Bright blankets made from leftover yarn. How to knit a blanket with knitting needles - diagrams and description of the process of creating a warm blanket and cape

Good afternoon

Today I wanted to tell you about warm blankets despite the almost summer weather that has arrived here.

Crochet amazing type of handicraft. You can even knit blankets from leftover yarn. Bright striped blankets with a zigzag pattern, very cozy, will warm you up on a cloudy, cool day if you wrap yourself up in them and cling to the TV screen with a cup of tea. And such weather often happens in the summer. And, as they say, prepare your sleigh in the summer! After all, knitting a blanket takes quite a lot of time. By the way, I knitted my blanket for a long time in the summer.

Preparing yarn for a blanket

For a blanket, depending on its size, you will need approximately 1.6 -2.5 kg of yarn. We knitters often accumulate quite a lot of leftover yarn from various yarns, so we can use them on a blanket. Old sweaters and pullovers can work especially well, because it’s not often that we unravel them and knit a new sweater. And the blanket will turn out just wonderful!

But you should keep in mind that such a striped blanket will look good only if you choose the right colors: they must be in harmony with each other. It can be either only warm tones, or only cold, or different shades of the same color, or you can knit a bright blanket from the remnants of yarn in all the colors of the rainbow.

Read about the rules of color combinations and how to choose them here>>.

You can knit any yarn: wool, half-wool, acrylic. You can even use yarn of different textures; a blanket made from such different yarns will turn out especially interesting.

It is only important that the yarn is the same thickness. Very thin threads can be folded into two or three.

Since quite a lot of yarn is spent on a large blanket and you may not have so many leftovers that match the color, it is better to buy new yarn rather than use any that come to hand.

Having unraveled the old sweater, the yarn must be straightened. To do this, I use a special device for rewinding yarn. I rewind the threads from the ball into large skeins. Then I wash them, dry them and rewind them into balls.

If you don’t have such a device, you can wind the yarn around the legs of the stool, turning it upside down. You can also ask a family member to help hold skeins of yarn on outstretched arms, as our great-grandmothers did. True, the last two methods are not very convenient.

Therefore, I propose another one that does not require rewinding into skeins and back, but only rewinding from ball to ball: put water in a kettle to boil, just fill the kettle halfway, leave it on low heat. Pull the end of the thread through the spout of the kettle and the top hole for the lid. While rewinding the yarn into another ball, the thread will straighten over the steam.

Patterns for crocheting a blanket from leftover yarn in a zigzag manner

We have decided on the yarn, select the hook according to the thickness of the yarn, for blankets it is suitable with a number of 2.5 - 4.5. I always advise you not to blindly follow what is written, choose a hook so that it is convenient to knit, so that the fabric does not turn out to be too loose and too dense, tight.

For crocheting a striped blanket from leftover yarn, I offer several patterns of zigzag patterns in separately opening tabs. They are taken from various Internet sources and are not very beautiful, but quite understandable.

Choose any one you like.

I think that reading simple patterns will not be difficult: in the first two patterns in each row, through the same number of double crochets, in some places we knit two to five double crochets together, in others, we knit two to five double crochets from one loop.

Thus, the knitted fabric turns out to be zigzag.

Other patterns are slightly different, but the knitting principle is the same. It is important to ensure that the edge is smooth.

We alternate yarn of different colors in the rows and arrange the colored rows in the same specific order.

Tie the finished blanket around (on four sides) with single crochets.

The wavy edges can be left as is, or they can be straightened by knitting a row according to the following pattern.

All that remains is to decorate the blanket by tying long tassels or decorating pom-poms.

I made a selection of photos of beautiful bright blankets with a zigzag pattern from leftover yarn found in open Internet sources.

To complete the set with the blanket, you can also knit striped rainbow sofa cushions, as well as oven mitts for the kitchen.

You can also knit a cheerful bright blanket from simple large and small squares from leftover yarn, and we have many more ideas from leftover yarn.

Creative success and sunny mood!

Check out other beautiful blankets:

  • Beautiful blankets with sunflowers
  • Patchwork style blankets. Knitting from the corner
  • Chic unusual knitted striped blankets
  • Crochet baby blanket using a simple pattern using the fillet technique
  • Crochet blanket made of two-color round motifs. Master Class
  • Crochet blankets with embossed crossed columns
  • Crochet pillows and blankets with voluminous flowers

A complete selection of ideas for all the beautiful blankets on our blog in the video:


If you knit often, you probably have a fair amount of leftover thread. Small balls will not work for a big thing, unless you try to make something with your own hands from different yarns.

What can you do to use up all the leftovers? This could be, for example, rugs. Bright, unique, they will decorate the interior, make it more cheerful and cheerful. You can decorate your home with all kinds of blankets, pillows, covers for the legs of chairs and tables and other decorative elements made by yourself.

Before you start working, you should carefully consider the threads that you have accumulated.

Geometric rugs made from leftover yarn

The first thing that comes to mind when you talk about knitting from leftover yarn is a variety of rugs. The product is extremely simple, work on it goes very quickly.

