Do they go to a wedding in a white dress. wedding omens

Asos dresses

Let's face it, a wedding is a celebration of only one person, namely the bride. She had been preparing this event for several months, fitting herself into that perfect dress, arguing with the organizers and looking for the most beautiful place for the celebration. It would be impolite of you, to put it mildly, to show up to her celebration in bright yellow when you were asked for turquoise. Even if you hate turquoise with every fiber of your being, be kind and respect the bride. At your own wedding, you will be credited.

This rule has a slight relaxation: if the bride is not your close friend, and you are at the wedding as a distant relative or accompany someone, then the dress code stated in the invitation can, in principle, not be observed. In any case, do not go to extremes: if restrained colors are indicated in the invitation, and you show up in a red dress, you will share attention with the bride.

Don't wear white

So Easy fringe dress; Asos pink dress.

Any white clothing at a wedding is a ban. Just deal with it. Boho and crochet, baby dol, wrap dresses or jumpsuit, tuxedo or trouser suit. If white is the main color in your image, then consider that you spat on the bride in front of all the guests, if not in the soul, then on her dress. Do you want light colors? Please! The color palette does not revolve around one white: cream, lemon, beige, pearl.

By the way, even if the bride is not in a white dress, but in a gray-brown-crimson jumpsuit, you still should not wear white clothes. The associative series “wedding-bride-groom-white color” can work in the head of some drunken distant relative of the young who has never seen the bride before, and now you are already being forced to kiss the groom while shouting “Bitter!” It'll be awkward.

Forget jeans for today

Asos suit; top and trousers Osome2Some.

It is believed that jeans are such a universal thing, in which at least to the theater, at least for firewood, at least for work, at least for a holiday. Undoubtedly. But not for a wedding! By the way, the rule also applies to men, so at least try to persuade your companion to change into trousers.

Of course, there are various fantasy weddings where you can even go naked, but if we are talking about a celebration that the bride has been preparing since the moment the ring was put on her finger (or even longer), then leave the jeans at home. Does your whole being protest against dresses and skirts? Trousers and a nice jacket will help you.

Black dress is not taboo

Charlie Off Shoulder Dress; polka dot dress 12storeez.

Today, a black dress is quite acceptable at such a celebration as a wedding. The main thing is the right length so that no one compares you with the sorceress Maleficent, who ruined the birthday of the beautiful Aurora. So, a deaf dress to the floor is not suitable, a provocative mini too, but a discreet knee-length dress with a string of pearls, a beautiful clutch, shoes (maybe a bright color) - an image that will fit into the holiday. Another option is a black dress with some pretty print. After all, people get married not only in summer, but also in winter. And in the cold season, clothes of dark shades will look much more harmonious.

Avoid animal prints

Red dress in 12Storeez colors; Asos striped dress.

If you have ever been to a wedding, you have probably seen the groom's cheerful second cousin in a smart blouse covered with leopard spots. As a rule, an active relative in every possible way plays along with the toastmaster and approaches the young guests, conspiratorially offering to kidnap the bride. You don't have to do that! And we're not just talking about obsessive behavior. Zebra, leopard and tiger - no bad taste, these prints look great in, but at the wedding, animal spots and stripes are out of place even in the format of a scarf around the neck. Choose other patterns: geometry, floral prints, stars.

Emphasized sexuality is unacceptable

Foine Line wrap dress; floor-length dress Mallorca.

Weddings in Russia are famous for crazy antics and traditional fights against the backdrop of the setting sun, but no one has canceled the rules of decency (at least at the beginning of the holiday). Candid dresses and a wedding are an incompatible concept. Even if you want to wear the latest novelty of Atelier Versace, famous for its provocative dresses, say goodbye to this dream. Simplicity and modesty - your motto. The dress and skirt do not have to cover the knees, but the extreme mini is unacceptable, the situation is the same with the neckline. No one requires you to have a tightly buttoned blouse, but if the incision is rapidly “moving” to the navel, it is better to choose something less provocative.

