Why is gardnerella vaginalis dangerous during pregnancy? Gardnerella during pregnancy: causes, treatment Can gardnerella be the cause of a missed pregnancy.

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

In the life of every woman, there come moments when she needs the help of a qualified specialist. Pregnancy can also be counted among such moments. They especially need support if their pregnancy is accompanied by such an unpleasant disease as gardnerellosis. Gardnerellosis against the background of pregnancy occurs in ten to twenty percent of pregnant women. Unlike other types of infections, gardnerellosis has its own specific symptoms. That is why it is very important that a pregnant woman can recognize this ailment, and, therefore, begin its treatment .. site) will help you find out right now.

We will start this article with information that gardnerellosis is not sexually transmitted. This disease is also caused by the vaginal gardnerella.

What is gardnerella?

Gardnerella is a specific anaerobic microorganism associated with the development of bacterial vaginosis. The reasons for the development of this disease include stress, various colds, hormonal imbalance and other hormonal changes, a sharp change in climate, and some others. Change of sexual partner and the use of antibiotics can also provoke the development of gardnerella. One of the most obvious signs of this disease is considered to be abundant yellowish or white liquid discharge, which has a specific unpleasant odor, reminiscent of the smell of rotten fish somewhere. Also, a woman feels discomfort and burning in the vulva.

Complications during pregnancy

As a rule, gardnerella can cause a lot of trouble during pregnancy. One of them is intrauterine infection of the fetus. As a result, there may be a threat of abortion, early rupture of amniotic fluid, as well as premature birth. Plus, gardnerella can become one of the reasons for the development of inflammation of the uterus after childbirth or after an abortion. That is why this disease during pregnancy is very important to treat.


Any specialist doctor can identify gardnerella by taking a regular smear on the flora. Treatment of gardnerella consists of two stages. The first stage involves the destruction of the existing infection. The second stage of treatment of gardnerella involves the restoration of the vaginal flora. The most commonly used drugs for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women are: Trichopolum, Klion, Metrogyl, Ornidazole or Metronidazole. It is immediately worth noting that these drugs do not have any negative effects on the fetus. However, do not forget that they can only be used after the first trimester of pregnancy. As a rule, treatment of gardnerella in pregnant women is prescribed only after the twentieth week of pregnancy.

In addition to pills, pregnant women are also prescribed vaginal suppositories. Antibacterial therapy, if necessary, is supplemented by the use of immunocorrectors. These can be attributed Kipferon or Viferon. Sometimes women are also prescribed antiallergic drugs. By the way, the sexual partners of these women do not need treatment. Do not forget that antibacterial drugs only get rid of gardnerella, but they do not create conditions for restoring the normal content of lactic acid bacteria. That is why after the treatment of gardnerella, a pregnant woman develops thrush. Gardnerellosis itself may also return. Therefore, about a month after treatment, it is necessary to undergo a control study of the composition of the vaginal microflora. If gardnerella is not detected in the tests, then the pregnant woman is prescribed drugs that restore the normal microflora of the vagina. This Acylact, Lactobacterin, Bifidin. During the treatment of this disease, it is necessary to eat fermented milk products as often as possible, as well as foods containing coarse dietary fiber.

Do not forget about special dietary supplements, which have also found their wide application in the fight against gardnerellosis during pregnancy. Pharmacy Tianshi brings to your attention such dietary supplements as Cordyceps, Anti-lipid tea, Chitosan, Holican and some others. The use of these dietary supplements along with drug treatment will help you get rid of infection and inflammation much faster.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.


Hello! And I got pregnant at 8 weeks. I passed the tests at 6 weeks.

I wonder where from? When I found out that I had gardnerella, I was 22. I found out after a control smear after the birth of my daughter a month later, as recommended by the obstetrician-gynecologist. She was horrified. because the doctor said that it was almost a venous disease, but when asked how it was possible to get infected, they answered from a dirty sex life. This killed me even more. During pregnancy and at discharge, all tests were excellent. Now I read that you can get sick and catch a cold, and I just got cestitis, but why the doctor didn’t find out what was happening and wrote me down almost on the “black list”. With her husband, too, there was an unnecessary scandal. I accused him of treason, although there were no reasons. In general, 15 years have passed, and I still can’t calm down from the incompetence of some doctors. Of course, I went through a course of treatment and my husband, too, though he didn’t give any tests, but the treatment was prescribed by a gynecologist.