The simplest rug to make is one consisting of many identical elements. We knit each of them separately and then sew them together using a needle or hook.

The color scheme can be absolutely any. The pattern is the simplest, as in the photo below - a regular purl stitch. Squares have any size, but most often they are made 10*10 cm.

A rug can be assembled not only from squares. Knit diamonds, rectangles, triangles. Since our main focus is on the color scheme, it is not necessary to use complex patterns. Moreover, constantly changing threads will not allow you to knit complex patterns.

Among the rugs there are also more complex models. For example, round. The general scheme of work is shown in the photo below.

The size will depend on the number of stitches cast on. A medium-sized rug has 60 loops. In this case, each element is knitted separately. The front surface was chosen as the main pattern.


  • 1 row. We knit stitches 1-59, leave 60 unknitted.
  • 2nd row. We shoot 60 and 59, the rest - according to the drawing.
  • 3rd row - according to the drawing, add 1 loop at the end.

We continue until there are 30 added pieces. We begin to decrease 1 piece at a time. The decrease will be formed on both sides, but on one side the loops will close and on the other they will not. We knit the next 60 stitches relative to the side where the closure was performed.

A simpler option is a rectangular carpet.

This product is a stockinette stitch with a change of yarn. The more often you change it, the more interesting and fun the product will turn out to be.

Assembled pattern of knitted squares

You can make this kind of home decoration using small balls that you have left over from working on other things.

Knitting a bright cozy blanket

The theme of knitting from leftover yarn can be continued with a product such as a blanket. If it is better to use thicker threads for rugs, then we knit blankets from absolutely any yarn. It can even be openwork. You shouldn’t limit your imagination to any limits. With knitting needles you can knit completely different versions of blankets and bedspreads.

When making such a product with your own hands, remember that a blanket is a fairly large thing. It will take a lot of yarn. If you decide to decorate it with fringe, you may have to buy more thread. In addition, constantly changing yarn also takes a lot of time. So be patient and get to work.

Colored zigzag

This pattern is suitable for both blankets and rugs. It will look great on a children's skirt, which can also be made from leftover yarn. The drawing turns out very rainbow and cheerful.

If we are still talking about a blanket or rug, then it is better to take circular knitting needles. They will allow you to cast on a large number of loops, since the product is made in one piece.

The pattern is based on a repeat of 16 loops, plus 1 additional one. It's better to add 8 pcs. for edging. With edging, the product will have a more finished and neat appearance. Both children and adults will really like this DIY blanket.


  1. The row is odd. After the first knit stitch, we perform rapport along the entire length of the strip - yarn over - knit 6 pcs. – 3 loops together – knit stitches 6 pcs. – Yarn over – front 1 pc.
  2. In even stripes, all stitches are purl. This is the main pattern - simple but effective.
  3. At the beginning of the work comes the edging. It will be placed at the bottom of the blanket. Select the first color from which to start knitting and perform 4 rows with a 1*1 rib.
  4. When all these knitting actions are completed, you can move on to the main part of the product. 1 row.
  5. There will also be edging on the sides of the blanket. So the first and last 4 loops are always done 1*1.
  6. After edging, it is better to hang pins at the beginning of the strip and at the end. This will allow you to avoid getting tangled in the loops and strictly adhere to the pattern.
  7. Between the outer edges we knit a zigzag pattern. 2nd row. Don't forget about the edging - it follows the pattern. All the stitches between it are purl.
  8. A strip of the same color will consist of 8 knitted strips. Therefore, we repeat rows 1-2 only 4 times. After this you can change the yarn.
  9. Depending on the length of the finished product, you can calculate how many times you will have to change the threads. If you don't have the required amount of yarn of the same color, just make the stripes narrower.
  10. Change threads after 4 or 2 knitted strips.

As a result, you will get a blanket like this. They will enjoy shelter in any bad weather.

You can use knitting needles to knit various interesting things from leftover yarn. The same “Zigzag” pattern is often used for skirts or blouses.

To match the blanket, make the pillow with a Zigzag pattern.

To do this, simply knit a strip of the required length, and then sew it along the edges. The pillow is ready.

Interesting knitting from leftover yarn

The first thing we will need to do with our basket and its contents is to sort the threads by type of yarn and its thickness. If there are still used threads left, I offer you the secret of “renewing” them. I used to always wind them in large skeins and keep them suspended above the steam. With the advent of the Internet in the house, I learned to do this easier.

The secret can be clearly seen in the photo: we thread the thread through the spout of a kettle of boiling water and slowly pull it out. Voila... the thread is like new!

Fine knitwear

Knitting from leftover yarn will not work if we are planning to knit men's knitwear or other large items. For such purchases there are now boutiques and supermarkets, online stores and markets. As a last resort, we immediately purchase a kilogram of identical threads and knit a vest or sweater for our beloved husband, but use the remainder for other purposes.

A small number of threads can be used to knit small children's items: booties, mittens, socks, berets or hats.

Knitted toys

For those needlewomen who have a baby at home, the remaining colored threads from knitting are just a godsend. Now on the Internet you can find a lot of ideas for creating toys for your child. Sometimes this is a hobby for quite adults. I have already talked about how to knit toys here and here.

