How to weave figures and toys from rubber bands - photos, videos, diagrams. How to weave figures from elastic bands Weaving from elastic bands 3d figures for beginners

If lately you have been living in a colorful world called Rainbow Loom, if your hands have already gotten used to weaving bracelets, and your eyes are accustomed to bright colors, you just have to learn how to weave a rubber band figure and start mastering a new stage of your creativity. Of course, at first you have to learn how to make the simplest figures.

The schemes that we want to offer you can be repeated even by a child. They are designed just for beginners, and what can we say about experienced knitters of bracelets who can literally make a cute heart or delicious ice cream out of rubber bands in no time. In addition, we have selected for you high-quality and very affordable video tutorials from which you will learn how to weave a rubber band figure with your own hands. We invite you to carefully watch the video and get to work.

What and how can you weave rainbow loom rubber bands?

  • heart keychain;
  • bouncing ball;
  • turtle,
  • ice cream;
  • bear cub;
  • cucumber;
  • bone;
  • carrot;
  • Angry Birds;
  • present;
  • popsicle;
  • owl
  • fresco heart;
  • soccer ball;
  • banana;
  • crosses.

By the way, with the tools you also expect a similar variety and freedom of choice. We we will work in different ways:

  • on the machine;
  • on the monster tail machine;
  • on hook;
  • on forks;
  • on pencils.

As you can see, you can make not only bracelets from rubber bands, there are just a lot of opportunities for imagination. Pick your favorite colors, take the tools, we begin to weave figures from rubber bands.

And the first video lesson will show us an experienced and very creative master Sergey. Together with him, we will weave a heart that can serve as a wonderful romantic gift, a keychain or just a beautiful talisman. The master just can’t wait to show you the weaving of rubber bands on the machine, be careful and careful during work.

How to weave a heart out of elastic bands on a loom?

  1. We wrap the first rubber band 4 times around the hook, and then reset everything to a free elastic band. We dress this combination on a couple of columns and pull on the next pair with a hook.
  2. Through the rubber band, twisted in 4 turns, we stretch 2 more elastic bands.
  3. We transfer the ends of these "new" elastic bands to the next pair of columns.
  4. We remove the elastic bands from the central columns and again stretch 2 new elastic bands through the central elastic bands, twisted in 4 turns. We put them on the central columns.
  5. We take an elastic band, twist it 2 times and put it on 3 columns of the row closest to us.
  6. We put the next elastic band on 3 pairs of columns in the form of a figure eight.
  7. Now, along the rubber band, twisted in 2 turns, we put it on the transverse pairs of columns, on the right and left.
  8. We remove our "eight" in the middle of weaving, forming a rhombus.
  9. We put on a pair of elastic bands on the transverse pairs of columns.
  10. We turn our attention to the elastic band, which we folded a few steps back in 2 turns and put on 3 columns closest to us. We drop it to the center.
  11. We proceed directly to the weaving process. We remove the lower layers of rubber bands from the corner posts (both far and near).
  12. We throw a new elastic band on 3 columns of the row adjacent to us.
  13. We again put on the next elastic band in the form of a figure eight on all 3 pairs of columns.
  14. We put single elastic bands on transverse pairs of columns.
  15. We again reset the "eight" as we did before.
  16. We drop the rubber bands from the side posts.
  17. We drop the bottom layer of rubber bands from the central posts.
  18. We throw 2 pairs of elastic bands on the side columns and dump the lower layers inward.
  19. We throw on 3 rubber bands on the sides and reset the bottom layer again.
  20. Throw in a couple more rubber bands.
  21. We reset all the elastic bands on the central posts and remove the heart from the machine.

So you made a cute heart-keychain or a souvenir for your loved one. Next, you will find even more exciting weaving of figures from rubber bands on the loom. All schemes are very interesting, and most importantly - simple.

Try to weave a 3D cucumber or a cute teddy bear - you just great choice for imagination. You can also weave your own products using photo instructions for beginners. In addition, it is very useful for beginners to watch a video on how to weave figures from rubber bands, since more voluminous images appear on them, plus, of course, the master's comments help a lot. In both cases, to begin with, choose lightweight products that you can repeat on a regular rainbow loom and without it.

