Speech development classes in the 2nd junior group. Lesson on speech development in the second junior group

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group.

Subject: "The fish come to visit"

Target: Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name colors: red, yellow, green, blue. Contribute to the development of conversational communication during the lesson, develop spatial orientation; develop auditory and visual attention, imagination.

Materials: base squares, fish; 4 colors for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

Children sit at tables (in front of them are squares-bases with pockets in which fish lie).

Educator: Once upon a time there were funny fish. They lived in their own houses.

Guys, what kind of houses do the fish have?

Children's answers: red, yellow, green, blue.

Educator: Let's guys see what kind of fish lives in the red house?

Masha: red (children take out a red fish and examine it).

Educator: Guys, what kind of fish lives in the yellow house?

Andrey: yellow fish (the children also take it out and put it on the table).

Educator: We also have a blue house, let's see what kind of fish lives in it?

(children take out a blue fish and name it).

Educator: Guys, we have one house left that we haven’t looked into yet. Look what he is like?

Children: green.

Educator: What kind of fish lives there?

Children: green. (The guys take it out of their pocket and put it on the table).

The teacher continues his story:

Fishes love to visit each other. The blue fish went to visit the red house.

(Children and the teacher take the blue fish and put it in the red pocket)

The green fish went to visit the yellow house (children put the green fish in the yellow house)

Yellow fish in a green house (we put the yellow fish in a green house).

The red fish went to the blue house (children take the red fish and put it in the blue house)


Let's show you, kids, how fish swim:

children take a fish in both hands, hold them vertically and make smooth movements. (to the music of Suvorov, and the teacher reads:

There is clean water in the river

Let's put the fish there

There will be fish playing there,

Swim, tails wag,

Pick up bread crumbs

In the meantime, while you and I were playing, evening came and it was time for our fish to return home.

Let's put all the fish in the river. (We take the fish out of the pockets and put them on the table)

The teacher picks up a red fish and asks the kids:

Guys, what a fish this is. (Red)

What house does she live in?

Children: in red. (They put the fish in the red house)


What kind of fish is this?

Children: Yellow.


Where is her house?

Children: yellow pocket. (Place the yellow fish in the yellow pocket).


What kind of fish is this? (Picks up a blue fish)

Children: blue fish.

Educator: What kind of house does she have?

Children: blue. (Place a blue fish in a blue pocket)

Educator: What kind of fish do we have left?

Children: green fish.

Educator: What kind of house does she have?

Children: Green. (They put the fish in the green house)

Educator: All the fish found their homes. They say thank you. The fish are very tired and want to rest, let us say goodbye to them and also return to our kindergarten. We'll go there by train. I will be the train, and you will be the carriages. Stand up, guys.

(“The train is moving”, to the music of N. Metlova)

And the children sing together with the teacher:

Here is our train coming,

The wheels are knocking

And on our train,

The guys are sitting

Chu-chu, chu-chu, chu-chu,

The locomotive is running

Far, far away

He took the guys.

Sofia Popova
Summary of an open lesson on speech development in the second junior group

Target: consolidation of children's knowledge junior preschool age about wild and domestic animals, their cubs, and place of residence.


1. Educational:

Strengthen children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals;

To develop the ability to distinguish between animals and their young, to correctly correlate their names;

Expand children's horizons and activate their vocabulary by introducing them to new animals;

Help children use singular and plural nouns in their speech, denoting animals and their cubs (wolf - wolf cub - wolf cubs);

Secure agreement of prepositions for, before, on, under with nouns

2. Developmental:

- develop mental processes children: attention, memory, thinking;

Contribute development of coherent speech, articulatory apparatus.

3. Educational:

To cultivate a sense of love for the world around us, a caring attitude towards the inhabitants of wildlife;

Continue to develop an interest in wildlife;

Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards wild animals, a desire to help;

Observe animals without disturbing or harming them.

Previous work:

Drawing animals using stencils.

Didactic game "Who lives where?"

Didactic game "Help the cub find his mother".

Modeling animals from plasticine.

Reading fairy tales: "Kolobok", "Three Bears", "The wolf and the seven Young goats", "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster".

Russian folk nursery rhymes and riddles about animals.

Progress of the lesson.

(children enter group)

V.: Guys, look, today we are visiting guests came to class. Let's say them: "Hello!"

D.: Hello!

