How to make sneakers snow-white. How to clean white sneakers from stubborn dirt and preventive care rules

White color does not go out of fashion, and manufacturers are taking advantage of this trend by releasing the next line of light-colored shoes. A special chic pair is a sports pair in the color of a swan's wing. In the summer, these sneakers can be worn with matching jeans, bright trousers, or a sporty-cut skirt. Stylish, fresh! But after the first “walk,” the white sneakers become covered with a dusty coating, and a couple more outings turn them gray. How to return to its former appearance? Before bleaching white sneakers at home, check what fabric they are made of. Depending on this, choose one of the methods suggested below.

Sneakers can be made from textile materials, dyed genuine leather, natural nubuck, suede, as well as artificial and synthetic fabrics. High-quality shoes must have the appropriate markings, based on which you can determine the appropriate care option.

Before bleaching white sneakers: preparatory stage

Regardless of the brand and material, before cleaning and restoring white sneakers or sneakers, you need to remove traces of visible dirt from their surface. You should have a shoe brush and at least two sponges or hard rags on hand. One is for cleaning the soles. The second is for removing dirt directly from shoes. You need to act in six steps.

  1. Laces . Remove the laces from your shoes. They need to be washed separately using regular white laundry soap. Rinse under the tap.
  2. Insoles. Open the edges of the fabric as much as possible and remove the insoles. It is also better to wash them separately.
  3. Brushing. Gently remove dry dirt from the surface of the sneakers and their soles. Use a special brush.
  4. Dry cleaning. Rub vigorously with a dry cloth to remove any remaining dirt. In the case of suede shoes, work only with a special brush; leather sneakers and those made from leatherette or textiles can be cleaned with a sponge.
  5. Wet cleaning. If the shoes are leather or synthetic with a smooth surface, additionally wipe them with a clean, damp cloth.
  6. Drying. Leave the sneakers for 10-15 minutes to dry naturally. After this, you can proceed to the whitening process.

Special paint and other methods for a leather pair

After preliminary cleaning, leather sneakers should be rinsed thoroughly using a sponge or piece of soft cloth. In most cases, a thorough wash in soapy water is enough to restore the whiteness of your shoes. As a rule, manufacturers do not recommend using too active household chemicals, for example, traditional clothes bleach, to restore the original color of light-colored shoes.

If most of the surface of your leather sneakers is noticeably and uniformly gray, the best solution is to use a special shoe dye. Choose a spray option - it is easiest to apply and distribute evenly. It is better to carry out the procedure in an open space. As a last resort - on the balcony, which then needs to be well ventilated.

An excellent assistant for cleaning white leather sneakers is toothpaste. It is enough to apply a small amount of the product (without colored inclusions) on a thick cloth and rub the surface of the shoes with it, and then rinse well in warm water.

Vinegar and soda

How to restore whiteness to sneakers if the white leather has darkened in places and the stains are not washed out? A mixture of vinegar and baking soda will help remove stubborn dirt from white sneakers. There are four points in the instructions for the procedure.

  1. Mix the indicated components in a container, but not a metal one. First add 20 g of baking soda, then slowly pour in the vinegar. Your task is to obtain a paste-like consistency.
  2. Gently apply the mixture to the cleaned surface using a narrow shoe brush or an old soft-bristled toothbrush. With a hard one you risk scratching a smooth surface, and on white the marks will be especially visible.
  3. Using light circular motions, spread the paste over the entire surface of the sneakers. Leave for five to seven minutes.
  4. Rinse the base and sole of the sneakers in running water. If your sports shoe model is machine washable, do it by selecting the appropriate cycle.

It is better to dry your sneakers naturally. Place them on the balcony in the shade and open the edges of the fabric as much as possible. You cannot dry sneakers under or on a radiator, or use electric dryers. Under intense heat, shoes can become deformed.

Gasoline and magnesia

Another recipe for cleaning white leather sneakers is a mixture of lighter gasoline and magnesium. The first ingredient can be purchased at almost any market, and the second - at a sports store or pharmacy. Sports magnesium or magnesium salt is commonly used to dry out hands during exercise. In combination with gasoline, such a powder will become a bleach.

