Children's Day in kindergarten. Scenario for summer fun for Children's Day in kindergarten

Children's Day holiday in kindergarten.

Compiled by Irina Vladimirovna Kholodnaya, music director of the highest category.
Place of work MADOU MO Krasnodar “Kindergarten No. 191”

Scenario of a theatrical performance for children of senior preschool age dedicated to the Children's Day holiday (on the street).

"Journey to the country of Chimbi - Rimbi"
Target: Give children basic knowledge and ideas about the international holiday “Children’s Day”;
Improve children's mood.
Foster a desire to be creative in games.
Develop musical and auditory experience.
Equipment: Costumes of adult holiday characters - Fairy, Clown, Sun; a flower sprig and a cap - a Fairy headband for playing with the Fairy, a large hoop for playing with the Clown; attributes for the game - relay races with the Sun (bright circles, sticks, rays, obstacles that children run around).
Celebration progress:
Children sit on benches on the playground. The host of the holiday, the Dream Fairy, enters the stage accompanied by a waltz
Fairy: Hello! Hello dear residents of the wonderful country of childhood!
I am the Fairy of Dreams, I am a magical Fairy! I can make all the guys kinder!
Today is a wonderful, wonderful holiday!
This holiday is a sage and a prankster!
For all sorrows he is the best remedy and his name is
Children: Childhood holiday!
The first of June, the first day of summer is Children's Day.
On this day, all people of the earth show their ardent desire to protect children. To protect from hunger and disease, from fear and resentment, and most importantly - from the horrors of war. Maybe you can also tell me about this wonderful holiday?
1.Child: There are colorful children in the world
They live on one colorful planet
And this planet is for all time
All multi-colored ones have only one.
2.Child: The planet is spinning, a big planet
She is warmed by the palms of the sun
But they warm the planet much more
Smiles and laughter of colorful children.
3.Child: After all, it’s true, friends, it’s good on the planet
When children are the masters of the planet! V. Orlov.
Fairy: We will sing, play, dance and will definitely meet wonderful fairy-tale characters. Only now they all live in a magical land called Chimbi - Rimbi, where you and I will go now, do you want? Well, then get up, get up quickly!
Dance with the Fairy "Chimbi - Rimbi" music. Savelyeva.
Fairy: Amazing! So we have arrived in the magical land of Chimbi - Rimbi!
And now, my friends, I will play with you!
Girls, run quickly, make a wide circle!
Look how wonderful this wonderful flower sprig I have, it will help me do the magic! This is the only reason I need an assistant (chooses a leading girl, puts on a headband and a Fairy tiara)
The fairy plays with the girls.
Game with girls “Little Fairy” by Kholodnaya I.
(The Dream Fairy recites to the music, the girls stand in a circle, the Fairy girl dances with a twig)
“Little Fairy is spinning and dancing!
Magic draws with a wonderful twig!
Whoever the flower falls on his shoulder will dance in a circle with the fairy!
Well, Fairy, come on, choose the kids!
(The leading girl touches her standing girlfriends with a twig, then everyone dances, improvises to the music of a waltz, then a new Little Fairy is selected).
(The Clown appears on the playground, throwing a large ball to the children and taking it back)
Clown: Hi guys! My name is Clown Bim!
And I am very much like the clear sun, because my mood is wonderful!
I dance and sing and amuse all the kids! When we met, I remember
First of all, you need to get to know each other!
And now I need your help! Say your names! Louder! I can not hear!
Now I've heard it! (children call names in chorus)
Clown: Look, friends, what a wonderful magic hoop I brought you! One has only to touch this hoop - and magical transformations immediately begin! Kids can turn into any toys! If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself!
Boys, come out, grab the hoop with your right hand!
Game with boys “Magic Hoop” author. Kholodnaya I.
Clown: (recites to music)“I raise the magic hoop, I invite you to stand around it!
Grab it with your right hand and don’t let go!
Hoop, turn the kids... Turn everyone into balls!”
(in robots, in spinning tops, in cars, in trains)
During the game, children release the hoop and, accompanied by appropriate music, depict the movements of the named toys.
Clown: Everyone get up! Everyone get up! Start dancing with me!
You all look at me and repeat the movements!
A clown performs a show dance with children
Dance with the Clown “Boom-boom, la-la” by V. Ososhnik
Fairy: And now, my friends, I’ll tell you a riddle!
“You warm the whole world and you don’t know fatigue
You smile at the window, And everyone calls you...” – Children: - Sun!
Fairy: Right! Sun! We are in the magical land of Chimbi-Rimbi, today is a wonderful holiday, Children’s Day, but shouldn’t we invite His Majesty Yasno-Sunny himself to come to us?
Children: Call!
Fairy: Well then, get up together and we’ll sing a song to the sun!
(The children start a round dance, the character Sunny comes out into the round dance and dances with the guys)
Round dance with the Sun “The sun is shining for everyone” music. Ermolova
Sun: I am the clear sun, light and warmth, I give everyone smiles, good luck, goodness!
How you made me happy, thank you my dears! And now, guys, I ask you to guess the riddle:
- The sun is shining for you and me, the sky is blue above us, the green grass is rustling, the flowers are colorful, the foliage is turning green! All nature is warmed with warmth, it has come to us, guys... Everyone: Summer!
Children perform the song “Hello, Summer,” music by M. Ferkelman.
Sun: And now I really want the guys to tell poems about our wonderful summer holiday and about me, about the sun
1.Child: If the sun warms all the water in the river to the bottom,
That means summer has come, that means spring is over!
2.Child: A very kind, very bright golden summer day
We will go to visit the summer, we will go to visit the sun!
3.Child: Well, at ease in the summer, the green forest is all in bloom,
The bright sun looks from the sky with affectionate greetings!
4.Child: Hello summer! Hello summer!
Everything is warmed by the bright sun! You and I, and my whole family, are happy about the summer!
5.Child: There will be many songs sung, the rain will not be scary and it will be hot.
Hello, sunny summer! Hello, it's ringing time! E. Trutneva
Sun: Thank you, my dears! From such poems my rays will sparkle even hotter and more fun!
Only - oh, what a shame! I lost my rays while I was dancing with you!
I invite you all to stand up and collect my rays!
The sun is playing a game.
Relay game “Let’s help the sun collect rays”
(children stand in two teams, run around obstacles, collect rays and apply them to two yellow circles)
Fairy: Well, our first summer holiday has come to an end!
The holiday is over, the meeting is over, the hour of parting has come.
Clown: We were all a little tired, but we were warmed by the smiles and sparkle of your eyes!
Sun: Shine your smiles, warmed by the sun!
All: Peace and happiness to you, children of the planet!
All adult characters and children perform a dance
"Children Protection Day". Music ukr.n.m.
Author of the text: Kholodnaya I.
1. Under the June sun, children are having fun and dancing in the morning.
You repeat the movements after me and quickly give everyone a smile!
Etc: Children Protection Day (clap-clap-clap) Clap, clap and don’t spare your hands (clap-clap-clap)
It’s clear - the sun is watching from above as you and I dance on this holiday! -2р
2. Spin around with me, my friend, don’t be lazy! Plunge into the sea of ​​happiness and smiles!
Childhood Day is a holiday for us, even the birds on the branches started dancing!
The chorus is the same.
3. Let’s start a wide circle, let’s start one! And as if we’ll go around the entire globe!
Let’s tell the adults: “We don’t want war! All children need is peace and happiness!”
The chorus is the same.
At the end of the holiday, the adult characters of the holiday hold a drawing competition on the asphalt with the children.

