Irish lace how to knit leaves. Irish lace leaves paws

Irish lace is becoming more and more fashionable, many learn to knit it, but not everyone succeeds beautifully. We offer you simple knitting options that you can quickly master!

Tunisian leaf

The video tutorial below will show you how to crochet a Tunisian leaf. It looks like an angel's wing, doesn't it? Where to start knitting such beauty?

  1. We make a sliding loop, it is necessary to knit 20 single crochets into it (hereinafter referred to as st. b / n). It turns out such a circle, tied around the contour.
  2. Next, we tighten the sliding loop, connect the first and last loops with a connecting loop.
  3. We knit 11 air loops, a video lesson on knitting a Tunisian leaf helps us; we skip one and stretch the loop (it turns out, through the penultimate knitted air loop). Thus, it is necessary to do 10 more times - through each air. There will be 11 loops on the hook. We stretch the last loop through the base of the chain.
  4. We knit our row of free loops in two pieces.
  5. When you're done with this, knit 2 chain stitches. Count three loops and stretch the thread (it turns out that we knit in the previously knitted row). We stretch the thread, as we did in the last row.
  6. We knitted 2 rows in this way. The third and subsequent rows are knitted in the same way. There should be 10 in total.
  7. Finished knitting these 10 rows, our leaf is almost finished. We knit a half-column with a crochet into the loop of the base, then we knit into each column of the base (ringlet) according to Art. b/n. We continue the row of columns along the side of the connected leaf, until it is rounded.
  8. The last stage is tying the leaf with a “crustacean step”. It turns out a beautiful, ornate edge.

jagged irish leaf

Looks very impressive! What I like about this leaf is that you can continue it as much as you like, you can adjust the size yourself. By the way, from thin threads it turns out to be much prettier, more tender - of course, in the video lesson, thick ones are taken to understand the principle of knitting.

  1. We knit 8 air loops.
  2. We skip one loop, in the second we knit st. b/n.
  3. We repeat to the end of the chain, but in the very last loop we knit not 1, but 3 tbsp. b/n.
  4. We turn around, knit the other side of the air chain st. b / n, without skipping loops at the beginning. In the last loop we knit 3 tbsp. b / n, as on the other hand, only they will turn out from different ends of the air chain.
  5. We knit st. b / n behind the back wall of the columns of the previous row, without knitting 2 columns to the end.
  6. Let's make 3 air loops, turn over (this will give us a beautiful bend at the tip of the leaf, just those very notches, the video tutorial will show this). Skipping 1 loop, in the next loop of the chain we knit 1 tbsp. b/n. We continue to knit to the end of the row of Art. b/n. behind the back wall.
  7. Similarly, we knit the other side of the sheet, without knitting 2 loops to the end. As you may have guessed, here you need to repeat step 6. Having knitted to the base of the leaf, you can stop, you can continue knitting further, the Irish leaf with notches can turn out to be impressive in size, if you have a desire to make it that way.

Such a beautiful curled element is not difficult to tie, although it does not look simple.

  1. We start the Irish leaf curl by knitting an air chain - 28 loops.
  2. We count 11 loops first of the chain, in the 12th we knit a connecting loop.
  3. Then we knit 1 air, turn the knitting over. In the video tutorial, we can see that after that we need to start tying the resulting ring. To do this, we skip 1 loop of the air chain, and then in each subsequent we knit 1 tbsp. b/n.
  4. When the ring is tied, we go further along the chain, continuing to the end of the series of st. b/n.
  5. The next row of leaf-curl begins with knitting 3 air loops. When they are knitted, we make a blind loop, skipping one column at the base (if it is not clear, we turn to the video lesson). We repeat this one more time.
  6. Then we knit 3 air loops and skipping one loop at the base, in the next we knit a double crochet. We repeat this 9 more times. As we can calculate, there should be 10 double crochets in total. We do one more column of this row (the last one) without a crochet.
  7. We knit 3 air loops, make a blind loop in the very last loop, it turns out at the base of the circle, which was connected at the very beginning.
  8. We start knitting the next row. Under the chain of air loops we make 1 st b / n, then 3 tbsp. with one crochet, we complete art. b/n. Repeat this to the end of the row (14 times)
  9. We get a beautiful leaf-curl, which we easily knitted!