To create such beauty you need bright threads and your imagination. The selection of ideas for knitted toys can be endless.

Knitted items

  • The remaining threads are very convenient to use for crocheting granny squares (circles or other geometric shapes). From such squares, connecting them together with a hook or a needle, bedspreads or paths are often made. These products are called Afghans.
  • The types and sizes of squares may be different, but one product must contain squares that are the same size. Then it is much easier to connect them together.
  • You can knit a washcloth from leftover cotton yarn.
  • The kitchen can also be decorated with interesting knitted crafts. Just recently I showed a master class on how to create an egg stand. You can also tie tin or glass containers for bulk products. The kitchen will immediately become more comfortable.

I also suggest you watch an interesting master class on knitting spiral motifs, where it is very convenient to use the knitting technique from leftover yarn. Then the finished squares can be used as a potholder, a hot stand, or used to create an unusual and creative blanket.

I hope you found some useful ideas and tips for yourself. I wish you interesting crafts and a great mood!

Don't know what you can make from leftover yarn? There are a lot of successful ideas collected here, many of which you will definitely want to implement.

Order, so disliked by many creative individuals, should still exist in your workplace. Tools and materials neatly folded in a beautiful box inspire, but those scattered sloppily make you sad. Therefore, it is better not to store a bag of balls, but small squares of the same size knitted from leftover yarn. If you have a rarely used set of circular knitting needles, string these blanks onto it so as not to get lost - and when there are a lot of them, crochet them into one fabric. Depending on its size, you will have a new elegant pillowcase for a sofa cushion, a chair cover, a blanket or a rug.

If you knit not squares, but stripes, you can use them to make a wicker rug like this:

Don't forget to tie it around the edge. Also, for structural strength, interlaced strips can be sewn to a fabric base.

Another idea for interior knitting from leftover yarn is warm and soft things from a crocheted chain. That is, you knit a long chain of air loops and wind it into a ball. When the thread runs out, tie a new one - and so on until the ball is large enough. Then you take thick knitting needles (from No. 5 and above... better above), and use a chain instead of thread: the fabric turns out to be very voluminous and soft, which is ideal for the same capes, pillowcases and blankets. Just imagine how nice it will be to wrap yourself in such a multi-colored blanket in winter, which perfectly retains heat thanks to its loose structure! And you can knit it quite quickly: if you have ever worked with thick knitting needles, you have probably noticed that the fabric grows under them at lightning speed. Read about the intricacies of knitting blankets and blankets here: *link to an article about knitted blankets*.

Another thing that can be knitted from leftover yarn is wonderful striped or checkered socks. The first is clear: the algorithm of work is exactly the same as when making ordinary plain woolen socks. The only difference is that when one thread ends, you tie another to its end and continue knitting. But not every reader has probably heard about the entrelak technique. Here's what we're talking about:

The technique is close to bias knitting. Here we also play with the number of loops - however, the algorithm for making square elements is somewhat more complicated, and therefore Entrelak should be recommended only to experienced needlewomen. It’s probably worth devoting a separate article to this topic - but for now I’ll just mention that this technique is by no means limited to socks. Hats, mittens and mittens, as well as outerwear and interior items - funny multi-colored squares can decorate anything.

If you still consider yourself a beginner needlewoman, you are quite capable of mastering a simpler technique. One of my previous articles is devoted to jacquard patterns - check it out and you will find a lot of ideas for creativity. For example, from several small balls of yarn you can knit a pair of mittens with a colored pattern:

The scheme here is extremely simple: three loops of one color alternate with three of another. In the next row - the same thing, but shifted by one loop.

Is there too little thread even for mittens? Knit yourself a new phone case. The main advantage of such a case, in addition to its elegant appearance, is that it protects the device from impacts, including when dropped.

And finally: if you have a daughter and don’t have time to tinker with leftover yarn, give it to the girl. Teach the simplest knitting techniques - let him make clothes for dolls. This skill will certainly be useful to her in life. Anyone who is able to create beautiful and useful things with their own hands will never be bored.

Today we bring to your attention a selection of “Heart” patterns with knitting and crochet. You will find a selection of master classes and patterns for making granny squares with hearts, as well as blankets made from them.

The presented patterns are designed for both beginners and experienced craftswomen.

Necessary materials:

  • The choice of yarn depends on the purpose of the heart pattern. If you want to use it to create a blanket or shawl (crocheted or knitted), we recommend using wool or wool blend yarn.
  • The size of the knitting needles or hook is selected in accordance with the recommendations on the label (or by eye).

Knit or crochet a blanket?

Naturally, first of all it depends on the preferences of the needlewoman. However, it is worth considering that a product made with knitting usually turns out to be softer, while crocheted - heavier, denser and holds its shape.

How to combine motifs into a plaid

In order for a product assembled from crocheted motifs to look neat, it will be useful to know how to combine them into a single fabric. You can do this in two ways:

  1. sew with a needle;
  2. crochet with single crochets.

First of all, place the motifs with the right sides facing each other.

The disadvantage is that the seam is not elastic.