Oksana Kukushkina


Attention attention,

Opens day of laughter and jokes

And a cheerful mood.

Day disobedience open

We invite fun to the hall

Pampering, fun, laughter,

Let it be joyful for everyone!

Let it be joyful and fun with us,

Let's start the holiday, good time!

Today you are allowed to make faces,

Joking, playing and tumbling.

We don't allow anyone to fight -

Just smile for everyone today!

So that the guys don’t pinch, don’t scream, don’t swear.

Mom and dad were not rude, so that they would always be loved

Teachers and nannies

To help today,

Childhood holiday in the morning -

Let's all shout hurray together!

Take a break from worries, let a smile come to you.

And a smile, without a doubt,

Suddenly touches your eyes,

And good mood

Will not leave you again!

Performed "Song about a good mood".

1. If you frown, leave the house

If you are not happy about a sunny day

Let him smile at you as if he were his friends

A stranger to you at all, a guy you meet.


And without a doubt, let a smile touch your eyes

And your good mood will never leave you again.

2. If you and your friends suddenly quarrel by chance

Often those who are friends quarrel for nothing

You better look into each other's eyes

Sometimes looks speak better than words

3. If someone else was abandoned in misfortune

And this act penetrated your heart

Remember how many good people there are

We have many more of them

Remember them.

Leading. Guys, let's have fun to the fullest. A person who laughs from the heart cannot be evil, greedy and do all sorts of dirty tricks.

Song "Smile"- general

1. Smiling makes you gloomy the day is brighter

From a smile in the sky a rainbow will wake up

And she will return to you more than once.