What tools to use for work, as well as what methods and patterns of weaving figures you prefer, you decide for yourself. We picked couple of workshops and the maximum number of high-quality and affordable YouTube videos for every taste, so that novice craftsmen can create their own collection of masterpieces. And your attention is provided with an understandable and accessible even for a beginner master class on weaving an octopus on a small rainbow loom machine. Carefully consider the following pictures, because according to them you will learn to weave animal figures from rubber bands.

Octopus made of rubber bands on a monster tail mini-machine

1 . We dress the first 3 pairs of rubber bands on the posts diagonally, twisting them with a “figure of eight”. We put on six rubber bands of a different color in the form of a rectangle, on all the main posts of our machine.

2 . Raise the bottom layer, consisting of red rubber bands, up and send them to the middle of the weave. From the extreme columns of the far row we remove one yellow elastic band and take them out to the auxiliary columns, to the right and left.

3 . We put the next layer on pairs of columns in a circle, using absolutely all the columns. Raise the bottom layer of rubber bands up. Add a new layer of rubber bands of a different color and lift the lower elastic bands up. We should have 5 knitted rows in total. In the sixth row, add a pair of eyes, after making a blank on the hook.

We dress eyes on pairs of rubber bands of the near row. Next, weave the seventh row, and on the eighth we make a mouth. To do this, we put a black rubber band on the middle elastic band of the near row.

4 . We made the body and therefore proceed to the manufacture of 8 paws, which we weave on the hook. To do this, we make a chain of 8 pairs of rubber bands. We remove each of the paws on single elastic bands and put them on the machine one by one. Weave the bottom layer up, add rubber bands to the cavity in the middle of the weave and carefully fasten the structure.

How to weave a figure from rubber bands without a loom?

You can master other ways of weaving and make your own figures from rubber bands without a loom. In this case, video tutorials, diligently prepared by real pros, will help you a lot. Schemes await you completely different, and your possibilities here are unlimited. The result of the work and the reward for your work will be cute multi-colored souvenirs and key chains that you can give to your loved ones.

Try to make the simplest options, for example, bow, snake, strawberry, flag, dollar, flower or spider. And then you can already move on to weaving a ghost, a hamster, a cola, a snowflake, a bunny, an asterisk, a handbag, a creeper, a little bump. By the way, at the first stages of your creativity, you can try to weave figures from rubber bands on forks. Especially if you don’t have a machine yet, and you are learning how to make the lightest products. You can make such a rose on two forks without much effort. Take a look at the detailed master class and get to work - an incredible adventure with an excellent ending awaits you.

How to make a rose from rubber bands on forks (photo instruction for beginners)

1 . Wrap the first rubber band around the pair of rightmost teeth 3 times.

2 . Add 3 rubber bands on top and pull the bottom layer up with a hook.

3 . Put a new pair of rubber bands on the nearest fork horizontally. Discard the bottom 3 rubber bands. Flip the fork and repeat on the other side.

4 . Put one rubber band horizontally on all 4 teeth and discard the pairs of lower rubber bands on both sides. Turn the machine over and repeat. Then drop the loops on the hook and remove the product from the forks. You have a leaflet.

5 . We turn to the weaving of the flower itself. Fasten the eight from the first rubber band between the first and third cloves of the front fork. The next "eight" goes to the second and third teeth and is fixed on the fourth tooth. Flip the fork over and do the same on the other side. Fasten the “eight” on the right side and transfer it to the second fork. Re-attach the rubber bands. After that, throw another "eight" on the left side. Flip the fork and add a new layer. Drop the bottom 2 layers from both forks.

6 . Fasten a total of 5 layers and discard the 2 bottom elastic bands from the outer and 2 central teeth of each fork. Next, alternately add one rubber band to all the teeth of both forks and drop the lower pairs of elastic bands up. Make 5 such layers and carefully move the rose to 2 central teeth and braid the stem.

Ideas for weaving figures from rubber bands without a machine

For more information on how to make figures from rubber bands on forks, see this page a little lower. Through the video you will learn create voluminous products, which you can wear as a talisman, put on a pen or pencil and admire your masterpiece every day.