If you crochet each other, the seam will be more beautiful and elastic.

For an invisible seam, grab the inside stitches:

For a decorative “hem”, fold the squares with the wrong sides and connect with single crochets:

Below you will find knitting patterns and descriptions of heart blankets, as well as a variety of heart patterns and motifs for knitting and crochet.

The article consists of several sections:

  • Crochet and knitted blankets with hearts
  • A selection of motifs and patterns
  • Ideas for inspiration
  • Video master classes
    • Photo and pattern diagram
  • Blanket with heart motifs from designer Emma Du
  • Rainbow plaid with hearts
  • Children's blankets with knitted hearts
    • Blanket of granny squares with big hearts
  • Crochet hearts: diagrams and descriptions
    • Square with crochet heart
    • Simple crochet hearts for beginners
    • Granny square with heart
    • Another openwork square with a crocheted heart
    • Motif with 4 hearts
    • Granny square with heart
    • Openwork crochet hearts: pattern for a blanket
  • Knitting heart pattern: diagrams
    • Knitted openwork hearts
    • Pico heart pattern
    • Shadow patterns with knitting needles “Heart”
  • Master classes from other sites
  • Inspiration ideas with crochet and knitting hearts
  • Video: crochet and knitting heart pattern
    • Knitting hearts
    • Crochet hearts

Children's blanket with openwork pattern "Hearts"

This blanket looks simply wonderful, especially if it is made in delicate colors. This would make a great baby shower gift!

A blanket for a newborn serves not only as a decoration for the crib, but also simply a necessary thing that will warm the child in the cool season. Knitted with your own hands, it will definitely retain your warmth and love.

How to knit openwork hearts with knitting needles

  1. Cast on the number of loops in multiples of 24 + 8 loops on each side for the slats.
  2. Knit the first 12 rows with a pearl pattern:

      *K1, P1, repeat from *.

      purl over knit and knit over purl.

  3. Then continue knitting with the “Hearts” pattern + 8 stitches with a pearl pattern on each side.

Knit in this way to the desired length of the blanket.

Knit with a pearl pattern on all stitches - 11 rows.

Bind off the stitches as a purl over the knit stitch and as a knit stitch over the purl loop.

Photo and pattern diagram

In the gallery below you will find a few more photos of the blanket and pattern, as well as a pattern for knitting hearts with knitting needles

Blanket with voluminous crocheted hearts

Look how beautiful the three-dimensional drawing is.

Description and pattern of crocheting hearts

  1. The first row is knitted - st. used yarn over.
  2. The next one - in half columns behind the front loop of the previous row.
  3. The next row, where the hearts themselves should be knitted - half-stitches behind the back loop of the previous row, and the hearts themselves: 4 double crochets, knitted together over the front loop of the previous row



I’m sure that if you go through the bins of Etsy, you can come up with a second hundred ideas for products.

The main thing that I wanted to show is that you shouldn’t limit yourself only to the framework of familiar products, which have fierce competition. Your knitting skills will also be appreciated by buyers who need, for example, a knitted radish and a toilet cover :)

Did you find anything among these ideas that you wanted to do? Will you be adding any of the products to your store? Or maybe completely new ideas have appeared that are not even close to being on this list?

Founder and author of the ProEtsy blog. I love Etsy with all my heart for the incredible amount of talented artisans. And for the opportunity to communicate with customers from all over the world. I try to tell blog readers about all the new products on Etsy and about my experience interacting with this platform.

Crochet blanket from leftover yarn

And the process is not complicated. Moreover, if you have the skills to use a short hook, then there are no problems at all. Any hobby is an expensive activity. Buying a hook and yarn, even not the most expensive one, will cost a pretty penny. Therefore, we will proceed from what was left and put into boxes. Nowadays you go into a department where they sell yarn and are speechless.

The shelves are bursting with many skeins of yarn of various compositions, thicknesses and thread twists, and the color range is simply amazing. Well, there was a time when the appearance of yarn on sale was an event. Whatever color you have, that's what you buy. Yes, what color is it: dirty gray and bright blue, red, brown, less often white, that’s almost all.

I have three shoe boxes of such balls accumulated: they take up space, I don’t want to knit from this different-sized set, and it’s a pity to throw them away. So the idea came to knit a blanket: it will never be too much in the house. If you have at your disposal the remains of modern, higher quality yarn with a rich range of colors, then the blanket will be more beautiful.

The blanket is knitted from identical squares. The size is arbitrary. To get started, we knit a braid of air loops, the length of the braid is equal to the length of the side of the future square. When the expected length is reached, we throw the thread onto the hook, stick it into the second loop from the hook and pull out a new loop (there are two loops on the hook). Then we pull out the next loop from the adjacent loop of the braid (there are already three loops on the hook), and continue to cast on until the end.

There are as many loops on the hook as there were in the braid. Now we throw the thread onto the hook and knit the first loop. We put the thread on again and knit the resulting loop together with the next loop hanging on the hook. Again we grab the thread and knit two loops together. Continue to the end of the row until there is only one loop left on the hook.