The ingredients need to be mixed in equal proportions and then applied to the edges of the sole of the sneakers, and then, using a napkin, work around the entire perimeter of the sneakers. Do not forget to protect your hands with gloves during such work, and at the end of the bleaching procedure, wash your sneakers well in soapy water and rinse.

Looking for an approach to suede

How to make white sneakers white again if they are made of suede? They cannot be washed in the usual way, as stains will remain on the surface. If you get caught in a downpour or simply step in a puddle and your suede sneakers get wet, dry them naturally.

Only after this proceed to cleaning, which consists of five stages.

  1. Carefully brush the dry surface of the sneakers with light movements. Move in one direction.
  2. Use a dry, thick cloth to remove any remaining dirt from the surface of the sneakers.
  3. Brush the surface again.
  4. If oily stains remain, they need to be removed with a special suede cleaner. Ideally, it is good to buy the appropriate spray or foam along with a pair of new suede shoes. Shake the closed can well until a thick foam forms. Apply the foam to a special sponge for cleaning suede, spread it over the surface, and then lightly, without pressure, wipe the areas with the most dirt.
  5. After completing the procedure, you should not wash or rinse suede sneakers. Place them to dry immediately.

Manufacturers recommend applying suede cleaner only to oily stains on sneakers. Practice shows that it really makes sense to treat visible stains the first time, and then re-clean, having already treated the entire surface of the sneakers.

How to clean white suede sneakers if there are no large dirty spots on their surface, but there is a gray coating? You can try steam cleaning. To do this, place the surface of the sneakers under a stream of steam (for example, from a kettle). Hold your shoes on both sides to avoid getting burned. Steam treatment lasts no more than a minute. Be careful to ensure that the suede is moistened but not wet. Then use a special rubber brush with large teeth.

Features of cleaning textiles

White sneakers made of fabric and mesh can be bleached with laundry soap, but only with white soap. If the area of ​​contamination is small, you should not completely wet your shoes. It is enough to remove dirt with light circular movements using a soft cloth soaked in a soap solution. In the case of large stains, such cleaning may leave streaks, so washing cannot be avoided.

Please note that washing white fabric sneakers by hand will not only be easier, but also safer for both the product and your skin. Manufacturers do not recommend using a washing machine, as there is a high risk of deformation of the shoes. Yes, and it will not be possible to remove the powder or gel from the fabric without additional rinsing. And it is imperative to rinse the pair thoroughly to avoid any allergic reactions.

Therefore, it is better to only hand wash, which is carried out in four stages.

  1. Use a blotting motion over the entire surface of the fabric. Once it has become damp, begin to wash off the dirt.
  2. Especially dark areas can be washed and left for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Rinse the entire surface again, both externally and internally. Pay special attention to the traditional places of contamination - the heel and toes.
  4. Change the water (the temperature should be room temperature, pleasant for your hands) and rinse the sports pair well. At the same time, try not to dip them entirely in water, but dip the edges of the fabric into it and rinse them with your fingers.

Dry your shoes on the balcony or near an open window. To avoid deformation, you can put crumpled sheets of white, loose paper inside.

Removing yellow stains

How to wash white sneakers without turning yellow? The basic rule is to rinse or brush the fabric as quickly as possible. Also, to wash white sneakers without streaks, you need to use a large amount of running water. After pre-cleaning, rinse the fabric thoroughly. You don't need to completely submerge your shoes in the water. Gently place the edges of the fabric under the tap and rinse thoroughly, pressing lightly with your fingers.

It is best to remove yellow discoloration from poplar on white shoes with alcohol. Blot a cotton swab with it and clean your shoes in dirty areas. You can mix lemon juice and salt (equal proportions) and apply to yellow stains, leave for an hour and then thoroughly wipe the surface with soap and rinse. It is quite possible to clean small stains with a regular office eraser.

Sneakers are a very comfortable type of footwear: multi-colored, plain – you won’t find any combinations. But white color is the most popular, but it quickly loses its original appearance, and therefore requires careful care. Today I will tell you how to clean sneakers at home and restore them to their former beauty.