For more information on how to make figures from rubber bands on forks, see this page a little lower. With the help of video tutorials, you will learn how to create voluminous products that you can wear as a talisman, put on a pen or pencil and admire your masterpiece every day. So the master classes are left behind, and you have learned a lot of new and useful things.

On our page, you have already had the opportunity to consider the work of Sergei on the machine, as well as without it, when the master made the jumper. However, other authors also demonstrate unprecedented skill in such a relatively young form of needlework as rainbow loom weaving from rubber bands. Weaving methods are completely different and the masters never cease to amaze fans of the "rubber" art, inventing beautiful and completely new models of figurines.

As you have already noticed, from the video lessons we have selected, you will learn how to quickly and easily work on a large rainbow loom machine, master a small monster tail machine and learn how to create without a machine at all. Masters on video show the whole process step by step, and all this luxury is absolutely free for you.

As soon as the level of your professionalism increases (along with your inspiration, of course), you can conquer more difficult peaks. Learn new ways, learn, watch videos - there are already a sufficient number of them in Russian, listen to the masters and create with them. And let the rubber band figures on the hook become your new discovery.

Figures from elastic bands on a hook for beginners

We are moving on to a new stage in weaving rubber masterpieces - this work is on the hook. If you don’t have a loom yet, or you love and know how to work without it, then the hook will be just the perfect option. Start learning the simplest options- bones, carrots, and then you can move on to more complicated patterns, how to weave a figure on a hook from rubber bands.

Rubber band animals on a hook? As easy as pie! In our case, these are the notorious Angry Birds. Not exactly animals, but they have plenty of fans around the world. However, as well as fans of the rainbow loom movement, which embraced both children and adults, and even grandparents. After all, the desire for creativity is a state of mind that makes a person happy. Do what you love and give your loved ones and yourself nice gifts.

Light animal figures from rubber bands on forks

From bright, multi-colored rubber bands, you can weave beautiful, very original and unique things. A whole generation of children uses this weaving technique with joy and develops perseverance, fantasy, imagination and ingenuity. Of great interest is the weaving of bracelets, rings, belts. However, a 3D volumetric figurine woven from elastic bands can also be used - it can become a wonderful souvenir, pendant or key ring. How to weave such products on the machine with your own hands? In this article, we will tell you how to weave a 3D figure out of rubber bands correctly, quickly and without much effort!

First, let's look at the types of weaving machines. All of these types are suitable for making rubber products with your own hands.

Types of machines

  • Small machine - Monster Tail. It is included in a large set of rubber bands along with a hook. On such a machine it is convenient to weave bracelets, laces or small figures (round, square).

  • Big machine. On this machine it is convenient to weave large crafts with a complex pattern. Suitable for small items if you remove one row of columns.

  • Slingshot machine. It is used to create simple braided bracelets.

If you are proficient in weaving techniques such as macrame or beading, then you can easily master this simple activity. Despite some difficulties for beginners, the rubber band weaving technique has amazing properties. In addition to doing crafts with your own hands, you can make them on the machine and on the slingshot. Crafts from rubber bands can even be crocheted.

Lumigurumi- a new kind of needlework, similar to amigurumi. Amigurumi is the art of crocheting or knitting small people, cute animals, birds and other animals, non-evil monsters and favorite characters, cartoon characters and computer games from yarn.

What is the feature? When weaving lumigurumi figurines, not yarn is used, but multi-colored rubber rings.

The technique of weaving without a machine, only crocheting, is very popular and is developing rapidly. On the Internet, you can see numerous videos on making lumigurumi crafts.

Today we will consider a master class and learn how to weave a 3D figure using the lumigurumi technique from rubber bands.

Easter cake for the holidays

On the eve of Easter, every hostess is preparing for this great and wonderful holiday. Many stock up on apiary molds, baking products, a variety of decorations and paints for coloring eggs. If you love needlework, we offer you an original idea for creativity. In this step-by-step master class, you will learn how to make an Easter cake from rubber bands without a loom using a crochet hook.

For weaving Easter cake you will need:

  • Rubber bands of different colors;
  • Hook;
  • Clip in the form of the letter "C";
  • Sintepon (for stuffing).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We will begin our work with the help of a magic ring. From six loops you need to form a ring.