We again collect loops from the loops of the bottom row and knit them. The work is not turning around. We cast on loops - move to the left, knit them - move to the right (to the beginning of the row). Shown in Figure 1. When the first square is ready, break the thread. Turn it and pick up loops from the side (perpendicular to the knitting direction), knit the second square.

Blanket made from leftover yarn

Thus, by connecting the squares together during knitting, we achieve the required length and width of the future blanket. When the work is finished, we tie the blanket around the perimeter in several rows with single crochets using a short crochet hook. To form corners, we knit three loops into each corner loop. We finish the binding with a crab step or any other technique as desired.

Maybe a blanket made of assorted threads is not very beautiful, but it is no less warm and has not affected the current family budget at all; what was stored in boxes and took up space is now bringing both benefit and satisfaction!

Tools for making a blanket from scraps

For fruitful and inspired work, apart from perseverance and patience, not much is needed:

  1. hooks;
  2. knitting needles;
  3. sewing needles;
  4. pins with different colored heads;
  5. safety pins.

Basic patchwork rules for knitting

Yarn for all motifs should be of the same type or at least the same thickness. If you use remnants of thread from old works, you can adjust the thickness by winding several thin threads into one.

The color palette does not play a special role, since the style itself positions the mixing of incomparable colors as its main feature.

Without any plan, masterpieces are produced that perfectly combine not only different colors, but also different sizes.

But if the work is carried out according to the scheme, you should try to adhere to its recommendations as much as possible. The number of skeins and type of yarn must correspond to the declared one, since some patterns were developed for a specific type of yarn with a thread of a certain thickness.

By changing the type of materials required, you may not get the desired result. Motifs for products using the patchwork technique can be knitted in two ways: crocheted and knitted.

Step-by-step instructions for crocheting a blanket motif


VP – air loop;

ST with/without NAC – double crochet/single crochet;

Connect ST – connecting post;

Half ST with NAC - half double crochet.

  1. Yellow center of the flower. Cast on 2 ch in the second loop from the hook. 8 ST without NAC connection ST.
  2. 2 ST without NAC in each ST without NAC of the previous row. Tear off the connecting ST thread. View of the front side of the workpiece.
  3. Turn over to the wrong side.
  4. We tie a white thread.
  5. We collect 3 VP on a white thread.
  6. In the very first VP (the third from the hook, marked with a tick in the previous photo) we make a ST with NAC.
  7. We don’t knit together. There are 2 loops left on the hook.
  8. In the same loop he knits a second ST with NAC.
  9. There are 3 loops left on the hook from the chain from the sequence of VP and two ST with NAC.
  10. We knit all three loops together. This produces the first petal.
  11. We start the next petal after one ST (marked with a tick in the previous photo). We make a ST connection and tighten it thoroughly.
  12. The petal is obtained with a cavity on the wrong side.
  13. The front side of the leaf is convex.
  14. We repeat the process from step 5 to step 11.
  15. ST with NAC in the third from the VP hook.
  16. Second ST with NAC in the same loop.
  17. The second petal is formed. All 3 loops are knitted connecting the ST through the ST of the previous row and the thread is tightened.
  18. Continuing the cycle, the petals are connected through the ST base.
  19. There are 8 petals in total. The last one goes to connect ST to the base of the first chain from VP.
  20. The front side of the finished flower.
  1. We turn the finished central element over to the wrong side. We tie a green thread into the missed ST without a yellow NAC
  2. We turn the workpiece back over and make 3 VPs. In this case, 2 VP replace ST with NAC and VP between the columns.
  3. View from the reverse side.
  4. Insert a hook into the base of the petal (the loop marked with a tick in the previous picture).
  5. We knit ST without NAC.
  6. We knit the VP and make a yarn over. We insert the hook into the missed ST without the yellow NAC, which is located under the next petal.
  7. We tie the ST to the NAC.
  8. We knit the VP and insert the hook into the base of the next petal.
  9. We tie ST without NAC.
  10. NOT DOING! VP we knit a ST with NAC into the missed ST without NAC of yellow color, which is located under the next petal. We knit VP.
  11. We knit everything in a circle, repeating steps 4 to 10. Then we complete the connecting st.
  12. The second row is knitted starting with three VPs that replace ST with NAC.
  13. ST with NAC in the next VP of the previous row.
  14. 2 ST with NAC in ST without NAC of the previous row.
  15. ST with NAC in the next VP. ST with NAC and VP of the previous row. 2 Sь with NAC with ST without NAC. A total of 9 ST with NAC is obtained. Repeat 3 times.
  16. in total you should get 36 ST with NAC. We complete the ST connection.
  17. ST without NAC, half ST with NAC, ST with NAC + VP + ST with NAC in one loop, half ST with NAC, 2 ST without NAC. All this on 6 ST without NK of the previous row.
  18. Repeat point 17 in reverse order. We get one side of the hexagon.
  19. We repeat six sides (points 17+18). Front side view.
  20. Back side view.

Preparing motifs for a blanket

Before the final connection of all the parts into the finished product, they need to be processed into a shape that matches the pattern.