Preparing shoes for whitening

Whitening begins with preparation:

  1. First you need to clean the sole from adhering soil, dirt, and sand.
  2. Before you wash your sneakers, you need to prepare a basin or other container with warm soapy water, as well as a sponge, brush and rag.
  3. You can wash your shoes in running water if they are not very dirty. Thus, dust is washed off from the surface.

  1. I recommend removing the insoles and laces in advance, since they are usually washed by hand separately.

Whitening can begin only when the sole and surface are cleaned of dirt and dust.

After you have removed the dirt, the shoes need to be thoroughly rinsed and dried:

  1. First, you need to hang the shoes to drain the water.
  2. Then place it at an angle in a warm place.

Under no circumstances should you dry your shoes on a heater.

It’s possible to make sneakers white at home. This will not take much time, but, of course, you will have to put in some effort.


There is a huge selection of tools and methods for this procedure. You can choose any of the four presented, they are all effective.

Don't know how to whiten Converse? Try the most effective ways:

  1. shoe paint;
  2. toothpaste;
  3. soda;
  4. washing powder with bleaching effect.

Method 1. Paint

There is a special white paint for sneakers that can return them to their snow-white color.

The instructions for treating shoes with paint have the following sequence:

  1. wash;
  2. dry;
  3. degrease the surface with alcohol;
  4. apply dye;
  5. dry for several days.

This method has one drawback: it cannot bleach the sole..

It is acceptable to use acrylic paint and fabric paint. And when coated with colored paints, you can change the usual appearance of your sneakers by applying your own designs to them.

Method 2. Toothpaste

It has long been known how to make sneakers white using a dental product. For this procedure, you need to use toothpaste without color additives.

Using an old toothbrush, apply it to the shoes and diligently rub it into the surface.

Using this product, you can clean the rubber (outsole, decorative finishing inserts and side hem).

Fabric inserts should be slightly moistened before bleaching. For the best effect of the toothpaste, leave it for a few minutes after application and then wash it off.

Toothpaste is also good for cleaning rubber parts from yellowness and stains with the addition of powdered dish detergent.

Method 3. Soda

You can bring yellowed sneakers from the Converse brand or another brand back to life with the help of soda. There is no doubt that every housewife has this ingredient.

  1. You need to mix baking soda and vinegar and apply it to the surface with a sponge.
  2. The ratio of components for this mixture is 3:2.
  3. Dirty areas require more thorough treatment.
  4. After treatment, the sneakers should be washed and dried thoroughly.

Method 4. Washing powder

A paste of washing powder and dish gel is an excellent shoe bleach. It is enough just to apply it to the surface of the sneaker and carefully brush it. Then rinse with clean water.

I’ll share another method on how to clean white sneakers using laundry detergent:

  1. First, prepare a solution of washing powder, but only a very concentrated one.
  2. Soak your Converse in it for several hours.
  3. Rinse thoroughly.

The bleach must be chlorine-free. Otherwise, the sneakers will become irrevocably yellow.

Other methods

Using a washing machine is also successfully practiced for cleaning shoes.

Before you put your sneakers in the wash, they must be thoroughly treated with a foaming composition, which includes:

  • 2 large spoons of bleaching powder,
  • 2-3 large spoons of vinegar.

  1. Rinse the Converse with clean water.
  2. Set the machine to 30 degrees.
  3. Disable spin.
  4. Add oxygen bleach and powder.

It is better to wash sneakers in the washing machine if you first place them in a pillowcase, towel or special bag.

An effective paste for deep cleaning white sneakers is a paste that contains the following in equal proportions:

  • vinegar,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • washing or cleaning powder.

It can be safely used not only for yellowed soles and rubberized elements, but also for fabric surfaces.


Agree, white shoes look beautiful and impressive only if they are white! Now you know all the effective ways to return light-colored sneakers to their original appearance. All that remains is to try them out in practice.

The price of painstaking care - snow-white shoes

Share your results in the comments. And the video in this article will once again demonstrate how to clean sneakers.