IN.: (The teacher and children gather in a circle)

Hey! Guys, come over,

Look at each other

Say hello with your palms

Everyone smile a little.

Everyone, everyone, everyone, good morning!

Educator: How are you in the mood?

Children: Good.

Q: Guys, look what’s on the table?

D.: Box.

V.: Let's get it let's open. (teacher opens box and takes out another box from there)

Q: I wonder what is in this box? (teacher opens box and takes out another smaller box from there)

V.: box again. Guys, how many boxes are there on the table?

What box is this?

D.: Big.

D.: Less.

D.: Small.

V.: What's in it? (quietly shakes the box and mysteriously pronounces: “There’s something there! Opening)

D.: Yes! (the teacher takes a toy bunny out of the box)

V.: Guys, who is this?

D.: Bunny.

V.: I feel him trembling. What happened? (the teacher listens to the little bunny who whispers something in her ear)

V.: This is the story the little bunny told me. Outside the city, near the forest, a kindergarten for animals was built. All the wild and domestic animals brought their babies to the kindergarten, and they ran off to do their own thing. Whats up began: The animals began to growl, squeak, and bite. The teacher doesn't know what to do? The poor little bunny lost his legs. Oh, guys, what should we do, we need to help the little bunny.

Children offer options answers:

We need to return the animals home to their mothers.

Wild and domestic animals cannot live together, etc.

(The teacher can ask leading questions)

Let's go to this kindergarten for animals and quickly return the kids to their mothers.

D: Let's!

V.: And what type of transport can we use to get to the kindergarten faster? Isn’t it located far away, outside the city?

D: By car.

V.: Let’s stand in a circle. We take large pumps in our hands and pump the wheels.

D.: S-S-S-S-S (The sound C is pronounced firmly)

V.: Now we take small pumps in our hands to fully inflate the wheels.

D.: S-S-S-S-S (The S sound is pronounced softly)

V.: We take the steering wheel in our hands, go:

We're going, we're going by car,

We press the pedal.

Turn on the gas, turn it off,

We look intently into the distance.

The wipers clear away the drips.

Right left. Purity!

The wind ruffled my hair.

We are drivers - no matter where you go!

V.: We get out of the car. Look, trees are blocking our way. What kind of trees are these?

Q: What kind of Christmas trees?

D: One is high and the other is low.

Q: Who is sitting on the high tree?

D.: Crow.

IN: Guys, let's ask the crow, where should we go next? Hello, crow. You fly high, you fly far. Have you seen a kindergarten for animals?

Crow: I saw it.

IN: Show me the way.

Crow: I'll tell you if you play with me.

In front of the Christmas tree

Under the tree

Behind the Christmas tree

(The children and the teacher set off in the direction indicated by the crow. Suddenly the sound of a blizzard is heard.)

V.: Oh, how many snowflakes flew. (Showers the children with snowflakes and places a snowflake on each person’s palm. Next, perform the “Snowflake” breathing exercises)

Q. And here is a kindergarten for animals. Grab one animal at a time and sit down on the chairs.

(children sit on chairs in front of a flannelgraph on which a house is attached on one side and a forest on the other side)

Q: Guys, what is shown on one side?

V.: And on the other hand?

Q: What animals live in the forest?

D.: Wild.

V.: And at your grandmother’s in the village?

D.: Homemade.

V.: Each of you has an animal in your hands. Look at him carefully and send him home.

(Children one by one go to the flannelgraph, name the animal. They say where it lives, and conclude whether the animal they came across is a wild animal or a domestic one)

V.: “Our journey ends,

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

And we don’t say goodbye to the animals,

Everyone will be happy to see them.”

(children stand in a circle, hold hands, walk in a circle and pronounce a simple phrase)


Get up, kids!

get up, kids -

It's time to go to kindergarten!

Turu-turu-turu-ru -

Let's raise the kids.

Raising the kids -

Turu-turu-turu-ru! .


There are no children at home.

Tra-tra-tra, tra-tra-tra -

We go to kindergarten in the morning.

V.: So we returned to kindergarten. I am very worried whether the babies found their mothers or not. Let's look at the magic screen.

(There are slides on the screen with animals and their cubs. Children finish the teacher’s sentence)

A kitten, a kitten has returned to the mother cat...