Tatyana Piteryakova

A wedding is a solemn event for the newlyweds and their guests. On this day, everyone invited wants to look festive and elegant. Some girls love black and do not want to change themselves on the day of the celebration. But many consider it mournful and are considered bad omens. But the white color of clothes, according to some people, only the bride can wear to the wedding. Is it really?

Can a guest wear a black dress to a wedding?

Image of a guest in a black dress at a wedding

Black wedding guest outfit according to the rules of etiquette considered faux pas. Such a verdict is still being discussed in Europe. Many believe that the "mourning" outfit can bring trouble to the newlyweds. According to them, black is only suitable for funerals. And real traditionalists generally exclude him for any celebration related to the wedding day - from a bachelorette party to night parties.

If you still decide to go to a friend’s wedding in a black dress, then let it not be completely like that, or, for example, have a floral print. An elegant black outfit may include beige inserts - in this case, the main color will not be so “striking” to the eye. These sterling silver earrings with cubic zirkonia are perfect for such a dress.

Silver earrings with cubic zirkonia, SL(price link)

Black can be diluted:

  • yellow;
  • purple;
  • beige.

Black dress with yellow accents

Black dress with beige inserts

A dark outfit in addition to these tones looks interesting and, in fact, will no longer be black. By the way, in the USA, bridesmaids go to a wedding in a black dress, and no one says a word to them. Yes, and in Russia, especially in megacities, you can meet a girl in such an outfit at the feast of the bride and groom. By the way, many celebrities say that going in a black dress is a real pleasure for them.

If you decide to wear a black dress for a wedding, then let it be elegant and not cause funeral associations.

For winter celebration fit velvet dress in dark blue, for summer, “princess” dresses are relevant, which go well with inventively styled hair. If the celebration takes place during the day, then give up the evening dress and choose:

  • blouse and skirt;
  • classic midi dress;
  • elegant trouser suit.

Avoid pleated trousers and short skirts for a daytime celebration

If you are still in doubt, but really want to wear a black dress, then know that some brands have even released whole clothing collections for such occasions. Wedding traditions are good, but don't give up on your dreams because our ancestors were superstitious. By the way, you can also wear a black jumpsuit for a wedding.

Can guests wear a white dress to a wedding?

White wedding guest dress

Of course, if you came to the wedding in a white dress, then this may cause dissatisfaction. So immediately get ready to listen to unflattering words addressed to you. According to the rules of etiquette, the bride is the center of attention on the wedding day. The answer to the question of why you can’t wear a white dress to a wedding is simple. By choosing such an outfit, you draw attention to yourself, taking it away from the bride. However, not all girls choose a white outfit for their celebration, considering it non-holiday and irrelevant. In this case, there are no barriers to going to a wedding in white.

If you are a bridesmaid, then according to the rules of etiquette, you should wear a cocktail dress that is not too bright.

Wedding guest in a cocktail dress

It can be any - short, medium, long. The style doesn't matter either. The main thing is to choose a dress in which it will be convenient to move, because the celebration will end only in the evening. A corsage dress would be a good option.

Guest in a corsage dress

You can arrange in advance with other bridesmaids and wear the same outfit.

matching bridesmaid outfits

If you still do not want to listen to disapproving words from guests, you can choose an off-white dress. For a wedding, it is suitable in combination with:

  • grey;
  • purple;
  • red flowers.

White dress with gray and black

White dress combined with beige

But what if the bride is your loved one? Of course, the question of whether it is possible for a guest in a white dress to go to a friend's wedding is rhetorical, because if a girl values ​​​​relationships, then she is unlikely to want to spoil them. A friend may not admit that such an act is unpleasant for her, and will not show discontent. However, relationships can deteriorate. Therefore, if you are not a bride, then think carefully before taking this step. Of course, all of the above does not apply to cases where the bride and groom ask all guests to come to the celebration in white.

All guests in white for the wedding

Can you wear a black shirt to a wedding?