  1. When making the second row, you need to increase the diameter of the part, so we add to each loop. At the end of weaving, twelve loops should be obtained. In the new row, when weaving, we will again increase the detail, adding to every second loop.

  1. Next, you need to weave eighteen rubber bands, while not adding loops anymore. But this time we weave for the inner half-loop with blue rubber bands.

  1. Weave another row without changing the detail. Now we take the yellow gum. In the next row, you need to add eyes to our craft. We still use yellow rubber bands. They need eighteen. We stretch one elastic band through the black bead and form the eyes. We weave them into the seventh and tenth loops.

  1. Now we take orange gum. We add to the first, fifth, eleventh and fifteenth loops. The rest weave one rubber band. Another row needs to be weaved in red. We form a mouth with the help of pink.

  1. We make a knot with the last rubber band. Let's start making the upper part of our cake. To make the so-called icing, we take white rubber bands, to make confetti, we use multi-colored ones. So, first you need to dial a ring of six loops. In this row, we will increase to twelve, but we will weave alternately: one elastic band is white, the second is white with a twisted colored one.

  1. Then weave with white rubber bands, increase the detail and add to every second loop. In the next row we will weave gum with confetti: in the first, fifth, ninth, thirteenth and sixteenth loops. Further - a row of only white elastic bands, with the addition. Here we perform an increase through three loops. Weave confetti through four loops. Be sure to make a knot with the last rubber band.

Rainbow figurines and toys made of Rainbow Loom rubber bands. Do you already collect colorful rubber band crafts? Today you will learn how to weave figures from rubber bands that are not yet in your collection.

We present to your attention the newest, most recent patterns and videos of weaving toys from rubber bands. In the magazine you will find new interesting weaving from rubber bands.

And so, let's go...

How to weave figures from rubber bands?

If you are interested in how to weave rubber bands, then you are no longer a beginner in Lumigurumi needlework. And if you are still a beginner, and you decide to start your amigurumi-lumigrumi journey with figures, then it will be useful for you to read our article -. From there, you'll learn how to quickly learn how to weave large toys and rubber bands, where to start, and how to move along the path of learning to weave.

Let's talk briefly about the basics of weaving. You can weave figures and toys from rubber bands using the Rainbow Loom loom, on forks or crochet. The weaving technique depends on what kind of toys or figurine you are going to make. On the machine, you can weave, as it were, only small toys. If this is a big toy, then weave it using the amigurumi technique, or make it in separate parts on the loom, and then assemble it in parts.

What do you need to weave figures from rubber bands?

For weaving from elastic bands, you need a lot of different elastic bands. As a rule, larger toys require more rubber bands. Decide on the colors of the toys and collect / buy the necessary rubber bands. It is better to buy good durable rubber bands. It will be very disappointing if at the end of weaving the toy some rubber band bursts and the whole toy falls apart. And by the way, durable rubber bands are not always the most expensive. Sometimes inexpensive sets consist of very strong and well-stretched rubber bands. It all depends on the manufacturer of the weaving kits.

What else is needed for weaving figures from rubber bands. Loom and hook for weaving. If you decide to crochet figures and toys from elastic bands, then you need to buy a special hook for elastic bands. Of course, you can do this with a regular crochet, which is knitted from threads. You can adapt to any weaving tools.

Now that you know what you need to start weaving figures and toys from rubber bands, it's time to start. We present to your attention the newest and most interesting patterns and videos of weaving figures from rubber bands.

Owl - weaving figures from rubber bands

The most popular rubber toy is the owl. This can be explained by the fact that the owl is considered a symbol of wisdom. Perhaps that is why many seek to acquire such a talisman.

Have you already done it? If not, then it's time to weave an owl figurine from rubber bands. There are several techniques for weaving an owl from rubber bands. Like other figures, rubber band owls are different - large and small, flat and voluminous, there are also rubber band frescoes depicting an owl. An owl from rubber bands can be woven on a loom or crocheted.

You will learn how to weave a complex figure of an owl from rubber bands in a special article on our website -. And here we will show how to weave a flat figure of an owl from rubber bands.

Rubber toys - owls

Rubber doll - weaving rubber toys according to patterns

Another popular type of rubber toys is dolls. Like any other rubber figures, dolls are different - large and small, flat and voluminous. You can create a whole wardrobe of rubber bands for your dolls. Rubber bands can be used to make dresses for dolls, hats, handbags, belts, shoes, a swimsuit and other clothes.

