Fireplace lighting ceremony at a wedding. Family hearth - what is it and how to make it with your own hands? How to choose candles

All traditional rituals are transformed over the years, so it is not necessary to strictly adhere to any conditions, allowing yourself to slightly modify them in accordance with your tastes and wishes, however, adhering to the concept as a whole, so that the ritual does not lose its original meaning.

Usually the ceremony is held towards the end of the wedding celebration and occurs in this way: the lighting in the venue is reduced as much as possible, the newlyweds stand in the center of the hall, and romantic music is turned on. The parents of the newlyweds light one candle each and bring them to the “hearth” of the newlyweds, symbolically conveying their experience and family warmth.

Traditionally, candles are lit by fathers, which symbolizes the responsibility for creating a family, and are carried by women - the mothers of the bride and groom, as responsible for maintaining home warmth and comfort. The “hearth” is held by the bride, so she is its future keeper. But if desired, the candle can stand, for example, on a specially designated table.

After this, the ceremony can continue in several ways:

Whatever option you choose, be sure that candles will add solemnity and magic to your wedding atmosphere. In the photo: a wedding from a wedding agency.

It is advisable that the host convey to the guests the meaning of the ritual in advance, no matter, simply in the form of a brief explanation, in poetry or in a parable telling about the importance of preserving the family hearth in the house.

Think in advance whether you will extinguish small candles after lighting the family hearth. Some believe that this needs to be done because the bride and groom have become one, one family. Others leave them to burn, which symbolizes the individuality of each person in the marriage. The large candle of the new “family hearth”, as a rule, burns until the end of the celebration, until the newlyweds take it home. After the wedding, the newlyweds should keep the candle until the wedding of their own children. It can also be lit on a wedding anniversary.

Beautiful candles at a wedding organized by the agency.

The long-awaited wedding day has arrived, which not only the newlyweds, but also their parents dreamed of. Children create a new young family. What will she be like, will they be able to carry their love through the years? These questions are of great concern to mothers and fathers. When creating a wedding hearth with their own hands, parents invest in it, and then pass on pieces of life experience, love, and tenderness to the newlyweds. A family hearth made by parental hands will be a kind of amulet for a young family on a difficult path in life.

What is family hearth and its importance?

In Rus' there is an ancient ritual - at the end of the wedding, after the bride’s veil is removed, the wedding hearth is lit. It consists of two tall thin candles, symbolizing the mothers of the bride and groom. They light one - lower, denser. An extremely kind, touching ritual indicates that parents, with the warmth of their hearts, give birth to a new family. The connecting lights of two different candles are a combination of two genera into one large family.

How to make a family hearth: master class

To make your own wedding hearth you will need candles. You can buy them ready-made in a store and decorate them to your liking, or you can make them yourself at home. To do this, carefully grind the wax, paraffin or candle mass, melt it, and fill the selected mold with it. Add dye and aromatic oil to the liquid mass.

Candles are decorated with a wide variety of materials: lace, ribbons, flowers and leaves made of polymer clay, beads, seed beads, paper, fabric, braid. The process of decorating candles is long, labor-intensive, and such work is not done spontaneously. Think in advance about how each candle should look, sketch out a sketch of the entire product, and then patiently get to work.

Watch how professionals do it in our video.

What do we need

We offer you a simple master class on making a family hearth, which anyone who wants to try their hand at this can handle. Before you start, make sure you have everything you need on your desktop:

  • Two tall candles and one larger low one;
  • Scissors;
  • Super glue or Moment glue; if you have certain skills, you can use a glue gun;
  • Satin ribbons;
  • Lace stripes;
  • Artificial flowers, leaves.

Manufacturing process

Step 1. We select a small beautiful composition from available artificial flowers and leaves, and try it on candles. We measure the length of the lace and ribbons, and then cut off the required amount.

Step 2. Below the middle of the candle we glue a belt of satin ribbon. To ensure that the fabric lays beautifully, we apply glue only to it.

Step 3. On top of the ribbon, stepping back a little downwards, glue a lace strip so that part of the ribbon remains visible. How to do this beautifully is shown in the photo.

Step 4. Take artificial white flowers, cut off their stems to the very base so that the back side of the flower becomes completely flat.

Step 5. Select suitable leaves and stems for the flowers, and glue the compositions together.

Step 6. Carefully attach the finished bouquets to the lace belt with glue. Job finished!

In our case, the technology for decorating all three candles is the same. They differ only in the size and richness of the flower arrangements. There are many styles and a huge number of ways to perform an important wedding attribute. There is an opinion that the more richly you decorate the candles, the happier the newlyweds’ family life will be. Still, choose a wedding hearth to suit your taste, based only on your own opinion.

Photo of the wedding hearth

When planning the main day of their lives, newlyweds decide which symbolic rituals to include in the script and which not. A family hearth at a wedding is a beautiful ceremony filled with meaning and mystery. It will help create a warm and sincere atmosphere during the celebration.

How to hold a ceremony

The important point is who lights the candles. There are various options for how events might develop:

  1. The candles are lit by the mothers of the newlyweds or all the women present at the wedding. They carry a lit symbol to pass on to the newlyweds. The main candle for lovers can be held by the bride, the newlyweds at the same time, or it can stand on the table.
  2. The fathers of the newlyweds light the candles and then pass them to their wives. Mothers carry a symbolic fire and present the family hearth to the newlyweds. They do this carefully so that the fire of love between lovers does not go out.
  3. If there are no parents, godparents or close relatives can replace them. The main thing is to discuss the script with the toastmaster and correct the text.
  4. During the lighting of the family hearth, the toastmaster pronounces touching words and conveys to the guests the meaning of the ritual. The presenter's text should explain where this action came from. A parable or poems about the hearth will help tell about this. The ceremony should be accompanied by appropriate music.
  5. Next, the bride can go around everyone present with the main lit symbol of the evening and light their candles, which they are holding in their hands. For convenience, you can use candlesticks or you may need a stand.

Basic moments

Lighting the family hearth is a process that is required at every wedding. It has ancient origins, and the action looks mesmerizingly beautiful. The newlyweds discuss in advance with the host how to conduct the lighting ceremony, discuss all the pros and cons so that there are no misunderstandings during the celebration. The newlyweds decide for themselves what to do with the candles after the wedding. They can keep it and, in due course, pass it on to their own children for their wedding.