Man in black shirt

This question cannot be answered unequivocally, because it is important to know who is asking it. If the groom loves the dark color and decided to dress up that way, then he must still consult with the bride. Suddenly she does not care how he will look in the eyes of others. If the bride does not mind, then there are no barriers to such an outfit. Can match shirt with white tie, because you have a holiday on this day. And if you add it with a white jacket, then none of the guests will have any questions at all - it looks stylish and original!

Man in black shirt and white jacket

Another thing is if you are going to a wedding to friends or acquaintances as a guest. Then you first need to consult with them. It is possible that it was they who suggested wearing a black shirt, then go in it without a doubt. Why is the use of dark clothes for a wedding negatively perceived by others?

Everything is very simple, because black is the color of mourning, so superstitious people can tell you to your face that you are dressed indecently. On the other hand, dark emphasizes the figure, and if you combine it with a gray jacket and trousers, it comes out very pretty. Other interesting combinations for a black shirt:

  • sand-colored tie;
  • White pants;
  • white jacket.

Man in black shirt and white pants

If with a dark shirt, combine a light or gray three-piece suit, then no one will notice that you are dressed in a dark color. By the way, in Europe for a long time no attention is paid to the color of clothes in which guests come. Unless, of course, there were no special instructions from the newlyweds about this.

The wedding day is a holiday that will remain in the memory of the newlyweds and their guests for the rest of their lives. If you want to wear some unusual outfit and do not know how guests will perceive it, then it is better to talk to future husband and wife, because with your unusual actions you risk ruining your relationship with them. Try to bring the newlyweds as much joy as possible on the day of the celebration and make sure that they are not upset, because today is their day.

February 22, 2018, 14:02

Don't wear white to your wedding

Well, it's mostly about women's clothing here. It's never a good idea to dress up in what could be mistaken for a wedding dress, I quote the original. I agree 100 percent! In white at the wedding there should be only one panna - the bride. I personally would never wear anything completely white to anyone's wedding, and if I did sometimes, it was only in combination with another color.

Do not wear something defiantly loud for a wedding

This also applies mainly to the women's toilet. Noisy color dress, too bright make-up, some very elaborate hat - no, no, no! All this will definitely distract everyone's attention from the bride, and direct attention to you, Actually, you will make people talk about yourself, being in such an outfit, but it is doubtful that you will like everything that they say about you! .
Well, I wouldn't worry so much about the hat, because none of the guests at the wedding wears hats. At all. That's not accepted with us, like with others, and that's it. So there is no reason to worry, I say, no.
But with the fact that you should not dress up for wedding fun - I completely and absolutely agree! When the gossips at the tables begin to point their fingers at you and whisper, this portends little pleasant.

Do not wear a business suit to a wedding

For women, of course. You go to a wedding, not a business meeting in the office. Dress or skirt - this is the wedding dress for a woman. It is also better not to wear a combination of a strict jacket - a skirt, here I agree! Well, because very often at weddings, when I am in the company of middle-aged ladies, I have the impression that I am surrounded by the wives of the secretaries of the district party committee - through their square formal suits, and also, if the suits are dark gray or other afterlife colors ... Oh!

Don't wear a prom dress to your wedding

Prom dresses are not recommended for young girls to wear to a wedding, for the reason that prom dresses abroad are mostly light and pastel colors: white, cream or champagne, so it’s not very good if the dress of a former graduate looks like a bride’s dress. True, I don’t know how long ago these tips were written, since I was at the western graduation literally this year and saw the dresses of the graduates in red, and burgundy, and dark blue and other rich colors. So, correcting this setting, I would say: it all depends on the color and style of the dress. If the dress looks like an adult - go ahead and with a song in it for the wedding! Well, if this is a copy of Malvina's puffy skirt, then it's better to look for something from an adult opera.
Moreover, abstracting from our realities, not every young girl - a former graduate - can afford to buy a new dress for the wedding of a friend or someone in the family, at a time when the prom dress still looks pretty decent. More than one young girl, going to a wedding as a friend, dressed and is dressing her prom clothes - I don’t see anything wrong with that (I did it myself, by the way).
At the same time, I know cases when future brides bought / rented a white or sand-colored dress from graduates and walked down the aisle in these dresses! And why not, if the style of the dress allows?

