How to get into the Russian army for a girl. Conditions of contract service for girls

Since ancient times, military affairs have been considered the prerogative of men. Therefore, in Russia, as in most other countries, military duty applies only to the stronger sex.

And how can a girl get into the army if she wants it herself? This opportunity exists and many women use it with success.

Why do girls want to join the army

There are several reasons why the representatives of the weaker sex want to connect their lives with military service.

Firstly: it is relative stability in life and social security.

Indeed, in recent years, the state has been paying very close attention to the social security of military personnel. People in uniform receive good salary and enjoy various benefits not available to other citizens. Here and the possibility of obtaining housing, and concessions for admission to a university, and free travel to rest, and much more.

Secondly: military uniform. For many girls, she has been the subject of dreams since childhood. And indeed, women in uniform look very attractive. Among them are even held beauty pageants.

Third: romance. Before entering the contract service, most girls know about the army from movies and bravura stories of demobilization. There they dream of meeting a strong and courageous man, whose image they themselves have come up with.

Fourth: every girl wants to become a real professional in the field military art: someone is a sniper, someone is a radio operator, and another is even a "cool" commando or paratrooper. Not surprisingly, some people manage to achieve their goal. There are even examples when a woman managed to rise to the rank of general.

Methods of entry into the armed forces of the Russian Federation

To enter the armed forces for a sergeant's position, a girl does not need to receive a military education. Enough to sign a contract. In this case, one must have some skills, knowledge and skills, for example, in the field of communications or medicine. Therefore, completed secondary vocational education multiplies chances of being hired.

To serve in an officer position, one must obtain a higher military education. Although there are no purely female military institutions in Russia, there are several institutions that accept girls for certain specialties.

Here are the most famous of them:

  • Military Academy. Budyonny S.M., which trains specialists in the field of communications and telecommunications.
  • Military Space Academy. A. F. Mozhaisky trains female officers for the VKS. They will serve in the radar units.
  • Military Medical Academy. SM Kirov trains military doctors.
  • The Ryazan Airborne School prepares girls for service in the most elite troops of the Russian army, but recruitment there is very tough.
  • The Volsky Military Institute trains women to fill officer positions in rear units.
  • Strategic Missile Forces are replenished with graduates of the Academy. Peter the Great.

To become a soldier with officer epaulettes, one must pass exams, paying special attention to physical fitness, enter a university and successfully graduate from it. After the final exams, the girls are awarded the rank of lieutenant and sent to serve in a military unit in accordance with acquired specialty. A girl with a higher education who graduated from a civilian university with a military department can also enter the service in an officer's rank.

List of required documents for enlistment in the Russian army

Whatever way the girl chooses to be in the army, she needs to prepare for the fact that she will have to go through thorough medical examination and collect the necessary documents. To enter a military educational institution, you must provide the results of the Unified State Examination in Russian and mathematics, as well as pass physical training.

To conclude a contract, you must apply to the nearest military commissariat or directly to the military unit, where they will issue a referral to undergo a medical examination, and also ask you to prepare the following documentation:

  • general passport;
  • a special application form of the applicant;
  • self-written autobiographical information about yourself;
  • information from the house book;
  • work book or its copy;
  • a copy of the certificate or diploma;
  • married women must provide copies of documents on marriage, on the birth of children, as well as a certificate of their birth;
  • photos 3x4 and 9x12;
  • characteristics from the last place of work or study.

After passing the medical commission, a certificate of a certain sample is also attached to the package of these documents.

Requirements for the applicant

In order to serve in the armed forces, a girl must have excellent health and be physically developed. Moreover, the more courageous the future specialty, the more stringent the requirements for the applicant. There are two degrees of suitability: A - fit for service, B - limited fit.

In addition, you need to pass psychological testing, which is designed to evaluate intelligence, flexibility and quickness of thinking, sociability, temperament and many other personality traits. Psychological aptitude is 4 levels.

Only the first two make it possible to enter the contract service. In exceptional cases, when there are no other applicants for the position to be filled, they can also be accepted with a 3rd level of fitness.

Physical fitness is assessed after passing 3 special standards aimed at determining endurance during prolonged loads, muscle strength and speed of movement. Everything must be surrendered. Otherwise, the girl is unlikely to be hired. As for the general requirements, they are:

  • age limit - from 18 to 40 years;
  • lack of a valid conviction or criminal case;
  • no criminal record;

If the woman had previously experienced a real imprisonment, then they won’t take her into the army either, even if this conviction has long been extinguished.

