How to wash a natural down jacket. Rules for washing down jackets in an automatic washing machine

When it is necessary to wash a jacket, a large number of questions usually arise about how to wash a down jacket without ruining an expensive item.

It is important to understand that cleaning can also be done in a washing machine, taking precautions and following the advice of professionals.

Manufacturers of winter jackets with natural or synthetic filling give recommendations regarding washing, but only in dry cleaners.

If you cannot use such services, you can try to wash the item yourself, but following the instructions given in the article. This way the down jacket will retain its original appearance.

You can wash a down jacket in a machine only after preliminary preparation. Here's what to do:

Checking your pockets

People often have unnecessary items in their pockets, which, when washed, can damage the fabric of the jacket. There may also be money or documents that cannot be recovered after reacting with the detergent.

Unfasten the fur parts

Fur parts must be unfastened before loading into the drum of the machine. Faux and natural fur can become deformed from reaction with water and chemicals, losing its attractiveness and shape.

We wash out the stains

If there is heavy soiling, streaks, or stains on the jacket, they need to be washed. As a rule, the most worn places are the sleeves, areas on the elbows, hem and collar.

Washing in a machine will not get rid of old stains in problem areas. For washing, you can use stain-removing soap.

Powdered stain remover should not be used for down products - they foam well, and washing does not require a lot of foam, as it will be difficult to wash and there is a risk of strong stains.

Turn the jacket inside out and fasten all the fasteners

Now, after completing all the steps, the jacket is zipped up and turned inside out, since snags or damage may form on the outside. It is also important to fasten all buttons, Velcro and fasteners. This will keep them intact and not damage the jacket.

Washing rules

It is very simple to understand whether a down jacket can be washed in a washing machine. It is important to decipher the symbols on the tag - these are the basic rules for cleaning and drying, which help maintain the durability of the jacket.

For items that cannot be washed in a certain way, this information is almost always encrypted on the tag.

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Usually, to wash a down jacket, it is enough to follow these rules:

  • Wash the jacket separately from clothes and other outerwear;
  • use a liquid cleanser;
  • rinsing is required at least 2 - 3 times;
  • place 3 – 4 tennis balls in the drum to prevent the formation of lumps from the filler;
  • It is advisable to dry it in the open air, so that the jacket is not exposed to direct sunlight; it is also possible in a room away from heating devices;

At what temperature should you wash a down jacket?

To properly wash a down jacket in a machine, it is important to select a special program with a low water temperature. The optimal temperature is 30 degrees. Hand washing is also carried out in cool water.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine

Basic rules for choosing a detergent for washing a down jacket:

  • It is forbidden to use ordinary powders - they almost always leave stains.
  • The best option would be to use special products, but any other liquid product will work well; gel capsules are also used.

Be sure to pay attention to studying the composition of the product - it should not contain phosphates, chlorine and bleach.

You can wash your down jacket in the washing machine using Uni Down. It has proven itself on the positive side due to its affordable cost and excellent cleaning characteristics.

Using it, you can even give up tennis balls, according to the manufacturer of this product. The filler will not roll off and will maintain breathability. Weasel for wool is also suitable.

How to wash a down jacket by hand

If you don’t trust dry cleaners and automatic washing machines, you can wash your down jacket at home manually. Preparation and selection of the product are no different. The only thing is that the jacket does not need to be turned inside out.

Main features of how to wash a down jacket at home by hand:

  1. Hang it on a hanger and place it in the bathroom.
  2. To properly wet the product, direct the shower from top to bottom in a tangent direction.
  3. Treat the product with the product, paying special attention to worn and dirty areas - cuffs, collar, pockets.
  4. Rub the jacket with a brush or stiff sponge.
  5. Rinse off the detergent by directing the stream from top to bottom. Do this procedure several times to completely get rid of the foam.
  6. Start drying.

If there is only one stain on the jacket, and it still does not look dirty, then you can wash it, rub it with a brush and the chosen detergent. This way, you don’t have to wash the entire down jacket.

If the jacket is too dirty, you should soak it - run warm water into the bathtub and add detergent. Place the jacket there for 30 - 40 minutes, then lightly rub and dry thoroughly.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine

Nowadays, almost everyone has a washing machine, so the question is how to properly wash a down jacket in it.

If you follow certain rules, you can easily clean your jacket in a washing machine using the delicate setting.