Don't wear a tiara to your wedding

None of the girls or women will put this on their heads when going to a wedding, because they know perfectly well that this is an accessory of the bride. The unwritten rule. Well, what a prom graduate loves to wear a tiara to her princess dress. Or little girls put on tiaras for the first communion. Yes, that's all! If a woman had fastened such a thing to a wedding, then everyone would have discussed it after the wedding. So this advice for us - flies.
Well, in the West, women who are guests at a wedding, you see, wear these tiaras, otherwise such warnings would not be written for them. Never, under any circumstances, wear a tiara to a wedding—well, except that it's your wedding. Because this is not only disrespectful to the bride, but you will also look ridiculous - well said, and I completely, completely and absolutely agree with this!

Do not wear flared trousers and other clothes of this type to the wedding

As far as I know, young people now go to Western discos in whatever they want - this is in small and medium-sized cities. And in large cities with a million inhabitants, in fancy bars, they dress in something super-duper danceable. True, my imagination does not reach the acid color of overalls further. Thank God, it is not customary to wear such things at weddings at all.

Don't wear a tuxedo to a wedding

Only one guy has the right to be at a wedding in a penguin costume - this is the groom - experts say. Well, I don’t know how to adapt this rule to reality, since even the groom rarely wears a tuxedo at a wedding. Our grooms prefer suits in black, grey, beige or silver. Sometimes the bride and groom, especially in the summer, decide that both will be in white - he is in a white suit. Tuxedos, going down the aisle, are worn only by the sons of some rich people. Ordinary guys don't bother with such bourgeois manners.

Don't wear jeans and t-shirts to your wedding

No matter how simple the dress code of this or that wedding is, going to it in jeans and a T-shirt is still indecent. Even if this is a very modest ceremony, it is still better for women to wear some kind of simple dress, and for men, trousers and a shirt.
Well, this advice is clearly not for us! Not a single guest, and even more so a guest at a wedding, even in the most remote village or farm, will come to the fun in jeans or a T-shirt. What are you? And that would be a shame on the whole village, not to mention the city!
And to come to the wedding in Vietnamese?! Yes, this is completely unthinkable!
The people respect themselves too much to come to the wedding, and to any other celebration, sorry, like a bum. But in the well-fed West, people, it turns out, may well wear jeans, a T-shirt, sneakers or rubber slippers to a wedding. They don't care much about looks here. And by the way, the local people love those all kinds of rubber and plastic slippers so much that they would probably sleep in them!
Shoes with wedges, heels, sandals, ballet shoes are normal, but plastic shoes are a huge wedding no-no. An exception is if the wedding is on the beach, and if the invitations indicate such a dress code as slippers.

Don't wear anything revealing to the wedding.

That which screams: Look at me. There's nothing wrong with showing a little leg or cleavage sometimes for the right occasion, but... wedding is not one of those reasons.
A wedding is an event where the bride should be the center of attention, and a guest dressed too revealingly can draw all eyes on herself than she will make a big bride, since the attention of the guests will be riveted not to her, but to the guest's frivolous clothes. On a particularly frank mini one of the girls or women, for example ... Well, I’ll add from myself. Here's something I just can't perceive on girls - visiting at a wedding - shoes with these high heels. One gets the impression that the girl has just moved away from the dance counter in the strip bar. Speaking of dancing, the girls in some strange way manage to dance all the waltzes, polkas, ditties on their high heels.
Nevertheless, those too high heels evoke a visual and semantic association that their owner is, to put it mildly, not a very serious person. Hmm, is it just me being so correct here, or maybe some of you think so, my dear readers?