How to weave rubber toys - minions

Have you already learned how to weave a figurine of an owl and dolls from rubber bands? We offer another interesting option for weaving minion toys. How to weave figures from rubber bands - according to diagrams or videos? With Rainbow Loom rubber bands, you can make an adorable mural of a minion with hair. Or make a keychain with a minion. There are also patterns for weaving minion figurines - flat and voluminous, small and large.

We have collected all the patterns and videos of weaving minions in one of our articles -.

Rubber band figures - how to weave a flower

A wonderful accessory is a cute rubber band flower. How to weave a flower figure from rubber bands? There are several options for weaving a flower - on a loom or crochet. You can make a bracelet with a flower, a keychain with a flower or "plant" flowers in a vase. Decorate your home with a wonderful rubber band flower figurine, or give your loved ones a colorful flower.

Rubber toys and figurines - heart

What could be better than expressing your sympathy and love with handicrafts? A solid variant of recognition is a cute bracelet Interlocking Hearts. A simpler recognition is to weave a heart figure out of rubber bands. How to weave such a figure? There are various techniques for weaving a heart from rubber bands - this is weaving a figure on a loom, on forks or crocheting.

Rubber band fruits - how to weave figurines and toys?

What fruit figurines can be woven from rubber bands? Bananas, pears, strawberries and even grapes. Weave a basket of rubber bands, and then fruits - you get a wonderful still life.

Rubber band figurine - how to weave a hamster

Get an adorable rubber band hamster at home. How to weave a hamster toy from rubber bands? A cute voluminous hamster can be made from elastic bands on a loom, as well as using the technique of weaving rubber bands on a fork. These little wonderful hamsters will be a wonderful gift for children, as well as a great souvenir-trinket for those who are not indifferent to these animals.

Key chains and rubber toys - how to weave ice cream

A reminder of sweet moments will be warmed up by ice cream figures made of rubber bands. How to weave them? This simple keychain will bring a lot of pleasant impressions and emotions. And making an ice cream figurine is very simple - you can make it on a classic loom or a small Monster Tail loom.

Rubber toy - panda, how to weave?

A panda rubber figure, just like a hamster, can be made on a small Monster Tail loom, as well as on a classic loom. There are charming panda caps on the handles. You can weave a panda from elastic bands using video master classes. I must say that weaving toys is greatly simplified with the help of video lessons and master classes.

Hello Kitty rubber toys - how to weave?

The popular Hello Kitty toy is now made of rubber bands. How to make Hello Kitty? You can learn how to weave a figure from rubber bands with the help of video master classes. The famous Hello Kitty toy can be made on a loom or crocheted. It all depends on what size toy you want to make. If this is a big Hello Kitty toy, then weave or crochet using amigurumi-lumigurumi technology. And if a small figure from Hello Kitty rubber bands, then it can be made on the machine.

See what Hello Kitty figures you can make from rubber bands in our detailed article -. There you will also learn how to make figures from an elastic band according to videos and diagrams.

In the form of a favorite Hello Kitty toy, there are beautiful caps for pens, key chains, toys and even murals.

Rubber toys - how to weave a horse

You have already learned what wonderful toys and figures can be made from rubber bands, what video tutorials and weaving patterns are. But that is not all! We present you another interesting Lumigurumi character - these are horses and ponies made of rubber bands. How to weave such toys from rubber bands? You can make a toy horse out of rubber bands on a loom or crochet.

From elastic bands you can make a toy horse or pony, pegasus or bison, charming caps on handles in the form of horses.

Rubber toys - how to make Mickey Mouse

Another amazing rubber toy is Mickey Mouse. Yes, the development of the hobby has reached the level of such complex crafts and characters. Video tutorials and weaving patterns will teach you how to make original Mickey Mouse toys. But they turn out like real ones, there are absolutely incredible bracelets with Mickey Mouse - your child will be delighted with such a gift. Unicorn - weaving toys from rubber bands

There is a wonderful unicorn rubber toy. This complex toy is available to those who already know how to make simple things out of rubber bands. It is quite difficult to draw up a pattern for weaving a unicorn, even a video tutorial on weaving a toy is divided into 3 parts. But the unicorn toy is large and colorful.