And then for sure

Suddenly the clouds start dancing

And the grasshopper plays the violin

The river begins with a blue stream 2 times

Well, friendship begins with a smile.

2. From a sunny smile

The saddest rain will stop crying

The dark forest will say goodbye to silence

And they will clap their green hands.

3. A smile will make everyone warmer,

And an elephant and even a small snail

So let it be everywhere on earth

Smiles turn on like light bulbs.

Start with a good joke, friends,

A wise joke, a sensitive joke,

You can't live without it!

Laughter is healthier for a person

What is a good drug?

He who laughs goes to the pharmacy

Walks less often, they say.

A joke is appreciated for good reason

And doubly good,

More, more every year

Laughter, jokes every day!

General dance "Aw, it'll be cool".

The children sat on chairs.

Multi quiz

The children were walking along the road, they found a bag along the way, but it was not an ordinary bag,

He's magical, that's what he is

1. Which of the heroes loves pronounce: "guys let's be friends!"(cat Leopold)

2. What is the name of one of the residents of the village of Prostokvashino, who loved milk? (sailor cat)

3. How the cat Mvtroskin loved to eat sandwiches (sausage down)

4. Where did Cheburashka live? (in a telephone booth)

5. How the red-haired boy was teased (red-haired, red-haired, freckled, killed grandfather with a shovel)

6. What did Winnie the Pooh give to the donkey? birthday(pot without honey)

7. Where did Aibolit go by telegram? (Africa)

8. What did Antoshka say when they called him to dig potatoes? (we didn’t go through this, we weren’t asked this)

9. What did the owl give to the donkey on birthday(lace-tail).


We are celebrating the summer holiday!

Let's invite the Sun to visit us together!

(children call the sun to the music, the sun comes)

The "Sun" is in a hurry to celebrate.

The hot sun woke up, stretched, smiled!

It extended its rays to everyone, reaching to the ground.

Sun: Hello, guys! Happy holiday to everyone!

I'm on the yellow path

Brought flowers in a basket:

Red and blue -

Look, these are what they are!

(shows flowers)


We are celebrating the summer holiday!

Festival of the sun, festival of light!

Playing with flowers

(4 flowers - 4 circles, which flower will gather into a circle faster)

Childhood is a golden time

And magical dreams.

Childhood is you and me,

Childhood is me and you!

We will remember more than once

That good planet

Where with the rays of the eyes

There are dawns,

Where miracles live

Wizards and fairies

Where the world around is brighter

And the bird trills are louder.


There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world,

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give you warmth,

May good triumph over evil forever.

Baba Yaga enters the hall.

Baba Yaga:

Hello babies!

Oh, my legs are tired,

I've been coming to you for a long time

Was going to

And she dressed up beautifully.

Scraped off the dirt

I put on my best dress,

I scratched my hair with a fork,

I picked my teeth with a match.

There are no scissors in the house

I have to bite my nails

I had to.

Here, for the holiday

I came,

I brought you assignments!

You recognize me, friends!

Yes, Baba Yaga is me!

(shake everyone's hands)

Now, introduce yourself!

Say your naughtiest name!

(children say their mischievous names)

Baba Yaga:

Oh, who is that bursting out of the bag? (the sound of a tambourine is heard in the bag).

Ah-ah-ah, this is my cheerful tambourine, he cannot resist if there are many nearby children. Will you play with him?


Baba Yaga:

Then listen to the rules!

A game "Merry tambourine"

While the music is playing, you need to pass the tambourine from hand to hand, to each other.

The music will stop, and the one who has a tambourine in his hands will dance to the cheerful music with a tambourine in his hands, like this (shows). It's clear?

(Children take their seats).

Baba Yaga:

I'm having so much fun! And you?


Baba Yaga:

Well, this is too much! After all, I’m Baba Yaga, and I don’t like it when it’s a lot of fun. We need to ruin your mood! I love to grumble, this is my favorite pastime. Now I will grumble at you, and you should will answer!

Game - grumble “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”

Baba Yaga:

Answer loudly and amicably: “this is me, this is me, these are all my friends”.

Answer loudly, but

There is one condition:

In some places you will remain silent,

And where necessary, shout there!

Tell me, how many of you, children, have been dreaming about summer all year?

Which one of you is dying of boredom here now?

Who likes to play in the open air in the forest, on the river, in the field?

In the summer, who surprises everyone by lying down in bed and resting?

Who, I want to know from you, loves to sing and dance?

Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?

Which one of you is a trickster and plays the ball better than anyone?

Which one of you, everyone will say oh, sunbathes in boots?

Who are you, I want to know, a bully and a brawler?

Which one of you guys keeps things all in order?

Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?