In the second video you can see intermediate frames from the process of knitting the same curl, only larger and knitted in several colors.

A great element that you will be able to include in your lace! Looks very nice and elegant! The principle of knitting is not complicated, even for beginners it will be easy to knit!

  1. We start knitting a curved leaf with a set of a chain of air loops (should be 27).
  2. We skip one loop, with the second we knit single crochets into each subsequent loop of the base. At the very last we knit 4 tbsp. b/n.
  3. We turn around and knit on the other side, we tie an arch of air loops. It is necessary to link 21 Art. b / n, capturing the entire chain (columns do not reach the end of the chain). As you can see in the video tutorial, it turns out that the bars go above the bars. Under them we lay the rest of the base thread, thereby beautifully hiding it under knitting.
  4. Air loop, turn around, skip the first column, knit 21 st from the second column. b/n.
  5. In the columns in the center (there are 2 of them), we knit 2 tbsp. b/n. (so that the knitting does not twist). Between these pairs we make an air loop.
  6. Then we knit 8 tbsp. b / n., then 13 air loops, retreat 3 columns, and in the fourth, fifth, sixth we knit 1 st b / n. The line is over, turn around. Air loop for lifting, skip the first column, and knit over the second and third according to Art. b/n. (The video tutorial shows this in detail).
  7. Next, he will tie a chain of 8 air, which was tied earlier. We knit Art. b / n., then a half-column with a crochet, 13 columns with a crochet, 1 half-column with a crochet. The chain is over, we continue the row, we knit it with a single crochet (there should be 11 of them). Thus, the contour of a curved leaf is already looming.
  8. Linking 11 tbsp. b / n., we knit 1 air, then 9 tbsp. b/n. (the first column will go under the arch from the air loop of the previous row).
  9. We make 13 air loops, count 5 loops from the end of knitting, in the fifth we knit st. b / n., repeat this 2 more times. We turn around.
  10. We do not knit anything over the first column, in the second and third - 1 st. b/n.
  11. Next, we tie an arch of air loops, which was made in paragraph 9 - 3 of Art. b / n., half double crochet, 9 double crochet, half double crochet and continue the row - 10 tbsp. b/n. The last, 10th, will enter under the arch from the air loops of the previous row.
  12. Next air loop, 9 tbsp. b/n. Having knitted them, we knit 13 air loops. In the first and second double crochets of the previous row, we knit 1 tbsp. b/n. Expanding the canvas
  13. Then follows an air loop, over the first column we knit st. b / n., Art. b/n. under the arch, 2 half-columns with a crochet, 13 columns with a crochet, 1 half-column with a crochet - the arch is tied.
  14. We continue the series 10 tbsp. b / n., after that the air loop, art. b / n under the arch from the air loop of the last row and another 7 tbsp. b/n. (there should be 8 in total, as we see in the video tutorial).
  15. We knit 13 air loops again, count 6 columns from the edge and knit 3 tbsp. b/n.
  16. We knit an air loop, unfold the knitting, begin to form another layer of the leaf - we do not knit anything over the first column of the last row, then 2 tbsp. b/n. in each of the columns of the previous row.
  17. We continue - 2 tbsp. b/n. in the arch, half-column with a crochet, 12 columns with a crochet, half-column with a crochet - another arch of air loops is tied! We tie 9 tbsp. b / n in the columns of the previous row
  18. This is followed by an air loop, 8 tbsp. bn., 13 air loops, from the beginning we are looking for the sixth loop, we knit 2 tbsp. b / n, unfold, 1 air loop, skip the column, 1 tbsp. b / n, repeat 1 tbsp. b / n., but already under the arch, 2 half-columns with a crochet, we knit 13 columns with a crochet, 1 half-column with a crochet, then 9 tbsp. b/n. Please note that the 9th of them is knitted under an arch from an air loop.
  19. We make an air loop again, 7 tbsp. b / n., 13 air loops, 1 single crochet in the 7th and 6th columns from the end.
  20. Again we make an air loop, turn around and repeat step 16.
  21. We oblige the arch in the usual manner - 2 tbsp. b / n, half double crochet, 13 double crochet, half double crochet, 8 columns above the columns - we knit to the end of the row.
  22. Repeat step 19, then step 16
  23. We tie an arch (p. 21)
  24. 8 art. b/n. Then we knit 13 air, one column without a crochet in the 7th column from the end, art. b/n
  25. Again we repeat item 16, then we repeat item 21, we knit a connecting post and stretch the thread. On this, the curved leaf can be finished, or you can also knit a circle according to the worked out pattern, depending on what size you want to see your leaf.

