How to increase the future pension at the expense of the state. How to increase your future pension

How to increase the pension is of interest to both current pensioners and ordinary citizens who care about securing their future. All possible solutions are in this article.

After the introduction of the pension reform, citizens of the Russian Federation, after entering a well-deserved rest, can receive an insurance and funded pension. If the first is guaranteed by the state, then the second is charged by non-state pension funds.

Pension payments are formed on the basis of the average salary for a certain period and the total insurance period of the person. The average salary can be taken into account for any five years of employment before 2002. After 2002, a system of insurance contributions to the CSO was introduced. Consequently, the number of contributions that the employer deducts also increases the total amount of state assistance that is due to the citizen. The specific amount of payments depends on the number of pension points, as well as on the individual pension coefficient.

Current pensioners

Non-working pensioners

Unemployed pensioners can legally exercise their right to increase their pension through a recalculation, which they can use once a year. It is important to remember that the employees of your territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation have no legal grounds to refuse to recalculate them, so their illegal actions can be appealed to a higher authority.

The recalculation process is governed by the provisions of Federal Law No. 400. According to this law, the choice of a method for calculating the length of service is a priority for a pensioner. If, as a result of the recalculation, it turns out that the new pension is less, then the pensioner will simply be paid the old old-age pension, therefore, if it is impossible to receive an increased pension, the person does not lose anything.

Working pensioners

Working pensioners have certain advantages, because they can earn more retirement points by continuing to work. Consequently, they increase the number of pension points due to the high amount of total insurance premiums, it does not matter whether the increased pension payments are accrued or not.

Important! Pensioners have the right to refuse to receive an insurance pension after reaching retirement age by increasing the fixed payments, as well as the number of pension points, which are subsequently converted into Russian rubles. (FZ No. 400).

For citizens who have not reached retirement age

Below are legal ways to increase your pension for those who have not yet retired.

  1. The accumulative part of pension payments. Persons who were born after 1967 may receive a funded part of the pension, which will act as a supplement to the regular insurance pension. If a citizen refuses the funded part, then the number of pension points increases, but at the same time, he loses the opportunity to invest. You can invest money both in a non-state pension fund and in private companies.
  2. Insurance company services. The scheme is quite simple - for several years you regularly make contributions to the cash fund of a certain insurance company, which at this time has the right to dispose of your savings. When a person reaches retirement age, the insurance fund undertakes to return all the money received from savings (taking into account the percentage of profit from investment specified in the agreement). The amount of the increase may be paid in instalments. The guaranteed yield in banks is approximately 4%. In addition, it is worth noting that such deposits also imply life insurance, so the client receives two services at the same time.
  3. Bank security deposit. In this case, we are talking about a deposit, which is concluded for a period of up to 15 years. The interest rate, which banks have repeatedly increased, ranges from 7% to 10%, depending on the chosen financial institution. Before you increase your pension in this way, it is worth remembering that amounts of more than 800 thousand rubles are usually not insured by financial institutions against possible inflation.
  4. Pension contribution. Such deposits differ from standard deposits by a high interest rate - up to 10% per annum. All details of this method will be discussed below.

Saving a pension in a bank

To influence how to increase your future pension with a deposit, it is worth considering a specific example. It should be noted right away that keeping money on a deposit in a bank not only implies certain risks, but also requires constant efforts from the depositor.

For example, in a month you have accumulated 4,000 rubles. This is 48,000 rubles per year. At the same time, after 15 years it is already 720,000 rubles. Taking into account the ten percent interest rate, in 15 years the total amount of savings will reach 3,256,000 rubles. Thus, the 35th employees in fifteen years can create a fairly large pension account, which will ensure a real increase in pension payments.

Of course, a deposit is the most affordable way to increase your future pension, but at the same time, there are some pitfalls:

  • daily replenishment of the account for impressive amounts of funds;
  • constant search for new banks and conclusion of agreements (no bank will conclude a long-term agreement with you, so this is a reality for all pensioners);
  • low profitability of deposits (in some Western countries, the increase can reach zero);
  • devaluation of the currency, which can lead not only to a low profitability of the deposit, but also to the loss of a significant amount of money from your capital.
  • the need for constant indexing (since you can increase your pension only taking into account indexing of income, the monthly amount of deposits will constantly change).

Thus, we can conclude that the deposit can be effectively used only for a certain period of time. It is recommended to increase pension payments in this way when it comes to small amounts and favorable interest rates. Otherwise, it is necessary to resort to a combined method.