The speech of the toastmaster at the moment of handing over the family hearth should be understandable and accessible to guests. After all, not everyone knows why this action occurs. A parable can be told about the emergence of this tradition. It goes like this: “One day, Happiness decided to leave one person’s house. And it finally asked what each family member wanted for himself. The hostess asked for a fur coat, the child - a toy. And the owner wanted the fire of the family hearth to always burn in his house. And Happiness remains, because where there is warmth, love and care for loved ones, there is happiness.”

The family hearth at a wedding can be replaced by. Sand in it acts as an alternative to fire. It also carries a symbol of home comfort and warmth. Recently, you can increasingly see this custom at weddings.

Selection of candles

An important point when choosing candles is their design (they can be of any shape and color). There are no rules or restrictions here, but there are basic ideas to follow:

  1. You can make candles for the ritual with your own hands. For example, attributes for lighting in a rustic style can be made from simple materials: burlap, twine and paper flowers. It will be original and symbolic. They can be saved and the hearth can be lit on every wedding anniversary. Such traditions will help strengthen family ties.
  2. The main candle should be different from the others. It can be larger and more distinctive, of unusual shape and bright color. You can decorate it with bows, ribbons and rhinestones.
  3. It is possible to use an aroma lamp. For example, it can be made in the form of a house or hearts.
  4. It is better to choose thin and long candles for parents for a wedding. This will make it easier to perform the ceremony of transferring fire.
  5. The set for the ritual of lighting the family hearth also includes small candles for guests. They must be protected from melting wax.

Whether or not to light the family hearth at a wedding is everyone’s business. However, keep in mind that such rituals form the overall impression of the holiday. A candle involved in the transmission of fire can become a family heirloom and be passed on from generation to generation.

Finally, we suggest watching what this wedding tradition looks like in the video:

All traditional rituals are transformed over the years, so it is not necessary to strictly adhere to any conditions, allowing yourself to slightly modify them in accordance with your tastes and wishes, however, adhering to the concept as a whole, so that the ritual does not lose its original meaning.

Usually the ceremony is held towards the end of the wedding celebration and occurs in this way: the lighting in the venue is reduced as much as possible, the newlyweds stand in the center of the hall, and romantic music is turned on. The parents of the newlyweds light one candle each and bring them to the “hearth” of the newlyweds, symbolically conveying their experience and family warmth.

Traditionally, candles are lit by fathers, which symbolizes the responsibility for creating a family, and are carried by women - the mothers of the bride and groom, as responsible for maintaining home warmth and comfort. The “hearth” is held by the bride, so she is its future keeper. But if desired, the candle can stand, for example, on a specially designated table.

After this, the ceremony can continue in several ways:

Whatever option you choose, be sure that candles will add solemnity and magic to your wedding atmosphere. In the photo: a wedding from a wedding agency.

It is advisable that the host convey to the guests the meaning of the ritual in advance, no matter, simply in the form of a brief explanation, in poetry or in a parable telling about the importance of preserving the family hearth in the house.

Think in advance whether you will extinguish small candles after lighting the family hearth. Some believe that this needs to be done because the bride and groom have become one, one family. Others leave them to burn, which symbolizes the individuality of each person in the marriage. The large candle of the new “family hearth”, as a rule, burns until the end of the celebration, until the newlyweds take it home. After the wedding, the newlyweds should keep the candle until the wedding of their own children. It can also be lit on a wedding anniversary.

Beautiful candles at a wedding organized by an agency.

A wedding is one of the most exciting events in every person's life. And that is why so many superstitions and rituals are associated with it: the rules of the bride’s toilet, and her ransom, and comic pie-biting competitions to determine the head of the family, and much, much more. One of the interesting attributes of a wedding is the “Home”, which is lit at a wedding as a symbol of the beginning of a new life for the newlyweds. What kind of tradition is this? We'll figure it out together.

Historical reference

Let's start with symbolism. Since ancient times, fire has been attributed miraculous properties. He cleansed (remember jumping over the fire on Ivan Kupala), and led people to a new goal (here you can turn to Gogol’s Danko, who tore the heart out of his chest and illuminated their path), and warmed. Fire is life, this is how it has been fixed in the memory of people from time immemorial. Nowadays this flame is an obscenely accessible thing and therefore not very valued, and just a few centuries ago it was not so easy to get fire. That is why it, a symbol of home, safe, warm and reliable, was passed on at weddings. The “Home” ritual at a wedding meant the beginning of an independent life for young people. Just as the slightest spark can ignite a hot flame, so this tradition gave rise to something new.

In Slavic countries, by the way, this tradition is not very common. The attitude towards it in America is even more paradoxical: Protestantism completely denies such an action, while the Catholic Church views the “Home” ritual at a wedding favorably, although it does not recommend lighting the fire of a new family in the temple of God. This attitude of religion towards a long-standing tradition can be explained by the fact that its roots still lie in paganism, which is opposed to Christianity.

Option one, common

The time has come to figure out how “Home” differs from other traditions at a wedding, and how a new family life is ignited. To perform this ritual you will only need candles. Decorated or not, homemade or purchased - it’s up to the newlyweds to decide. There are several options for this action.

The first of them, more archaic, requires only two burning candles. The mothers of the bride and groom, because traditionally it is women who are considered the keepers of the hearth and, accordingly, the fire, present the newlyweds with a lit candle, which symbolizes the unity of the two families. The newlyweds, in turn, light their own candle from it, which is sometimes made smaller in size, to show that the parental hearth is already established, impressive, while the new one is just emerging.

Of course, without generous wishes, the “Home” ritual at a wedding is impossible. Words for parents during this ceremony are usually not prepared in advance: the mother-in-law and mother-in-law wish the newlyweds a strong family, a reliable home and, sometimes in a joking manner, an equally fiery relationship.

Option two, traditional

Another version of the “Home” ritual at a wedding is more traditional. A prerequisite for it is that the bride’s face must be hidden by a veil, in addition, the groom must not reveal his betrothed until the end of the event. Three candles are already used here: two thin ones for mothers, and one thick one for newlyweds.