The second video talks about knitting a similar flower, only the base is made with a circle, a thin central part. In my opinion, it looks more elegant and suits lace more, giving it lightness.

How to crochet an intricate leaf for Irish lace

A complex leaf is just its name, it is not clear why it is, because it fits in simply, the video lesson confirms this.

  1. We start knitting with a sliding loop. When it is done, we knit the following sequence of columns inside the formed circle: 5 tbsp. w / n., half-column, single crochet, half-column with two crochets, double crochet, half-column with three crochets, three crochet. All columns are different in height. The first row does not end there - we knit five air loops, a connecting loop, and only then we tighten the sliding loop
  2. Next, we will tie the resulting arch of air loops. We turn the work to the other side, we knit three air loops over the resulting arch, then a column with one crochet (you don’t need to retreat the loops, that is, in the first loop of the arch!)
  3. Next comes 1 air, double crochet - we repeat this five times, at the end of the row there is a connecting loop.
  4. We will tie an air loop for lifting, then st. b/n. we tie a complex sheet along the contour. In the last loop we knit a half-column.
  5. After that, we start the hook under the "air" arch, which was connected in paragraph 3), we knit 2 tbsp. b / n, three air loops - this is done to decorate the sharp end of the leaf, in order to fix this effect, we knit st. b/n.
  6. Next, knitting is repeated - we knit between st. s / n. one single crochet, between them we make an air loop. We knit a leaf to a round base, cut the thread.

Knitting a beautiful difficult leaf is completed! You can add it to lace, decorate clothes, a shawl - use it as your heart desires!

Crochet fans rightly consider Irish lace to be one of the most advanced techniques. According to the complexity of execution, this ancient knitting technique can easily be elevated to the level of art. Small, openwork elements, smooth and voluminous motifs, collected in amazing patterns, various textures and colors allow you to create a lace fabric that is simply unique in its beauty, which cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Knitting technique

Classic elements of Irish lace:

  • simple sheet,
  • round sheet,
  • sheet with a central vein,
  • sheet with an openwork window,
  • dense shamrock,
  • rose with three rows of voluminous petals,
  • bunch of grapes.

When working with elements of Irish lace, it is customary to use a consistent knitting technique. First, separate motifs (patterns) are knitted, then they are laid out on a sketch or pattern, and combined together with a lattice or brids.

There are several options for connecting lace motifs. The most popular is the connection of motifs with a grid. It is performed quite simply - the finished elements are laid out on the diagram, and the space between them is knitted with a grid.

Sometimes, when connecting motifs of different sizes, “voids” of various shapes can form that cannot be filled with grids of regular types (fillet or honeycomb grid), in this case, they resort to using an irregular grid that smoothly wraps around the elements.