Standards for a girl in the army

During employment, as well as periodically during it, a woman must pass physical standards. They depend on age. So girls from 25 to 30 years old are simply obliged to press the press 22 times per minute to show strength. They need to run a shuttle run to 38 seconds 10 segments of 10 meters. This is a speed exercise. Endurance is tested by running for 1 km. Such a cross should last no more than 5.5 minutes.

Girls under the age of 25 are exposed to more tough test:

  • press - 26 times per minute;
  • shuttle run - 36 sec;
  • cross - 4 min 35 sec.

For women over 30 years of age, the standards are much softer. If during employment it was not possible to pass at least one of them, the woman is given a month to prepare and one more attempt. Only after successfully passing the standards will she be offered a position in the army and sent to the assembly point.

Average salary of contractors

The popularization of the service of girls in the armed forces is largely facilitated by financial incentive. The salary of contractors depends on many factors and can reach several tens of thousands of rubles a month. The salary of a private is 20-25 thousand, and a sergeant is 30 thousand rubles. In addition to this, there are many mandatory additional payments:

  • salary by rank (depends on military rank);
  • for long service (reaches 40%);
  • for qualification (5-30%);
  • for special or difficult conditions (up to 100%);
  • for compliance with the secret regime (up to 65%);

In addition, by decision of the unit commander, incentive payments can be applied: for quality, for special achievements, for knowledge of languages ​​(up to 100% of salary). Thus, the average salary of a contract sergeant is from 40 to 47 thousand rubles. In most regions of Russia, this is at the level of the average salary. However, military personnel serving in the north receive much more, up to 70-80 thousand rubles.

How can a girl go to serve in the Belarusian army

Fundamentally, the rules for recruiting Belarusian women into military service do not differ from Russian ones. The contract is concluded with girls from 19 to 35 years old. The minimum level of education is basic, that is, after grade 9. Today, about 4.5 thousand women serve in the army of Belarus.

How to serve abroad

In almost all countries of the world where there is a draft system for the formation of troops, girls are not drafted into the army. The exception is a few countries, including Israel, where women are subject to conscription on an equal basis with men. However, the age range is limited - from 18 to 21 years.

The service life is 21 months in ordinary units and 2-3 years in combat units, but girls go there only at will. For Israelis, military service is a part of life, so every citizen considers it his duty to go through it. Girls are no exception. In addition, even conscripts in the Israeli army receive a good salary.

Interesting fact : for a man's attempt to enter the women's barracks, he is threatened with punishment, and for the same offense the girl will not get anything.

Jobs for women also exist in the armies of many other countries, including European ones. A contract is also concluded with the girls there, as in Russia. They fill positions, mainly not related to the performance of combat missions.

In Europe, only the Norwegian army is replenished with female conscripts. Since 2014, there has been universal conscription, including for women. They are even allowed to serve on submarines.

In the American army in general no call. There, they try not to distinguish servicemen by gender. All recruits, both men and women, are on an equal footing when concluding a contract.

However, girls are not allowed to perform combat missions. The toughest conditions for women are created in the army of North Korea, where they have to serve up to 7 years, which, however, is still less than men who are in the ranks for 10 years.

Thus, if you are a girl and really want to get into the army, then you have such an opportunity. The main thing is to have good physical and mental health.

Contract service in Russian military units is not only for men. Women serve alongside them in various military positions. The signing of a contract by female soldiers has its own specifics:

  • Women enter into a contract upon reaching the age of 18, in the presence of a civilian specialty. The absence of a position also does not prevent entry into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • Girls who have studied at a military university also serve under a contract;
  • Professional job duties - performing tasks for privates, sergeants, foremen, officers and warrant officers.

There are a number of features in the selection and definition of a profession for female soldiers.

How to start serving in the army?

A girl who decides to sign a contract has two options. The first is studying at a military specialized university in the chosen military specialty. The second is a turnout at a selective point, recruiting contractors. The last case is worth considering in stages:

  1. A woman is being interviewed at a selection point. The instructor informs about the benefits of military service, about the possibilities for further career growth. The purpose of the contract must be clarified.
  2. Women are offered several vacancies suitable for her. Military positions correspond to the level of education, professional skills and inclinations. A suitable position is finally established only after professional and psychological selection.
  3. In general, the conditions for selection for contract military service for girls and men are similar.
  4. After an interview with the instructor of the selection point, the girls are given an example of an application, an application form for employment and a referral to the medical board.
  5. A medical examination of a woman takes place at the place of residence.
  6. At the place of residence, they also receive a certificate of no criminal record. After that, you need to contact the local military registration and enlistment office and go through a medical commission there.