Mama bear is happy meeting with his... teddy bear

Mother wolf lovingly watches her cubs play

V.: Guys, this is the end of our class. Who came to us? What did we do? What do you remember? (children answer and immediately offer options on what to do with the bunny.)

Publications on the topic:

"In the world of pets." Summary of an open lesson on the speech development of children in the first junior group TASKS. Educational objectives: 1. To introduce children to domestic animals and their babies. 2. Learn to answer questions in words and sentences.

Goal: to consolidate knowledge and ideas about domestic animals. Objectives: Activate vocabulary on this topic; encourage expression.

Summary of an open lesson on cognitive and speech development in the second junior group “Visiting a fairy tale” Summary of an open lesson on cognitive and speech development in the second junior group on the topic: “Visiting a fairy tale” Educator: MKDOU d/s.

Summary of an open lesson on speech development “Dasha’s Journey” in the second junior group Integration of educational areas: speech development, cognitive development, social and personal development, physical development, artistic development.

Summary of an open lesson on speech development in the second junior group “How Kolobok looked for his fairy tale” Goal: to promote the development of free communication with adults and children. Objectives: to develop the ability to accurately answer questions; secure.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group “Kolobok’s Journey” Summary of direct educational activities on speech development Topic: “Travel of the ruddy little bun” Goal: to develop the emotional.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group “Help friend Luntik” Summary of the organization of educational activities (OD) by the educator Full name___Vovdenko Natalya.

Lesson notes for the second junior group on speech development “Spring Glade” Goals and objectives: -Continue acquaintance with forest animals, give children joy. -Develop the ability to understand an adult’s speech and respond appropriately.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group “Let's give the bunny a carrot” Lesson notes for the second junior group on speech development. Topic: The magical world of toys based on the poem by A. Barto “Let's give the Bunny a carrot.”

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group. Telling the tale of K. Chukovsky “Chicken”(3–4 years) NGO “Speech Development” Topic: Telling the tale of K. Chukovsky “Chicken”. - All kids want to grow up quickly. Every now and then they are.

Image library:

Sections: Working with preschoolers


  • Learn to select words that have opposite meanings (antonyms).
  • Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds: ch, sh, s, z. Continue learning to pronounce sound combinations: meow-meow, mur-mur, woof-woof, mu-mu..
  • Learn to recognize an animal by description, select verbs denoting the characteristic actions of animals. Introduce the general concept of “pets”.
  • Teach children, together with an adult, to retell the Russian folk tale “Turnip”.
  • Fix the classification of vegetables and fruits.
  • Develop children's coherent speech.

Equipment: letter in an envelope, flowers, crow, sparrow, Christmas tree, toys: cat, dog, cow, hare, image of a vegetable garden, symbols, table theater “Turnip”, musical accompaniment.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys! Come all of you to me. Hello guys! I'm glad to see you. Let's all hold hands together and say out loud: “Good morning,” and now let's say it in a whisper. Guys, come to the table and let's play with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Let your fingers go for a walk”

Let's go for a walk, fingers
And the latter should catch up
Third fingers - run,
And the fourth - on foot.
The fifth finger jumped
And at the end of the road he fell.

Guys, look, we have received a letter. Tell me what the letter is in?

Children: in an envelope.

Educator: let's see who the letter came from. And my grandmother sent us a letter. Let's read what she writes to us.

“Guys, grandfather just can’t pull out the turnip in the garden. Let’s help them.”

Now let's go visit grandma. What will we eat on?

Children: by train.

Educator: I will be a train, and you will be small carriages. Whoever says the word first gets to follow me. Begin.

  • the elephant is big and the dog is small
  • warm in summer and cold in winter
  • I'm tall, and Nastya is short
  • Mom is young and grandfather is old
  • the road is wide, but the path is narrow
  • the chair is soft and the chair is hard
  • It's light during the day and dark at night (children take turns getting on the train)

Look how long our train turned out to be.

  • Let's take the fast train (shhhh)
  • On guard (ch-ch-ch)
  • Letting off steam (ssss)
  • We brake (z-z-z)

So guys, we arrived at the clearing. There are so many flowers here. Let's smell their scent. Breathing exercises “The Aroma of Flowers” ​​- take a calm breath through the nose, hold your breath and slowly exhale “Ah – ah!” (They go to a tree and sit down near it)

Educator: guys, look, something happened here.