The reverse option of collecting lace is also possible. First, an openwork fabric or a mesh base is knitted, and then motifs are attached to it. You can also take ordinary tulle as a basis and sew elements on it.

In addition, lace motifs can be collected sequentially, tying them to each other in the process. Most often, small products from homogeneous elements are assembled in this way, because it is quite difficult to assemble a whole canvas in this way.

But you can sew an openwork fabric if you take tight-fitting motifs and sew them with a needle and sufficiently long untucked tips of the motifs.

Motives and schemes

When working in the technique of Irish lace, schemes, as such, are necessary only for copying author's works, because the technique is largely free and does not require compliance with strict limits.

Use the examples of motifs and schemes below to create your own works of authorship.

Creating a lace element

To work, you will need a crochet hook and white threads of suitable thickness.

In the course of work, we will use abbreviations:

  • vp - air loop;
  • p / p - half loop;
  • st.s / n - double crochet;
  • st.b / n - single crochet.

First, let's create the base for the motif ring. To do this, wrap the thread in several turns around your finger.

The resulting ring of threads should be tied with single crochets. Then form 1 ch lift and continue to recruit st.b / n. Your task is to place 35 st.b / n in the ring.

Please note that on the wrong side of the product, characteristic free p / p should remain. They will start the next row.

Check out the photos. It should turn out as in the photo. Form a chain of 5 ch.

Attach this chain to the ring for free p / p to the 3rd st.b / n in a row. Get a kind of arch.

Similarly, tie four more of the same arches. In the last, sixth arch, dial only 3 ch and attach it to the ring of st.s / n.

Expand the knitting and, on top of the already connected arches, make four more arches of 5 ch each, and the last arch of 3 ch and 1 st.s / n.

On the next level, make six arches again. To do this, fasten the first chain of 5 ch into the extreme arch of the previous row.

Behind it, knit four more arches of 5 ch.

Run the sixth arch from 2 ch and 1 st.s / n.

At the fourth level, you need to tie 5 arches again. The last one will be from 2 ch and st.s / n.

Fifth level. The first arch - 3 ch. The next two arches are 5 ch each and the last arch is 2 ch and st.s / n.

Sixth level. The first arch - 4 ch, the second - 5 ch, the third - 1 ch and st.s / n.

Seventh level. The first arch is 5 ch, and the second is 2 ch and st.s / n.

Eighth level. Finish the central part of the motive with an arch of 10 ch and cut the thread.

Take a new thread and make 1 ch for the rise, attaching it to the base of the very first arch of 5 ch.

Then tie all the extreme arches with single crochets. At the highest point of the arch of 10 ch between the columns, you need to make 1 ch. To make it clearer, tie it according to this scheme: 31 st.b / n, 1 ch, 32 st.b / n. Count on one side of the lift, as the first st.b / n.

Now move on to the ring. It should be tied behind the p / p located on the back side, returning to the fastening of the second thread.

St. b / n we pass the entire next row. Only through the left VP at the highest point of the element will it be necessary to knit 3 st.b / n, thereby making an increase.

Having reached the edge of the mesh opposite to the fastening of the second thread, you should start knitting back with a “crustacean step”.

Knit the “crustace step” for the front half loops to the place where the thread is attached.

When 7 loops remain to the crown, form 3 ch lifts, and knit 26 st.s / n. Consider the crown as the eighth loop.

In each loop, tie 6 st.b / n, then 2 st.b / n in one loop. 1 st.b / n and symmetrically in the other direction - 2 st.b / n from one loop, 6 st.b / n.

Then go through 28 st.s / n.

Now you can move on to tying the ring. To do this, form 2 st.s / n from one loop.

2 st.s / n from each loop of the previous row, 9 st.b / n from each loop, 2 st.s / n, 2 st.s / n from one loop. And eventually connect everything to the beginning of the series.

Tie the whole row with a “crustacean step” and cut the thread.

Take a new thread and, not counting the column from the ch, attach it to the 7th column of the previous row and make 1 ch of lifting.