: don't get hung up

I want to say right away: despite the fact that a lot of signs and superstitions are associated with a wedding dress, you don’t need to get hung up on them too much. After all, there was a time when our ancestors simply went to the registry office or the village council in everyday clothes, and then lived happily ever after for decades.

If you think about something bad all the time, then this will certainly happen, so you don’t need to wind yourself up on the eve of the wedding in anticipation that at some point something unforeseen and unpleasant will definitely happen. Better to just relax and enjoy the upcoming holiday.

However, there are and sometimes they really work. For particularly suspicious brides, there are many rules for choosing a wedding dress.

What should be the perfect wedding dress

There is an old belief that a bride should have an item taken from someone close to her. The mother of the bride used to give the girl an embroidered handkerchief. Symbols were embroidered on the handkerchief that protected the bride from unkind looks. It is advisable to ask for some trinket from relatives or girlfriends, but in no case should you borrow a veil and gloves. It is necessary at the end of the wedding to return the borrowed little thing. It is advisable to borrow this thing from a girlfriend who is happily married.

The wedding dress must be brand new. After the wedding, no one can lend it. There is, according to which, someone else's wedding dress can attract other people's problems into family life. A happy wedding dress can be an outfit that stores the energy of the family and is inherited from generation to generation. The wedding dress of a great-grandmother, who has been happily married for more than fifty years, can become a reliable amulet. True, it is difficult to find a family in Russia, where a great-grandmother's wedding dress is kept, which can be worn, so you need to buy an outfit for the upcoming celebration in a store. It is better to buy a simpler wedding dress than to rent a chic outfit.

True, when buying a wedding dress in a store, it is impossible to say with complete certainty that no one has ever worn it before. I personally know such a case when my friend’s mother worked as a salesperson in an elite wedding dress store and took a very beautiful outfit for her daughter for one day, which was then returned back to the salon and was purchased.

The ideal option is a custom-made wedding dress. In this case, you can be completely sure that no one has worn the outfit before, and it does not carry negative energy.

There is also a sign according to which a wedding dress cannot be sewn by the future bride herself or trust this business to close people and relatives.

The wedding dress should be long, as it means a long and happy family life.

An old English omen associated with the bride's attire

According to tradition, the bride must wear four things on her wedding day. One thing must be new, the second old, the third - blue and the fourth, borrowed from a friend. The new thing is a symbol of a new family, where love, peace and harmony will reign; an old thing means the connection of the bride with the house, parents and family in which she grew up. The blue color symbolizes modesty and fidelity, and a thing borrowed means the bride's connection with friends, whose help and support she can always count on in difficult moments in her life.

How to buy a wedding dress

It is best to go with a company of close people. When trying on a dress, only those people in whose good attitude you can be 100% sure should help.

No need to take pictures of yourself in different outfits to compare later. Treat your wedding dress with due respect.

In the store, you need to try so that the future bride in a wedding dress is seen by as few strangers as possible.

The future bride herself does not have to pay for the purchase. The wedding dress before the celebration should be kept in the parental home.

No one, except the bride herself, should try on the purchased dress. Also, you can not put on the entire wedding dress completely and look in the mirror. For example, you can do the fitting in one glove.

What color should the wedding dress be?

Traditionally, a wedding dress should be white. White color symbolizes purity and light that will illuminate the future family life of the newlyweds. However, modern designers offer wedding dresses in various colors, and brides increasingly want to wear something unusual for a wedding.

A yellow wedding dress can attract quarrels and tears to the family, a red one - scandals and numerous strife. However, individual elements of red in a wedding dress or bridal bouquet portend good luck in marriage, the power of love and unquenchable passion.

Gold color attracts money to the family and symbolizes life in abundance. However, you should not marry in an all-gold dress. We are talking about individual elements of decoration.

A pink dress symbolizes deep pure love, but a white wedding dress is still ideal.

How to wear a wedding dress

Folk signs and superstitions say that you can not dress for a wedding on your own or with the help of your mother. The best thing to do is to ask your friends for help. It is they who should help the bride on this day.