I was also diagnosed with it during pregnancy, but I had never even heard of it before. The doctor reassured me - she said this is not an STD, it occurs in many pregnant women due to hormonal changes and that this is nothing to worry about. I'm 12 weeks old and they prescribed suppositories.

I didn’t have time to treat the gardnerella and became pregnant, for several days I went as if lowered into the water! Thanks to the doctors, they assured me that everything will be fine, we will treat after the birth. Hope I have a healthy baby!

The partner is treated only if gardnerella is found in him according to the tests. And yes, you don't need to. And during pregnancy, of course, they try not to treat anything like that, if they find a violation of the flora, dysbiosis, then it is enough for a woman to drink a course of harmless vagilak so that the flora returns to normal. They treat locally only if the gardnerella has already begun to grow and then again it is necessary to drink vagilak - so that there are no relapses.

I was diagnosed during pregnancy, when I was in storage for about two months, they were treated with Trichopolum, and the pills were inserted intravaginally and that's it. She gave birth safely, the son of a hero has already passed 11 years, and now they again found out, in almost all literature they write that the partner does not need to be treated, but for some reason doctors impose treatment on both.

When I found out that I had gardnerella, I was very upset, and I was 8 weeks pregnant, I hope that everything will work out, the doctor said we will treat after 20 weeks .... I hope that everything will be fine ....

I accidentally went to the site, read the information provided and, frankly, I was amazed at the prevalence of this disease. I also had gardnerella when I was pregnant. However, at that time it seemed to me that this disease is very rare, especially during pregnancy. It turns out that my knowledge was far from the truth. Indeed, the symptoms of this disease are very unpleasant. Therefore, try to get rid of gardnerellosis as quickly as possible.

During pregnancy, every woman should undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist. This is necessary in order to control the development of the baby, as well as timely detect inflammatory processes that occur in the body. Unfortunately, infections that are transmitted through sexual contact are often detected during pregnancy. One of these troubles is gardnerellosis.

Signs of gardnerella

In the body of any woman there is gardnerella, but it does not always manifest itself. If immunity is strong, this microorganism is present in the vagina in small quantities, and lactobacilli prevent its reproduction. Accordingly, with a decrease in their number, gardnerella grows, creating certain inconveniences for a pregnant woman. But, what is most unpleasant, it is quite dangerous for the body. In order not to miss the disease, you need to know its main signs. First of all, it is abundant discharge. It may have a greenish, white or grayish color, a strong smell reminiscent of rotten fish. Very often, gardnerella causes itching, and during intercourse, pain is possible. At the same time, there are no signs of an inflammatory process on the mucosa.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The main condition for the development of any pathogenic process in the human body is a decrease in immunity. This is a common occurrence during pregnancy, as the load is quite high. This condition affects the hormonal system, as a result of which the microflora of the vagina is disturbed.

Other reasons for the development of gardnerellosis during pregnancy include the use of antibiotics, douching, and hypothermia. The disease occurs in women who have a pessary installed - to prevent early disclosure of the cervix.

The development of the disease can be facilitated by a cold, malnutrition, lack of dairy products in the diet, frequent change of sexual partner, chronic bowel disease, wearing thick synthetic underwear, and climate change.


Experts say that gardnerellosis that occurs during pregnancy does not harm the child if the necessary measures are taken in time. It does not cause miscarriages, does not cross the placenta, and after delivery, all signs disappear.

However, if the disease is not treated, the consequences can be dire. Gardnerella can cause early discharge of amniotic fluid, resulting in an increased risk of having a baby prematurely. If the disease becomes severe, women may have children with low body weight. An unpleasant consequence of the disease can be endometritis, as well as diseases of the genitourinary and reproductive systems.

If a woman has gardnerella, there is no question of terminating the pregnancy. Even if the fetus becomes infected during childbirth, the newborn will not suffer. Despite the fact that this dangerous microorganism is not capable of causing an inflammatory process by itself, there is a risk of disruption of the normal microflora in the intestine and the development of dysbacteriosis.


The diagnosis of "gardnerellosis" is made by the doctor according to complaints, if any, according to visual examination - the vaginal mucosa is pink, there are no signs of inflammation, there is a viscous, grayish and smelling secret. After sowing the smear, gardnerella are determined. Using microscopy, key cells can be identified. An amine test and determination of the Ph discharges are also required. The presence of all these signs indicates gardnerellosis.