Knit four st.b / n.

From the sixth column 2 st.s / n.

The next 20 st.s / n.

On the top of the element, tie 5 st.b / n and then symmetrically 20 st.s / n, 2 st.s / n from 1 loop, 5 st.b / n. Now turn the knitting over, as in the case of the arches, this will be the only purl row in the pattern.

Make 1 ch lift, after it 2 st.b / n, 6 st.s / n, 2 st.s / n from 1 loop.

Then 15 st.s / n, 2 st.s / n from one loop.

1 st.s / n, 5 st.b / n should turn out over the same columns of the previous row.

Tie the other half of the product in the same way - 1 st.s / n, 2 st.s / n from one loop, 15 st.s / n, 2 st.s / n from one loop, 6 st.s / n, 3 st.b / n.

Tie the ring around the perimeter with st.b / n and return to the beginning of the row.

Go through the entire element again with a “crustacean step” and cut off the edge of the thread.

Attach a new thread to the first st. b / n of the penultimate row of strapping, with the exception of the row from the “crustacean step”.

From 10 ch form a large loop.

Tie this loop with 22 st.b / n. Turn the item over. Connect each initial and final strapping column to the loops of the element, thereby joining them together.

Turn the knitting over again and re-tie a loop of st.b / n.

In the loop of the element, make one st.b / n. Tie a loop st.s / n.

Perform the last row of strapping st.b / n. All four rows, the number of columns in the strapping should remain equal to 22.

Go through the element 5 st.b / n and form a second large loop of 10 ch. Tie it by analogy with the first. After it, tie another 7 large loops throughout the element. To complete the knitting of the motif, you should tie the "crawl step".

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Recently, clothes knitted with motifs and elements of Irish lace have become fashionable. Eye-catching things look unusual and beautiful. Unique lace products are highly appreciated by the most demanding modern fashionistas. You can use knitted details for decorating clothes, handbags, shoes. Consists of a set of separately knitted details connected among themselves by a grid.

The complexity of the parts of the stacked lace is different, but all the fragments, both complex and simple, look great in the product.

Learning to knit simple motifs for beginners

Craftswomen create lace products from wonderful plexuses of plant patterns, surprising with the unusualness and subtlety of the painstaking work of needlewomen who create crocheted openwork compositions. The technique of creating ornaments is diverse, in many ways, but the result is striking in the uniqueness and delicacy of the created pattern. Clothing made using this technique looks elegant and extravagant.

To learn how to knit, it is best to start with simple ones:

  • ribbed leaflet
  • round sheet
  • openwork leaf
  • simple flower
  • flower
  • twig with leaves

Today we will look at the technology for making beautiful petals and leaves on a twig.

By learning simple motifs, you will be able to create the desired individual things. The main thing is to stock up on patience, perseverance and a well-developed imagination. With all this, you can associate unusual colorful plant compositions.

Irish lace and motif schemes with description

When crocheting, schematic images are used. To understand how to read a pattern, you need to study the symbols for knitting. I propose to see how the techniques already known to us are schematically indicated.

Having studied the above designations, we will create original leaves.

Preparatory stage, materials and accessories

In the process of creating fragments, we need the following material:

  • hook of the required size
  • yarn
  • scissors
  • schematic drawings

Knitted ribbed sheet and trefoil according to patterns

In Irish knitting, the most famous fragment of the ornament is considered to be a ribbed leaf. There are many different schematic drawings for creating leaves, which for some reason scare away beginner needlewomen. But beginners should not despair as following the conventions and carefully studying the step-by-step description of the work performed, everything will work out - you will make beautiful and neat leaves.

The knitting of this element consists of a monotonous thread wound in a half-loop or from melange yarn in two half-loops. The size of the leaf is set by the needlewoman herself at the expense of the unfinished row, creating a narrow leaf shape. The loops are not always considered, at the request of the master.