For safety and preservation purposes, tennis balls are placed in the drum. They prevent the formation of lumps from the filler.

The process of washing a down jacket in a washing machine step by step:

  1. Remove stains before loading items.
  2. Turn the jacket inside out, fasten the zippers, snaps and buttons.
  3. Place a twist with tennis balls.
  4. Set the desired mode, the temperature should not exceed 30 degrees; some machine models are equipped with a “delicate wash” mode in cool water.
  5. The spin is set to a maximum of 600 rpm, preferably 400, otherwise intense impacts will cause fluff to come out.
  6. To thoroughly rinse the detergent, the rinse mode after the main wash is set an additional 2 or 3 times. When using a rinse aid, you need to use a special product, otherwise there will be streaks on the down jacket.
  7. After the jacket is removed from the machine, it is straightened and thoroughly dried.

Modes for washing a down jacket in different washing machines:

  • LG – “delicate wash”;
  • Samsung – “delicate wash”;
  • Indesit – “delicate fabrics”, mode 10 or 11;
  • Bosch – wash for 30 minutes, first use the regulator to reduce the spin speed or set the “wool” mode.

Is it possible to spin a down jacket in a washing machine?

If possible, do not turn on the spin mode; it is better to wring out the item manually - do this with extreme caution, do not wring out the down jacket by twisting it, it is better to do this with light squeezing movements, removing excess water.

Do not try to squeeze out all the water; the remaining water will drain off during the drying process. It will be right!

If, nevertheless, you decide to wring out the jacket in the machine, then only at minimum speed, usually this value is 400. This way the jacket will not bunch up.

How to wash a down jacket without the down getting lost

Sometimes, even if you carefully follow all the settings for washing a down jacket in an automatic washing machine, the filler deteriorates and clumps together.

To prevent the fluff from bunching up, you will need to wash with several tennis balls or use the Uni fluff product mentioned earlier.

But if this happens, then to return to its original appearance, you need to carry out the following manipulations:

  • Use your hands to straighten the lumps, shaking the jacket periodically;
  • place the dry down jacket on the bed or sofa and lightly beat it with a carpet beater;
  • put the jacket back in the machine with tennis balls, turn on the spin cycle at the lowest speed;
  • treat the down jacket with a vacuum cleaner with a nozzle for blowing air - under the influence of dry hot air, the filler straightens out, the clothes return to their former fluffiness.

How to wash a down jacket without streaks

To wash a down jacket without streaks, you need to use a product with a liquid consistency.

Also, after washing, the jacket is rinsed several times.

Dry the jacket away from radiators and heating devices.

How to wash down jacket fur

The edge of a winter jacket requires delicate care, so when the need arises for washing, it is better to unfasten it and clean it separately. To prevent it from becoming a shapeless ball of fur, you must follow these rules:

  • Do not wash, let alone wring out, fur in a washing machine;
  • dry it only in a place protected from light;
  • Do not use chlorine cleaning products or boiling methods;
  • cleaning is carried out in the direction of fur growth - if the pile is long, and against it - if the pile is short;
  • before wet cleaning, you need to check how the fur reacts to the product - apply foam to a small side area of ​​the edge and dry to see the result;
  • do not rub, do not wrinkle, do not deform the product, do not try to squeeze it dry, the water will drain and evaporate on its own, without any mechanical influence;
  • The water temperature should not be more than 40 degrees, otherwise the substrate and the fur itself will be damaged.

These precautions are easy to follow and will preserve the appearance of the product for a long time.

Drying is an integral stage of the purification process. Even with properly organized washing, drying can ruin the filler and the fur will become tangled.

Drying is also carried out in stages:

  1. Wring out the down jacket by hand or trust it to the machine.
  2. When drying in a machine, the setting should be gentle, with tennis balls in the drum.
  3. After washing, the down jacket needs to be shaken several times - this will help straighten out the filling. This should be done easily, otherwise the fluff will get lost.
  4. The temperature in the room where drying is carried out should not be higher than 28 degrees.
  5. It is forbidden to dry the item on the radiator; it must be placed horizontally on a special dryer. The water should drain within a few hours.
  6. After hanging the jacket, you need to sort it out with your hands, breaking up small lumps.
  7. Leave the product to dry, but periodically you need to approach it to knead the filler, paying more attention to the chest area and sleeves. In winter, the jacket can be placed outside for several hours: this way the water between the down freezes and prevents it from sticking together.
  8. A down jacket can take a long time to dry, but you should not use prohibited methods to speed up the process. These include any heating devices, batteries, radiators. In this case, you can use a hair dryer, set the temperature to medium and blow on the product at a distance of 15 cm.
  9. After complete drying, you can treat the jacket with a special water-repellent impregnation.