It is believed that every woman gives a piece of her home to the newlyweds, that is, the flame of her hearth will unite with the flame of the hearth of another family. As soon as the wick of a new candle flares up, the parents’ flame goes out. And the couple should keep this new candle throughout their entire family life.

In order to give the action even greater sacredness and authenticity, you can make candles for the “Home” ritual at a wedding with your own hands. Memories associated with marriage will become even warmer from the beginning of a family hearth.


Of course, you can’t just start such a ritual - any celebration should have some kind of introductory part. Therefore, it is necessary to include the action in the script in advance, having previously discussed this with the presenter - he must find suitable words for congratulations. Of course, poems specially selected for the theme “Home” for the wedding will play best in this situation.

The biggest advantage of this tradition is that any verse can fit here - both about candles, which symbolize the sacrament of marriage, and about the love of young people. Simple rhyming wishes for happiness are also possible - here everything depends on the toastmaster and on how responsibly he takes the task of making this day truly unforgettable for the couple.

Remember that even such a beautiful event as the “Home” ritual at a wedding, the words of the host can turn from sacred into the stupidest farce.


What wedding would be complete without photographs? It is simply necessary to capture such an important moment in life, which is why you cannot do without a photographer. On the other hand, photos cannot convey all the beauty of the “Home” ritual at a wedding - the flicker of a candle flame plays too large a role in it, and the majesty of the gait of mothers bringing fire to the new family. But, on the other hand, no one has canceled thematic photo sessions - either in the hall itself where the wedding will be celebrated, or in advance you can equip a fireplace, symbolic or realistic, in which the newlyweds can either put the candle itself, or light a real flame from it.

You can also play up the theme of the family hearth with the help of special candlesticks made in the form of small houses. A candle is placed inside, which will illuminate and warm the house from the inside, like a real fireplace. Beautiful, original and unusual - what more do you need?

In addition to the options

By the way, in addition to the two well-known variations of the hearth ritual, there are other varieties. One of them is that the young are served with two candles, supposedly, from the older generation to the younger, both bread and fire. In this case, the already festively decorated cake stands on the newlyweds’ table throughout the entire celebration, and then it can be used for another wedding tradition: whoever can bite off the largest piece will be the head of the family. Candles, of course, are preserved.

Another little-known option is that the main character is not the mother, but a small child in an angel costume, who uses his candle to light the newlyweds’ candle. Of course, this gives the ritual innocence, but at the same time it contradicts the traditions of Christianity, which were already mentioned just above.

Fire and water!

In conclusion, I would like to say about one more interesting use of candles participating in the “Home” ritual. Here, however, you will also need a toastmaster with a good sense of humor.

Everyone knows that any family must go through both fire and water together. Even glasses of champagne placed on the floor, over which the young people will have to step, can act as water. For greater entertainment, of course, you can take care of some container filled with water and rose petals. And the fire will be symbolized by these same candles (when stepping over them, the bride better watch the hem of her dress).

This is how, with humor, the newlyweds will go through fire and water together.


It is traditions that help us preserve our cultural and national identity. It is likely that the “Home” ritual can also be considered one of the building blocks on which the originality of our people is built. And even though today this action is nothing more than another act of attracting attention to the wedding, an attempt to make the pretentious celebration more comfortable, before it had truly sacred meaning. They say that if the parents of the young are happy in their marriage, then their children, having accepted the candles, will receive the same happiness. And if something is not going well in a young family, just light a candle on the hearth - and it will return comfort to the family nest.

The candle was burning on the table, the candle was burning...

A person, as you know, can endlessly look at three things, one of which is fire. Even a small flame of a thin candle fascinates and hypnotizes. A burning candle is not only an invariable companion of church ceremonies and mystical rituals, but also a bright romantic symbol. Moreover, this symbol has many meanings. The flame of a candle is associated with both home comfort and a noisy holiday; both with evenings spent at work and with nights full of love...

Candles are appropriate in any romantic setting, as they create an atmosphere of fairy tales and mystery. And what could be more romantic than a wedding? Candles are often used to decorate wedding tables. However, this is not the only role they can play at a wedding. Candles can be used very actively and used for wedding rituals. Weddings, of course, always take place with candles, but now we will talk about using candles outside the church. Let's look at various variations on the theme.

Candles at a wedding: for decoration and rituals

1. Candles for wedding table decor

This is true if the main part of the banquet will take place in a darkened room. Of course, you need to think about safety. There shouldn't be too many candles. The safest solution is to place containers filled with water on the tables, in which rose petals and lit floating candles float.

The container, of course, must be transparent. By the way, water can be tinted in the colors of the wedding. To do this, use food coloring, regular gouache or berry juice.

2. Candles at a wedding to decorate the first and final dance of the newlyweds

Many wedding hosts offer this option to future newlyweds: guests light small candles and stand in a wide circle, in the center of which are the bride and groom twirling in their first dance. Guests hold the candles higher and sway gently. This action looks very touching, and the video turns out wonderful.

Final dance option: In advance you need to lay out a large heart from floating candles on the floor (90-120 candles will be needed). Friends and girlfriends of the newlyweds quickly light the candles, leaving a small “passage inside” unlit. The fact is that a bride in a long dress, and even with a train, stepping over burning candles can be unsafe. The groom, of course, can carry her inside in his arms, but the swaying of the bride’s dress can put out several candles. Therefore, it is better to leave the passage.

When the newlyweds find themselves inside the fiery heart, the host and witnesses light the remaining candles. The newlyweds perform a dance, and at the end of it, the guests take apart the candles. Then it all depends on the scenario: either the guests are just stewing , or stand with lit candles in two lines, thereby creating a flickering corridor for the newlyweds leaving into the night. So spectacular completion of the wedding appropriate only if: a). the floors on the dance floor are tiled or stone, but in no case carpet; b). the bride and groom are adults, responsible and sober; V). The administration of the restaurant (cafe, bar, banquet hall) gave the go-ahead.