This will not only make the motifs neater, identical elements with expressive patterns. But it will also smooth out the curled edges, aligning the loops for the convenience of further work.

1. Spraying

The workpiece is pinned to the ironing board or pillow. If necessary, stretch the edges of the part to the desired size.

The surface is sprayed and gently smoothed by hand. Remains in this state until completely dry. Used for synthetic materials.

2. Steaming

It is mainly used for workpieces made of semi-synthetic materials; the iron is not brought too close to the workpiece.

The end of the steaming process is checked by the corner of the motif; if the fabric shrinks when breaking off the pin, you must continue.

Because the
large folding corner sofas are becoming increasingly popular, mechanisms with different options for folding the model are appearing. For example, an option called “Eurobook” is very popular.

The dimensions of corner sofas are among the most significant in their class: up to 2.8 m in length, with a corner length of up to 1.7 m. Read more about this type of upholstered furniture here.

3. Wet method

The method is suitable for large-area blanks made of natural yarn.

The part is lowered into the input at a temperature not exceeding that indicated on the yarn package. Removed from the water and lightly squeezed. Wrap tightly in a dry towel.

Then you need to straighten and pin the workpiece to a flat surface, leaving it to dry completely.

Combining motifs for a bedspread

There are many ways to crochet a blanket from squares. Let's consider not the most complex and one of the most reliable. The stitching of the bedspread on the bed or sofa takes place closely at the tops of the ST with NAC.

The hook is inserted into the loop in front of the join, then it catches the working loop and pulls it out. Then at the next connection point the ST is knitted with the NAC.

An additional yarn over is made and the hook is inserted into the resulting loop.

The connecting thread is grabbed, a NAC is again formed through which the working thread needs to be grabbed again. And so all the loops are tied along the line of contact.

The classic patchwork technology, where products are created from small scraps, can be significantly improved and changed.

There is an interesting bias knitting technique that can be used to create motifs. In this case, the elements are not squares or hexagons, but long zigzag-like stripes.

The width of the strip is 10 loops, more can be done if desired. In the starting row, the first and second loops are knitted together, the rest are cast on as a regular knit stitch. At the end of each subsequent row, an additional loop is cast on.

The new row begins in the same way as the starting one, by knitting the first two loops. In this way, 10-15 rows are knitted.

Create a reverse zigzag. We cast an additional loop in front of the first knit stitch in the row, and knit the last and penultimate loop in the row together. We repeat the cycle the same number of times as the previous one.

a Provence style sofa is the compositional center of a living room or bedroom. The frame is made of natural wood, the armrests are rustic, but no less elegant, as if they were made from solid boards.

Review of the most common types of sofa transformation mechanisms. Read our article for characteristics, positive and negative aspects, as well as general recommendations for choosing a mechanism.

By alternating the extension of loops alternately to the left and to the right, we create a strip one and a half meters long. Depending on the expected length of the blanket.

We knit the next motif in a similar way, with one difference. The outermost loop on one side, removed from the knitting needle, is threaded under the rightmost loop of the corresponding row of the adjacent motif. The result is a raised double-sided scar.

Handmade blankets and bedspreads are a wonderful gift that will warm you up in any cold weather. After all, they convey the warmth of the master’s hands.

How to crochet a baby blanket from squares

12 squares are performed according to the same pattern. But their colors are different. There are 4 types of squares in total, 3 of each type.

  1. The middle is knitted in mustard color, and then the thread successively changes to white, purple and lilac at the edges.
  2. The middle is knitted in purple, and then the thread successively changes to lilac, mustard and white at the edges.
  3. The middle is knitted in white, and then the thread successively changes to mustard, lilac and purple at the edges.
  4. The middle is knitted in lilac, and then the thread successively changes to purple, white and mustard.

In order to increase the size of the blanket, crochet 20 squares, 5 pieces of each type, then its dimensions will be 125 x 100cm. Or 30 squares to get a size of 150 x 125 cm. Then such a blanket is suitable not only for a baby, but also for an older child.

Sew the motifs into a single fabric and crochet them according to this pattern.

This model is perfect for recycling leftover yarn, just choose yarn of the same thickness and compatible colors. You can make it in any color combinations: in the recommended ones, then you will get a light, neutral blanket. Or in multi-colored bright ones, or you can choose delicate pink-lilac shades for a little girl or blue-blue for a boy.

Grandmother's square Knitting on a fork Knitting with beads Knitted patchwork.

Previous article Photo and video lessons on how to learn to kiss correctly. The first potholder is crocheted in the form of a square of bright threads.

Pattern and master class The fashion for owls dictates its requirements: When knitting with stockinette stitch, short sections of color on the front side look beautiful. It turns out that you can come up with so many different things from leftover yarn! And let our home always be cozy... that’s also how important it is for everyone.. Knitting lessons Knitting from motifs.

  • I also really like topiary, including crocheted flowers. Probably the most obvious and favorite way for many to recycle leftover threads is to crochet a granny square.
  • I have a pillow made from leftover yarn and knitted using the intarsia technique. My imagination wouldn’t be more than enough for potholders, but there are so many interesting ideas here.