Prohibited actions when washing and drying

Some actions during the washing process and subsequent drying can ruin the down jacket so that it will no longer be possible to save and return it to its previous appearance:

  • Carrying out washing in a semi-automatic machine;
  • wash the jacket with other things;
  • intensive washing and high water temperature;
  • using plastic balls rather than tennis balls;
  • too frequent washing, only 2 times a year is enough;
  • use of non-specialized rinses and conditioners;
  • placing a drying jacket near radiators or heaters;
  • ironing;
  • placing the jacket vertically while drying.

All of the above actions damage the jacket irreversibly; it will no longer be possible to restore the fabric with filler.

A down jacket is a very practical type of clothing. But it requires proper care to maintain its appearance, breathability, and ability to retain heat.

You can clean the product using any chosen method, provided you follow the rules for washing and drying, as well as the choice of detergent.

Still buying down jackets in boring gray shades? Do not do it this way. Here is a universal care guide down products. Now the fluff won’t clump together when washing!

Almost any jacket with synthetic or natural fillings can be washed in a washing machine. But for many readers washing a down jacket, like roulette, turns into a test. After all, you never know whether you will be able to wear an expensive item again. Of course, you can use dry cleaning services, but this is by no means a cheap pleasure.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine

Today " So simple! will tell you how to wash a down jacket so that the down does not tangle, and why hand washing is a last resort. If the item is of high quality, nothing will happen to it. Otherwise, I feel more sorry for the machine than for the down jacket. Read the instructions and be confident in your own abilities.

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The first thing you should do when cleaning your home is to make sure Is it possible to wash a down jacket? at all. Some products are dry clean only and this information will be indicated on the label. It looks something like the one shown in the picture.

Product cannot be machine washed, if it has leather inserts. The skin may shrink or, even worse, fade. Also beware of permanent fur trims near the pockets and hood. One wash can turn natural (and faux) fur into shreds.

Easiest to wash quilted down jackets. They are easier to wash, dry faster, and retain their attractive appearance longer. But frequent washing is not at all beneficial. The outer layer of fabric loses its wear resistance, the product begins to allow air and moisture to pass through, and down loses its warming qualities. So don’t be lazy and remove small stains locally.

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Rules for washing down jackets in a washing machine

  1. Do not wash your down jacket at high temperatures with stain removers and bleaches.
  2. What places on a jacket are always the dirtiest? That's right, the collar and sleeves. Before washing in the machine, wash these areas with laundry soap or dishwashing liquid. In extreme cases, you can lightly brush over the stains. But don't overdo it! Holes are very easy to make.

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  3. Never wash your down jacket with powder! It foams a lot and sometimes it is impossible to rinse it out. The powder causes white spots to appear on the outer fabric.
  4. Before washing, remove everything from clothing that can be detached: fur, collar, patch inserts, brooches, belt. Don't forget to take everything out of your pockets.

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  5. Fasten the down jacket with a zipper, snaps, Velcro, buttons and turn it inside out. This is necessary so as not to deform the outer fabric or lining.
  6. It is not necessary to completely soak the item before washing. An extreme case is a white or very light down jacket. You can soak for no more than 2 hours and always with detergent.

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  7. Wash down items only liquid agent! Look in stores, sometimes they are marked “for washing down jackets.”
  8. The washing mode should always be “delicate”, “gentle” or “hand wash”. If your machine does not have a special mode, choose the minimum speed and temperature no more than 30–40 degrees.
  9. You can wring out a down jacket in a machine! This is only good for Pooh. For the best effect, add 5-6 tennis balls to the drum. Wash them first to make sure the balls don't fade. And yes, it will not harm the machine.

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  10. Always wash one down jacket at a time. Down absorbs a lot of water, the machine may give an error during the spin cycle. As a last resort, you can put a non-fading, light-colored towel in the machine.
  11. To prevent streaks on the fabric after washing, run the rinse cycle twice. You can use fabric softener.