Rubber band sheep - weaving toys

The symbol of the outgoing year is a beautiful sheep. If you have not had time to make yourself a talisman, then it's time to do it. You will have a wonderful toy as a keepsake. Just like other rubber toys, it is more convenient to weave a lamb with the help of a master class video.

Rubber toy - how to weave a dog

We told how to weave a variety of toys and figures from rubber bands, but we did not say about the most beloved animal of many families - a dog! How to weave a dog toy out of rubber bands? You can weave dogs of different breeds, sizes, colors - poodles, shepherds, dachshunds ... And all this can be learned to weave with the help of video lessons.

We have collected diagrams, photos and videos of weaving dogs of different breeds in one article -.

We showed you the newest, most interesting and fresh figures and toys made of rubber bands, told you how to weave them. Now your house will be decorated with bright characters. We hope that we have kindled in your eyes the desire to create.

With love, Editorial

From bright little rubber bands you can weave beautiful, original things. As a rule, patterns of weaving accessories are of particular interest: bracelets, rings, belts. However, a three-dimensional figurine woven from rubber bands can also be used - it can become a wonderful souvenir, pendant or key ring. How to weave such gizmos on the machine?

Types of machines for weaving

Weaving from rubber bands very quickly won a lot of fans around the world. This type of needlework began with the creation of bright bracelets with an original pattern. But gradually, small souvenir figurines of animals, key chains, belts, toys, cases for gadgets, clothes, etc. began to be created from small silicone rubber bands. Of course, there are things that require a certain level of skill to make, but you can also find quite affordable craft schemes.

If you are wondering how to weave figures from rubber bands on a loom, then first you need to figure out the types of weaving machines.

  • "Monster tail" (small) - a small machine that is included in a large set of rubber bands along with a hook. It is a plastic base with two rows of posts with a recess in the center. On such a machine it is convenient to weave thin or medium bracelets, laces or small figures (preferably of the correct geometric shape - round, square).

  • Professional (large) - a plastic rectangle with 3 parallel rows of removable posts. Each such cylinder has a notch in the center. On a professional machine, it is convenient to weave large products with an intricate pattern, and for smaller ones, you can remove one row of columns.

  • The slingshot machine is also included in the weaving kit. Designed for creating simple patterns of bracelets.

How to make light figures from rubber bands on the machine?

To make a charming flower ring, it does not take much time. Simple operations will help you cope with the task in 10 minutes.

For weaving you need:

  • rubber bands (can be multi-colored - to your taste) - about 50 pieces;
  • silicone hook for fastening;
  • machine.

In working on the ring, we need 3 rows of columns, so the Monster Tail will not work - we need a professional machine. The ring, like any figures made of rubber bands on a large machine, where all the cylinders are involved, requires utmost care so as not to make a mistake in the order of the crochets.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. We take 5 rubber bands, put them on the cylinders of the middle row, alternating with the left and right.
  2. We put on 1 elastic band for 3 columns.
  3. From the last gum we count the third cylinder and put on 2 rubber bands perpendicular to them.
  4. We repeat the same on the other side. We get a square of rubber bands around the last one worn.
  5. From the square to the other side we put on 5 rubber bands with the capture of 2 columns in the neighborhood.
  6. We put 1 rubber band in the center for 3 rows and a few pieces for 2 corners with the capture of 3 columns.
  7. On the right, we grab the lower workpiece with a hook, we throw it through the cylinder.
  8. So we free the middle row of the machine, including the column involved.
  9. We throw rubber bands around the perimeter of the square.
  10. The entire perimeter of the 5 elastic bands of the lower blank on the left is also thrown into the center.
  11. We put a hook on the remaining rubber band - the ring is ready.

How to weave 3D figures from rubber bands on a loom?

Volumetric figures made of silicone rubber bands can take the form of a pendant, brooch, keychain or a cute souvenir. For example, let's make a 3D figure of a minion - a kind character from the cartoon "Despicable Me".

To weave a minion you will need:

  • about 100 blue rubber bands;
  • 100 yellow;
  • 10 pink;
  • 20 black;
  • 5 white;
  • professional machine with cylinders turned notch to the right. On the middle row, 1 column is pushed forward;
  • hook.