You can generate a really stable income with the help of an individual pension portfolio. For example, over the course of five years, deposits are made on a diversified foreign currency deposit. When the amount becomes more than 500,000 rubles, the future pensioner invests in bonds. Then you can invest real money in real estate in order to be able to rent it out, while the person continues to deduct 5% of his income to the deposit.

A neighbor told me that now you can ask the Pension Fund to recalculate your pension “for children”. Is it true?

I. Shcherbakova, Voronezh

Specialists of the Pension Fund in the regions often hide from older women the opportunity to recalculate their pensions, which can improve the financial situation of millions of people who are in dire need of social assistance.

Today, throughout Russia, pensioners are besieging the departments of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with statements about the recalculation of pensions - allegedly now they are appointing an additional payment for adult children. The excitement is unprecedented, people make an appointment months in advance.


As you know, from January 1, 2015, a new formula for calculating pensions was introduced. Now the size of the insurance pension depends on the sum of pension coefficients (points) that a person has earned during his working life, and the value of one annual coefficient (point). The monetary value of a point in the current and each following year is determined by law, taking into account indexation. The number of points is multiplied by the value of 1 point - this is how the amount of the pension is calculated. In 2017, the price of 1 point is 78.58 rubles.

"Old" labor pensions were also recalculated into points. To do this, the amount of the pension as of December 31, 2014 was divided by the value of 1 point, established as of January 1, 2015. This is how the number of points turned out.

What did not take into account and did not do social services? The new formula provides for a special calculation of the number of points for the periods of care for each child up to the age of 1.5 years, but for no more than four children in total. Such periods are non-insurance and are included in the length of service on a par with periods of work (maximum 6 years). This rule applies to women who did not have an employment relationship during the period of caring for a child, for example, they quit while they were caring or studied at a university. For the care of the first child, 1.8 points are counted per year, for the second - 3.6 points, for the third and fourth - 5.4 points for each year of care. And since care lasts 1.5 years, these points must be multiplied by 1.5.

But if a woman went on maternity leave from the enterprise and she was granted parental leave, then such holidays are taken into account as periods of work (insurance). Each year of parental leave is also evaluated in points, but their number depends on the size of the salary and can be either higher or lower than the score provided for non-insurance periods.


At the same time, women are given the right to replace insurance periods of work with non-insurance periods of nursing, if they give a higher number of points. But at the moment when labor pensions were converted into insurance pensions, such a credit was not automatically made for the “old” pensioners. In October-December 2014, employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation had to review millions of pension cases, and, of course, they did not have the opportunity to deal with every pensioner.

In addition, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation stated that the calculation of "old" pensions according to the new formula would be done automatically and according to the most profitable option. And only now it became clear that not everything was done automatically. To calculate periods of child care on a point system, women had to submit an application and can do it now at any time. Only now no one will give them compensation for the past time.


Now the main question: who benefits from such a recalculation? Here is the competent opinion of the head of the Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 5 for Moscow and the Moscow Region, Alexander AKIMENKO. He believes that this problem is purely individual.

If periods of care coincide in time with periods of work, when calculating pension points, a more profitable option for accruing them is taken into account - either for periods of work or for periods of childcare, - explains A. Akimenko. - The amount of the increase for each pensioner will be individual. The recalculation will not always lead to an increase in the pension, it depends on several factors: the length of service, the amount of wages, the date of birth of children (before 1991 or after 1991). As a rule, if the amount of the pension is higher than 10-11 thousand rubles and the woman has one or two children, accrual of points for periods of childcare is unprofitable - the amount of the pension will be lower than what was calculated according to the length of service.

You will not be able to independently figure out whether it is profitable or not to recalculate the pension. This can only be determined by the specialists of the Pension Fund. Women who went on a well-deserved rest after January 1, 2015 do not need to apply for such a recalculation - they have already been assigned an insurance pension, taking into account the most favorable periods.

The FIU recalls that if a citizen applies for a pension later than the due date, its size will be increased. Thus, the fund offers Russians to independently take care of increasing the size of their future old-age payments. So, today in Russia many pensioners work and thus can secure a decent allowance.

Recall that earlier information surfaced in the media that the government was allegedly considering the idea of ​​a possible increase in the minimum required for a citizen to retire. The Ministry of Labor commented on this rumor, saying that there were no discussions of a possible increase in seniority yet. The experts also stated that the increase in seniority will not be able to solve the problems of pension reform.