3. Candles for outdoor photo shoots

If the bride and groom have planned a photo shoot outdoors, it is worth using candles to create an ambience. A heart made of candles, inside of which two lovers merge in a kiss, will look spectacular both in the snow and on the beach sand. Of course, we are talking about filming in the dark. Candles can be laid out not only with the heart, but also to form the word “love” from them or to “frame” with them a path along which young people run holding hands. If the photo shoot takes place next to the pool, you can throw flower bouquets and floating lighted candles into it.

This wedding ceremony is most popular in the USA. Like many other wedding traditions, it was adopted by our brides and grooms. True, we call him “Family Hearth”, “Home Hearth”, “Wedding Hearth” or “Kindling the Family Hearth” . However, we do not have a single scenario for conducting this ritual, since it appeared at our weddings not so long ago. And therefore there was a real confusion in the subtleties and nuances. One thing about the ritual remains unchanged. This, of course, is a beautiful wedding candle - a family hearth, which, as a rule, comes complete with two thin candles. All other components of the ritual vary.

A candle of unity “American style”. It is not known exactly when this ritual appeared: either 30 years ago, or 80. In some churches in the United States, the ritual is prohibited. At the same time, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops does not prohibit the ceremony, but does not encourage it either, recommending that it be carried out directly at a banquet, and not within the walls of the church. However, American brides and grooms prefer to light a unity candle immediately after they are declared husband and wife, as the ritual supposedly seals the union.

Americans also use three : one massive one, called the “unity candle”, and two thin ones. Before the wedding ceremony begins, two thin candles are lit by representatives of the bride and groom - usually done by mothers. They hold lit candles in their hands during the ceremony. The newlyweds, when they are declared husband and wife, accept candles from their mothers and together light a large candle of unity. A unity candle in the United States is almost always white, but is elaborately decorated to match the theme of the wedding. This ritual can be accompanied by specially selected music and even touching speeches. But some newlyweds light candles in complete silence, looking intently into each other's eyes.

What does this ritual symbolize in America? First of all, the connection of two families. The thin ones symbolize the love and devotion that the bride and groom receive from their new relatives. They combine this love into unity candle . The second symbol is the merging of the souls of the bride and groom into a single whole.

To extinguish or not to extinguish thin candles? In the USA there is no consensus on this either. If the ceremony is interpreted as a union of families, then thin candles are left burning, because the love that they symbolized cannot go out. If this was a union of not two families, but only two people, then the candles can either be extinguished or left lit. In the first case, they say that they no longer burn separately - they are united by a common fire. In the second case, they also use an interesting interpretation: they united in one flame, but did not lose their individuality.

The unity candle is often left as a keepsake and lit later on wedding anniversaries.

5. Wedding ceremony with a candle “Family Hearth”

We have a rich imagination, so we not only borrowed the tradition, but also adapted it. There are a lot of options for holding the “Family Hearth” ritual at our weddings.

Particular attention is paid to the decoration of candles for the ceremony. Handmade candles are often used. They are decorated with ribbons, rhinestones, and artificial flowers.

Photo from the website of the store “Nastya Rai”

Luxurious ones are present in the catalog of the famous online store of wedding accessories “Nastya Rai” . Handmade carved candles can be purchased immediately, but if you want all wedding accessories to be made in the same style and color in accordance with the concept of your wedding, place an individual order of three or more candles (if you plan to use candles not only for the ceremony, but also for decorating wedding tables).

During production, your wishes for the design of candles will be taken into account. For example, for a wedding in a nautical style, in the Nastya Rai store you can order candles decorated with real shells, and for a wedding in the style of a noble ball - candles with a monogram (the initials of the bride and groom in script) in elegant antique candlesticks.

Candle “family hearth” from “Nastya Rai”

How is the ritual carried out here? Most often, the ritual is interpreted as the transfer of fire from the family hearth of parents to children. Therefore thin The mothers of the bride and groom light the light (if there is no mother, aunts, fathers, and grandmothers do this). Someone lights candles right in the hall, someone enters the hall with candles already lit. Young people take a large candle in their hands, and mothers light it from their candles. Before this, either the mothers themselves say parting words, or the presenter makes a beautiful speech. The newlyweds place a candle, symbolizing a flaming family hearth, on their table and leave it burning until the end of the holiday. At the same time, parents extinguish thin candles.

There are also variations. At some weddings, the family hearth is passed on to the bride's parents, since the keeper of the hearth is still the woman. And somewhere, on the contrary, the “family hearth” candle is lit by the groom’s parents, since the man is the head of the family. Often, young people themselves light up their “family hearth.”

Sometimes the newlyweds don’t just leave their “hearth” on the table, but go around all the guests holding unlit candles in their hands. The bride and groom light a candle for each guest, thereby sharing their happiness with him. However, this option is only suitable for a few weddings, as the procedure can be very lengthy. In this case, you need to use a white candle, otherwise the bride, groom and guests may get dirty in colored wax.

There is also such a variety as “Loaf with candles” . One or two large candles are inserted into one of the loaves. The loaf is placed on the table of the newlyweds. When the newlyweds meet, a different loaf is used. At the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the wedding, the mothers of the bride and groom light thin candles (this is usually done “behind the scenes”). The host tells some parable about the family hearth, and then announces that now the parents of the newlyweds will share the fire of their family hearth with them. Parents pass thin candles to the young, and they themselves light the candle (or candles) in the loaf. However, young people can hold a loaf of bread in their hands, and their mothers will light a candle in it. The loaf with a burning candle stands on the table until the end of the celebration.

Someone attracts not only mothers, but also children-angels to light a candle-hearth. The angel enters the hall with a burning candle in his hands and gives it to the bride's mother. Or it could be two angels passing wedding candles to both mothers. Then the mothers light the newlyweds' candle. If this ceremony takes place at the end, then the young people dance with a candle. At the end of the dance, the same angel approaches them with a beautiful tray in his hands, on which a candle is placed. The newlyweds are escorted off, followed by an angel carrying a burning candle on a tray. This symbolizes that the newly made husband and wife take the fire of the family hearth with them.