Baba Yaga:

Wow, how good they grumbled, it even made me feel better! (notices June 1st inscription on the wall)

Baba Yaga:

What it is? Is this some kind of spell?


This is a number and letters.

Baba Yaga:

And if you combine them, can you guess what will happen?


Children: June 1st is Children Protection Day! It's everyone's holiday children in the world!

1. And let on our big planet

Children laugh, children laugh

And let them play with friends

And even the sun laughs with us.

2. Let's be friends with each other

Like a bird with the sky, like the wind with a meadow.

Like a sail with the sea, grass with the rains

How the sun is friends with all of us.

3. So that cheerful laughter rings out, the children do not cry

The sun shines for everyone, it shines equally

Song "Summertime"

1. The sun is a bright circle, summer is wide open,

The meadow is decorated with clover and chamomile.

Slow waltz for a little snail

A cricket played on a magic violin.

Chorus. Summer time, swallows over the steep slopes,

Clouds game of thunderclouds.

The rain will begin to sing in the tub by the porch.

Small country, no place like ours

2. The boys are waiting in the forest for saffron milk caps and foxes,

Hats and pigtails go with the box.

The bumblebee is buzzing in the morning, it’s summer in orbit,

The children are warmed by the song of the sun.

Baba Yaga:

I had so much fun with you guys! I decided that I would no longer be mischievous, I would have fun. Promise that you will always you will be friendly and cheerful, then I’ll fly to you again. And so that you don’t forget me, I’ll give you gifts, lend your hands (gives gifts and runs away).

Hello, dear colleagues, I’m glad to see everyone on my page.
Today I bring to your attention a holiday script for Children's Day in kindergarten.
SUMMER is coming soon! And may it be as cheerful and kind as the first summer holiday!

Target: Through joint games and dancing, create an atmosphere of joy and trust for children.

Children from the middle, preparatory, and senior groups take turns listening to the music. They take their seats.
The older group remains at the central wall - in a semicircle.
Two children come forward with gift boxes in their hands.

On the first summer day
The sun is shining brightly,
You and I have no idea:
From whom are the gifts?

It's not New Year's Day today!

And not a birthday?

On All Children's Day!

From whom should we be protected?
From trouble or enemies?

Protect from all misfortunes
Every adult is ready for you!

First day of summer, become even brighter!
Celebrate the first of June everywhere!
After all, this is All Children's Day,
It’s not for nothing that people celebrate it!

First day of colorful summer
He brought us together, friends.
This is a holiday of sun, light,
A holiday of happiness and goodness!

1. Song “Summertime”
1 verse.
The sun is a bright circle, summer is wide open,
The meadow is decorated with clover and chamomile.
Slow waltz for a little snail
A cricket played on a magic violin.

Summer time, swallows over the steep slopes,
Clouds game of thunderclouds.
The rain will begin to sing in the tub by the porch.
A small country, there is no place like ours.

Verse 2
Saffron milk caps and foxes are waiting for the guys in the forest,
Hats and pigtails go with the box.
The bumblebee is buzzing in the morning, it’s summer in orbit,
The children are warmed by the song of the sun.

The older group children sit down.

We all dream together about one thing,
So that everyone has a family and a home,

So that both us and we can be loved,
And in childhood, we all lived without worries and grief.

Therefore, we ask all people
So that we, children, are protected and valued!”

2. Exercise with flowers and balls
to the soundtrack of the song “Stork on the Roof”, music. D. Tukhmanova

The preparatory group children sit down.
Children from the middle group come out.

If warmed by the sun
All the water in the river is to the bottom,
So summer has come
So spring is over!

Many songs will be sung
Rain is not a problem and neither is the heat.
Hello, sunny summer!
Hello, it's ringing time!

Okay, feel free in the summer,
The green forest is all in bloom,
Looks with affectionate greetings
The sun is bright from the sky!

Very kind, very bright
Golden summer day
We'll go visit in the summer,
Let's go visit the sun!

3. Song “Sunny Dress” by E. Gomonova

1 verse.
It took a long time for the sun to come visit us.
Dressed up in the best dress.

Sunshine, sunshine
Rolling across the sky.
Sunshine, sunshine
Pink dress.

Verse 2
But the sun appeared slightly from behind the clouds.
Suddenly he was wearing a yellow dress.

Sunshine, sunshine
Rolling across the sky.
Sunshine, sunshine
Yellow dress.

Verse 3
The sun is tired of the yellow dress.
In the evening I put on a red dress.

Sunshine, sunshine
Rolling across the sky.
Sunshine, sunshine
Little red dress.

Verse 4
Let's quickly stand in a circle and hold hands.
So that the sun comes out from warm hands.