With the entire package of documents, you need to return to the point of selection of military personnel under the contract. From that moment, a personal file is opened on the girl-soldier.

Who can work?

Traditional, and at the same time, the military professions of an accountant, a medical worker, an economist, an employee of the personnel department, and a clerk are most in demand among girls. In fact, the list of specialties is much wider:

  • Positions in the air defense and communications troops, sapper troops;
  • Service in the headquarters, in the field of military medicine, in communication centers, in the kitchen, in the field of material and domestic support;
  • Work as telephone operators, cartographers, computer dialing operators.

There are other professions that may seem extraordinary - an operator of optical, sound, meteorological, printing instruments. You can work in the field of photogrammetry, topogeodesy and aerial photography.
Military specialties that involve women's work, according to researchers, are a way of professional self-realization. Statistics give other data: about 40 thousand women serve in the Russian Armed Forces, and 15% of them have the rank of colonel.

What are the standards?

The requirements for entering the contract military service for girls are the same as for men:

  • Age from 18 to 40 years;
  • Good health (certificate not lower than form A-2);
  • High level of physical fitness;
  • A specialty in demand in the military sphere;
  • No criminal record;
  • Education, not lower than secondary special.

After submitting documents - an internal passport of the Russian Federation, a work book, an insurance certificate or a certificate of pension insurance, a diploma of professional qualifications, a woman is a candidate for concluding a contract. To become a military applicant from a job seeker, you need to pass the FIZO standards.

It is worth dwelling on them in more detail:

  • In total, three standards are required for delivery - for endurance, speed and strength;
  • The strength test is the standard for the press (men, unlike women, have a choice between pull-ups and push-ups). The norm for candidates is 22 times in 60 seconds;
  • The speed is set according to the indicators in the shuttle run. In 38 seconds, the candidate must run a distance of 10 m 10 times;
  • Endurance is also tested by running. A kilometer distance must be run in 5 minutes 30 seconds. This standard is considered the most difficult.

The above standards are relevant for women aged 25 to 30 years. Girls under 25 have to achieve other indicators: the press - 26 times, the shuttle run - in 36 seconds, and the kilometer run - in 4 minutes 36 seconds.
If a girl has not passed at least one standard, within a month she cannot enter the contract service. During this period, the FIZO standards can be retaken. All three checks are retaken, not just one. After successful completion of FIZO, documents are signed at the selection point.
The last stage is the passage of the military commission at the military registration and enlistment office. It provides for the study of the personal files of applicants, interviews with them and the solution of questions about admission to military service by voting.

The dynamically changing realities of the present sometimes force us to completely abandon the usual, stereotypical point of view, accepting something new, unusual. Young people have always demonstrated increased activity in society, sometimes reaching a protest, not paying attention to the difference between the sexes. Many of today's fashionistas are wondering: do they take young girls into the army in Russia?

Modern Russian girls, taking advantage of equal rights with men and being quite self-confident, are increasingly striving not to be content with the role of housewives, but to build their own careers. At the same time, they really achieve success: they become successful financiers, politicians, go to work in the police or head solid companies.

The turn came to a purely male occupation, where women rarely met, limiting themselves to secondary roles - the army. From the point of view of healthy pragmatism, such changes are quite natural, especially since in times of active hostilities the differences between men and women, if they are soldiers, are minimal.

There are many examples to support this thesis, both in the past and in the present. These are Nadezhda Durova and Alexandra Tikhomirova, who, along with the stronger sex, fought against the French during World War II, as well as heroic girls and women who opposed the Nazis on the battlefields. In modern conditions, the Israeli army demonstrates an enviable combat capability, where ladies are given equal rights with men, which they successfully use.

Some statistics to clarify the situation. At present, there are about 10% of women in the army, which in physical terms is approximately 60 thousand people. Whether it is a lot or a little is a moot point, the main thing is that more and more girls quite consciously, using the search phrase, whether they take girls to serve in the army, define themselves as a field for self-realization of a military career. They serve in the air force and the ground military branches, also entering the strategic missile forces.

How to get into VS

Technically, the procedure for enrolling in the service is the same for everyone, with the only difference being that an extended social package and slightly different amounts of financial compensation are provided for girls. Usually these positions are specified in the contract.

In general, representatives of peaceful (and not so) professions have long become liable for military service, along with men: topographers, cartographers, surveyors, signalmen, doctors. And now other specialties can be added to their number. An important caveat is the condition that a girl has a chance to be enlisted in the army if there is a vacancy - this is a normal practice for any modern business company.