This disease is not considered a sexually transmitted or infectious disease, many deny the possibility of its sexual transmission. But its occurrence depends on the number of sexual contacts. Therefore, diagnostics and examination of the partner is mandatory. In addition, it is important to exclude other infections: trichomonas, mycoplasma, gonococci, chlamydia, genital herpes, candida, HIV.

Therapy during pregnancy is carried out in several stages. First of all, this is the use of antimicrobial drugs, the main task of which is to eliminate harmful microflora. Then procedures are carried out, the task of which is to normalize the vaginal environment and restore the level of lactic acid bacteria. Additionally, you should follow a special diet. The use of vaginal suppositories is only possible until the thirteenth week of pregnancy. They do not have a significant effect on the development of the fetus. In the second half, the use of systemic drugs is allowed. Closer to the end of pregnancy, gardnerellosis is treated with local preparations, which include clindamycin. Clion, Trichopolum, Metrogil, Metronidazole are often prescribed. At the same time, probiotics are prescribed - lacto- and bifidobacteria, their metabolites. If the birth is already close, and the signs of inflammation have not been eliminated, the issue of special preparation for childbirth is being decided. Antibiotics are not used to treat this disease during pregnancy. The main task of therapy is not to destroy gardnerella, but to reduce their number and remove the inflammatory process. Fundamental treatment is carried out after childbirth.


In order to protect yourself from this dangerous disease during pregnancy, you should take all the tests on time. A smear on the microflora of the vagina is very informative, with its help you can detect the disease in time and take the necessary measures. It is important to take care of strengthening the immune system. Good rest, sleep, a balanced diet, hardening, small physical activity - all this will improve health and prevent dangerous microorganisms from developing. Remember about vitamin complexes: they contain many useful vitamins and minerals that activate the body's defenses. Compliance with these simple recommendations will protect you from troubles and problems.

Many people treat vaginosis with disdain, as it occurs in many pregnant women and believe that it is absolutely not worth treating. I want to refute this. Bacterial vaginosis is an insidious disease that leads to early childbirth due to. And very imperceptibly. It is to him that the lion's share of all cases is given. Toxins released by microorganisms "undermine" the fetal bladder, leading to the formation of microcracks and microruptures with subsequent and early births. And themselves penetrating into the cavity of the bladder infect the fetus and endometrium.

Currently bacterial vaginosis is considered as a condition accompanied by the appearance of pathological discharge from the vagina, in which a variety of microorganisms are found. This disease is equally common in women of all ages, from little girls to very elderly ladies. Its frequency is from 15 to 64%. The disease can only conditionally be attributed to sexually transmitted infections, rather it is a violation of the "microbial balance", a kind of vaginal dysbacteriosis.

How does the disease develop?

As you know, the skin and mucous membranes of a healthy person are by no means sterile. We all live in community with many microorganisms that make up the normal microflora of our body. So, in healthy women, the main inhabitant of the vagina is lactobacilli (lactic acid bacteria), they account for 95-98% of the entire flora. They produce lactic acid, thereby maintaining an acidic environment in the vagina. The acidic environment is a protective factor, preventing the overgrowth of other 20-30 types of bacteria. Under the influence of adverse factors, the number of lactobacilli decreases, the acidity of the environment changes, and the vacant place is occupied by microorganisms that normally live in the vagina in small quantities. Among these bacteria, gardnerella vaginalis (Gardnerella vaginalis) is found more often than others. She is the main, but not the only cause of bacterial vaginosis. Hence the other name of the disease - gardnerellosis. In addition to gardnerella, bacteria of the genus mobiluncus, bacteroids, peptococci, peptostreptococci, and mycoplasmas are often detected in bacterial vaginosis.

The composition of the microflora of the vagina can be affected by the following factors:
- the use of antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs, hormones;
- hormonal changes during puberty, after abortion, childbirth, with menstrual dysfunction;
– decreased immunity, allergies;
– climate change, various stresses;
- the use of oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices;
- frequent and excessive vaginal douching, the use of antibacterial soaps for hygiene (for example, those containing TRICLOZAN), antiseptic solutions;
- the use of spermicides (substances that kill sperm - are part of contraceptive suppositories and vaginal tablets), menstrual tampons;
- violations of the function and microbial composition of the intestine.

