you know first? spring flowers? (Coltsfoot, dandelion, snowdrop).

Let's go for a walk and be the first to admire spring flowers.

3. Looking at illustrations primroses. SLIDES

Delicate snowdrops, woodland - the awakening of nature;

The legend says that one day Winter old woman I decided not to let Spring come to earth. The flowers drooped from fear, one snowdrop was not afraid, it opened its petals. The sun saw him, warmed everything on earth with its warmth and cleared the way for the beautiful Spring. Since then, spring and snowdrops have been inseparable.

Primrose and crocus - spring revival

Its name is translated from Latin - "first". Primrose blooms with all the colors of the rainbow. People call it rams or golden keys. They say that these "keys" open the door to summer.

There is also a superstition that primrose can open hidden treasures. A maiden dressed in white robes and holding a golden key in her hand sometimes appears in the fields. And if you pick a primrose in front of her, then flower receives a magical gift to find underground and open treasures.

Simultaneously with the primrose, and sometimes even before it, the lovely crocuses open their blue eyes.

Mimosa - touchy and cowardly

As soon as you touch the fluffy beauty, she will immediately shudder and hide her leaves. Here we are talking about living, growing mimosa, and not about those bouquets that are sold in the spring. She is also “afraid” of being in the dark.

Strict handsome tulip

in spring a beautiful tulip is blooming!

There is an ancient legend about the tulip. Like a bud of yellow flower contained happiness, but no one managed to get to it, because the flower did not open. But one day a child picked up this tulip. His pure soul, carefree laughter and sunny childish joy performed a miracle - the bud opened.

Educator: first Spring flowers are so good, What they are blooming, replacing each other. Their bright outfits captivate the eye and fill the air with incredible delicate aromas. Flowers seem to speak: “Wake up!

Spring came!

It's time for us to return to kindergarten. (Children close their eyes and listen to the music spring the forests are coming back).

4. Educator: Guys, look, while we were in the forest, we received an envelope. Let's open the envelope and see what's in it (I open the envelope). Letter! Let's read it.

“Hello, dear guys! Your friend Luntik writes. It's spring outside, but there's still little warmth and sunshine. I really want to be the first to please Mila spring flowers! She loves them very much. Guys, help me, please! Do flowers so that they make us happy. Your friend, Luntik!

Well, guys, let's help Luntik?

And before we get to work, let's cheer up a little.

5. Physical exercise "Spring".

All people are smiling - spring, spring, spring! (raise their hands above their heads and clap rhythmically)

She's everywhere, she's everywhere - red, red, red (rhythmic turns of the body)

Through the meadow, forest and clearing - goes, goes, goes (walk in place)

Quickly bask in the sun - calling, calling, calling (wave both hands towards themselves)

And in the forest brook it rings, rings, rings cheerfully (snaps fingers)

Over the pebbles in the wide river - murmurs, murmurs, murmurs (rubbing palms)

Smells everywhere - colors, colors, colors(make a bud from fingers)

And everything living immediately hears this call of spring! (clench and unclench fingers).

6. Showing a sample of work. Explanation of work methods.

1. Take blue squares colors for flower. We cut off the corners and get a circle. Fold the circle in half, cut along the fold line, and get a semicircle.

2. For the stems we take green squares colors and just like for flowers we make semicircles.

7. Independent practical activities of children.

Now guys, go to the tables, let's Let's try to cut beautiful flowers, which will delight us and our friends Luntik and Mila.

Before we get started, let's stretch our fingers.

8. Finger gymnastics « Flower»

Slept flower magical dream(fists clenched tightly)

Was closed. But then a petal appeared (straighten your thumb)

And behind him is his friend (forefinger)

So the middle one didn’t sleep (middle finger)

And the fourth one was not far behind (ring finger)

Here is the fifth petal (little finger)

And the whole thing opened up flower! (Use both hands to depict the shape of a tulip)

9. Reflection.

What were they talking about? What they were doing?.

Analysis of works.

Look how beautiful they are you got the flowers. Torn off flowers cannot live long, they will wither, but those painted or made by craftsmen like you will live a long time and bring joy to people at any time of the year.

Well, guys, spring has come to us group, yours flowers will decorate our group and will delight you and your parents.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development (application) in the senior group “New life for old books” Purpose: To promote skill.

Our violet has bloomed. Prepared by: teacher of the preparatory group of the MDOU “Kindergarten No. 185”, Saratov Nurieva Elena Vyacheslavovna Abstract.

Abstract of the GCD on artistic and aesthetic development in the preparatory group. Broken applique "Bullfinches". Goal: - Consolidate children's knowledge about wintering birds and their structure. Objectives: 1. Continue to introduce children to new appliqué techniques (break.

Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group. Application

You can make a beautiful spring applique from colored paper even with 4-year-old children. Such an interesting craft is a good gift for March 8, a birthday, or just any spring day. The application is easy to do, so even small children can handle it. For elementary school students, this work must be complicated with a large number of details. The "Flowers" applique will look good on a table in a child's room or at an exhibition of creative works.

What is required to complete the application?

Prepare colored paper, scissors, cardboard, glue (PVA or glue stick), brush, ruler, pencil.

Application technology

  1. Print the flower template - 2 parts: core and petal. Cut out these parts from thick cardboard.
  2. Together with your child, decide what color paper you need to use to make the flowers. These can be gerberas - red petals and a black core, or sunflowers - yellow petals and a brown core. Let the baby decide for himself what kind of flower he will make.
  3. On the back of colored paper, trace 10 petals for one flower and a circle for the core according to the template.
  4. Carefully cut out the details of the petals and core with scissors. Cut out a narrow strip of stem from green paper.
  5. Take cardboard of the desired color. Try together with your child to determine how many flowers will fit on one sheet of cardboard. With a small child, it is better to make an applique of 1 flower.
  6. Each cut petal must be folded in half lengthwise. Spread half of the petal with glue and glue it to the cardboard. The petals should be placed in a circle with a slight overlap on each other. Please note that only half of the petal should be glued to the cardboard. The second half will be bent. This will give the applique volume.
  7. Once all the petals are glued on, you need to add the flower core and stem. If the baby easily coped with this work, then add two green leaves to the flower. They are cut out according to the petal pattern.

So the beautiful volumetric spring applique “Flowers” ​​is ready. Be sure to praise your child for his neatness and diligence, tell him that everything worked out for him and put the picture on the table or for a “home exhibition”.

Good luck with your creativity and beautiful spring crafts!

Summary of direct educational activities on application in senior group No. 2 “Why”

Educator: Kumarova G.D.

Theme: Spring landscape

Target: teach children to create a landscape composition, show the possibilities of different means of artistic expression to convey the created image.


Clarify and consolidate ideas about changes in nature in spring and its signs;

Form the grammatical structure of speech and activate children’s vocabulary;

Improve your cutting technique with scissors;

To develop the ability to convey the beauty of nature in applications, to develop aesthetic perception.

Preliminary work: walks, observing spring changes, reading fiction, memorizing poems, looking at paintings about spring.

Equipment: oilcloth, colored paper, scissors, glue stick, napkins, reproductions of paintings about spring, ready-made blanks - frames.

GCD move:

    Organizing time.

Children enter the group and see a letter.


Someone threw it to me at the window,

Look, the letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What's tickling my face?

Maybe it's a sparrow

While flying, did you drop it?

Maybe someone's letter is like a mouse,

Lured to the window?

Who did the letter come from?

You want to know, right?

Then you have to try

You have to guess the riddle.


If the snow melts everywhere, it turns into a stream,

The grass timidly comes out, the day gets longer,

If the sun shines brighter, if the birds have no time to sleep,

If the wind has become warmer, it means that it has come to us ( spring).

That's right, well done, the letter came from spring.

She comes with affection

And with my fairy tale.

He waves his magic wand,

The snowdrop will bloom in the forest!

Let's read what she writes to us:

"Dear Guys! You're all happy ringing the spring sun drops, running streams? (Yes). I invite you to my spring lawn.

I will be glad to see you here! "Spring".

Let's go to Spring. How would we get there? (children's answers).

Let's fly there on the clouds. Do you agree?

Children imitate flying on airy, light clouds.

Look, here is a spring meadow. And a magical Spring greets us.

Draws attention to the screen (spring landscape).

Name the spring months in order (March, April, May).

Let's look at Spring and name the changes in nature that occurred with the onset of spring?

Showing pictures of spring signs.

- INMarch , who is the main helper of spring? (Sun). The sun is shining brightly, warming, the snow is melting, drops are ringing, buds are blooming on the willow, the first thawed patches are appearing, the first flowers are growing from the snow - snowdrops.

In a prele - the sun shines even brighter, the snow turns into water, streams run, rivers rumble, ice melts on lakes and rivers, animals change their fur to lighter, change colors, animals have cubs, birds return from distant countries, build nests, hatch chicks .

- In May – the first green leaves and green grass appear on the trees, trees and bushes bloom, various insects wake up, flowers bloom, the sun shines brightly, everything is green and beautiful.

Which spring did you like best? (early, middle, late).

Let's take a little rest and play the game "Freckle".

    Physical education minute:(perform movements according to the text)

The wind blows in our faces

The tree swayed.