Candles at a wedding: a few more ideas and recommendations

  • Use scented candles at your wedding by choosing the right scent for your wedding. For example, the scent of garden flowers is suitable for a classic wedding, the scent of exotic plants is suitable for a winter wedding, the scent of pine and citrus fruits, etc.
  • You can perform another comic ritual with candles. The host says that the bride and groom must go through fire and water right at the wedding so that family life runs smoothly and is not subjected to difficult tests. A small container with water and rose petals is placed on the floor, and lighted candles are placed in a line a little further. The groom, taking the bride in his arms, must first step over the water and then over the fire. After this, the presenter reports that the family has passed the test of fire and water - now there is no need to worry about them.
  • Keep a few scented candles for your wedding night. This will create a romantic atmosphere.

Attention! Remember that fire can be dangerous, follow safety precautions. Do not leave burning candles out of sight or place them near flammable objects. At the end of the festive banquet, when guests spend time on the dance floor, put out the candles on the tables. If you notice that not all guests are sober, do this earlier. Do not plan decor with candles or rituals with fire without coordinating this issue with the administration of the banquet hall.

Take care of yourself and your love! And let your wedding be the most romantic!

Once upon a time they said about relatives and family: “In one fire, in one bread.” Now the fire of the family hearth is more a symbol of living together than a real phenomenon. But in modern wedding ceremonies the rite of passage of the family hearth plays an important role.

The basis of the ceremony is the symbolic unification of the “family fire” of two different people into a single whole. Blessing the newlyweds, their relatives light the candle of their future hearth from their own, thereby passing on the family and wishing the couple fidelity, love, and prosperity. The traditional ceremony involves husband and wife and the parents of both newlyweds.

If one or both spouses does not have a mother/father(for example, parents are divorced or one of them has died), for the ceremony the presence of only one older relative is sufficient. Depending on the circumstances, the role of parents and guardians of the family hearth of the previous generation can be played by grandparents, uncles or aunts.

If the newlyweds have not only their parents alive, but also older relatives, they can also take part in the ceremony. This emphasizes the continuity of generations.

Three candles are required for the ceremony: one is awarded to young people, two to their parents.

Each couple holds the candle together, or the honor is given to the woman. With this version of the ritual, the man supports his companion, thereby showing that he is a support for her in life.

Important: since the candle of the bride (newlyweds) is lit on both sides simultaneously, it should be large and wide enough, without decoration in the upper part - it will interfere with ignition. For the same reasons parents' candles are made thin and long– this makes it easier to tilt them to light the bride’s candle.

Ceremonial ones are made of wax or its substitutes, decorated with ribbons, bows, lace, beads, rhinestones and more. Preferably provide a holder at the bottom of the product(candlestick, stand) of a shape that will protect the hands of participants from burns with hot wax.

Also for the ceremony table may be required: it is convenient to perform all actions over it; you can also leave candles there after the end of the rituals.

Necessarily: so that there are no unpleasant surprises on your wedding day, it is necessary to coordinate the ceremony in advance with the administration of the restaurant or cafe. Due to fire safety standards, the ceremony may be prohibited! The photographer and videographer should be warned about changes in lighting: They must set up the equipment in advance to get effective shots and videos.

Guest participation

It is not necessary to limit the ritual of “lighting the family hearth” only to newlyweds and their parents. To organize the ceremony more effectively, two options have been adopted:

  • After lighting the bride's candle, she goes around the guests gathered in a circle, lighting their small candles. Thus, the young wife gives a piece of her family fire, invites them to visit, accepts them into her inner circle;
  • all guests with lit candles surround the newlyweds while lighting their family candle. In this way they share a particle of their fire and show the unity of all those gathered. The young couple (bride) walks around the circle of guests with a burning candle, accepting their congratulations.


How do you light a family hearth? The ceremony of handing over the hearth is included in the overall wedding scenario and usually held in the middle or end of the event. It is rational to shift the time of the ceremony to the evening, since in the dark a live fire looks more impressive.


  1. The ritual begins with slow beautiful slow music and/or reduction. If it is already dark outside, you can go out to the terrace/area near the celebration site, providing musical accompaniment.
  2. gather in a circle, the young spouses, their parents and the host of the holiday go to the center of the circle. As a center, you can choose a table on which candles are already installed. If this is not provided, ritual participants hold candles in their hands.
  3. The host informs the newlyweds and guests about the beginning of the ceremony, explains its essence.
  4. The bride and groom take their candle at the same time, it is advisable for the bride to use her left hand, and the groom to use his right. The girl’s palm is located directly under the candle, the man supports her from below.
  5. The newlyweds' fathers light their wicks(using ordinary matches or a lighter) and pass the symbols of the family hearth to the wives. If only one parent (another older relative) participates in the ritual, he both sets the fire and offers the ritual fire. Grandparents can light the fuse.
  6. Mothers (relatives) of the newlyweds simultaneously tilt their candles so as to set fire to the newlyweds’ candle on both sides. Before this, good wishes are pronounced to the young people in turn, in poetry or prose.
  7. With a burning candle, the bride (spouses) walk around the guests, sharing fire with them (lighting their candles) or simply performing a ritual circle of unification (sometimes this part of the ceremony is omitted, the circle is not performed).
  8. After this, the still burning candles of the newlyweds and their parents are placed on the prepared table and remain there for some time. They can be extinguished unnoticed by any of the participants in the celebration (it is best for the ceremony leader to do this carefully); the wax products should not burn out completely.

During the wedding ceremony, spouses are sometimes included with a burning candle.

Important: if the bride and groom have prepared gifts for their parents, it is better to hand them over after lighting the symbol of a new family hearth. This will be a kind of gratitude for the gift of fire and a piece of family warmth.

How to perform the ritual in an original way?

Simple tricks will help to diversify the course of the ritual, make it memorable and magical.

Additional lighting

Way out - using candle stands(table) with LED lighting. Lighting with diffused light spotlights looks impressive. Sometimes a young couple's candle is surrounded by a circle of small, already burning candles.

Circle of fire

Thin candles or aroma lamps burning in the hands of guests will allow you to form a circle of living fire. In it, the spouses clasping their hands under the burning fire of their new hearth looks symbolic and solemn.

If the candles are lit earlier than the newlyweds, you can do without additional lighting - the required lighting and at the same time the magic of the moment will be created by the flickering lights.