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  12. Ideal if your machine has a dryer. Take advantage of it by choosing a mode for synthetic fabrics and a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. Don't take out the balls.
  13. Natural drying should occur as follows: turn the product right side out, hang it on a hanger and fasten it. Leave it to dry indoors, but not in the bathroom. Sushi is always vertical! When laid out on any surface, the down jacket will not dry, but will rot, and yellow spots will appear.

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  14. Be patient. While drying, shake the item periodically, tamping it with your hands like a pillow, so that the fluff is evenly distributed in the right places. Knead the feather tangles with your hands. You can speed up the drying process by placing a heating device next to the product. Nearby means no closer than 1 meter.
  15. If the top fabric looks wrinkled, use a steamer to smooth it out.

  16. The fluff gathered in the corners of the product was vacuumed at low power and dried with a hairdryer. If your vacuum cleaner has a function for cleaning curtains, be sure to use it. The fluff will probably fluff up.
  17. To return the down jacket water repellent properties, use a special impregnation, which must be sprayed evenly over the outer fabric.

The secret to a warm down jacket is high-quality filling. Down (or its artificial substitutes) should be light, voluminous and elastic. This combination provides better thermal insulation properties. If the product is washed in an automatic washing machine, the down will become tangled, the jacket will lose its shape and will no longer retain heat. Therefore, it is recommended to have the product dry cleaned. But there are several ways to wash a down jacket without the down getting lost.

Preparing a down jacket

To prevent washing from being fatal for a down jacket, it must be properly prepared. Make sure there are no items or small debris left in your pockets. Check the garment for stains, especially around the collar, pockets and cuffs. Such stains must be treated before washing. Rub the stains with laundry soap or a special product if you know the nature of the contamination.

Fasten all zippers and buttons so that the parts of the down jacket do not dangle during washing and are not damaged. Then turn it inside out. The front surface of the down jacket should have less contact with water. Check the seams too. If fluff comes out of them, there is a high risk of ruining the item during washing.

Place the down jacket in the drum separately from other items; do not try to wash two at a time. This way things will retain particles of dirt or may be completely damaged.


The best cleaning products for down jackets can be found in sports stores. They sell special gels designed for cleaning ski overalls, jackets and other outerwear. Products for down jackets are produced under the brands SonixBIO, Heitmann, Salton, Domal, Profkhim, Bolshaya Stirka and others. They preserve the natural down coating and carefully clean the fabric. It is not recommended to use dry powders: they are less washable and do not clean feathers well.

To prevent down from getting lost when washing, use special products for caring for down jackets.

If you wash in hard water, add conditioner. You can purchase special products from the arsenal of sports stores or use familiar brands, for example, Lenor. Washing with conditioner reduces the risk of soap streaks. After this procedure, the down jacket dries faster and smells pleasant.

Tennis balls

Another accessory to purchase from the sports department is tennis balls. They are heavier, and therefore three pieces will be enough for washing. Before washing, make sure that the balls do not fade and ruin the down jacket. To do this, soak them in a concentrated bleach solution for a couple of hours and then rinse thoroughly in clean water. If the excess paint comes off in this aggressive environment, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the down jacket.

During washing, fluff tends to clump into clumps, but this can be prevented with the help of heavy, dense balls. As the drum rotates, they will hit the jacket and break up clumps of fluff and feathers. During the spin phase, the balls will hit the down jacket even harder, and the filler will be distributed evenly.

If the item was previously washed incorrectly, the balls will help smooth out the layer of fluff. The mechanical action of these tennis accessories also helps remove stubborn stains.

Plastic, tourmaline, magnetic balls

Instead of tennis balls, you can use plastic balls with soft spikes, similar to massage balls, to wash your down jacket. They are sold in hardware stores, 2 pieces per package; for washing you will need 4 balls. These accessories act in the same way as tennis balls: they beat the fluff so that it doesn’t get lost, knock out dirt, and speed up the drying stage.

The most expensive accessory for caring for down during washing is tourmaline balls. Such products resemble a rattle with ceramic balls inside. The minerals that make up the filler help clean the down jacket. Manufacturers of such devices claim that you don’t even need washing powder. For washing, take 6 balls that generate negative ions, increase the pH level of water, improve its cleaning properties, and kill germs. After washing, the balls need to be dried thoroughly so that they last longer.