Symptoms of the disease

The incubation period is from 3 to 10 days, after which symptoms of the disease appear. The main symptom is complaints of moderate, less often profuse, discharge of a grayish-white color with an unpleasant smell of rotten fish. The reason for the smell are amines, which are formed during the life of gardnerella. The smell can be constant, appearing during menstruation, sexual intercourse, washing with alkaline soap. In this case, usually, there is no redness and swelling of the external genitalia and vaginal walls, almost never bacterial vaginosis is accompanied by itching. In some cases, the disease is complicated by inflammation of the internal genital organs, then there are pains in the lower abdomen, menstrual irregularities, prolonged, heavy menstruation. With bacterial vaginosis, the frequency of complications after gynecological operations sharply increases, postoperative wounds often suppurate.

The course of pregnancy

During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, favorable conditions are created for the vital activity of lactobacilli. Therefore, the frequency of bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women is lower than in other women. Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy occurs in 10-20% of all pregnant women, of which half have no symptoms. In pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis, a high concentration of microorganisms in the vagina can lead to the penetration of these bacteria into the upper genital organs. In such women, infection of the membranes of the placenta is observed 2 times more often, chorioamnionitis develops - a formidable complication of pregnancy that threatens the life of the mother and fetus. In addition, inflammation of the membranes can lead to them long before the expected date of birth. In this case, the pregnancy is interrupted or premature birth occurs.
Infection in the mother can lead to infection in the baby. Children with intrauterine infection are born weak, with low body weight, congenital pneumonia, and after birth they may develop infectious skin lesions, inflammation of the umbilical wound. Prolonged oxygen starvation, due to insufficient function of the infected placenta, can lead to neurological problems in the child.
In addition, bacterial vaginosis increases the incidence of postpartum complications in the mother, especially if the birth was performed by caesarean section. In particular, the frequency of inflammation of the inner surface of the uterus (endometritis), purulent inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis) increases. The likelihood of endometritis in bacterial vaginosis is 10 times higher than in healthy women.


Diagnosis is based on clinical examination data and laboratory research methods. There are four main signs of bacterial vaginosis, and at least three of the four signs must be present for a diagnosis:
1. The presence of symptoms characteristic of the disease, i.e. homogeneous, thin, fishy-smelling discharge adhering to the vaginal wall.
2. Strengthening of the "fishy" smell when alkali solutions are added to the vaginal secretion.
3. The alkaline nature of the environment in the vagina. To measure the acidity of the medium, special test strips are used.
4. Presence of relevant changes in the results of vaginal smear tests. Such changes, in particular, include the detection of "key cells" in smears. These cells are cells of the vaginal epithelium, covered, as if "peppered", with small sticks (gardnerella).
In difficult cases, gardnerella DNA identification - polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can be used for diagnosis

Treatment should be carried out by the attending physician after appropriate tests.

Gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis is a consequence of a violation of the normal microflora of the vagina with a shift in pH to the alkaline side and increased reproduction of opportunistic microflora.

Previously, gardnerellosis was considered as a sexually transmitted disease. Now it is considered to be vaginal dysbiosis.

This problem in itself does not cause severe disorders, but this condition creates a background for the occurrence of infectious diseases of the vagina and can lead to inflammatory processes in the external and internal genital organs. Gardnerellosis is a fairly common pathology that occurs in 21-33% of patients of childbearing age.

The following conditions can lead to the occurrence of gardnerellosis:

  1. Long term antibiotic treatment.
  2. Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
  3. Improper use of personal hygiene products.
  4. Chaotic sex life.
  5. Use of intrauterine contraceptives.
  6. Hormonal imbalances.
  7. Decreased immunity (overwork, hypothermia, disruption of sleep and rest).
  8. Inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system in history.

Gardnerellosis and pregnancy

During pregnancy, the mother's body undergoes many changes, including immunity suffers. Local factors of immune protection weaken, the acid-base balance of the vagina changes, which adversely affects the normal microflora. Thus, pregnant women are at risk for the development of gardnerellosis.

Gardnerellosis in pregnant women may not be diagnosed, since an increase in the volume of vaginal discharge may mask the clinical manifestations of the disease. Changes in the microflora of the vagina lead to a violation of pH, a deterioration in the functioning of natural barriers and can lead to the development of infectious diseases.

There are no reliable data on the penetration of bacteria through the hematoplacental barrier. Gardnerellosis cannot be the cause of the development of fetal anomalies or have a direct damaging effect.

However, this problem should be treated with caution during pregnancy, since infections of the genital organs that develop against the background of bacterial vaginosis can lead to spontaneous abortion, premature birth and intrauterine infection of the fetus.