Instructions for creating a relief sheet

We collect 12 air loops.

From the second 9 single crochets, finishing the process with 3 air loops.

The second side of the sheet is identical, at the same time tying the end of the thread. Knitting ends without knitting one loop to the end of the row.

One air loop is knitted, the workpiece is turned over, and then 11 tbsp., Single crochet and 3 VP. The other side of the leaf is identical.

Knitting the last one, at the end of the row, we capture it in two half-loops, in order to avoid stretching the leaf.

In this way we make the whole leaf. If in all rows you do not knit in a column, we get beautiful cloves. In the final row, in place of the loops, 7 tbsp is knitted. without a crochet.

The leaflet is tied. Cut the thread, removing the end.

We create the intended number of identical parts of the future masterpiece.

Crochet shamrock

The next well-known motif is the shamrock, which is used in almost all handicrafts.

To connect it, you must strictly follow the indicated steps:

  • With the help of a hook of the appropriate size, six air ones are drawn, and closed in a ring
  • Three identical arches are knitted from six similar loops
  • Finished arches are tied with two single crochet, sixteen with double crochet and two more single crochet
  • Having finished the procedure, we cut the fiber, hiding the tail

We get a pretty shamrock. A branch with leaves, used in all kinds of home-made products, looks no less nice.

Branch with leaves

Before starting to perform creative manipulations to create a branch with oval leaves, we carefully consider the schematic representation of the presented drawing and consider all further methods in order to avoid making all sorts of mistakes.

Looking at the picture, we see that the process is performed from the bottom up. Let's figure out how to make the first sheet of a given pattern.

  1. We collect seven air loops (further VP) and ten more.
  2. We turn this section and knit a connecting loop, one - without a crochet, three - with a crochet, one - without a crochet, one connecting loop, fixing the connecting loop in the seventh loop of the beginning of the chain.
  3. At the base of the emerging leaf, the knitted part turns from the side VP created leaflet, and in a circle there is a set of twenty-two half-st.
  4. The working part is rotated, the looming sheet is tied in a circle with semi-columns before the formation of the sheet begins.
  5. Recruiting nine VP and the same as before, we form the next sheet. We monitor the quality of the work procedure, we do not overtighten the thread and do not release it so that the knitted parts keep their shape.
  6. The workflow then proceeds as before. The main thing is to carefully read the diagram and correctly read the denoting signs.






Connecting knitted parts

Having learned to knit a variety of fragments, they can be connected to each other:

  • with a needle
  • grabbing the loops of the last row of two parts
  • using an irregular mesh, a honeycomb mesh, or a sirloin mesh
  • tying the mesh separately and sewing details on it

Ready-made miniature motifs are used to decorate blouses, skirts, cardigans, hats, handbags, you can make chic and beautiful paintings, panels, create a fancy napkin that decorates the living room.

To recreate unique things with a charming weaving technique, you need to have a developed imagination, patience and a great desire to create without restrictions.

We knit amazing patterns of motives in master classes

The method of work in Irish technology is distinguished by the collection of a product from several separately connected “puzzles”, interconnected by a mesh. The main thing is to feel the work being created, to select the right matching shades of threads, to combine the fragments correctly. Having creatively approached the implementation of interesting and exciting work, the result will delight the craftswomen with a masterpiece. Having carefully studied the process of knitting individual motifs and mesh, novice craftswomen will be able to knit their first composition.

Look great in lace cords and curls, flowers and petals, connected by a grid. Curls look a little better on clothes. Needlewomen use the original curled yarrow.

Video tutorials or how to knit yarrow mk.

Consider a step-by-step instruction for creating a yarrow motif. The element is executed using a bourdon - a thread in three additions. The same thread is used as the working one.