Magnetic balls are a smooth polyurethane sphere with a strong magnet inside. To wash a down jacket you will need 6 of these balls. The accessory also helps preserve the down, knocks dirt out of the jacket, and when used, the amount of cleaning agent used can be halved.

Program selection

Modern washing machines have a special program for down jackets. If not, use the gentle cycle designed for wool and silk. Set the water heating to +30 °C. Turn on the extra rinse mode, which should start after the end of the wash. Detergents are well absorbed into the fluff and are poorly washed out of it, so one rinse cycle will not be enough.

Whether to use the spin function is up to you. On the one hand, drying together with the balls is necessary so that the down does not get lost: mechanical processing will make it possible to better distribute the filler inside the down jacket. On the other hand, if the fluff has already begun to come out of the seams, during intensive drying you can completely ruin the product. It all depends on the degree of wear of the item and its quality.


After washing and spinning, the down jacket must be thoroughly dried so that the filling expands and regains its protective properties. Remove it from the washing machine, unfasten the buttons, zippers and clasps, and turn the pockets outside to dry better.

Shake the down jacket thoroughly, hang it on hangers and let it hang dry in a vertical position. Excess water will evaporate from clothes faster. The final drying stage may take 2-3 days. Wait for the down jacket to dry completely. If dampness settles inside the jacket, an unpleasant odor will appear and the item will be completely damaged.

Do not leave a down jacket near operating heating devices, or use a hair dryer or iron. Hot air will ruin the filler. To prevent the fluff from getting lost or sticking together, dry the product in a ventilated area with good air circulation.

If the fluff has gone astray

If, as a result of unsuccessful washing, the down has formed into clumps, you can try to distribute it inside the down jacket manually. Lay the jacket out on a flat surface and fluff it up with your hands.

Another way to distribute the down correctly is to wash the product with tennis, plastic, tourmaline or magnetic balls. Their mechanical action breaks up the lumps.

Using the methods described above, you can wash a down jacket in an automatic washing machine without the down getting lost. But not all products are able to survive the procedure and at the same time preserve the filler in its original form. It is still better to dry-clean worn items, as well as jackets with natural filling. The expenses will be insignificant compared to the price of the jacket, but after that you will be able to walk in a clean and warm down jacket for many more seasons.

Find out how to wash a down jacket in a washing machine so that it does not deteriorate and the fluff does not get lost in it.

When they say down jacket, they mean a jacket filled with down from waterfowl. The fact that they are waterfowl does not guarantee 100% resistance to prolonged exposure to the elements of water. In addition, in modern reality, down jackets are called everything that doesn’t get caught. Including winter jackets with completely artificial or combined insulation. Therefore, this article contains comprehensive information on how to wash not only down jackets, but also winter jackets with any other filling in the washing machine.

  1. The first thing you should pay attention to is the information tag from the manufacturer, which indicates the composition and rules for caring for the jacket. As a rule, wear-resistant fabrics are used for the outer covering, among which you can increasingly find artificial ones: nylon, polyamide, eco-leather and, of course, the ubiquitous polyester. At the same time, the popularity of synthetic insulation is not so great, but quite common: synthetic winterizer, holofiber. And yet, a very large number of people still prefer natural fillers. However, this is precisely why you are reading this article, since down, feathers and wool require special care.
  2. You cannot wash a down jacket in a washing machine using the usual powder. Liquid analogues are more suitable for this purpose, but this is still a compromise solution. It is best to purchase a special detergent that will not damage the fluff and will not cause it to clump.
  3. If there is natural fur on the jacket, remove it. If the manufacturer has not provided this option, then after washing the fur must be combed, and then a couple more times during drying. Use a wide-toothed wooden comb.
  4. If the fur turns out to be dyed and its color scheme is noticeably different from the down jacket, then it is better not to risk it and take the jacket to the dry cleaner. You know what happens when something fades during washing?
  5. Make sure that the pockets of the down jacket are empty and that there are no holes. Mend the holes, otherwise insulation may come out of them.
  6. Unfasten the hood, button the jacket and pockets, and turn it inside out. This is necessary to maintain shape, as well as to reduce the likelihood of damage to the down jacket. It will be absolutely great if you place it in a special laundry bag.