The Pension Fund reported that the legislation provides for "premium odds". So, a pensioner who retires later than the stipulated period can thereby increase its insurance part. For a fixed payment to a pension and the insurance part, these coefficients have different values.

The FIU explained that if a citizen retires only after five years from the date of the right to receive it, the amount of his fixed payment will increase by 36%. The insurance part will increase by 45%.

When will retirement benefits be increased?

The Ministry of Labor promised that a significant increase in payments to pensioners should be expected no earlier than by 2030. At the same time, if a citizen does not want to wait more than ten years, he can wait a while and get a solid increase.

According to the forecasts made, next year pensions should overtake inflation. Thus, payments will be indexed at 3.7%, while inflation will be approximately 3.2%. At the same time, it should be noted that the subsistence minimum is growing in the regions. Therefore, this increase will not be so easy to feel.

Thus, a citizen who has reached retirement age (see) can work instead of retiring and then he will receive a significant increase, or he can immediately retire and wait for future indexations. The FIU notes that in the current situation, a later retirement for most citizens would be preferable.

The Moscow Regional Duma adopted a bill in three readings, according to which a new subsistence minimum for pensioners living in the Moscow region in 2018 is approved.

It is also reported that next year 159,000 pensioners who are not engaged in labor activities will receive social supplements for pensions. According to the project, pensioner's living wage in the Moscow region will be 9527 rub. This figure was determined on the basis of the consumer basket of Muscovites, according to data provided by the federal executive authorities.

Today, the subsistence minimum for a Moscow Region pensioner is 9161 rub. Thus, next year it will be almost 800 rubles more than the value set for pensioners in Russia as a whole. Those pensioners whose pension will not reach will receive an additional payment up to the required amount.

Recall living wage for pensioners in Russia is 8703 rub. Next year, about 4.6 billion rubles will be required for social benefits in the regions. The average amount of additional payment to the pension will be 2.4 thousand rubles.

Now, it is quite difficult for many pensioners to live on one pension. Due to the constant growth of inflation, the population has a very difficult time.

In order to make the amounts of payments relevant in relation to current prices, the government introduces indexation - a special increase that should help pensioners live in conditions of intense inflation.

Such measures are taken every year, as a result of which the amount of payments is gradually increasing. However, many do not notice real changes for the better, which is why the indexation of pensions remains an actively discussed issue in society.

If until recently the increase in pensions for non-working pensioners was carried out by an amount not less than the inflation rate, then in 2019 the Government will change the traditional approach to increasing pensions, since the total amount of the increase will exceed the level of consumer price growth. The procedure itself will be implemented in 2 stages:

  • From February 1, 2019, indexation will take place taking into account the inflation rate for the past year. According to preliminary forecasts, for 2018 inflation is estimated at 2.9-3.1%. This means that from February 1, the amount of the increase will be about 3% or 432 rubles. with an average pension payment of 14,414 rubles.
  • From April 1, 2019, additional indexation will take place, the amount of which depends on the income of the Russian Pension Fund (it is carried out only if the necessary amount of funds is available in the budget of the Pension Fund). For 2019, the release of additional funds that can be used for additional indexation of payments to pensioners will appear due to a new pension reform, or rather, an increase in the retirement age. If we take into account the 7% increase for 2019 announced by the Government, it turns out that from April 1 they will increase by another 4% or 568 rubles. in monetary terms, subject to receipt in 2018 of the country's average pension provision.

On a note! According to Anton Siluanov, head of the Ministry of Finance, the expected increase in VAT to 20% in 2019 (compared to the current 18%) may lead to an increase in inflation to 4.5%. In this case, the February increase will be an average of 640 rubles, and the April increase will be only 360 rubles. The government plans to maintain the set pace (2 times more than inflation) for at least the next 5 years. In this case, by 2024, Russians will receive pension payments on average 20,000 rubles, that is, they will increase by 35% against the background of 2018!

Since 2016, the authorities have decided to cancel the indexation of working pensioners. The logic of this decision is clear - such people receive additional income from their work, so spending money on indexing their pensions during the economic crisis is a rather costly undertaking.

The government ensures that older people who continue to work receive a pension not lower than the subsistence level. For those who have the amount of payments below this level, special compensation payments are provided at a level that is not enough to reach the subsistence level.

Discussions around such an initiative do not stop: many officials say that pensioners go to work not because they simply want more money, but because they cannot live on such a small pension. However, so far the government has no plans to return indexing to this segment of the population.