Knitting needles precaution openly business, and then spiral functionality again. Emergency article How to prevent divorce with advice from a psychologist. They help out cumbersomely when you need to reduce elevated things. May everything in it that we learn and desire from the remainder certainly work out and apply. I won’t go to the English plaid now, because we went hard, and I really wanted to knit a fur coat for a rug.

Or the most tender in the Nizhny Novgorod year. How to crochet yarn for a hat.

A warm multi-colored crocheted blanket will help add a little coziness and warmth to our lives. A hand-knitted blanket will help you relax after a hard day at work or a long trip; you just need to wrap it up in a comfortable chair. Wherever you are, it will help you feel the comfort and warmth of your home. Also, a crocheted blanket will be a wonderful and sincere gift for a loved one, child, mother or friends.

What yarn to knit a blanket from?
Depending on what time of year and how the blanket will be used, we will select the appropriate yarn.
If you are knitting a baby blanket, for example, for discharge from the maternity hospital or as a blanket for a crib, it is better to use completely natural and hypoallergenic yarn. For the warm season, threads made of natural cotton, iris or bamboo are suitable, but if in the cold season, it is better to use purified wool, baby grass or children's acrylic.
If you are knitting a blanket for the winter, it is better to use purified wool or wool blend; pure wool thread will be unpleasant to the body.
If you plan to use a blanket as a bedspread on a bed or chair, the quality and composition do not matter; an excellent option is to knit a blanket for such purposes from leftover yarn; it will complement the feeling of warmth and comfort in your home with its colorful colors and will not require large financial costs.
You should not knit a blanket from angora or mohair; these types of yarn are unpleasant to the body and often cause an allergic rash.
Multi-colored crocheted blanket
In the master class we will show an example of how to crochet a blanket from leftover yarn using the motif technique. The pattern of a knitted blanket is simple: we knit the required number of motifs, in our case squares, then sew them together. We'll show you in detail how to do this.
One condition - be sure to choose the main tone (in our case white) of the yarn, there should be quite a lot of it. Hook according to the thickness of the threads.

We collect 4 air loops.
Let's close the circle.
We make 3 lifting loops, knit 11 double crochets into a ring.
With another yarn we make 3 lifting loops + double crochet, knit 2 double crochets + chain crochet under each double crochet (and so on 11 times).
With another yarn we cast on 3 stitches + 2 double crochets, under each chain stitch of the previous row we knit 3 double crochets + chain crochet (and so on 11 times).
Using the main color we cast on 3 chain stitches + 2 double crochets, 3 chain crochets and under the same arch 3 more double crochets. Now, under each arch of the previous row, 3 double crochets (every 3 arches, knit 6 stitches and between them 3 chain loops until the end of the row, to form a square).
Each next square in the last row, tie the adjacent square. Knit these squares until the blanket is formed.
When the blanket is finished, cut and hide all unnecessary threads, wash the blanket, dry it and iron it on the wrong side. That's it - the blanket is ready.

It is difficult to guess the number of skeins needed. Often we play it safe and buy more. But here another question arises - what to knit from the leftover yarn? We have several ideas on how to use them effectively.

The first, most voluminous and at the same time interesting in execution, is the idea of ​​​​knitting a blanket from leftover yarn. The patterns can be very diverse - zigzags, squares, smooth surface, braids. We bring everything that you practiced when knitting scarves or sweaters to life by creating a blanket from leftover yarn with knitting needles.

The question may arise - how to knit a product from different types of threads that differ in color, texture and thickness? For example, we fold a thin thread in half. In one product we safely combine wool and wool mixture, mohair and melange, cotton and acrylic - the final fabric that you undertake to knit will certainly please you.

Leftover yarn of different colors and textures for an original DIY blanket

Preparing threads for knitting a blanket from squares

If you use the remaining material in the ball, you do not need to prepare it for knitting a blanket. And if you are unraveling an old product - a scarf or sweater - then the threads have a wavy structure and they must be prepared so that knitting a bright and cozy blanket is pleasant and the material does not “jump”. To do this, they need to be steamed by holding them over boiling water, or washed and dried. Since it is inconvenient to handle the balls, they are first wrapped around the legs of an inverted stool or the head of a chair. After washing and drying the threads, they are wound back into a ball to make tying the product easier in the future.

Pattern for crocheting a blanket from leftover yarn

Let's look at a pattern for crocheting a blanket. For this we need:

  • a few leftover skeins;
  • two hooks with numbers 3 and 9;
  • scissors;
  • ability to type air loops;
  • ability to knit double crochets.

We sort the remaining yarn by color

Using crochet number 3, we pick up air loops until the thread runs out.

From each ball we crochet an air chain, leaving tails on both sides

Then add the next one. In this way we prepare all the skeins. We simply tie threads of different colors with a double knot.

We get a lot of multi-colored chains

We take one of them, thread the tail into a needle, insert the needle into the beginning of another rope, pull it up

Subsequently, the knots will not be noticeable on the knitted product. Then we wind all the collected air loops into a ball.