Sunshine, sunshine
Rolling across the sky.
Sunshine, sunshine
Silk dress.

Relay game “Let’s help the sun collect rays”
Players from each team, running around obstacles, collect rays and apply them to their yellow circle-sun.

The middle group children sit down.
The older group children come out.

Childhood - what is it?
Childhood - the sky is blue!
Childhood - peace throughout the world
And love for my native country.

Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me,
Childhood is me and you!

In childhood the sun shines brightly,
Laughter rings here and there.
Let there be children all over the planet
They live very happily!

Dance composition “We are Children of the Sun”
to the soundtrack of a song by the group “Fidgets”.

Relay game “Sunrise and sunset”.
Each team is given one yellow ball. The teams line up behind each other. It is necessary to pass the ball (sun) from the beginning of the line to the end, passing it over the head and back, passing it between the legs. The team that does it faster and doesn't drop the ball wins.

The older group children sit down.
Children from the preparatory group come out.

As children we love
Play and laugh
As children we learn
Be kind
If only they were like this
Always stay
To smile
And be strong friends!

After all, it’s true, friends,
Good on the planet
When on the planet
The owners are children!

Let's be friends with each other
Like a bird with the sky, like the wind with a meadow.
And let on our big planet
Children laugh, children laugh!

Song “We Divide Everything in Half”, music. V. Shainsky

Relay game "Centipede"
Children line up in a line, with balls between all players. The child standing in front presses the ball with his back to the chest of the one standing behind him. Hands are lowered down, we do not touch the balls with our hands. The centipede must go to the berry (red ball), pick it up and return to its original position without falling apart. The winner is the team that does not drop a single ball or has the least number of balls fall.

Guys, guys, today in the world
On the whole planet, children are the masters.
Let's dance and sing, guys
The owners are children on the globe!

Flash mob to the song “Russia – we are your children.”

We played and danced like this
It's getting hot!
Well, when, really?
Let's unwrap the gifts?!

Gift boxes are opened, containing crayons.

Leading: On this wonderful summer day, the first day of summer, let's paint the asphalt with bright designs. I invite everyone to the asphalt drawing competition.

The children are given crayons, and the presenter reads a poem at this time.

Dear young artists!
We're starting a drawing competition!
There will be plenty of room for your imagination!
Draw rivers, fields and mountains,
Draw the sky, draw the sea.
Your girlfriends and your friends,
A picture of the entire beautiful planet!

Children draw pictures on the asphalt to the music.

At the end of the drawing competition (FRIENDSHIP WILL WIN WITH US), a balloon with another gift flies to the children. It contains lollipops with bright flowers on sticks.

End of the holiday - CHILDREN'S-teka.

Scenario for Children's Day “Hello, red summer!”

Target: To give preschool children basic knowledge and ideas about the international holiday “Children’s Day”.

Since the holiday is for children, the focus should be on girls and boys. They will be the main characters on this day. The groups take their places in the hall. Cheerful music sounds.

Veselinka comes outto the soundtrack of the song “Childhood is me and you”, music. Yu. Chichkova

Veselinka: - Hi guys! I am Veselinka. Congratulations on the beginning of summer!

Let's say hello: shout “hello!” and wave our hand.

(Children perform)

Dear friends, the long-awaited sun holiday has arrived for us. This day is dedicated to International Children's Day and the preservation of peace on earth. This day is dedicated to you, dear guys.

Want to have some fun?

How are we going to do this?

Maybe you know some funny songs or dances?

Children: - Yes!

Wow! Will you show me?

Hello, hello our summer!
Everything is warmed by your warmth:
Meadow and field and gardens,
Forest, and river, and ponds.
We live very happily
We'll go for a walk.

The sun warmed us with its rays,
Summer has given us flowers.
We will celebrate the holiday,
Let's sing and dance!

We celebrate the summer holiday
Festival of the sun, festival of light
Sun, sun, shine brighter,
The holiday will be more fun.

We celebrate the summer holiday

Festival of the sun, festival of light!

So that cheerful laughter rings out,

The kids didn't cry

The sun is shining for everyone,

It shines the same.

Veselinka: That's right guys.And therefore, today we will play, dance and have fun a lot.
The holiday dedicated to Children's Day is considered open. Hurray!

All together: Hurray!

First day of summer, become even brighter!
Celebrate the first of June everywhere!
After all, this is All Children's Day,
It’s not for nothing that people celebrate it!

All the best songs and fairy tales in the world,
I would give it to all the children of the Earth.
So that children grow up kind and kind,
So that children grow up brave.

Veselinka: Childhood - what is it?