At the moment, their official position is that in 2019, working pensioners should not wait for indexation. An increase in pension in Russia for a working pensioner who quit his job occurs a month after the dismissal.

In addition, if a pensioner is officially employed, he receives additional pension points, which will subsequently have a positive effect on the amount of payments. So the authorities encourage pensioners not to hide their income.

Unfortunately, so far all the innovations in pension legislation regarding the indexation of pensions concern only non-working pensioners. For working pensioners, at least for the coming years, the “indexation freeze” that has been in effect since 2016 will remain. All missed promotions will be credited to them after dismissal.

In total, in connection with the pension reform, the following changes are proposed, which by the end of 2018 should be fixed in amendments to pension legislation:

  • Now the increase in the insurance pension will always be carried out at an increased rate - that is, above the level of inflation (which is expected to be within 3-4% in the coming years). It is expected that this will significantly improve the standard of living of Russian pensioners. The new indexation date is January 1 of each year.
  • This program will be designed for at least 2019-2024. During this time, the average insurance pension is planned to be increased by 6,000 rubles. (1000 rubles per year).
  • The actual increase will be calculated individually by multiplying the amount of the pension by the indexation coefficient corresponding to the increase in the average pension in the amount of 1000 rubles. As of January 1, 2019, the estimated value of the coefficient is 7.05%.

How much will the pension increase?
In future years, up to 2024, they plan to increase the pension annually by an average of 1,000 rubles. That is, the total annual income of a pensioner in each next year will be 12,000 rubles. more than in the previous one. This surcharge will apply only to non-working pensioners.

Since the increase in monthly pensions in Russia will take place in 2019 only through indexation, this means that it will affect citizens who meet the following criteria:

  • have retired and are not working;
  • receive an insurance pension (for old age, loss of a breadwinner or disability).

It should be borne in mind that not everyone can count on an increase of 1,000 rubles. For citizens receiving a smaller pension and the increase, respectively, is not so significant (and vice versa).

In each case, it will depend on the length of service and the amount of contributions paid. Every pensioner can now approximately calculate how much the pension will increase in 2019. The amount of the increase will be about 7% of the amounts received to date.

Only the insurance pension is subject to indexation, the amount of which is often lower than the subsistence level established by local authorities for pensioners in a particular region of residence. At the same time, citizens receive social additional payments in order to eventually reach this very subsistence level.

It should be noted that the surcharges themselves are not indexed. Accordingly, for such citizens, the increase, in fact, will be imperceptible, since the total amount of payments for them will remain unchanged.

Only the ratio of the pension itself will change (it will increase by 7% of the amount accrued in 2018) and the social payment, which will be paid additionally until the amount of the established subsistence minimum is reached, which for the 2nd half of 2018 will be 11,280 rubles.

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How to increase your old-age pension in 2020: effective tips for pensioners

In 2020, the average pension in the Russian Federation amounted to 11,600 Russian rubles. This is a very small amount, on which it is difficult to fully live.

Therefore, today future pensioners and people who are already on pensions are wondering how to increase their old-age pension.

General concepts

The last change in the pension legislation in the Russian Federation was carried out in 2015.

According to the changes in the country, 2 types of pension were allocated:

  1. Insurance.
  2. Cumulative.

An insurance pension is a payment from the state budget at the expense of previously paid insurance contributions to the Pension Fund during employment.

A funded pension is a payment that a person receives from a non-state fund.

That is, during his employment, a person deducts a certain amount of money, and then, upon the onset of retirement age, this amount is paid to him in equal monthly installments.

Most citizens of the Russian Federation receive insurance pension contributions. Their size varies from an individual coefficient, which in turn is calculated based on many factors: the amount of the contribution, work experience, etc.

Criteria for increasing the old-age pension in 2020

Today, you can increase your pension benefit by adding points to the main coefficient.

The addition of points is based on the increase in work experience.

You can increase the length of service by taking into account:

  • Passage of industrial practice while studying at the university.
  • Passing military service.
  • Caring for people over 80 years of age.
  • Providing care for the disabled.
  • Conditions on the labor market.
  • Stay in a pre-trial detention center (with an acquittal).

Pensioners who:

  1. They have merits before the Russian Federation.
  2. Blockade of Leningrad.
  3. The liquidators of the accident in Chernobyl.
  4. Worked at work with dangerous working conditions.
  5. They have dependents on disabled or disabled people.
  6. Took part in.
  7. They were prisoners of concentration camps.