We make 8-10 stitches on the blue rope, similarly 8-10 stitches on the purple rope

We get an unusual multi-colored ball

Now we work with crochet number 9. We begin to knit air loops from the resulting ball. We select the number of loops based on the desired width of the product. For example, a 120 cm blanket required 90 loops. But this also directly depends on the thickness of the threads. You can knit a test piece and measure it with a ruler, which will help you make an accurate calculation of how many loops fit in 1 cm.

Go ahead. We knit two air loops from threads, weave a double crochet into the first of them. And so on throughout the entire width of the blanket. As you can see, nothing complicated. It is advisable to periodically count the loops so that there are no accidental knitting of two loops at the same time. Otherwise, the finished canvas will narrow and deform. If you knit it correctly, it will be light and weightless.

You can knit a round rug from such a ball

Knitting pattern for a blanket

Now let's look at a detailed description of how to knit a product from leftover yarn with knitting needles. The patterns of the canvases are replete with variety, allowing you to achieve different effects and textures.

You can knit a rug with knitting needles from homemade multi-colored yarn

Below we consider one of the instructions:

1st row - classic facial loops behind the front wall;

2 – tie in the same way as the first;

3 – the first knit stitch (after the edge stitch), remove the second loop without knitting. We repeat again;

4 – first purl (after the edge stitch), remove the second loop without knitting. We repeat again;

Rows 5 and 6 – knit completely with knits;

Rows 7 and 8 – knit according to the pattern of the third and fourth.

The result is a blanket that is soft, delicate, airy and almost weightless. And the process of knitting will allow you to relax, calm down and feel peace.

Multi-colored rug made from leftovers, knitted with knitting needles

Cushions and rugs

DIY multi-colored decorative pillows

Knitting pillows and rugs from leftover yarn is even more fun. They have a smaller volume and the work goes much faster.

A pillow knitted from basic pink threads and multi-colored yarn scraps

Almost before our eyes, a new finished canvas appears. Experiment with patterns, use squares of different colors. One half, or even a quarter of the pillow can be knitted with diamonds, and the reverse side can be decorated in the form of a braid.

Bright unusual homemade pillow “Multi-colored squares”

Don't be afraid to fantasize and bring bright ideas to life, and you will definitely be satisfied with the results.

A large and beautiful rug made from leftover yarn, not only functional, but bright and beautiful

Knitted rugs will definitely take their rightful place in the home. Place them on the floor or hang them on the wall. Living room, kitchen, bedroom, restroom, corridor - they will create softness and comfort everywhere. Make a rug for your four-legged friend, and you can be sure of his gratitude.

A small chess mat made from leftover threads

What else can you knit from leftover yarn?

In addition to the blanket, there are many crocheted and knitted ideas for the home. Let's share them:

  • napkins;

    Bright napkins and hot trays will fit perfectly into the kitchen interior

  • potholders;

    Crochet oven mitts

  • vests and tunics;

    Colored vest with weave knitting needles

  • socks, knee socks, leggings;

    Knitted socks in patchwork style

  • beads, bracelets, earrings;

    Bright baby sling beads will delight your kids and require very little yarn.

  • gift bags and boxes;
  • toys and keychains, pompoms of different colors;
  • bookmarks;

    A themed bookmark for books and textbooks will delight kids

  • covers for chairs and stools;

    Stool cover with fringe made from leftover yarn

  • appliqués and patches for clothing;
  • panel on the wall;

    Beautiful wall panel made of knitted flowers

  • covers for mugs, bottles and candles;

    Multi-colored case for your favorite mug

  • decor in the form of flowers;
  • pockets for small items.

Knit with pleasure!

Video: Blanket made from leftover yarn

Sometimes small balls of yarn remain after knitting. And it’s a pity to throw it away, and you don’t know what useful things to knit together from the leftovers. Of course, you can use the leftovers to finish mittens or socks, but you can come up with something more significant. For example, crochet a blanket.

Read in this article:

How to crochet a Hawaiian Flowers blanket

And since we will be knitting from leftovers, it would be best to knit the required number of small parts - squares of the same size, well, at least the ones in the photo above. Do you like it? Of course you do, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article. So, we knit little by little as we have free time and inspiration, combine colors and put squares into bins, and at the decisive moment we sew everything into one large and beautiful product and are delighted!

Master class on knitting squares

Clever Tips offers you a master class on crocheting a blanket from squares.

Step one

Step two

  • Through 5 loops gathered on the hook we pull the working thread, resulting in 1 loop on the hook.
  • We knit 3 air loops and connect them with a single crochet to the central ring from which we started.
  • We received 1 petal of the future flower from 4 of the same petals.

We repeat step one and step two 3 more times, as a result we have a flower of 4 petals, as in this photo:

Step three

  • We alternately knit 12 double crochets into the upper part of each petal. As a result, our flower grew like this:

Now the thread needs to be tediously fastened and cut.

Step four

  • We fasten a thread of a different color between the 4th and 5th stitch of the previous row and knit three lifting chain stitches.
  • From the inside of the flower, “behind the legs” of the stitches of the previous row (5, 6, 7, 8), we knit 4 more stitches with 2 double crochets, leaving the last loops on the hook.

Step five

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