Unusual lighters

Usually, ordinary matches or lighters are used for ignition, but the ceremony will be more symbolic and original using options that correspond to the theme of the wedding.

One of the possibilities is lighters-pistols (for a wedding in the style of “Chicago” or “Retro”). Church candles are suitable for believers. A ceremony in a medieval or fairy-tale style would be appropriately complemented by small torches or splinters.

Logical continuation

If the wedding celebration is held in a private home(the future home of the newlyweds), where there is a fireplace, the successful completion of the ceremony will be its ignition from the “transferred family fire” of the new married couple.

Video from the ceremony

A touching and tender video from the handover of a home to a young couple Olga and Denis (2014):

A beautiful and memorable rite of passage of the family hearth is an excellent way to combine the ancient traditions of a family wedding with a modern celebration. A fire lit on a wedding day will warm a young family better than any other and will be the key to a long and happy marriage.

Parents are given one of the most honorable places at a wedding. Therefore, it is impossible to do without parting speeches. It is important that they be sincere, sincere, and sometimes touching to the point of tears. Our selection will allow you to prepare the words of parents for the wedding, when they bring out a loaf of bread when the newlyweds meet and light the family hearth. You will also find out what other words parents say at the wedding of their daughter and son, while avoiding platitudes and cliches.

General tips for preparing for a speech:

  • as a rule, parents make the second or third toast. Next, the newlyweds are congratulated by their grandparents, and then by their friends;
  • A special feature of parental congratulations is words of support and parental advice. The traditional “wishing for happiness” is too banal;
  • Moms tend to be more verbose. Words in poetry or prose are appropriate for them. At the same time, we must not forget that speaking too long is tiring. Fathers, as a rule, are more restrained, and their speech is more laconic;
  • It is advisable to rehearse your speech in advance. The optimal time for speaking is no more than 4-5 minutes;
  • At a wedding, a speech with a lot of quotes and “beauties” is inappropriate. Rather, this is the lot of the toastmaster. The speech should be sincere, heartfelt and simple;
  • Sometimes it happens that one of the parents is embarrassed to speak. Then someone else can speak on his behalf;
  • words should not contain criticism. “Instruction” and “moral teaching” are not synonymous. Humor is welcome, but it should not be malicious and offend those present. Stories that make young people or guests feel uncomfortable are inappropriate.

Parting words for the newlyweds from their parents at the wedding, when the loaf is brought out

Before the wedding, the parents of the bride and groom have many questions. Everyone knows the long-standing tradition of welcoming newlyweds with a loaf of bread. However, few know all the intricacies of the ritual. Bread and salt for the newlyweds is a tribute to ancient wedding rituals. The traditional wedding loaf is decorated with ears of corn and pine cones, symbolizing fertility and prosperity. Doves look beautiful on top of the product - a symbol of fidelity and love. As a rule, the groom's mother brings the bread and salt to the wedding. This beautiful ritual symbolizes a prosperous, friendly and harmonious family life. It is important to prepare properly for the meeting in order to find the right speech at the right moment. So, let’s figure out what words parents say at a wedding when they bring out the loaf?

Words for the mother of the groom:

Kids! Congratulations on your wedding day and the birth of a new family. I want to bless you for a long and happy life by presenting this loaf as a symbol of prosperity. Advice and love to you!

Our dear children! Please accept my sincere congratulations on your wedding day. Let this salt be the last in your life, and from this moment the honeymoon begins for the rest of your married life.

The father of the groom and parents of the bride join in the congratulations:

Dear children! Congratulations on your marriage and the birth of a new family! We bless you for a long, happy life and present you with a loaf of bread, a symbol of love, prosperity and prosperity. Advice and love to you! - Dear children! Please accept my sincere congratulations on this significant holiday, your family’s birthday! We wish you to carry in your hearts throughout your life those bright feelings of love for each other that brought you together. Live in abundance and happiness!

Dear children! We are glad for your conscious choice! We bless you for a happy marriage with sincere mutual feelings of love! Show respect and care for each other. Share all the ups and downs, joys and sorrows together! Advice and love to you!

Children, we are incredibly glad that in this huge world you found each other and were able to create a new family. Take care of your feelings and your love, appreciate everything that exists between you and trust each other. We hope that your home will be a full cup, and that grievances and adversity will always bypass it.

More words from parents at a wedding when meeting the newlyweds with bread and salt

Perhaps these examples will help you choose the right words to say when meeting young people. It’s great if you work through the script in advance and give parting words “by role.” Below you will find examples of what words parents say when meeting newlyweds at a wedding.

Dear children! Congratulations on your legal marriage. We wish you happiness, health, and long years of married life. You are welcome to our home - your home. Try our bread and salt, and we'll see who's boss

Dear children! Congratulations, you are now family. And now we will check who will be the master of the house. Don't be shy, break some bread and feed each other. Let not only your ears enjoy it. After all, you won’t be satisfied with congratulations alone. Help yourself and treat others.

My dear children, you have tasted a piece of the loaf. We want your hearts to retain the warmth that this loaf has preserved for you. Let your house always be full of guests and let everyone get a small piece of food. Let the distribution of your first loaf be the beginning of your hospitality.

Words from parents at the wedding, when they light up the family hearth of the newlyweds

The transfer of the family hearth is a real decoration of the wedding celebration. For this ceremony, three candles are prepared in advance. The two thin ones symbolize the existing home, and the voluminous one with decorations symbolizes the new family hearth of the young spouses. According to tradition, women are the keeper of the fire. That’s why mothers of young people light parental candles. Fathers can also take part in the ceremony, thereby emphasizing the male responsibility for the strength of family ties. Here are the wonderful words parents can say when lighting a family hearth for a young family:

You keep the fire of the hearth,

Always love each other

Take care of him through time,

You are together now forever.

Remember this moment

Sacred warmth from the fire.

Now you are not boyfriend and girlfriend,

From now on you are husband and wife.

Beautiful video of lighting a family candle

Words that parents say at the wedding of their daughter and son - congratulations in verse

There is a place for parental parting words for their daughter and son both before registration at the registry office and during the feast. Here are examples of what beautiful words parents say at the wedding of their daughter or son.