In addition, usually the answer to the question of whether girls are taken into the Russian army does not involve the birth of children before the end of the service. Here you have to choose one.

From the documents the applicant will need:

  • National passport confirming the current citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • standard statement;
  • Autobiography;
  • A certified photocopy of the work book (if any);
  • Diploma, certificate, confirmation of completed education (higher, secondary, special);
  • For married - photocopies of documentary evidence of marital status, the presence of children.

In general, this list is similar to the standard set of documents for employment. And the army is the same service, only more responsible.

The military commissariat is directly involved in the selection of candidates: there the applicant will have to undergo a medical commission to confirm her fitness for service. If everything is in order with this, at the next stage, in the military unit, the contract will be drawn up. It may be necessary to coordinate the candidacy with the commander of the unit where the service will take place, as well as the district headquarters.

Rights of women in the military

Everyone can apply for enrollment in the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Including ladies who are legally married (and already have children). Those who have a criminal record (not withdrawn, judicial proceedings are in progress) should not have special hopes - they will be refused. The minimum age for applying is 20 years, the maximum is 40. The final decision on the suitability of the applicant is made by the competent medical commission.

In some situations, it is possible to conclude a contract even if there is a “limited fit” mark. The standard term of the agreement is measured by a period of 3-10 years, this is influenced by the type of activity and age entering the service.

Despite the fact that military girls are often formed into logistics support, enrolled in the medical service, they participate in exercises or combat duty in the same way as men. At the same time, they retain all the standard women's privileges enshrined in law: maternity leave, as well as receiving compensation for unused annual leave. For those who are dependent on minor children under the age of 14 (two) or a disabled child under 16, the right to receive leave at any time convenient for themselves is provided, in agreement with the immediate commander (higher authorities).

For 5 years (the first term of service), a servicewoman is provided with a place of residence, at the end of this period she has the right to receive an apartment on a general basis. The latter can be replaced by monetary compensation (if housing cannot be provided). The benefits also include free travel during business trips (when transferred to another duty station), during rest or recovery.

At the end of their service life, ladies, along with men, receive the right to free travel in public transport (suburban trains).

Early termination of service is provided in 2 situations: for objective reasons and of one's own free will. The first category includes:

  1. Personnel changes;
  2. Restructuring of the existing staff;
  3. Improper performance of service (violation of contract requirements);
  4. Based on the relocation (transfer) of the spouse.

These requirements are standard, and are regulated by the Law "On Military Duty and Military Service". Voluntary dismissal occurs for health reasons (conclusion of the relevant medical commission) or to care for a sick (incapacitated) family member.

Ranks and positions

The answer to the question of whether girls are taken into the contract army is unequivocal - yes. Ladies, upon first admission, are offered initial (the lowest in the table of ranks) positions:

  • Soldiers (ordinary);
  • Sailors;
  • Sergeants.

For these titles, the contract is limited to 3 years.

The next gradation is ensigns, cadets, officers. For them, a different duration of service is provided - 5 years. There is another, alternative way to get into the army - to finish your studies at a military institution, having received a military specialty.

Admission to military school

After 2013, the recruitment of cadets to military schools was resumed, which was immediately taken advantage of by many candidates. The main conditions for admission are usually not very strict: the presence of an incomplete secondary education or completed 11 classes. Like civil, military education is divided into secondary and higher education. Both give a lot of valuable knowledge, help to get a military specialty.

It should be taken into account the fact that not all specialized universities are ready to accept cadets. Some of them impose quite stringent requirements in terms of health, physical fitness, as well as the seriousness of intentions to enter an educational institution (competition).

What exactly to choose - a school or a university, the future cadet must determine for herself: it is relatively easier to get into the school (completed secondary education is not required), and after graduating from a higher educational institution, the road for career growth is open. In any case, the girl will receive a military specialty, and will also acquire many useful skills:

  • Ability to plan your time;
  • Clearly complete tasks;
  • The ability to achieve the set goal.

The army has always been considered a good school for educating the will and strengthening character. Equally, this applies to energetic girls who wish to devote their lives to protecting the Motherland.

Military school: the specifics of education

The main difference between training in a special educational institution is, first of all, in obtaining a profession. This rule applies to both civil and military schools. In addition, they try to instill in cadets knowledge from the field of history, culture, science - to educate harmoniously developed young people from them.