I washed the down jacket, but the stains remained. What to do?

The most dirty parts are the sleeves, collars and hem. Before putting the down jacket in the washing machine, we recommend that you wet them, soap them with soap (ideally laundry soap) and rub them gently. If you throw it in the machine without first washing it, then with a high degree of probability the dirt will remain.

There are several methods to get rid of non-standard and more complex stains. Whichever you decide to try, when cleaning, always work from the edges to the epicenter of the dirt.

  1. Recipe for a universal stain remover: take an empty 0.5 liter, fill it with water, without adding about 100 ml, add 2 tsp to it. ammonia and 2 tsp. liquid powder. Close the lid and shake well until foam forms. Carefully open and spread the solution over the stains. Wait 2-3 minutes and then blot these areas with a sponge.
  2. Gasoline can help with greasy stains. Take a cotton pad, blot it with it and go over the contaminated areas. Sprinkle the area with salt, talcum powder, starch or some other adsorbent on top of the gasoline. Next, go over the stain in a circular motion with a sponge, and then shake off the residue. Most likely you will have to repeat the listed frauds more than once. When finished, wipe the down jacket with a soft, damp cloth.
  3. A solution of salt and starch can also combat greasy stains. The ingredients must be mixed in a one-to-one ratio, and then lightly moistened with water to form a paste-like mixture. Apply the resulting solution to the stain, wait until it dries completely at room temperature (do not speed up this process with a hair dryer or the proximity of heating radiators), and then remove with a damp sponge or rag.
  4. Cosmetics, say, foundation or powder, which tend to stay on the collar, are easily removed. Take a cotton pad, soak it in it and rub the area stained with makeup.
  5. Do you like white down jackets? We have good news for you. Dirt embedded in white fabric can be discolored. To do this you will need ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Mix the ingredients in a one to one ratio. Moisten a cotton pad with the resulting solution and wipe the problem areas. As a reminder, this method will destroy colored down jackets, but is ideal for white ones.

Using bleach will ruin your down jacket. Don’t soak winter jackets with natural insulation, and you shouldn’t use artificial ones either.

After any of the above manipulations, be sure to wash the down jacket in the washing machine so that no streaks remain on it.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine without the down getting lost

Before putting your jacket in the machine, turn it inside out.

To prevent the down from getting lost during washing, throw 3-4 tennis balls into the drum of the down jacket. There are also special balls, but finding and buying them is much more difficult.

Calculate the required volume of detergent according to the instructions (you can do it by eye) and fill it. The addition of air conditioning is welcome.

A suitable mode for washing a down jacket in a washing machine so that the down does not get lost: for delicate items, wool or silk at a temperature not exceeding 30 °C and a spin cycle not exceeding 600 rpm. At high spin speeds, fluff may come out. In addition, we recommend turning on the intensive rinse mode or running it manually after the main wash. Otherwise, the detergent may remain, which will result in streaks throughout the down jacket.

Modern models provide a washing mode for down jackets or outerwear. In this case, just install it and don’t worry about anything.

Turn the down jacket back inside out and unfasten everything you can unfasten. If your pockets can be pulled out, do so.

Hang the just washed down jacket on a hanger in a dry room so that it is not exposed to the sun or exposed to any heating devices. If it has not been wrung out well and is dripping, do a manual local squeezing and place a basin under it. Under the influence of gravity, water will accumulate in the lower parts of the down jacket and when this happens, try to squeeze out these places, but without much zeal.

Under no circumstances should you hang a natural down jacket on a radiator or speed up the drying process with a hair dryer!

Thermal effects negatively affect the structure of feathers and down, causing it to become brittle and brittle, which significantly reduces its thermal insulation.

Keep the down jacket at room temperature until completely dry. From time to time, stir the fluff and try to distribute it among the sections as evenly as possible on your own so that it does not dry out crumpled. Beating dust out of carpets is an extreme measure that should be taken when nothing else helps.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine so that the down does not bunch up? First things first, let’s discuss first: is it possible to wash a down jacket in a washing machine?

Should you machine wash your down jacket?

There is a very widespread opinion among the population that a down jacket is not designed to be washed in a washing machine. In fact, you probably are. You share the same opinion, which, by the way, is absolutely correct. This can be checked very easily; a special label is sewn onto each item, which contains washing recommendations and other information.