Our children are dear! We want to congratulate you!

And with parental instructions we bless the common path!

We wish your sincere love to continue

In marriage, in children, in achievements, only in joys alone!

Let the sun illuminate your life with bright rays,

You reinforce the fervor of feelings with starry nights.

May an angel protect you from the vicissitudes of fate,

Let him hear the sound of his parents' prayer today.

Children, keep the love!

In life, always be there.

Don't hurt each other

Not by deed, not by word, not by look.

Know how to forgive, trust,

Keep patience in reserve,

And minor quarrels (they cannot be avoided) -

Do not bring to a boil.

May the union be wonderful

Take care of your feelings.

And the strength and strength of the mysterious bonds

Keep it away from prying eyes.

In harmony, joy and love

May the years continue

And we all gave our own advice.

May happiness be with you!

This day is the most joyful in life,

You will remember him forever!

Let only bright thoughts live in you,

And sadness will never come.

May the union now born

Warms your souls with warmth,

May love never cool down

In the midst of everyday strife and cold!

Be happy, deeply loved,

Let the house be filled with friends,

After all, all wishes can be fulfilled,

If souls shine with warmth.

Touching words of congratulations in prose from parents on their children’s weddings

The blessing of children, pronounced by parents to the newlyweds, is one of the most exciting moments of the celebration. The blessing with the icon looks especially touching. Adult children listen carefully to the sincere and tearful words of congratulations from their parents on the wedding

From the groom's parents

From mother:

Dear children! Today means a lot to all of us. I thought I was losing my son, but in fact I had found a wonderful daughter. Now my family has grown, this is also happiness. I bless you, live in harmony and appreciate each other. Let ringing laughter always be heard in your home, and let the smiles of two loving people give light. I wish you healthy children, to the delight of grandparents, to help mom and dad. Cherish the love!

My dear son and (name of the bride), his wife. Thank you! Today has made me much richer - now I have a daughter. Son, look at this girl who has become your wife. She's beautiful. You must be worthy of her, be a protector and support. Love each other, children, keep your feelings for life. Then your life will be bright and clear, full of bright moments and quiet joy. You and your mother have our blessing, and the main thing is that you have each other.

From the bride's parents

Dear daughter, dear son! We lived with (name of the bride's mother), my wife, for many happy years. There was harmony and harmony in our family. We raised a wonderful daughter who always tried to help us and pleased us with our successes. And now you, daughter, have become an adult and found a man who has become your husband. You will have a new family, a separate one. But know that your mom and I will always support you if you need help. At the same time, I am sure that (name of the groom), your husband, will be able to cope with any problems. He is a strong and worthy person. We are happy that now we also have a wonderful son. Children, be happy with each other, give love and joy, and give your mother and me grandchildren. May you live happily ever after!

Dear (names of the newlyweds), children! Today you begin building a beautiful structure - your family. My wife and I, having lived in harmony (the time that the bride's parents have been married) for years, know that it is not always easy. Therefore, it is a little sad that you, daughter, no longer fully belong to our family, that you need to go your own way. Whatever it is, I am sure that your husband will be able to support and understand you in everything. He's a good guy, we're glad we can call him our son. Build your life like a beautiful, bright and warm home, in which there is a place of love, joy and children, which is full of peace and tranquility. Having invested your soul in building your family, you will definitely be rewarded with happiness and prosperity. Joy and all the best to you!

From mother:

My beloved daughter and (name of the groom), my new son! Don’t look that I’m crying - it’s out of joy for you, my dear children. Your family was born today. Let this day be just the first of an endless number of happy days warmed by your love. Live together, enjoy every minute, try never to leave each other for more than a few hours. Face all adversities together, then they will turn into nothing. And happiness divided by two will increase tenfold. And most importantly, love and honor each other!

The most spectacular and touching moment of the wedding ceremony is considered to be the beautiful ceremony of lighting a candle at the family hearth.

According to an ancient tradition that goes deep into the history of mankind, a candle flame serves as a symbol of home warmth, family comfort and well-being. Therefore, with this ritual, parents pass on a piece of their family hearth to the bride and groom, so that love, comfort and prosperity will always reign in the young family.

The real decoration of the celebration can be called a spectacular and touching ritual called “Lighting the Family Hearth.”

At a wedding, the script for this wonderful ceremony necessarily includes the lighting of candles. Therefore, you need to stock up on three candles in advance.

Two thin candles are needed for a symbolic parental hearth, and one of the most beautiful and voluminous ones is needed for a unique home for young spouses.

This beautiful ritual can be performed in various forms.

In one of the most common options, the action takes place in the following order.

  • To begin the beautiful ceremony, the hosts invite the parents of the newlyweds. Since ancient times, the fire of the family hearth has been kept and supported by a woman. Therefore, the right to light and carry the parental candle is given to the mothers of the bride and groom.
  • Fathers of the newlyweds can also take part in the wedding ritual. To do this, they are invited to light two candles and give them to the mothers of the young spouses. This symbolic gesture emphasizes the man's responsibility for creating a strong family.
  • The groom's mothers bring two lights of burning candles to the large and beautiful candle of the newlyweds' family hearth.
  • The main wedding candle, symbolizing the family hearth of a young family, is in the hands of the future keeper - the young wife. The bride can place the candle on a special candlestick, which can be placed on a separate table.
  • Mothers bring their lighted candles and at the same time light the flame of a large wedding candle from both sides. With this gesture, they seem to convey their parental love and the warmth of their home to adult children in order to light up their family hearth.

All guests of the celebration can participate in the ceremony if they wish.

First, they receive unlit thin candles and stand in a circle or in one row. The newlywed comes up and lights their candles one by one.

With this action, the bride shares the warmth of her family hearth and opens her heart and home to her family and friends. For this option, select a convenient and reliable candle that will be convenient for lighting guests’ candles. The first dance of the bride and groom in a circle of guests with lit candles will look spectacular.

And if instead of a circle the guests form a figure in the shape of a heart, then the wedding dance of the newlyweds and the evening will be filled with the double meaning of beauty and harmony of married life. You can choose any time for this wonderful wedding ritual. Since it does not take much time to carry out the ceremony of the family hearth, it can be carried out both at the beginning and at the end of the wedding.