Childhood - the sky is blue!
Childhood - peace throughout the world,
And love for my native country.

In childhood the sun shines brightly,

Laughter rings here and there.
These are the children of the whole planet singing a sonorous song.

Children perform the dance “Childhood is me and you”

Veselinka: Guys, how do you understand the words “friendship” and “kindness”?

So many cheerful and joyful faces.
Know that friendship has no boundaries anywhere!
Children on the planet know
That friendship and kindness are more valuable than anything else in the world!

Toys, friendship, kindergarten,
Words burn like sparks.
All children want to be friends
All over the wide world!

The sun is warm, the sun is warm,
Don't spare your rays!
Let it be warmer and stronger,
There will be friendship among all children!

Children sing the song “Strong Friendship.”

Veselinka: Guys, now we’ll shout a little, if you agree with me, say “YES”

- Are you in a good mood?- Yes!

- Is the company decent?- Yes!

Does everyone think so? - Yes!

- Is everyone on vacation in the summer?- Yes!

Did we manage everything? - Yes!

Did we make it everywhere? - Yes!

- Can we be friends?- Yes!

- Will we defeat our opponents?- Yes!

- do you know how to play?- Yes!

So let's get started!

And now I propose to play the game “How are you?”

The game "How are you living?" is being played.

Children use their movements to show what the text says.

How are you? - Like this! (thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running in place)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (make faces)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other)

The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.

Veselinka: We're a little bored

We need to dance

Show off our prowess!

Turning in a circle

We dance "Boogie-woogie"!

Dance "Boogie-woogie"

Sad music plays, the clown Sadness comes out, walks with his head down, not looking at anyone.

Veselinka: Guys, this is my friend - Sadness (addresses her), Hello!

Are you sad again?

What's it about this time?

What has happened with you?

Sadness: Hello! (sighs ) In the morning I was the most cheerful in the world, but now... ( sighs ) I found a wonderful flower - each petal was different in color. Surely he is magical! But the wind blew and all the petals were blown away, and I still didn’t have time to make a wish ( sighs)!

Veselinka: It was a seven-flowered flower! I know such a fairy tale. Do you guys know? I've come up with something! Let's help my friend smile! Let's collect all the petals of the magic flower for her. She says that they were blown away by the wind, and we will find them! Let's all ask the wind to return the petals to us.

The wind, the wind didn't care.

Wind, bring back the wind.

All the leaves are painted,

We really need them.

(from behind the scenes a picture flies out like a breeze with something written on it)

“I really liked the petals. To return them, you will have to complete various tasks. Can you handle it? (children scream: YES!) Well, then here are the tasks. For every completed task I will return a petal"

Task No. 1.

“I was so happy today that I not only tore the petals off your flower, but also made a mess in the chamomile field... The petals flew off the flowers and scattered all over the clearing. Help me collect daisies."

Game "Collect daisies."
(petal flies out)

Task No. 2

"There are many fairy tales in the world,
Sad and funny
And live in the world
We can't live without them...
How many fairy tales do you know?

Then guess my riddles!

Veselinka: I will make riddles based on fairy tales, and you, in unison, answer in unison which fairy tale it is from:

Treats small children
Heals birds and animals
He looks through his glasses
Good doctor.

Mixed with sour cream,
It's cold at the window,
Round side, ruddy side
Rolled.(gingerbread man)

The nose is round, with a snout,
It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what extent?
Friendly brothers look alike.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?(Three piglets)

Grandma girl
Loved it very much
Little red riding hood
Gave it to her.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name!(Little Red Riding Hood)

My father had a strange boy,
Unusual, wooden,
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key
He sticks his long nose everywhere.
Who is this?(Pinocchio)

Treats small children
Heals birds and animals
He looks through his glasses
Good Doctor….( Aibolit)

Gobbling up rolls,
A guy was riding on a stove.
Rode around the village
And he married the princess.
Who will answer me immediately
This, brothers, is himself(Emelya)

Alyonushka has sisters
The birds carried away my little brother,
They fly high
They look far away.
What kind of birds were these?
You probably forgot?(Swan geese)

(petal flies out)

Task No. 3

“The guys are ripening watermelons in the summer, and I suggest we play a relay race.”

Relay race “Salting watermelons”

(You will need a large garbage bag, in the lower corners of which we make holes for the legs. One participant is selected from each team - he will be a barrel. This participant puts the bag on himself, like pants, sticking his legs into the cut holes. Holds the edge of the bag with his hands . The remaining participants must collect balls (watermelons) and put them in a barrel. The team that pickles the most watermelons wins.)