In principle, in most cases, a down jacket can actually be washed in a machine, but only with this procedure it will be necessary to control all stages of washing and drying. If you make a mistake somewhere or miss something, then all your efforts may be in vain.

Before you start washing your down jacket at home, you need to thoroughly prepare. The appearance of the item after washing largely depends on this stage.

First the classics. It is necessary to remove all items from your pockets (don’t forget about hidden ones, if any); if there is any garbage or just rubbish left in them, shake it out in the bathroom.

The next step is the treatment of individual stains (if any). They are best visible on light materials; on dark materials they are comparatively worse, but still. Mostly spots appear in the areas:

  • gates;
  • pockets;
  • cuff

Pre-wash cuffs and collar

Just in case, treat these areas with ordinary soap (laundry soap) or a special product, if you have one.

Next, you need to turn the down jacket inside out. It will remain in this form throughout the entire wash cycle. By the way, do not forget to fasten all the zippers and buttons, if there are any, nothing should be loose at all.

You are only allowed to wash down jackets in the washing machine one at a time; you don’t even have to be overzealous and don’t try to push two or more at once in just one wash. Things will be poorly washed or not washed at all, and due to soapy water, streaks will appear, at best. At worst, both down jackets will be damaged.

Wash only one down jacket in the washing machine

Lastly, check the seams for integrity. If down is visible from them, then most likely during washing it will be outside the down jacket, which will undoubtedly spoil it.

Washing a down jacket in a washing machine

A few rules regarding washing a down jacket in an automatic machine and drying it:

  1. The drying time should not exceed two days.
  2. The use of bleach is also highly discouraged.
  3. You should not use water hotter than forty degrees.
  4. Never use pre-soak when washing.
  5. Drying should not occur while wrapped in a towel.

Follow certain rules when washing

Before you start washing, read the recommendations that will help you avoid soap stains on your clothes.

To begin with, you should not use regular powder to avoid streaks. It is not suitable for washing down, as it is very poorly washed out of it. You will need either a specialized powder or a delicate detergent.

After the washing is completed, rinse the down jacket several more times with your hands or put it in the machine, but without powders.

Drying near a radiator or heater can cause streaks

If you decide to speed up drying and hang the down jacket near a radiator or heater, don’t. This makes divorces more likely.

If these tips didn't save you, don't worry. Take a clean piece of cloth, soak it in dishwashing liquid and clean the stains. After this procedure, rinse the down jacket with water and dry it with a hairdryer.

Lumps of fluff are the main problem in the entire washing process, how can you prevent them from appearing? There are two ways:

  1. Along with the down jacket, you can put several tennis balls (three pieces will be enough). During washing, they will “hit” the down jacket, preventing large lumps of fluff from forming.
  2. The second method comes into effect when the first did not help. While the item is drying, it is necessary to periodically slam it with a special device for exhausting carpets. This needs to be done especially intensively when the down jacket is dry. By the way. Do not overdo it with the force of blows, any material has a limit in terms of strength, if you break through the casing, you will have to sew it up or make a patch, or even throw it away completely.

Use tennis balls

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine so that the down does not bunch up? Now we'll tell you.

Immediately after preparation, you can proceed directly to washing. Here you will need one designed for washing down jackets. You can find it in chain stores or in individual specialized stores.

Following. It is very important to choose the right temperature, mode and speed, in what mode should you wash the down jacket and at what temperature?

Detergent for washing down jackets

Here is a small table, you can print it out and put it near the typewriter as a reminder:

And now some details. Why do you need additional rinsing? The fact is that the powder is difficult to wash out of the fluff, so you need to do this as carefully as possible. Some even recommend doing this three times, otherwise soap stains may appear, which will be especially noticeable on dark down jackets.

To help the down jacket “inflate” during washing, you can throw a towel or tennis balls (clean, of course) onto it. By the way, you should not use ordinary powder, it can irreversibly damage the item.

Choose the right washing mode and avoid spinning

Why should you abandon the spin function? During the spin cycle, the machine speeds up, this can have a bad effect on the fluff, it will definitely all bunch up into one big lump. And the down jacket will lose its shape.

The washed item now needs to be dried properly. Let's move on to the next stage.

The last, but not least important part of washing a down jacket is drying it. Probably even more depends on the success of this stage than on the washing itself.