The only condition for holding this ceremony is the opportunity to effectively and spectacularly focus the attention of all participants in the celebration on the flame of three wedding candles. This is only possible in the twilight of evening light.

What items are needed for the ritual?

In the beautiful ritual of lighting the fire of the family hearth, wedding candles will be an obligatory attribute. Newlyweds can purchase them in wedding salons or in specialized departments of stores.

You can buy a beautiful candle with a special decorative design, or you can decorate a purchased ordinary wide candle with your own hands with various wedding symbols: rings, flowers, doves, a pair of swans.

If you manage to purchase a chameleon candle that flickers in different colors when lit, then such an attribute will look great in the dimness of the wedding hall and will shroud this touching ritual in mystery and enigma.

It is advisable that wedding candles meet the following requirements.

  1. The main wedding candle should be the most beautiful, large and attractively decorated. The newlyweds select the shape and appearance in accordance with their preferences and wishes.
  2. For a photo session of the newlyweds with a lit candle for the family hearth, it is recommended to use a beautiful stand or candlestick.
  3. As candles for parents, it is best to purchase thin candles of short length, which will harmonize favorably with the large candle of the young ones. Since mothers will use the flame of parental candles to light the symbolic hearth of the newlyweds, it is not recommended to choose shaped candles for these purposes due to their inconvenience.
  4. If possible, then you should abandon the purchased wedding main candle. It is advisable to decorate it yourself with your own hands and thus fill this wedding attribute with a piece of warmth from the hands and hearts of the newlyweds.
  5. Wedding ceremony “The family hearth will be unusually romantic and symbolic if candles left by the parents after their wedding are used when lighting. It is recommended that newlyweds continue this wonderful tradition so that their future child can use the candle from their parents’ wedding hearth at their wedding.

According to popular belief, it is believed that a candle lit from a wedding family hearth can be used to make your deepest wish.

Therefore, it is best for guests to keep them as a memory of that bright and happy day of uniting two loving hearts into a strong family union. Newlyweds often ask the question: “What to do with lit small candles and can they be extinguished?”

There are several opinions on this matter: some believe that the candles must be extinguished, and this will be a symbol of the young people belonging to each other, while others want to leave the candles lit to emphasize their individuality.

In fact, it doesn’t matter at all whether you leave the candles burning or not. The newlyweds make this decision jointly and at their own request. Sometimes at wedding celebrations during the ceremony of transferring the fire of the family hearth, candles are replaced with aromatic lamps in the shape of hearts, small graceful houses, small fireplaces, and a beautiful flower. When holding a wedding hearth lighting ceremony, it is best to agree in advance with the administration of the wedding venue about the possibility of turning off the overhead electric lighting.

Then this beautiful, touching ritual will be more spectacular and effective.

Script with words from toastmaster

Before the ceremony of lighting the family hearth begins, the presenter places three candles on a special table and addresses those present:

“Dear newlyweds! Your marriage ended with the union of two halves into a single whole. Now you will receive a piece of the sun as a gift - a family home. How sunlight serves as the source of life for all

The earth and the family hearth serve as an inexhaustible source of vitality for a young family. Take care of such a priceless gift throughout your life together.

The fire of the family hearth should always burn and give the light and warmth of the fire to the family, so that no cold wind can blow out the unquenchable flame of home comfort.” After these words, the presenter can tell a parable about the wonderful and magical possibilities of the fire of the family hearth.

There are several stories on the theme of lighting a family hearth.

One of them reads: “A large Family lived in one house and they had Happiness. But then one day Happiness decided to leave this house. When leaving, it asked family members to say goodbye to their most cherished dreams and wishes.

The wife chose an expensive fashionable fur coat, the daughter asked for a wealthy groom to be her husband, the son’s dream was a new prestigious car, and only the father asked for a constant fire at home. Happiness, having heard such a wise answer, decided to stay in this house and fulfilled all the wishes of the family members. This is not surprising, because everyone knows that in a house where the hearth is burning, Happiness always lives.”

There is another version of the parable: “Once a sage asked his three disciples to fill a dark cave with warmth and light. One brought a lot of gold, but it didn’t make it any warmer or brighter. Another student thought about it and decided to bring silver. It slightly illuminated the cave arches, but did not warm the old sage at all. The third brought brushwood, took a splinter and lit a fire, the fire of which dispersed the pitch darkness of the cave and filled it with warmth and comfort. And, according to the ancient tradition of our ancestors, the candle of the young family’s hearth is lit as a sign of love and wisdom.” After these words, silence falls in the hall or a quiet, quiet melody begins to sound.

In the twilight, the flickering lights of two lit candles appear.

The mothers’ hands hold candles, and the toastmaster pronounces the following text:

The presenter continues: “Your mothers filled the lights of their candles with boundless love and reverent tenderness. Endless care, hope for a happy life for your grown children - in the name of these beautiful impulses, wedding candles are lit today.”

Such a touching and solemn speech evokes sentimental emotions among wedding guests.

According to the scenario, mothers approach the bride with lit candles, whose hand is holding a large wedding candle.

The candle lights ignite the flame of the main candle, which begins to flare up more and more brightly. The groom approaches the happy bride with a burning candle for the family hearth, takes her palms in his and exclaims: “Now we have our own family hearth!”

The guests begin to applaud the young couple beaming with happiness and wish them a happy family life. During the lighting ceremony, the toastmaster may invite guests participating in the ceremony to stand around the newlyweds and their parents.

In this case, a relaxed, cozy atmosphere of love and respect is created.

At the conclusion of the ritual, the toastmaster says the words:

The young family will have to carefully preserve the candle of the wedding hearth until their grown children find their betrothed and find their happiness. And when a disagreement or quarrel occurs in the family life of the young, it is recommended to light a candle in your home, remember together the brightest day of your wedding, and then peace and harmony will reign in the young family for a long time.

In this video you will hear a lot of useful tips on how to light up a family hearth:

In addition to memorable wedding dates, the family hearth can be lit at the birth of your children.

The key ceremony “Lighting the Family Hearth” will be remembered for a long time by guests and newlyweds for its touchingness and significance.

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