Family planning needs to be taken seriously. The question of whether it is possible to become pregnant with gardnerellosis should be discussed with your doctor.

Violation of the microflora of the vagina can adversely affect the activity of sperm: for example, too viscous mucus will prevent the penetration of sperm into the cervix. On the other hand, with vaginal dysbiosis, the normal pH changes towards an alkaline environment, which is favorable for the existence of spermatozoa.

But do not forget that gardnerellosis during pregnancy is an undesirable condition and issues related to conception should be resolved after treatment.

How to suspect a problem?

Gardnerellosis is manifested by the appearance of homogeneous sticky creamy secretions of a gray-yellow color, which have a specific "fishy" smell. This fact should definitely alert and make you see a doctor.

Less likely to worry about burning sensation, itching, discomfort and pain during intercourse.

Treatment of gardnerellosis

Treatment on an individual basis is prescribed by the doctor after all diagnostic measures have been completed. Despite the fact that gardnerellosis does not pose a direct threat to the health of the expectant mother, the disease must be treated, since vaginal dysbiosis predisposes to the development of inflammatory processes in the genital tract and pelvic organs, which can lead to various complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Treatment is indicated if the benefit to pregnancy outweighs the risk. Treatment is carried out in two stages:

  1. Eradication of gardnerella
  2. Restoring the normal balance of microflora

Antibiotics are used to eradicate gardnarella. Preference is given to local dosage forms in the form of vaginal suppositories, tablets and gels.

Topical agents have less effect on the fetus. The systemic use of antibiotics that do not even cross the hemato-placental barrier should be excluded.

The safest are clindamycin, metronidazole. they are less toxic. Use in the second and third periods of pregnancy is not contraindicated, in the first period - with caution as directed by a doctor.

Terzhinan, ornidazole are also used. They are more effective, but also more toxic. All drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor and used only according to the instructions!

The second stage in the treatment is to restore the normal balance of microflora. For this, groups of drugs containing lactobacilli are used. Topical medications are also preferred, but oral medications are often prescribed.

Use vaginal suppositories Atsilact, Lactobacterin, Vaginorm, Laktozhinal. The price of drugs varies depending on the manufacturer and dosage. Instructions for use are contained in each package.

You must follow a diet that excludes fried, fatty foods. It is recommended to consume more fermented milk products: kefir, bifid yogurt.

During treatment, it is better to refrain from unprotected sexual intercourse, if necessary, barrier methods of contraception should be used. The assessment of the quality and effectiveness of the treatment carried out is carried out 7-10 days after the completion of the course of therapy and the disappearance of symptoms.


Preventing a problem is always better than dealing with it later. To avoid the development of the disease, you need to follow these rules.

  1. Compliance with personal hygiene.
  2. Balanced diet.
  3. Avoidance of casual sexual contacts.
  4. Regular visits to the antenatal clinic.
  5. Strengthening immunity.

It is also possible to create active immunity against bacterial vaginosis.

For the active prevention of gardnerellosis, the SolkoTrichovac vaccine was invented, which consists of special strains of lactic acid bacteria. Vaccination leads to the activation of specific and nonspecific immunity. Antibodies synthesized in the body after vaccination effectively fight pathogens, restore normal microflora in the vagina and create immunity that prevents relapses.

This vaccine is used to prevent the development of the disease in case of planning a pregnancy in women with a history of frequent episodes of vaginosis.


Pregnancy is an important step in the life of every woman, which must be taken with great seriousness. Before conception, it is necessary to treat chronic foci of infections, strengthen immunity, so that during pregnancy there are no severe exacerbations and activation of opportunistic flora.

The photos and videos in this article will help you better understand why bacterial vaginosis is dangerous during pregnancy. Remember that the mother's body is both a friend and an enemy to the fetus. Therefore, expectant mothers need to carefully monitor their health before and during pregnancy.

There are many sexually transmitted infections. None of them belong to the harmless group. It happens that a woman finds out about any infection already being pregnant, having passed the tests after being registered with the antenatal clinic. Often, gardnerellosis is found in the "bouquet" of diseases. What is this infection? How dangerous is it for the health of the expectant mother and her baby? How to treat gardnerella during pregnancy? Is it possible to protect yourself from it during pregnancy?