It is worth remembering that women also need to include maternity leave in their work experience.

For the care of the first child, 1.8 points are added to the main coefficient for each year spent on maternity leave.

For caring for a second child, an addition of 3.6 points is required. For the third and fourth child, 5.4 points are added.

Non-working applicants

It is more difficult for non-working citizens of the Russian Federation to increase their pension.

But you can increase your pension benefit by applying for a pension recalculation under the program adopted in 2015.

The essence of the program is that points are added for experience, which affect the increase coefficient.

Working candidates

The increase in the old-age pension in 2020 is possible in several ways. The first is making additional contributions to the non-state-type PF.

To open an account in an accumulation fund, a person will only need a passport of a resident of the Russian Federation and an insurance certificate.

The second option is to take part in a non-state pension project.

Participation means that the employer pays all the necessary social contributions for the employee, and the employee himself from his net salary contributes money (the amount is chosen at will) to the pension project.

Upon reaching retirement age, the supplements paid are added to the basic pension.

The third option for increasing the pension is to participate in a co-financing project. The essence of the project is that a person deposits a certain amount of money into the account.

Upon reaching retirement age, the money contributed doubles. That is, if a person contributed 3,000 Russian rubles, then after entering a well-deserved rest, he will receive 6,000 rubles.

The maximum allowance is 12,000 Russian rubles. There is no maximum contribution amount, however.

But even if a person deposits more than 6,000 Russian rubles, he will still receive the maximum allowance of 12,000 rubles.

An increase in the old-age pension for a working pensioner is possible if he refuses the pension benefit.

Example: men in the Russian Federation retire at the age of 60. At this age, a person can still and has the right to work.

If he wants to continue his labor activity, then he has the right to postpone his well-deserved rest until the end of his labor activity. In this case, when a person retires, an allowance is added.


The military is a separate caste of pensioners. It is known that military personnel receive a pension through the Ministry of Defense.

Military pensions not only differ in size from ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation, but also in the way they are issued.

Pensioners are usually issued pension benefits in the PF, but military personnel are initially required to visit the military registration and enlistment office, then the commissariat, and only then the PF.

The amount of a serviceman's pension benefit depends on:

  • Retirement age.
  • The size of the SDS (retiree salary + seniority bonus).
  • level of social assistance.

Retirement allowance for the military is added in case of an injury that provoked a loss of working capacity.

In this case, a social assistance allowance is added in the amount of 150 to 300% of the salary, depending on the severity of the injury.

Additional criteria for increasing pension payments:

  1. The presence of dependents of the pensioner (surcharge - 100%)
  2. Rewarding with a medal of the siege of Leningrad (additional payment of 100 - 200%).

Social supplements for pensions

Social supplement is due only to those pensioners whose pension is below the subsistence level. PM in the regions of the Russian Federation is different.

It is also worth noting that only non-working and low-income pensioners can count on social supplements.

The procedure for the payment of social supplements is regulated by Art. No. 12.1 FZ No. 178.

The surcharge is always charged from the 1st day, regardless of the date of application for it. The amount of the surcharge depends on the amount missing before the PM.

Example: a pensioner living in the Belgorod region receives a pension of 6,000 rubles, and the PM in this region is 8,016 rubles, which means that he is entitled to an additional payment of 2,016 rubles per month.

Increase in capital pensions

The poor have every right to increase pension payments.

Only those pensioners whose pension is less than 11,816 rubles can receive them. The pension supplement is paid from the capital budget.

Along with this, some pensioners can receive a "city social standard" in the amount of 17,500 Russian rubles.

Only native residents of Moscow who have lived in the city for more than 10 years at the time the allowance was assigned can apply for the “city social standard”.

The amount of allowances

The amount of allowances paid (expressed in rubles):

  • Disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups, raising children under 18 years old - 12,000.
  • Rehabilitated citizens - 2,000.
  • Home front workers - 1,500.
  • WWII veterans - 2,000.
  • Participants in the defense of Moscow - 8,000.
  • Heroes of the USSR - 25,000.
  • Pensioners with the title of "Honorary Citizen of Moscow" - 50,000.
  • Pensioners with the title of "People's Artist" - 30,000.
  • Pensioners with the title of "Honored Artist" - 30,000.
  • People over 101 years old - 15,000.


There are several ways to increase your old-age pension.

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