On the hem of the wedding dress you need to pin a pin, head down. The pin will avert the eyes of envious people and neutralize negative energy.

The bride's wedding dress must be worn over the head.

How to wear a wedding dress during a celebration

On the day of the wedding, when the groom has already arrived at the bride's house, the young cannot be separated until the moment they are declared husband and wife. It is also impossible to allow guests to pass between them.

If the bride's dress has a very fluffy skirt that interferes with walking, the groom should in no case help his chosen one carry the hem. This should be done by the bridesmaid.

During the wedding ceremony, friends should not correct the bride's outfit. According to the existing sign, in this case they will interfere and spoil the family life of the spouses.

Popular folk signs about the bride's wedding dress

On the day of the wedding, the dress was torn - relations with the mother-in-law may not work out.

If a button flew off the bride's wedding dress, then frequent quarrels and strife in the family are possible. It is necessary to sew on a button that has flown off with two stitches to ward off trouble from the newlyweds. By the way, according to folk tradition, there should be an even number of buttons on the bride's wedding dress.

You can not show the groom in wedding attire before the wedding. It is believed that in this case, the wedding may not take place.

Wedding dress as a talisman

Folk signs are the experience accumulated by generations, however, very often signs are confused with superstitions, which are based not on the experience of generations, but on ignorance and mysticism. You have the right to choose for yourself what to attribute to signs and what to superstitions, what to believe and what not. Here is a far from complete list of wedding signs and superstitions:

Wedding signs not included in the category:

Guests are not allowed to wear black to the wedding.

  • The last night before the wedding, the bride and groom should spend separately.
  • When the groom takes the bride from the parental home, he should never look back.
  • The bride should not allow her friends to stand in front of her in front of the mirror so that they do not take her beloved away.
  • To give a photo before the wedding - to parting.
  • Sweep off the table with your hand - the husband (wife) will be bald (oh).
  • Husband sleep a lot before the wedding - sleep cross-eyed wife.
  • Sitting on the corner of the table - not getting married for seven years.
  • To knit any clothes for a lover before the wedding - to treason and separation.
  • The bride to look in the mirror in a wedding dress - to minor troubles.
  • Cross the threshold, cross the path of the bride and groom - to trouble and a quarrel between spouses.
  • Whoever (bride or groom) crosses the threshold of the house first, he will be the head of the family.
  • To wash the threshold in the house after the bride's departure - to the soon return of the bride to her parents (disintegration of the marriage).
  • If the groom cuts his hair on the eve of the wedding or wedding, the children will be sick.
  • You can't get married on a leap year.

Wedding signs associated with the registry office:

  • It's a bad omen to take a walk before going to the registry office.
  • After the ransom and before the registry office, no one should pass between the bride and groom, so their clothes are fastened with a pin.
  • The parents of the bride and groom should not be present at the registry office.
  • The more confusing the road that young people travel, the happier their family life will be. In ancient times, "wedding trains" chose the most winding paths to the church.

Wedding signs associated with witnesses:

  • If the witnesses at the wedding are divorced, this is a divorce for the newlyweds.
  • If the witnesses are married - also unfortunately.
  • If one witness is married to another, then the marriage of the witnesses will break up.

Wedding signs associated with engagement rings:

  • Wedding rings should certainly be smooth (classic), and not pretentious, with stones, notches - then the life of the newlyweds will be smooth.
  • Loss of a wedding ring - to the breakdown of marriage, separation.
  • Let the engagement ring be tried on - to an unfortunate fate.
  • After the couple exchanged rings, the bride should not take an empty box. It must be given to a young girl present at the wedding. According to popular belief, the one who takes the wedding ring box will be the next to marry.
  • If you want the ring to be decorated with a stone, remember: ruby ​​means passionate love, emerald - tender, and diamond - long.