The wind is getting quieter, quieter,

The tree is getting higher and higher.

Sunshine, sunshine

Golden Bottom

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out,

A stream ran in the forest

A hundred rooks have flown

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting.

And the flowers are growing!

Our first flowers

Petals open

The breeze breathes a little

The petals are swaying.

Our first flowers

Petals close

Shake your head

They fall asleep quietly.

Shall we wake up the flowers?

Spring! What a kind and tender word. Spring is an amazing time of year. The spring warmth makes everyone feel very good. People are happy to expose their faces to the gentle spring sun. The image of spring has many faces. This is beautiful nature, the arrival of birds, flowering, and delicate green foliage.

    Explanation of the work.

And today, you and I will become wizards and paint an unusual spring picture. Let us convey in it all the beauty of late spring.

Here we have some preparations, in these paintings spring has not yet come.

How can we help in spring? What can we do, do you think? ( glue a bright sun and white clouds, make green leaves on flowers, grass, etc.).

How do we depict a bright sunny day?( we will paste the sun and white clouds).

You have yellow squares on your plates; we will cut out a sun and a flower from the squares. From a green rectangle - grass and leaves.

    Independent activity of children.

    Analysis of works.

What kind of work did we get?

What do you like about your work?

What kind of work do you like best? Why? (children's answers)

YI. Summing up the lesson.

You guys are real magicians today, and our pictures turned out to be truly magical and unique.

What a sorceress Spring is!

Where does she have so much strength?

Having barely woken up from sleep,

She awakened nature.

Waving a magic wand,

She melted the snowdrifts.

And without immediately resting,

She paved the way for the streams.

And the air is clean and the distance is clear!

Nature sings, coming to life.

Yes, you are a sorceress, Spring!

Now I know this for sure!

Integrated open lesson GCD application "Dandelions"

in the older group with OHP

(Lexical topic: Spring. Primroses)

Form: Subgroup.

Target: Create conditions for creativity and learn how to perform three-dimensional appliqué of a dandelion flower



1. To develop the ability to perform work according to a model;

2. Improve techniques for working with scissors

Correctional and developmental:

1. Improve coordination of speech with movements, general fine motor skills;

2. Practice agreeing adjectives with nouns;

3. Develop imagination and creativity, sense of composition


1. Cultivate accuracy when doing work

Materials and equipment: illustration “Spring Girl”, pictures depicting two types of dandelions; containers for each pupil with prepared circles of yellow napkins, fastened with a stapler; glue, scissors, brushes.

Activities of the teacher



Organizing time. Introductory part.

Q: Guys, a girl called Spring came to visit us. (puts up a picture of spring)

Q: Spring is red! This is what people called spring because it is very beautiful, everyone rejoiced at its arrival: adults and children.

Q: Guys, tell me what spring is like? (Beautiful, ringing, tender, blooming, warm, bright, green, long-awaited, early, late)

Children select adjectives for the noun word "Spring"

Activities of the teacher



Q: Listen to the story about Spring.

Story "Girl - Spring"

One day, early in the morning, the girl Vesna woke up and went for a walk. Spring looks all around: “Good Earth!” -thinks. And yet something is missing. “What else can we come up with to please people?” Spring waved its sleeve - specks of dust splashed out from the sun and lights - multi-colored flowers - lit up in the clearing. And the angry Winter was hiding nearby, she saw Spring in the clearing and many small beautiful flowers. Oh, and then Winter got angry, waved her sleeve and went far, far away.

Q: The Spring girl has a lot of worries. Spring is red and turned to us for help in making flowers to decorate the meadow. And guess what flowers!

Children listen carefully to the teacher’s story about spring and look at the illustration


As a child, with a yellow head,
In his youth, completely gray-haired,
But there is no such thing as old,
White fluff flies away(Dandelion)

Children guess the riddle and name the possible answers.

Conversation about dandelion. Comparative analysis.

The teacher displays pictures of dandelions.

Q: Guys, dandelion can be different.(Show pictures)

What color is a dandelion? (yellow)

What shape is a dandelion? (round)

Q: How are dandelions different from each other? (yellow, very bright and fluffy, consists of narrow petals, and later changes its “outfit” to white and airy, like a ball that scatters at the slightest breath).

IN : Children, dandelion - medicinal plant. Since ancient times, dandelion has been used for medicinal purposes and is called the “elixir of life.” All parts of this useful plant - roots, leaves, and flowers - have healing properties. There is a saying: “If you eat dandelion, then the disease will pass by the door of the house.”

Children answer the teacher’s questions, compare two types of dandelions with each other

Answers on questions: "Dandelion yellow"

"Round Dandelion"

Publications on the topic