Core subjects depend on the chosen profession: engineers devote more time to mathematics, physics, future commanders - to the humanitarian sphere. In addition, almost all schools have serious requirements for physical fitness: a military man, regardless of gender, must be healthy, strong and strong.

Where to go to study

Traditionally, the doors of the Suvorov Schools are open for ambitious young people with incomplete secondary education. They are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tver, Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Yekaterinburg, Vladikavkaz. Those wishing to devote themselves to aerospace engineering will like the St. Petersburg Cadet Corps of this profile, the Nakhimov Naval School is located in the same city. Signalers, future specialists in radar will suit the Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics in Kemerovo. There are a lot of such schools, there are plenty to choose from.

The choice of military universities is no less rich. Education in them lasts, as in civilian institutions - 5 years. Upon completion, a cadet who has successfully passed all the exams receives a diploma of the established form of completed higher education, as well as the officer rank of lieutenant.

Unfortunately, the situation with higher institutions in relation to cadets is not as unambiguous as we would like. Not all of them willingly accept girls into their ranks.

A kind of rating of military universities is headed by the Academy of Communications named after S.M. Budyonny - they do not make any distinctions for future cadets, accepting everyone who has passed the entrance exams and has good physical fitness (health status). The head university is located in St. Petersburg, the branch is located in Krasnodar. The academy has 2 faculties with full-time education, according to the budget.

The next participant is the A.F. Mozhaisky. Located in St. Petersburg, since 2008 has been training female officers of the Russian Aerospace Forces. It has more than 40 different specialties, but the competition is relatively high (6-9 people). If a girl cannot imagine herself without space and military service, this university is for her.

The list is completed by the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov. As the name implies, it trains future military surgeons and doctors. 3 specialties are available for admission: dentist, pharmacist, paramedic (nurse). There is also a branch in Moscow. After completing her studies at any of these universities, the girl will receive a diploma confirming her higher education and military rank - lieutenant (senior lieutenant).

Of the others, they speak well of the Academy of Rocket Forces named after Peter the Great (St. Petersburg, a branch in Balashikha) and the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School. There are enough specialties, there are plenty to choose from in proportion to your capabilities and ambitions.

How to proceed

First of all, the results of the unified state exams will be required. Which ones, depends on the chosen institution. For example, engineering specialties require knowledge in physics and mathematics, medical specialties focus on chemistry and biology. The Russian language is required to know perfectly (and pass the exam in it) by all cadets without distinction. Documents are accepted from July 1 to July 30: you will need a certificate of education, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and the final scores of state exams.

Of the innovations - a psychological test and a medical board, the latter can put an end to many dreams, since the future military (including girls) needs excellent health. To determine the required physical fitness, future cadets must pass the standards positively: running for a short (hundred meters) and long (1.5 km) distances, pulling up on the crossbar. All exercises are completed within one day.

Sometimes cadets need a good command of a foreign language (usually such requirements are made in maritime schools). And, most importantly, training at a military university is only full-time. An exception can be made for contract servicemen who serve in the army and study at the same time.

Enrolling in a military school or drawing up a contract to serve in the Armed Forces, a girl has real chances to succeed, make a good career and increase her self-esteem. The attitude towards women in the army is gradually changing, moreover, many commanders believe that the presence of girls has a beneficial effect on guys, forcing them to pay more attention to their training and discipline. Moreover, the armies of many countries have long and successfully recruited girls, recognizing in this their equal rights with men.

The State Duma is preparing a real legislative surprise for the New Year. It consists in the development of a bill that proposes to call up women for military service for a period of one year. True, optional.
As an example, the developers want to use the Israeli army, where everyone is serving regardless of gender. True, in accordance with the bill, Russian women, unlike Israeli women, will still be able to evade military duty. Now girls can also serve in the armed forces on their own initiative - as civilian personnel, as well as under contract as officers, sergeants or soldiers.
The idea of ​​the deputies from the "Fair Russia" is that upon reaching the age of 18 girls also receive invitations to the draft board, like boys. Then the girl decides on her own whether to join the army or remain a civilian.

Girls who have not given birth before the age of 23 will serve in the military.