Wedding omens associated with jewelry:

  • You can't wear pearls to a wedding. This is for the tears of the bride.
  • You can’t wear jewelry to a wedding, you need jewelry.
  • You can not wear rings on the wedding day, except for the engagement ring.

Wedding signs associated with the bride's dress:

  • They say that the bride's dress should be just a dress, and not a corset with a skirt, otherwise there will be a separate life.
  • The bride's dress must be white.
  • The groom must not see the bride's dress before the wedding.
  • You can't sell a wedding dress. It must be kept for life so that the marriage does not break up.
  • It is forbidden for a bride to put on a wedding dress through her legs, but only through her head.
  • It is not recommended to rent a dress or buy second-hand. Save now - you will not get out of debt all your life. The dress must be new.
  • On the hem of the dress, the bride should make a few stitches with blue threads from the evil eye.

Wedding signs associated with the color of the bride's dress:

  • The white dress is a symbol of God's Grace.
  • Silver (gray) dress - short-term marriage.
  • Red dress - conflict marriage.
  • A blue dress is a quick cooling of the spouses.
  • Blue dress - the husband will have mistresses.
  • A green dress is a moneyless marriage.
  • Yellow dress - live exactly six years.
  • The color of gold is a rich marriage.
  • Brown dress - they will share what they earn.
  • Black dress - early widow.
  • Pink dress - long love.

Wedding signs associated with the color of the groom's suit:

  • Black suit - love marriage.
  • Gray suit - a hasty marriage, but mostly a long one.
  • White suit - the groom will suffer.
  • Blue suit - the husband will change.
  • Blue suit - squabbles over money.
  • A green suit is a marriage for people to laugh at.
  • Red suit - to the short life of the groom.
  • The brown suit is a strict husband.

Wedding signs associated with other elements of clothing:

  • To get married in a hat - to divorce.
  • To get married in a short veil - to sick children.
  • To get married without a veil - to suffering and deceit.
  • If the groom is in a bow tie, he will change.

Wedding signs associated with shoes:

  • If the groom is in boots, he will fight.
  • If the groom is in gray, light or white shoes, he will have fragile health and a short life.
  • You can not get married in sandals - life will be barefoot.
  • If the heel breaks on the wedding day, family life will be "limping".

Wedding signs associated with gifts:

  • It is not customary to give forks, spoons and knives to the wedding. Such a gift is considered a bad omen.
  • You can not give roses for a wedding, especially red ones.

Wedding signs associated with the wedding:

  • If the bride put on her wedding dress before the wedding, the wedding will not take place. (Russian sign). It was believed: put on a dress - got married.
  • No one should cross the path of the bride and groom going to the wedding.
  • Whoever burns out the candle faster during the wedding, he will die first.
  • If the bride, standing under the crown, drops her handkerchief, then her husband will die and be her widow.
  • If you accidentally drop your wedding ring before putting it on your finger, this is a sign of separation.
  • A suddenly extinguished wedding candle portends a difficult life in marriage or an early death.

Wedding signs related to the day or time of the wedding:

  • Getting married on the 13th is a bad omen.
  • Marriages concluded in the afternoon are considered more successful.
  • In order to be happy in marriage, the bride must cry on her wedding day.
  • Rain or snow on your wedding day - fortunately.

Wedding signs associated with the months:

  • January - early to be widowed.
  • February - live in harmony.
  • March - to live on a foreign side.
  • April - enjoy varying degrees of success.
  • May - to see treason in your own house. Or else - toil.
  • June - the honeymoon will last a lifetime.
  • July - keep sweet and sour memories of your life.
  • August - the husband will be both a lover and a friend.
  • September - a quiet and calm life.
  • October - life will be hard and difficult.
  • November is a very rich life.
  • December - the stars of love will shine brighter and brighter every year.

You decide whether you believe in wedding signs and superstitions or not, but remember that by paying too much attention to various signs and superstitions, you greatly limit your freedom of action and choice. After all, the main wedding sign is the feelings of the young, so love and be happy!

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