(petal flies out)

Task No. 4

“Guys, I really love it when they dance cheerfully and fervently. Let’s all dance the dance of the little ducklings together!”

Children perform the little duckling dance
(petal flies out)

Task No. 5

“It’s time for you to ask an interesting riddle.

The answer will be a fairy tale and a new game.

The fox has found a home for herself,
There was a kind mouse there,
In that house, after all,
There are a lot of residents"

Children: Fairy tale "Teremok".

Veselinka: First, tell me who lived in the tower.

Children: Mouse-norushka, Frog-frog, Bunny-runner, Little fox-sister, Top-gray barrel. The Bear came sixth and destroyed the tower.

Relay game "Teremok"
(Children stand in columns of six people (according to the number of fairy tale characters) at the starting line. Each has an attribute of the chosen fairy tale hero on their head. The role of the tower is played by a hoop lying on the ground not far from the starting line.
At the signal, “Mouse” begins the relay race. The participant playing this role moves towards the “tower” hoop, goes around it and runs after the next participant – the “Frog”. Now they run to the “teremka” together, always holding hands. Having reached, the two of them go around the hoop without breaking their hands.
Having done this, they run after the third, then the fourth, fifth players. The last one to join is the Bear. And already six, without breaking their hands, go around the hoop and run to the start. Whoever plays the fairy tale faster wins.)
(petal flies out)

Task No. 6

“Do you like to watch cartoons? (children's answer: YES!). There's a multi quiz now."

1. Which of the heroes likes to say: “Guys, let’s live together! "(cat Leopold)

2. Name one of the residents of the village “Prostokvashino” who loved milk
(cat Matrosskin)

3. How the cat Matrosskin loved to eat sandwiches
(sausage down)

4. Where did Cheburashka live?(in a telephone booth)

5. How the red-haired boy was teased
(red-haired, red-haired, freckled, killed grandfather with a shovel)

6. What Winnie the Pooh gave the donkey for his birthday
(pot without honey)

7. Where did Aibolit go by telegram?

8. What did Antoshka say when they called him to dig potatoes? (we didn’t go through this, we weren’t asked this)

9. What did the owl give to the donkey for his birthday?

(petal flies out)

Task No. 7

“Guys, do you know how to be friends? (children's answer: YES!). Now I’ll check how you can play different games together.”

The “Collect the Balloons” relay race is held.

(Players from both teams stand on one side of the court. In front of each team there is a large basket with multi-colored balls (for example, red and yellow). On the other side there are two multi-colored boxes, similar in color to the cubes. Two players from each team take one cube, they run to the opposite side of the court, drop the cubes into a box of the desired color, return, clap the outstretched hand of the next pair of players - pass the baton. The team whose members move all the balls faster and correctly wins.)

Veselinka: Well, guys, did we manage to collect all the petals?

Children: "Yes!"

Sadness: “That’s great!”

(clowns collect a flower, look at the seven-flowered flower)

Sadness: What a fun flower! Even better than before. And I have only one wish: that the summer be warm and cheerful! You just need to remember the words. How is it... “Fly, fly, petal, from west to east...” (the guys help me remember).

Together: “Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east, turn around the earth, be it in my opinion. May the summer be warm and cheerful"

(children go out to dance “Summer”)

First day of colorful summer

He brought us together, friends.

A holiday of childhood, songs, light,

A holiday of peace and goodness!

Children bathe in sunlight
They watch the moon shine in the distance,
Children are the same everywhere in the world,
The children of the earth need a joyful world!

Dance "Summer"

Veselinka: I thought about it and decided that we won’t tear off the petals, a lot of interesting things happened to us today, let’s better welcome summer again.

Let's all say loudly: “Hello, summer!”

Children repeat these words together.

Veselinka: Our holiday was a great success, and did you children like it?

I wish you smiles, peace and happiness!

May there always be sunshine

May there always be peace

Let children always smile!

Children's Day in kindergarten will continue with a competition of drawings on asphalt, sand figures or other fun.

In the morning, parents and their beloved child approach the gates of the kindergarten, where they are greeted by Buratino and Malvina. Today they are the hosts of the holiday. Malvina reads out a congratulation to each child who comes - a rhymed congratulation (you can take a congratulation), and Pinocchio gives a bright balloon. Children's songs are played throughout the garden. Pupils go to their teachers, dressed as characters from different fairy tales.

The reception of children is over, the holiday begins! The music becomes quieter, the guys line up in a semicircle.

Pinocchio: Dear children! Do you know what holiday today is? That's right, Children's Day. Your parents and educators want your childhood to remain unforgettable and fun forever. But, terrible villains penetrated into our kindergarten - Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox. They stole a magic chest from the manager’s office, which contained your smiles, ringing laughter, happy looks and funny questions. Guys, without a chest, you won’t see a Happy Childhood like your ears!