Look who's sitting there? (Sparrow)
-Where is he sitting? (On the Christmas tree)
- How a sparrow chirps (Chick-chirp)
- And who is this? (Crow)
- Where does the crow sit? (Under the tree)
- How does a crow scream? (Kar-kar)
- Guys, how many birds are there in total? Let's count (One, two).

Educator: Look, the sparrow and the crow are worried, flapping their wings. (Children show the movements of birds). There are many animals near the tree, they are lost and don’t know where their home is. Let's guys guess which animals got lost.

  1. This is a pet that has a bushy tail and catches mice. (cat). How does she purr? (purr purr), and how does she scream? (Meow meow), how does it hiss? (sh-sh-sh).

Let's call the cat affectionately (Kitty, kitty).
- What does a cat like to do? (Catching mice, lapping up milk, purring, scratching, playing)
- What kind of cat? (Soft, fluffy).

  1. Is it a big pet with a long tail, does it have horns? (Koroawa)

Let's call the cow affectionately (Cow, cow)
- How a cow mooes (Mu Mu)
- What is she doing? (grazing in the meadow)
- What does a cow give? (Milk).

  1. Is it a pet that guards the house? (Dog)

Let's name the dog affectionately (Dog)
- What is the dog doing? (Barks, guards the house, growls, gnaws bones, runs, wags its tail)
- How does she bark? (Bow-wow).

Educator: Guys, how can you call these animals in one word? (Domestic)

Why homemade? (Because they live at home)
- Guys, look, who is the odd one out here? (Bunny)
- Why is he superfluous? (He is a wild animal, lives in the forest).

Study for imitation (music of rain and thunder)

Oh guys, a cloud has rolled in (sitting on the floor) it began to rain (tapping fingers on the floor) lightning flashed (palms) thunder rumbled (with fists), the rain began to subside and stopped completely.

Educator: Guys, let's help the animals return home to their grandparents. (They bring the animals and place them on the table near the grandparents).

Grandma: Oh thank you guys, we found our animals. Guys, help grandpa pull the turnip out of the ground. (Children sit on chairs in front of the table and, using a tabletop theater, tell the Russian folk tale “Turnip” together with the teacher).

Grandma: Thanks guys for your help. Helped pull out a turnip. Let's go to the garden. I will treat you to vegetables and fruits.

Guys, vegetables and fruits need to be laid out . (Lay out using symbols).
-Where do vegetables grow? (On the ground, in the ground, in the garden)
-Where do fruits grow? (On the tree).

(Children lay out vegetables and fruits, talking about their vegetable or fruit).

Well done boys! And here's my treat for you. (Grandma hands over a basket of treats).

Educator: Guys, you are so great! We helped the grandfather and grandmother, but now it’s time to return to kindergarten. (Going by train)

Here we are in kindergarten. Where have we been? (At grandparents' place)
- What did we do with them? (We helped pets find their way home, pulled a turnip out of the ground)
- What did your grandmother treat you to? (Apples)

Amazing! Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and say: “We are very good.” First we whisper, in a normal voice and shout.

Summary of a lesson on fairy tales for children of the 2nd junior group (3-4 years old)

Muravyova Marina Vladimirovna
Place of work: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 51 of general developmental type" Syktyvkar, Komi Republic.

Target: develop creative imagination in children of the second youngest group, improve means of expressiveness in conveying images, enrich and activate vocabulary through theatrical activities.
1. develop in children the ability to act out a performance based on a familiar fairy tale;
2. consolidate children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales;
3. instill interest in theatrical and play activities;
4. evoke an emotional response in children from communicating with a fairy tale, from playing with musical accompaniment and dance movements;
5. cultivate a love for Russian folk tales.
Material: decorations for the fairy tale: a model of the house, costumes and masks of the fairy tale heroes, cards with images of animals.
Progress of the lesson:

(the teacher leads the children in a circle, like a snake, twists and unwinds the spiral, then the children stand in a circle).
We gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend!
Let's hold hands tightly
And let's smile at each other!
- Well done! We smiled and gave each other a good mood! - Now let's smile at our guests and say: “Hello!”
Suddenly there is a knock on the door.
Educator: Who is knocking on our doors? Come in, show yourself, make friends with us.
Little Red Riding Hood (adult) enters to the music:
- Hello guys!
I came to you from a fairy tale,
I brought you a chest,
The chest is not simple,
It's magical, not empty!
Many fairy tales live in it,
We need to register them.
Oh, what a mess it is here!
We urgently need help.
You guys will help,
Tell us all the fairy tales.
We will turn into heroes
And we will show fairy tales to everyone.
Educator: The guys spun, spun, and turned into heroes of fairy tales!
(children spin around to the music)
The teacher puts masks on the children, pronouncing the name of the hero to each one.
Educator: Dasha will be a grandmother, Vitya will be a bear... This is what fairy tale heroes turned out to be. I will be a storyteller, look children, what a beautiful sundress, apron, beads, kokoshnik, bast shoes I have.
The music sounds “Come, fairy tale!” Y. Kim.
The children walked along the path
We found a bag along the way,
But the bag is not simple,
He's magical - like that!
- Guys, I wonder what’s in the bag? Let's get a look! These are riddles, listen and guess them.
From the bag, after each guess, the teacher takes out a card with an image of an animal and shows them to the children.
I'll rustle a little more
Let the cat be nervous.
After all, I'm not afraid of her,
I’ll instantly disappear into the hole.
Don't look how small you are
I'll just deceive the cat
What's my name, baby?
Gray naughty -
Children: Mouse.
Jump and jump - I’m hurrying along the path,
I'm a little clumsy.
I sit in the pond all day,
I'm on guard.
Mosquitoes give me candy
I am an enemy of flies and midges.
The name of? - I’ll whisper in your ear,
I am green
Children: frog.
Grow on top of heads
Long ears.
Even though he is a boy,
And such a coward!
Well, guess what?
What's the name?...
Children: Bunny
Red-haired cheat
Hid under the tree.
The cunning one is waiting for the hare.
What is her name? ...
Children: Fox.
Day and night he prowls the forest,
Searches for prey day and night.
Walks and wanders... silently,
The ears are gray and erect.
Children: Wolf.
In summer he walks without a road
Near the pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in a den,
Hides your nose from the frost.
Children: Bear.
Educator: Well done guys, you guessed right, who knows what fairy tale these animals are from?
Children's answers.
Educator: That's right, the animals come from the Russian folk tale Teremok.
The time for fairy tales has come,
He invites us to the theater.
You sit down, don't be shy
Make yourself comfortable.
(children sit on chairs).
Educator: There is a teremok in the field, a teremok. He is not short, not high, not tall. Here, across the field, across the field, a mouse is running (directs the child to the tower, the child runs to the musical accompaniment of “Harmonica. Blues”). She stopped at the door and knocked.
The child knocks, saying: pik-pik-pik, who lives in the mansion?
Educator: There is no one in the mansion, no one answers the mouse. The mouse climbed into the little mansion and began to live there and sing songs:
It’s like a frog is jumping across a field, a field (directs the child to the tower, the child runs to the musical accompaniment of “About the Frog”),
stopped at the door and screamed.
Child: Kva-kva-kva. Who lives in the little house?
Child: I'm a little mouse, and who are you?
Child: And I'm a frog.
Educator: The frog jumped into the tower. They began to live, live, and sing songs.
Here, across the field, across the field, a little bunny is running (the child runs to the musical accompaniment of “Bunny”), he stopped at the door and knocked (directs the child to the tower).
Child: Chuk-chuk-chuk, who lives in the little house?
The teacher helps children:
I'm a little mouse
I'm a frog frog
And who are you?
And I'm a runaway bunny!
Teacher and children: Come live with us!
And the bunny jumped into the tower.
Here, across the field, across the field, a fox is running, (the child runs to the musical accompaniment of “About the Fox”), she stopped at the door and knocked: - Who lives in the little house?
Children list their names and ask: Who are you?
Child: I'm a little fox sister.
Educator: Come live with us. The four of them began to live. There are already four of us living together. Brother Wolf is knocking on the house. (The child walks to the musical accompaniment of “About the Wolf”).
Child: Who lives in the little house?
Children: I'm a little mouse
I'm a frog frog
And I'm a runaway bunny,
I'm a little fox sister
And who are you?
Child: I am a gray barrel top - let me into the little mansion.
Educator: He asks politely to let him in, there is nowhere for the poor man to live. They also let the wolf in.
And then a bear wandered in and began to roar. (The child walks to the musical accompaniment of “The Roar of the Bear”).
Child: Who lives in the little house?
Children, with the help of a teacher, answer:
I'm a little mouse
I'm a frog frog
I'm a runaway bunny
I'm a little fox sister
I am a gray top.
Child: and I’m a bear, go out for a walk and play tag.
The animals come out of the mansion to play catch-up with the bear and invite the guys.
The clubfoot bear beckons the children with its paw
invites you for a walk
play catch-up.
Then the children quickly sit on the chairs so that the bear does not catch up.
Educator: That's the end of the fairy tale! And whoever listened - well done! Well done, we have heroes, they showed an interesting fairy tale.
Little Red Riding Hood: Well done, everyone coped with their role. Take off your hats and masks, spin around and turn into kids, now you are guys again. The guys were artists and the guys showed a fairy tale... The artists were very good, let's clap for each other, guys! I am treating you to delicious buns, my grandmother baked them.