The work steps are as follows:

  1. On the first and last columns of the row we put on 2 yellow rubber bands, twisted with a figure eight, bending around the second row.
  2. We put another pair of elastic loops on the upper ledge of the first and lower ledge of the third cylinder, again rounding the second column.
  3. Do the same for a couple more rows.
  4. We throw the non-twisted elastic bands in pairs on the posts, bypassing the second one, and begin to throw the lower elastic bands into the middle.
  5. Once again we throw on a pair of elastic bands and, grabbing 4 elastic bands in the recess, we throw them into the middle.
  6. Making a minion eye. To do this, we put a black elastic band on the hook, twisting tightly on the base.
  7. The resulting pupil is wrapped with a white rubber band.
  8. We take another white rubber band and stretch it through the eye.
  9. Now we strengthen the eye on the head of the figure. To do this, carefully remove the rubber bands from the protruding column and stretch the end of the white elastic band inward, return the rubber bands to the column.
  10. We knit a couple more rows with yellow rubber bands.
  11. We make a mouth. We wind a pink elastic band on the hook, stretch it into the face of our minion. To do this, again remove the rubber bands from the protruding cylinder, stretch the mouth inward, return the rubber bands to their place.
  12. A couple more layers of yellow rubber bands.
  13. Let's get to the body. We throw blue blanks, weave three rows.
  14. We mark on the body the place where the hands will be. To do this, we twist a black elastic band on a hook, stretch a yellow one through it - these 2 loops will be the length of the minion's arms.
  15. Now we weave several yellow elastic bands on each loop, pulling the loops through them. The last elastic band should be black, we pull it inside the handle.
  16. We fasten the yellow loops on the body of the figurine in the same way as we did with the eye and mouth - stretching the weaving inside.
  17. It's time to make a pocket. We wind a black elastic band on the hook, stretch a yellow one through it and weave it into the base, throwing loops on the first and third columns, and hook the black pocket to the second.
  18. We knit several layers of blue rubber bands and proceed to the legs.
  19. The technology is similar to how the hands were made, only we thread them into the left and right lower ledges.
  20. To make glasses, we wrap a black elastic band around the eye, and put a loop on the head.
  21. We remove the resulting figure on the hook. There should be 24 loops. We pass a blue rubber band through them, tighten it into 1 loop and hide it in the minion's body.
  22. The hair is left. We stretch 2-3 black elastic bands through the crown, leave the loops. Minion is ready.

Christmas tree made of rubber bands on a small machine

"Monster tail" - a small weaving machine, which, as already mentioned, is included in the set of rubber bands for creativity. You can weave almost any figures on it, only for large products you will have to make separate parts, which then need to be connected to each other. But there are many interesting options that allow you to weave small figures from rubber bands on a small machine. For example, a Christmas tree.

For her you will need:

  • 44 green rubber bands;
  • 32 white rubber bands;
  • machine "Monster tail";
  • hook.

The stages of work are as follows.

  1. We make figure eights from 3 green rubber bands, throw them in a circle on 10 columns.
  2. We throw on 10 white ones, weave the lower rubber bands - there should be 6 of them.
  3. We throw 4 rows of 10 green elastic bands.
  4. We subtract by 8 columns.
  5. We throw 3 rows of 8 columns.
  6. We decrease by 6 columns.
  7. We throw 3 rows of 6.
  8. We decrease up to 4 columns.
  9. We throw 4 green ones, then 2 green ones immediately for 4 cylinders and 1 green one for 4 cylinders. We hide the remaining loop inside. The Christmas tree is ready.

Figures from rubber bands: photo

All you need to understand how to weave rubber band figures on a loom is to carefully follow the instructions. After the principles of weaving are understood, and the stage of copying other people's ideas has been passed, it is worth trying to come up with interesting crafts from silicone rubber bands yourself. Moreover, the weaving machine does not limit the flight of your imagination.

Weaving from rubber bands at the peak of popularity. Sets with colorful rings are sold everywhere, girls' hands are hung with intricate bracelets, and backpacks are decorated with dangling figurines. It's all rubber.