Pierrot comes out and starts crying: What should I do? What to do?

Pinocchio: Save the chest!

Piero: But we can’t handle it on our own, Artemon is already retired, and Papa Carlo is fishing! What to do? What to do?

Malvina: But the guys can help us! Is it true that you will help bring back Happy Childhood?

The children answer in unison: Yes!

Pinocchio: Then, everyone follows me! Line up behind us and we'll go searching.

Malvina: Only you will have to walk not along a flat path, but along a road with the most terrible obstacles. Can you handle it?

Children in chorus: Yesss!

Pierrot (grabs his head and begins to sob): But how, how will we cross the river? And the forest? And the scary forest?

Malvina: Pinocchio knows how to overcome a deep river and a dark forest. The main thing, guys, is to repeat all the movements after him.

Pinocchio: Let's go!

The song “We are in the city of Emerald, we are walking along a difficult road.” The kindergarten students follow Pinocchio around the building.

Pinocchio periodically screams: Let's swim across the river! (Guys use their hands to imitate behavior in water) Let's jump over the cliff! (Everyone jumps) Be careful, branch! (Children duck down). And so on. This competition must be prepared by a physical education teacher so that the exercises learned in physical education classes can be consolidated.

Thus, the children approach the sandbox in which Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox are trying to bury the chest.

Pierrot: Here they are!

Pinocchio: Yeah, we overtook you!

Malvina: Kitty, Fox, stealing is not good! Please give the kids back their childhood!

Cat Basilio: What about me? I'm nothing...

Fox Alice: Well, since you found us anyway, then of course, of course, we’ll give everything back. But, only if the children fulfill three conditions!

Cat Basilio: If they don’t do it, the chest is ours, and they (looks menacingly at the guys) will turn into unsmiling, boring adults! Here.

Pierrot is crying again: What to do? What to do?

Malvina: Pierrot, don’t cry. Our children are the smartest, the smartest and the strongest. They will succeed! Is it true?

Children in chorus: Yesss!

Pinocchio: Well, let's do our tasks already.

Fox Alice: First condition. Let the guys guess three riddles.

Cat Basilio: She is capricious and stubborn, she doesn’t want to go to kindergarten...

Children answer: Mom!

Malvina: Well, what are you, not a mother, but a daughter! We won’t bring back childhood like that. Be more careful, please. Chanterelle, let this be a warm-up.

Fox Alice: Well, okay, we don’t count this answer. Then, the first riddle - The holiday is just around the corner, we baked... (takes sausage out of the bag)

Children in chorus: Cake!

Cat Basilio: It has become drier in the yard, my ears are dry... (pulling his ears)

Children: Legs!

Lisa Alice: Indeed, smart kids. The last riddle: Is Winnie the Pooh a pig or a boar?

Children: Bear!

Cat Basilio: Eh, you are one step closer to your Happy Childhood. Now, let one of the strongest boys emerge from each group.

The boys come out, Alice Fox takes out the rope.

Pierrot: Oh, now something will happen! (sobs)

Fox Alice: Tug of war competition. Let's see who is stronger - Karabas Barabas or these obnoxious boys!

Malvina: What Karabas Barabas?! It’s not fair, he’s very big and mature. The guys won't cope.

Cat Basilio (grinning disgustingly): So that’s what we’re counting on. Go!

Karabas Barabas comes out and takes hold of one end of the rope, and the kindergarten students take hold of the other. Everyone begins to pull on themselves. Naturally, the children win.

Pinocchio: Hurray! I knew, I believed that in our kindergarten the strongest boys were!

Karabas Barabas: Something is unclean here! I'm canceling the next task, I want to compete with other boys!

Again, one boy from each group comes out and wins. Karabas Barabas is again dissatisfied and calls the girls. And this time he fails. He mutters angrily under his breath and walks away.

At the request of the kindergarten methodologist, you can add several more competitions () to involve all the children. Perhaps the kindergarten students will perform amateur performances: they will sing, dance, or recite thematic poems.

The guys completed all the tasks.

Pinocchio: Children, what great fellows you are! Basilio, Alice, return the chest!

Malvina takes the treasured chest from the paws of the Cat and the Fox, opens it, and many huge butterflies fly out from there. Fanfare sounds, children clap their hands and release their balloons into the sky.

The holiday has come to an end, the guys go into groups. According to the daily routine, they start breakfast, during which the heroes of fairy tales knock on doors and hand out sweet gifts to the children (candies, cookies, juice, etc.).

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