Under the new legislation, girls who have not given birth before the age of 23 will serve military service Recently, United Russia deputy Vitaly Milonov submitted new amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation, which is likely to cause a strong reaction among many residents of our country. It should be noted that Vsevolod Chaplin and Andrey Kuraev also supported Milonov's initiative. At the moment, a corresponding letter has been sent to Dmitry Medvedev with a request to give effect to this bill. If the new changes come into force, then all women who have not given birth to a child before the age of 23 will have to serve military service - “The destiny of a woman is motherhood. If she deliberately neglects the gift given to her by nature and the Lord, then why shouldn't she go to serve? And the fact that she “still has not met great love is an excuse in favor of the poor. A woman either wants to have children or not. And if he wants to, then finding a spouse is a simple matter, and if he doesn’t want to, then maybe he will meet someone in the army. And so - so at least he will protect his homeland. It probably makes no sense to send women to the infantry, but they will find a place in the rifle, engineering and flight troops. And then many so-called feminists like to shout about equal rights. Here you are, and equal rights. It can’t be more equal.” The next amendment says that if a woman goes out into the street in too revealing clothes, while still smoking and drinking alcohol, she can be stoned and this will not be considered an administrative (and even more so criminal) offense . One gets the impression that the country will return to ancient times, when the people themselves did justice. According to Milonov, “This will reduce the number of rapes, and generally raise the general vitality. Appearance is not the area in which you need to express yourself. Better let the woman help her mother or cook a delicious dinner. Or at least read a good book, not necessarily a spiritual one. The external should not obscure the internal.” It also became known that when amendments to the bill come into force, quotas for the number of places in universities will be introduced for women - “A woman should not be smarter than her husband. She should be submissive, economic, caring and helpful, and not lower male self-esteem with her later unnecessary knowledge. A man should feel that he is the head of the family, then he will want to take care of this family.” One can only imagine what will happen in Russia if all this comes into force.

Military service in Russia has again become prestigious, while the level of salaries is such that even girls tend to get into military contract service. If for men this is a familiar profession, then how can a girl get to serve in the army under a contract?

On the one hand, it is not difficult - good health, good physical shape, complete secondary education ... but on the other hand, not everyone will be able to get into the service, there is a strict pre-selection that must be passed. Consider requirements for girls to join the army Russia.

Which of the girls can serve in the army and whether married women are hired

As you know, in Russia there is an annual call for military service. It is also known that only male conscripts correspond to this call. The call for girls is not valid. However, there is still a way to get into the service for girls: this is contract service. Contract women can be recruited for a limited number of military positions, which is established by order of the Ministry of Defense.

Main female contract recruitment rules: A woman must be at least 18 and not older than 40 years of age and have at least a secondary education. At a minimum, because some positions require special or even higher education.

And, of course, a contract soldier, even if she is a woman, must pass physical training standards, successfully pass psychological testing and a medical commission. That's why the main reasons for the refusal to conclude a contract for military service with a woman such:

  1. The girl is under the age of 18 or older than 40;
  2. She has a criminal record, or a criminal case is pending against her, or a guilty verdict has already been issued;
  3. The woman was serving a sentence in a colony.

These are the only obstacles to concluding a contract for military service. The presence of a husband and children in a woman cannot serve as an obstacle to service.

What documents should a girl provide for military service?

If you have firmly decided to serve, the application is submitted to the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence. You can also apply directly to the military unit you are interested in. The following documents are attached to the application:

  • Passport;
  • A copy of your birth certificate;
  • on a regular sheet of A4 by hand;
  • Questionnaire on a special form;
  • A copy of the work book;
  • Extract from the house book;
  • Copies of marriage certificate and copies of birth certificates of children;
  • Photo 3 x 4;
  • Photo full face 9 X 12;
  • Copies of education documents;
  • or study.

Copies of all documents must be notarized unless you provide original documents for verification.

What tests does a girl need to pass to serve in the Russian army

Fitness tests are offered to pass only if the application is accepted for consideration by the military commissar.

Only a woman who has successfully passed all the checks can be accepted. Among them we include:

1. Medical commission. Successful completion of the medical examination guarantees the girl's suitability for military service. A girl who, according to the results of the examination, showed the category “A” (fully fit for service) or “B” (fit for service with minor restrictions) is recognized as fit for service in the armed forces under a contract.

2. Psychological check. During testing, the IQ, sociability and ability to communicate positively, the speed of reaction and thinking, the type of temperament, psychological maturity and poise of the individual are determined.

As a result of the psychology test, one of the four categories of the psychological fitness of the girl is determined. At the same time, only the first two categories are fit for service in the Armed Forces. With the third category, they can be accepted only in case of exclusion, with a long absence of applicants for this position.

3. Physical fitness check. During the test, 3 standards approved by the Ministry of Defense are submitted: for strength, speed and endurance.

This is a serious test, if at least one of the three standards is not passed, the applicant for contract service cannot enter.

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