Municipal state preschool educational institution kindergarten "Harada"

OOD on speech development:

in the 2nd junior group “Pets”

Prepared by: teacher Mandzhieva Gilyana Vakhovna

Achinery village, 2017

Summary of an open lesson using ICT on speech development in the second junior group on the topic:
"Domestic Animals and Their Young"

Lesson objectives:

  • continue to teach children to distinguish between adult animals and their babies; learn to name and compare them by size - “big” and “small”; enrich children's vocabulary;
  • promote the development of sound expressiveness of speech: pronunciation of onomatopoeia loudly and quietly;
  • cultivate love for animals, caring attitude of adult animals towards babies;
  • learn to pronounce and name the names of animals in their native language;
  • foster interest in activities and create a joyful mood in children.


1. Educational:

  • teach children to distinguish between adult animals and their babies;
  • promote the development of sound expressiveness of speech: pronouncing onomatopoeia loudly, quietly, in a thin voice
  • Strengthen the ability to construct a phrase of 3-5 words.

2. Developmental:

Develop children's imagination, curiosity, memory and thinking;

Increase children's speech activity;

Develop the ability to answer questions;

Develop visual perception.

3. Educational:

  • learn to listen carefully to the teacher, answer questions;
  • evoke an emotional response;
  • cultivate a desire to speak correctly and beautifully in your native language;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Integration of educational areas:


Domestic animals and their young.


Development of coherent speech in children.

"Physical Culture"

Motor activity of children in physical education.

Preliminary work:conversation about animals, looking at illustrations on the topic: “Pets,” conducting didactic games.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizing time


Guys, look, guests have come to our group, let's welcome them.

Look who's sitting there?

Children's answers: Kitten.

Educator: Describe him.

Children's answers: small, white, fluffy….

Educator: Look, guys, the kitten is sad, why do you think?

Children's answers: He lost his mother.

Educator: Where does his mother live? (Children's answers)

Educator: Come on, you and I, let's go visit the kitten and meet its mother. What will we go on?

Children : - By bus! By train!

Educator : You and I will go by train. I will be the locomotive, and you will be the carriages, everyone stand behind me and repeat.

(Children stand one after another and pretend to be a train).


The locomotive hummed,

And he brought the trailers.

Cha - cha - cha, choo - choo - choo,

I'll take you far.

The train approaches the multimedia screen:

Slide number 1:

Educator: Look guys, who are we visiting?

Children: To mom's cat.

Educator: What is the word for cat in Kalmyk?

Children's answers: Miss.

Educator: What benefits does a cat bring to humans?

Children's answers: catches mice, rats

So what kind of animal is a cat?

Children's answers: Pet.

Educator: The cat's mother's name is Murka and she invites you to visit her to introduce you to her friends. Do you want to meet them?

Children's answers: Yes.

Educator: But the cat meets us not alone, but with her other children. What are their names? That's right, kittens.

Slide number 2

Educator: - Guys, how does a cat purr? Meow loudly like a cat "Meow-meow")

How does a kitten meow? (Meow softly like kittens “Meow-meow”)

That's right, guys.

Educator: Guys, go to your places.

Educator: Do you want to know who the cat will introduce us to? Listen and guess the riddle.

Making a riddle:

He's walking around the yard

Climbing into the kennel

Barks loudly

He won't let me into the house.

That's right, dog.

Slide number 3 Image of a dog.

Educator: Dog in Kalmyk language is nokha.