Hello guys and girls! Here I came across this: my white sneakers turned yellow, maybe I had to walk in the sun for a long time, I don’t know. So this turned out to be quite a problem! Simply wiping with a damp cloth did not give any result. I had to go online and look for an answer to my problem. So, if you have a question - how to clean white sneakers and sneakers, then read to the end, you will learn not only ways to wash your Converse or leather sneakers, but also learn how to make the laces white again.

Cleaning white leather sneakers

So, we start our cleaning with the simplest. Pre-prep your shoes by removing the laces and pulling out the insoles.

Before cleaning leather sneakers, you should wash them with a simple soap solution. Make sure no water gets inside.

Often the hardest area to clean shoes is the white sole. Therefore, it must be thoroughly wiped with an old toothbrush dipped in soapy water.

The easiest way to get rid of dirt and yellow stains on shoes is to use a toothpaste. Simply apply toothpaste to gray areas of skin using a small brush. Then simply wipe off the toothpaste with a damp cloth.

You can also make a very simple home remedy for cleaning sneakers, for this you will need:

  • Vinegar;
  • Hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice;
  • Washing powder;

Mix all the ingredients and brush the base of the sneaker, as well as all the mesh inserts on them. Then wipe with a wet cloth.

To dry your sneakers but avoid deformation of the shoes, it is better not to dry them in the sun. Do this at room temperature, after filling the shoes with newspaper.

But in order to avoid yellowing and grayness of the product, it is best to treat a new pair of shoes with a water-repellent agent or wax. This cleaning is best done from time to time by first washing the sneakers.

How to wash suede sneakers and sneakers

If you are caught by surprise by a downpour, and you are wearing snow-white suede and stylish sneakers, then you should not worry too much about their condition.

There are several ways to correct the situation.

1. Dry cleaning

Once your dirty sneakers are dry, you can simply take a brush and gently remove dirt and dust.

To raise the lint a little, you can take a regular eraser and rub the problem areas a little.

2. Foam cleansing

Here you will need a special foam cleaner. First, the shoes are cleaned of coarse dirt, and then foam is applied in an even layer. We wait a few minutes and carefully remove the foam. The sneakers are ready.

3. Washing

Prepare a soap solution - preferably without chlorine. To do this, you can use gentle soap or delicate laundry powder.

It is necessary that the mixture is homogeneous, without lumps, otherwise you may damage the suede.

To completely dissolve the soap base in water, you can add a little ammonia. By the way, ammonia still works great.

Apply ammonia to the stain with a swab and rub until the stain disappears. Then rinse everything off thoroughly with water.

After the soap solution is ready, we need to soak a cloth in it and gently wipe the shoes.

Make sure your shoes don't get completely wet. After we have cleaned off all the dirt, we need to rinse the shoes.

To do this, take clean water and a clean rag. Using a damp cloth, carefully wash off the remaining residue.

The final step is to wipe the shoes with a dry cloth. To ensure your sneakers dry without becoming deformed, stuff them with paper and leave them indoors at room temperature.

We remind you that suede does not tolerate:

  • Machine washable and wringable, it is best to always wash by hand;
  • Drying near heating devices (radiators, fireplaces, air heaters);
  • Aggressive bleaching agents;

How to clean sneakers

Since sneakers are often made of fabric, they need to be handled a little differently as they can damage the shoes.

Just like with sneakers, they need to be prepared, which means pulling out the insoles, unlacing them and rinsing them in medium-temperature water.

Since we have fabric sneakers, too cold or too hot water is not suitable for us - they can become deformed and stains may appear on them.

You can clean your shoes over the sink or over the kitchen table. Cover the table with paper or a rag first, as there may be a lot of dirt during cleaning.

There are several home remedies for cleaning sneakers.

1. Make a paste from baking soda and vinegar

Mix vinegar and baking soda to form a foamy paste.

For these purposes, it is better to take a non-metal container, since vinegar may react poorly with metal.

But vinegar can be replaced with detergent, and soda can be replaced with washing powder. Then apply the mixture using a brush to the cloth base of the sneaker.

You should put the sneakers in the washing machine and pour a little washing powder into it.

Do not use bleach or other chlorine-containing substances during washing; they have a bad effect on the base of these shoes.