Where did rubber weaving come from?

Loom Bands (rainbow loom) literally translates as a rainbow on a loom. Indeed, the bright bracelet resembles a rainbow, and the weaving process echoes the weaving skill. The newfangled hobby came from America, where it is difficult to seat children for needlework. They needed to be interested and show how interesting it is. American children quickly became imbued with the ideas of weaving and began to fantasize with might and main, inventing unusual combinations. Most importantly, rubber bands could be worn, decorated with clothes, dressed in dolls, and finally given to bosom friends and girlfriends. Gradually, weaving from rubber bands took root with us, bright posters could not go unnoticed by young fashionistas. The low price, excellent training for the development of motor skills, perseverance, and most importantly, the sincere passion of the child for the process itself made weaving from rubber bands popular with us.

Who is it suitable for?

This hobby is suitable for everyone, especially for elementary and middle school students. Both boys and girls enthusiastically invent new patterns of weaving, sitting out the changes and free time in quiet negotiations with friends engaged in the same business. The optimal age for weaving crafts from rubber bands is from 7 years old.

What are the machines for weaving rubber bands

In order to weave various baubles and figures, several devices are needed. Firstly, this is a set of multi-colored silicone rubber bands, which are different both in texture and in properties (glowing in the dark, wavy, dense, thin, with openwork edges). The simplest weaving tools are a plastic slingshot with two or more teeth and a crochet hook.

The role of a slingshot can be performed by improvised devices - these are two pencils, a table fork and just two fingers. The hook can be replaced with an ordinary knitting hook, although experienced craftswomen say that a plastic one is more convenient. For more complex weaving options, there is a special machine, this is a transparent plastic base with several rows of posts.

Additional materials are various pendants, beads, key chains that are woven into the craft.

What bracelets can be made from rubber bands

According to the level of skill and the number of rubber bands used, bracelets are simple and complex. It is better to start weaving training with light bracelets, the most elementary option is a single-loop bracelet that can be crocheted with one hook: the rubber band is bent in half and the next elastic band is threaded into the two loops formed and again bent in half and so on. Having mastered this weaving, you can move on to the “French braid” or “” patterns, which are woven on a loom or on a slingshot.

In order not to get confused at first, it is better to take rubber bands of two contrasting colors and arrange them in order: 1st eight, 2nd straight, 3rd straight, then both ends of the 1st rubber band are removed and crocheted to the middle. The 4th elastic is put on, and the ends of the 2nd are removed in the middle. In weaving "", the removal of the rubber bands goes in the following order: both ends are removed to the middle, and then the lower elastic band is removed in turn from one edge, and the middle elastic band (of a different color) from the other edge, then a new elastic band is put on and so on.
Complex patterns are woven on the loom. Here you can use both just two rows, and all the rest. The favorite pattern of all fashionistas is a bracelet made of rubber bands "hearts". The essence of weaving is as follows. The 1st rubber is dropped to the middle, the 2nd moves to the right, the 3rd to the middle, the 4th to the left, the 5th is put on. For such a bracelet, it is better to use red or pink elastic bands.

How to weave animals from rubber bands

To create funny figures, you need a machine. It is enough to learn how to weave one figure according to the scheme in order to understand how the rest are made. And then only your own imagination works. For example, a three-row loom is used to weave a snake, you can add a few rubber bands on the side to create a cobra hood, and make the eyes separately from a dark color.

It is more difficult to make a turtle - this is a laborious process, but you can be proud of the result. The turtle can be woven on the loom, arranging the rubber bands in shape, highlighting the paws, head and shell with separate colors, or you can crochet, ordinary circular knitting, knitting all parts of the body with a solid pattern on the hands.

To create a panda, you will need black and white and a three-row loom. We collect the silhouette of the panda, making the head and paws black, and the middle white. Then we crochet the second and third layers, thickening the figure and making it more voluminous.

On our website there is a detailed master class on how. This wise bird is very popular among young needlewomen.

How to weave key chains and toys from rubber bands

For weaving jewelry, one technique is used. With a simple crochet, rubber bands are strung with ordinary rings and fastened in the center, the more flowers, the more colorful the decoration resembling a flower will turn out. Such an accessory can be used for a hairpin or for a bracelet.

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