What is gardnerella? Signs of gardnerellosis

Gardnerella is called an opportunistic pathogen. This means that it is in the body of absolutely all (even healthy) women, but it does not always manifest itself. If the immunity is strong, then the gardnerella is present in the microflora of the vagina in scanty amounts. And do not allow gardnerella to "grow" exponentially lactobacilli, which suppress infections. However, in the event of a sharp decrease in lactobacilli (and there may be many reasons for this), opportunistic microorganisms begin to multiply, creating not only inconvenience for a pregnant woman, but also a certain danger to her body. According to statistics, gardnerellosis during pregnancy occurs in 20-25% of women.

In order to suspect vaginal dysbacteriosis in time (it is provoked by a large amount of gardnerella), you need to know what the symptoms of gardnerellosis are. First of all, these are strong discharges. The nature of the discharge is periodic. They are white, greenish or grayish in color and have a strong odor similar to that of spoiled fish. Not always, but often, the expectant mother experiences itching in the perineum. If the pregnant woman does not exclude sexual intercourse, unpleasant pain sensations are possible. And with all this, the mucous membrane will be “calm”, no inflammation will be observed.

Reasons for the development of gardnerellosis during pregnancy

Like all opportunistic flora of the human body, gardnerella becomes pathogenic if the body's defenses weaken. During pregnancy, a decrease in immunity is a common occurrence, because the load during this period is enormous. The hormonal system especially “suffers”, which naturally affects the microflora of the vagina.

Taking antibiotics during pregnancy can also cause gardnerellosis. And, no matter how strange it may sound, they also act as provocateurs for the reproduction of these microorganisms. In addition, expectant mothers need to avoid hypothermia, as this can also provoke the development of the disease. Well, gardnerellosis also occurs in those women who, in order to avoid premature opening of the cervix, have a special pessary installed. It is installed with isthmic-cervical insufficiency, when the cervix is ​​insolvent and strives to open up, although it is still far from childbirth.

Why is gardnerella dangerous during pregnancy?

If you take the necessary measures in time, then nothing terrible. According to experts, gardnerella during pregnancy does not pose a particular danger to the baby. Moreover, it does not provoke miscarriages (but this is true for manifestations in the early stages!). These microorganisms do not pass through the placenta, and after childbirth, all symptoms disappear.

But if you do not take any measures and do not treat the gardnerella during pregnancy, you can really regret it in the future. It is, after all, an infection. It can provoke premature discharge of amniotic fluid and increase the likelihood of having a baby prematurely. Also, in women with an advanced stage of gardnerellosis, the birth of children with low body weight is noted. Moreover, without adequate treatment, gardnerella during pregnancy can provoke a disease of the organs of the reproductive and genitourinary systems. After childbirth, untreated gardnerellosis can cause (when the endometrium grows outside the uterine cavity).

How to treat gardnerella during pregnancy?

Treatment of gardnerella during pregnancy involves several stages. First, the expectant mother is prescribed prem antimicrobial drugs. They eliminate pathogenic microflora. Then the doctor prescribes procedures that normalize the vaginal environment and help restore lactic acid bacteria. Additionally, a woman is “put” on a special sour-milk diet.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, up to 13 weeks, only vaginal suppositories can be used to treat gardnerella during pregnancy. Local treatment with their help does not have a strong effect on the emerging and developing fetus. Already in the second half of pregnancy, if justified, the doctor may prescribe systemic drugs that are taken orally. In the third trimester of pregnancy, gardnerella is treated with topical preparations that contain clindamycin. If a month before the birth, the signs of inflammation have not been eliminated, it is possible to conduct special preparation for childbirth. Antibiotics during the treatment of gardnerella during pregnancy are not used.

During pregnancy, it is important for the doctor not only to destroy the gardnerella, but to reduce their number and eliminate the inflammatory process.

Prevention of gardnerella during pregnancy

To protect yourself from the unpleasant manifestations of this disease, you need to take all the tests prescribed by your doctor on time. A smear on the microflora of the vagina is quite informative and can give a signal in time that urgent action is needed. Last but not least, you need to strengthen the immune system. Good sleep, rest, quality nutrition, moderate physical activity, hardening - all this not only improves health, but also ensures that no opportunistic microflora becomes pathogenic. Do not forget about taking vitamin complexes for pregnant women, they contain many essential vitamins and minerals, which also help to activate the defenses of your body.

Take care of yourself and be healthy! Let nothing overshadow the expectation of the birth of your baby!

Especially for Olga Rizak

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