The dryer also has a bad effect on the shape of sneakers, so it is better to dry them in a dry and sunny place, preferably in the air.

2. Soap solution

To wash your sneakers and at the same time get rid of scratches, you can use a simple soap solution.

Add chemical-free soap and dish detergent to a small amount of water.

Then simply rinse the sponge in this liquid and rub the shoes in a circular motion, paying attention to scratches, white streaks and stains.

3. Homemade mixture

You can also use the following products to clean white sneakers:

  • Table vinegar;
  • Washing powder;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;

Mix all the ingredients and brush your shoes with this mixture.

How to wash white laces

To clean sneaker laces, all you need is good soap and an old toothbrush.

Take the laces and wrap them around your palm. Then lather your toothbrush and thoroughly wipe the laces on all sides.

When finished, rinse the lacing under running water. You can also simply pre-soak them in a soapy solution using the same soap or powder.

But we want to warn you that the laces cannot be washed until they are perfectly white. Therefore, it is better to buy a new pair.

We hope everything works out for you.

And to decide which way is best to clean sneakers, watch this video, it compares different methods.

Well, that’s all, now you know a bunch of ways to clean white sneakers and sneakers, and if you find this article useful, we suggest you save a link to this article and to the blog. Click on the button below and come back often!

White sneakers look very neat and beautiful, but only as long as they are white. Many people deny themselves the pleasure of looking stylish in white shoes for this very reason, since they believe that white sneakers become irrevocably gray in a matter of days. But it is not so. In this article we will tell you how to care for white shoes and keep them in their original, snow-white form for as long as possible.

How to wash white sneakers

How to wash sneakers in the washing machine

Careful care of shoes delays washing time, but does not eliminate it. Wash sneakers at home you can do it in two ways: manually and in the washing machine. Before you begin the washing process, you need to prepare your shoes. To do this, you need to remove the insoles and pull out the laces, and also clean the soles of the shoes from adhering dirt and stuck small pebbles. Laces and insoles are washed by hand using laundry soap, and items that are too dirty and cannot be cleaned can be pre-soaked in a warm stain remover solution and left for half an hour. Stubborn dirt can be cleaned with an old toothbrush, soaping the insole to a thick foam, which will remove sweat from the product, the main cause of the unpleasant odor. After this, the insoles are rinsed and dried naturally in a ventilated area or on the balcony. You should not dry them in a car or on a radiator, because this can irreversibly damage the shape of the insoles.

To wash fabric sneakers in the washing machine, also first clean the soles of pebbles, then go over the entire shoe with a dry brush to remove dried dirt or dust, and place them in a washing bag. Select the “shoe washing” mode on the washing machine, and if this function is not available, set the washing mode to cold water. However, it should be remembered that leather sneakers or sneakers with a large number of decorative elements must be washed by hand, because individual parts may peel off from the base, and leather sneakers may not survive such an intense water procedure in a washing machine, as manufacturers mention on the product labels.

How to wash white sneakers by hand

Let's consider, how to wash sneakers by hand. To wash sneakers by hand, you need to do the same preparation. First, remove the insoles and laces from the products, and then clean the soles from dirt and small pebbles using a toothpick. After this, the entire surface of the sneakers is cleaned from dust with a dry brush and only then, a pair of shoes is placed in a large basin with washing powder dissolved in warm water. You can wash white sneakers with a sponge or soft brush, after which you need to rinse them several times under running water, because particles of detergent remaining in the fabric can appear on the white surface in the form of dirty stains or yellow spots.

But by hand washing it is not always possible to completely remove stubborn dirt, and in this case, you can use proven methods of whitening shoes.

How to whiten sneakers

There are several ways to bleach white shoes (sneakers, sneakers) at home:

How to wash shoes made of genuine leather

You cannot wash leather sneakers using the usual method, since excess moisture and washing powder will deform and dry out the leather, after which it will be difficult to restore the shoes to their proper condition. Leather products can only be cleaned with a special brush or sponge, a weak soap solution made from baby soap and a solution of ammonia. After the cleaning procedure, the leather surface is lubricated with castor oil or a special impregnation.