Educator: - How does she bark? (Bark loudly like a big dog "Woof-woof")

Slide number 4 - Who is next to her? (this is her cub - puppy)

How does a puppy bark? (Bark softly like puppies “Woof-woof”)

Is the dog big? What puppy? (and the puppy is small)

Educator: Well done, guys. Want to meet another cat friend? Guess the riddle and find out who we are about to meet.

Riddle 4. Everything in the yard is "Moo!" yes "Moo!"

Well, who is there, I don’t understand?

Only - "Moo!" - I hear again,

Maybe there is a moo (Cow.)

Slide No. 5 - Look (show slide or image), this is a cow.

Educator: Cow in Kalmyk language - Ukrainian.

Slide No. 6 Who can tell me the name of her cub?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right - a calf. How does he moo? (we hum subtly Mmu-u-u)

Educator: You can also call a calf a bull. Let's remember the poem about the bull. Who wants to tell?

The bull goes and swings,

He sighs as he walks.

Oh, the board is running out.

Now I'm going to fall!

(A. Barto.)

Can you guess the next riddle?

Instead of a nose, a snout

Hook instead of a tail

I love lying in a puddle

And I grunt: Oink-oink.

Slide number 7 Children answer: pig and piglets.

Educator: Pig is haha

How does an adult pig grunt? Oink-oink. And the piglets: oink, oink.

Educator: What kind of pig? What about the piglets?

Educator: - Who else came, guys? Guess what, here's the riddle:

Riddle 3. Bleats plaintively “B-e, b-e-e!”

He's nibbling the grass in the yard,

Fur coat with curled rings,

And her name is…..(Sheep.)

Slide number 8

That's right, sheep. Who are the sheep's kids?

Slide number 9

Children's answers: Lambs (Show a slide or image of a sheep with lambs.)

How does a mother ewe call her lambs? be-be-be.

How do her cubs respond? be-be-be.

Educator: Well done, guys. Do you want to know more about our cat's friends? Guess the next riddle.

Riddle 4. Who is jumping along the path? Clack-clack-clack.

Who has such frisky legs? Clack-clack-clack.

Her mane is silky,

She is cheerful and playful.

Her fur is so smooth

This is running towards us... (Horse.)

That's right, a horse galloped towards us.

Slide number 10

Educator: Horse in Kalmyk language - Morn

Educator: What are the names of the baby horses?

Children's answers: The horse's children are foals.

Slide number 11

Educator: What does a mother horse call her foal? (Igo-go-go)

How do foals respond? (yoke-yoke-yoke)

Let us remember a poem about a horse. Who wants to tell?

I love my horse

I'll brush her fur smoothly.

I'll comb my tail

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

(A. Barto.)

Educator: Let us all be horses.

Physical education lesson “Horse”

Slide number 12

Clack, clack, clack, clack! (Children take turns stomping their feet - first one, then the other)

I am a horse - gray side! (Turns, handles on the waist)

I'll knock my hoof (Walking in place)

If you want, I'll give you a ride! (Easy jogging in place)

Look how beautiful I am, both the tail and the mane are beautiful (Waving your arms in one direction and the other - show how beautiful the horse is)

Clack - clack - clack - clack,

I am a horse - gray side! (Children spin around in place)

Well done! Nice horses.

We seat the children.

Educator: Guys, answer me, what are all these animals called?

Children: At home.

Educator: Why homemade?

Children: Because the person takes care of them.

Educator: How does he take care of them?

Children: Feeds, waters, strokes, combs the fur. Correct, i.e. take care

Educator: Guys, look, mothers have lost their babies. Let's help mothers find their children. Pictures depictingdomestic animals and their young. Pick up pictures of an animal and find its baby. Search and become pairs,animal and its baby.

And the cat sits and looks at you, whether you are behaving well, she is watching you.

Educator: Well done guys! Now let’s play with you the game “Who is screaming?” Pick up cards with pictures of animals and say the sounds that these animals make.

Slide number 13 Animals with images of animals and babies.

To consolidate the material covered.

Educator: Did you like visiting the cat? Now you know who the cat is friends with. Let's remember who the cat is friends with?

Children's answers: he is friends with the horse, he is friends with the cow, he is friends with the dog, etc. The teacher summarizes the answers: because we have pets.

Educator: That's it, our lesson is over. Get up from your chairs. We will say goodbye to the guests. Let's wave and say goodbye and quietly go to our group

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