Drying a down jacket is a very important step.

We take the down jacket out of the washing machine, unfasten all the zippers, buttons and rivets, turn the pockets inside out (if possible), however, there is no need to turn the down jacket inside out before it dries. This is done to avoid damage to the front part.

Modern technologies work wonders. Nowadays washing machines are very smart; they can not only tell you how and what to wash a down jacket in the washing machine, but also help you dry it later.

Do not dry your down jacket in the washing machine

There is a separate function that organizes drying, but this does not imply delicate handling of the down; more precisely, such a function completely destroys all the thermal insulation properties of the feathers. Of course, after this it will no longer warm you in cold weather. This is why you shouldn’t dry your down jacket in a machine, even if the down doesn’t get tangled, it will still get spoiled.

As for the washing process. Likewise, there are certain rules for the drying process:

  1. If the machine is very advanced and has a gentle spin function, then you can use it. Throw the tennis balls and down jacket into the machine and turn on the spin cycle. It’s not so much a matter of spinning in this case, but rather “breaking” the lumps.
  2. If it's winter, you can resort to tricks. We take the damp (but not completely wet) item to where the temperature is below freezing, wait about an hour, and more often even less. As soon as the water turns into crystals, we go to the hanger with the down jacket with a special thing for exhausting carpets and knock out all the ice, only after that we bring the down jacket into the heat.
  3. If the fluff still begins to clump, start the drying procedure all over again. Wet the down jacket, fluff it up and hang it to dry.
  4. If you decide to machine dry your down jacket, don’t forget about the balls, they will keep the down in relatively good shape.
  5. While the item is drying, shake it and beat it periodically, so the fluff will fly out of the lumps.
  6. Drying on a hanger can be carried out either in the open air or on the balcony (with an open window or transom if the balcony is glazed).

While the item is drying, you need to beat it periodically to prevent the fluff from collecting in clumps.

After washing, the fluff clumps into clumps, each clump in its own “cell”. So the straightening procedure with your hands will be extremely ineffective and tedious, so we proceed as follows:

  1. We stir up the fluff as much as possible and distribute it evenly over the surface. This is done so that the fluff dries out as quickly as possible.
  2. We take a hanger and hang the down jacket on it. It is in this position that it will dry the rest of the time.
  3. Periodically check whether the down jacket is dry. It can be considered dried only and only when the fluff is completely dry. If you neglect this point, the down jacket will develop an unpleasant odor, at best. At worst, it will grow mold. In general, the thing will be completely ruined.

Important! Those who want to speed up the process often resort to using all kinds of heating devices:

  • batteries;
  • heaters;
  • hair dryers

Do not blow dry

Others are also used less frequently. Such drying is unacceptable, as it has a very detrimental effect on clothes with fluff. Good air circulation is needed for faster drying, not higher temperatures.

Remember a few simple tips that will make washing much easier:

  1. To wash a down jacket, you can only use drum-type machines. Machines with activators will only harm the down jacket, or rather, after them all the feathers get together into clumps.
  2. It is advisable not to set it to more than 600 rpm, otherwise even tennis balls may not help in breaking up the lumps.
  3. Do not try to wash more than one down jacket in one wash. it simply cannot cope, no matter how spacious they are.
  4. Close all fasteners before washing. Nothing should be loose; it’s also better to secure the ropes somehow, if there are any.
  5. Use an additional rinse without chemicals. Otherwise, there is a high probability that after rinsing there will be even more soap in the fluff. What happened before, which will certainly lead to divorce.
  6. No need to add rinse aid; streaks will remain even after several washes.
  7. There is no need to set the machine to too high a temperature (above 40 degrees). Down may lose its thermal properties.
  8. Do not try to use regular powders. Take a special one for down jackets or for delicate washing. They are much easier to wash out of the feather structure.
  9. Washing down is not difficult, it is difficult to dry it properly. It is during drying that the future appearance of the down jacket and its ability to retain heat are determined.
  10. Remove all fur edges, if possible. Unwashed fur, especially natural fur, looks better.

Here are all the nuances, tricks and tips that housewives have been collecting for a long time. Now you know how to properly wash down jackets in a washing machine.

It turns out that there is actually nothing complicated about it, you just need to know what to do and be careful when washing. Such a question will no longer cause you difficulties or doubts like “maybe I’m doing something wrong?”

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