Many people today wear white sneakers in almost any weather. It is quite natural that quite a large amount of dirt accumulates on them. It eats into the material, so the question is quite vital.

There are two ways to clean sneakers and remove dirt from their surface:

  • manually;
  • using .

Before you begin removing dirt, you need to make sure that the sneakers are washed from fresh dirt. If there are black stripes or stains on the surface, then getting rid of them is quite easy - just rub it with an ordinary eraser.

It is worth noting that before starting any cleaning procedures, you should first remove the laces.

The fact is that they can simply interfere with the normal removal of dirt. If they are made of colored fabric or other material, they can paint the sneakers.

  1. White sneakers can be easily cleaned of dirt using the most ordinary toothpaste. To do this, take a toothbrush with soft or medium bristles and gently rub toothpaste onto the areas of the shoe where there is dirt. When the cleaning process is completed, remove any remaining toothpaste with a damp cloth.
  2. There is a proven recipe with which you can easily deal with even the most difficult stains. You need to take vinegar, washing powder, a small amount of hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice. All these ingredients are mixed to form a thick paste. In order to clean sneakers with this composition, take the same toothbrush. It should be remembered that this method is not suitable for cleaning every material. For example, it will clean leather sneakers perfectly, but the mesh surface can be seriously damaged due to this composition.
  3. If the methods discussed above do not help, then resort to various oxygen-based bleaches. Dry solutions are diluted with water to the desired thickness, and liquid solutions can be used immediately. Wipe the sneakers with a soft cloth soaked in this liquid and see what the result is.
  4. There is a method for washing white sneakers, but you will have to invest some money in it and purchase special paint for white shoes. Unfortunately, this method is also only suitable for owners of leather sneakers. Rag products cannot be bleached using this method. This composition is simply applied to the surface of the shoe and left to dry for some time.
  5. There is another way to clean white sneakers: take standard baking soda, liquid soap and toothpaste, in principle, you can add vinegar to it. All these compositions are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then they try to whiten the sneakers using a toothbrush. To consolidate and improve the effect, after such mechanical cleaning, place the shoes in a basin with soapy water. There, the sneakers should be washed and rinsed under running water. Then they are dried outdoors.

It is worth noting that there are times when in order for it to regain its attractive appearance.

The sole is part of the shoe, which is not very easy to bleach, since it is where the lion's share of dirt falls. Moreover, its textured surface does not allow it to be cleaned in the same way as the upper part of the sneaker.

To return the sole to its original appearance, you can use one of the following methods.

  1. Prepare a solution from oxygen-based bleach. The product is placed in a basin and sneakers are placed there, making sure that only the soles are submerged. The shoes are left there for about a couple of hours. After removing it from there, the sole can be further whitened using a small toothbrush and running water.
  2. Take a cotton pad, acetone and vinegar. The liquids are mixed in equal proportions. Use a cotton pad over the entire surface, carefully treating all difficult areas.
  3. You can use citric acid. There is no need to dilute it, but it is better to work with gloves so that the acid cannot corrode the skin of your hands.

If such methods do not help clean the stains, then resort to washing.

To whiten white sneakers by washing, you can use one of the methods. You can clean them in the washing machine if it has a “sports shoes” mode. Not every model of washing machine has this mode.

In normal mode, cleaning sneakers in a washing machine is unacceptable, because there is a possibility of completely ruining them.

If it is not possible to put shoes into the washing unit, then wash them by hand.

How are sneakers dried?

To return white sneakers to their original appearance, you should properly dry them in an apartment. To ensure that the shape of the shoes does not change, it is necessary to stuff them with toilet paper or paper towels before drying. They do not contain dyes and also absorb moisture well.

It is undesirable to use newspaper for these purposes due to the presence of paint in the paper, and also because the paper is stiffer and is not able to completely fill the volume of the shoe.

If substances with various kinds of flavorings were used during the cleaning process, then before drying, tangerine or orange peels are placed in the sneakers, and this is done literally for a couple of hours.

If the unpleasant smell still remains after cleaning, you can put small pieces of peeled potatoes inside the sneakers. It will perfectly absorb all foreign aromas.

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