Illustrations of motives Step-by-step instruction
On the bourdon we collect 18 s. b. n., forming a ring.
We continue to gain 60 s on the bourdon. b. n.
We turn the knitting, pulling the bourdon threads tighter and knit 20 tbsp. b. n., laying the bourdon over the loops of the underlying row.
Knitting the last loop, we tighten the bourdon, shaping the part.

The bourdon thread is set aside. We knit 3 in. p., 1 tbsp. With. n., 2 c. n. In this way we do before the start of rounding the leaf and along it.
Knitting turns, we tie the arches with three single crochets. Bourdon stays away.
We reach the end, turn the product over, knit 15 tbsp on the bourdon. b. n.
The work is turning. we also do bourdon, 2 st.b.n., 2 half-columns, 7 st.s.n., 2 half-st., 2 st.
We skip 2 loops of the underlying row, we knit 1 st.b.n., the work turns, placing the budon on top of the petal, we knit 8 tbsp. b. n.
Further on the bourdon we collect 7 tbsp. b. n.

The work turns, the next petal is formed. The procedure is repeated until the end of the row. It turns out a beautiful curl.

Having learned how to perform one fragment, we proceed to perform other details. Following the schematic images, we create our favorite curls, leaves, caterpillars. Yarrow scheme for beginners

Often, in the creation of lace outfits, along with vegetable, all kinds of cords are used to emphasize the ornament being created. One of these is the caterpillar cord.

We offer you to see a detailed step-by-step description of the dense braid used in creativity.

Illustration Description

An air loop is knitted, the hook is inserted under the thread of the first knot, the thread is removed and a loop is made.

Already two pieces have formed on the hook, through which the third is pulled.

We turn the work around.

Turning the knitted piece, we find two threads.

Through the detected threads we create a loop. On the working tool - two.

Tie two loops together.

We expand the work.

Through two threads we stretch one loop.

The workflow is repeated. We knit a cord of the required length.

Types of knitted nets in handmade lace

Finished parts intended for the formation of clothes are connected in three ways:

Fillet grid schematic image

"Honeycomb" in the technique of Irish lace pattern

Irregular mesh for knitting in video tutorials

Fastening fragments with a net is a fairly simple type of knitting, which consists in laying out details on a pattern, filling the empty space with a sirloin net.

A void of unequal size is filled with an irregular network.

The procedure is facilitated by knitting on a mesh pattern and attaching finished elements to it. Most lace products are assembled using an irregular grid.

Crochet instructions, its elements and motifs

The typeset parts of Irish lace are connected by an irregular network. We pre-attach the joints of the fragments with stitches, fill the space with an asymmetric network, created by changing air arches and columns with a different number of crochets.

Prepared motifs are placed on a pattern placed on a foam rubber substrate, and fixed with tailor's pins so that the fabric does not wrinkle. They are laid out face down.

Having stopped at the space between the elements, we knit an asymmetrical mesh. To do this, the hook is inserted from above into the base, catching the working thread and pulling it out.

We hook the short end of the thread and stretch it through the loop formed. The thread is fixed by pulling up the long working end, tightening the knot. The tail is hidden in the canvas.

One of the main elements of Irish lace, which is also often used when knitting products in the Freeform style, is a leaf. It would seem a very simple element and it fits easily. However, many novice knitters complain that they can’t tie the “same” leaf in any way.

I tried a lot of options myself, before a scheme was born that suited me absolutely.

A few secrets of knitting such a leaf:
1. Do not forget that knitting begins on the wrong side.
2. You should always grab only the back of the loop, but the last single crochet in the row (before knitting the air loop and turning the knitting) should be knitted on both sides of the loop to avoid making a hole and stretching the leaf in the future.
3. The leaf turns out much more interesting from sectional dyeing yarn, or from several colors. Change the color in knitting should be done like this:

And here, in fact, is the complete scheme of the leaf for Irish lace:

Such a simple leaf may have a somewhat complicated version, with openwork slots. The leaf will look like this:

And this is a leaf pattern with slots for Irish lace.

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