Lapis lazuli stone - jewelry, properties and care. The magical and healing properties of lapis lazuli Lapis lazuli where mined

This stone has been known for seven thousand years. The texture of lapis lazuli attracts attention in necklaces, vases, fireplace lining. They decorated palaces, houses of the nobility, but it is also accessible to ordinary people. According to the horoscope, it suits several signs.

In Rus', it is an “azure stone”, the names in Eastern and European languages ​​​​are similar, meaning the color of heaven. Inclusions of iron sulfide make the mineral look like a starry sky. For this, he was appreciated by rulers, clergy and stone cutters. Polymineral aggregates - with inclusions of pyrite, mica - are called lapis lazuli. Their suitability as jewelry determines the degree of saturation of the blue pigment.

The first and best accumulation of lapis lazuli is in Afghan Badakhshan, which is hard to reach even today. Merchants supplied Egypt, the Ancient World, Central Asia, China, and Russia with this stone. In the Middle Kingdom, only the emperor was allowed to wear hats with balls of lapis lazuli as an attribute of being chosen by heaven.

The ancient Egyptians dyed the robes of the high priests with lapis lazuli powder. The Renaissance repeated this discovery, turning the mineral, worn to powder and mixed with oil, into durable ultramarine paint.

In the Muslim East, lapis lazuli stones are the number one guard against the evil eye.

According to legend, an angel gave Solomon a ring with lapis lazuli. With his help, the king commanded the demons who built the famous Temple.

Lazurite and Russia

The stone was appreciated in the Russian Empire. Until the middle of the 19th century, imported raw materials were the only ones, until blue blocks were discovered in the Baikal region. Although the locals knew about the stone and found it for several centuries.

"Lazorevik" lined the columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral.

Catherine appreciated the first domestic samples - they were immediately processed and used, and the necessary funds were allocated for search expeditions.

Lapis lazuli as a stone of exclusive texture was used in the decoration of the hall of the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo.

Facing, parquet and furniture are made of Badakhshan stone, which was paid for in pure silver according to the weight of the mineral.

During the war, interior items and parquet were dismantled, so everything has been preserved and is available for viewing.

The domestic gem shines in the halls of the Winter Imperial and Peterhof palaces. The Hermitage is proud of gems, a collection of exquisite vases and other sculptures.

Place of Birth

The mineral is formed in the process of penetration of magma into sedimentary or metamorphic rocks. This interaction creates the appearance of a stone. The most famous, described seven centuries ago by the famous Marco Polo, are the Afghan mines. They have not been depleted even today, the stones of the lapis lazuli family from the Badakhshan mountains are the best in the world. Newly discovered deposits of another hemisphere, the Chilean Andes, compete with them in quality.

Lapis lazuli(Lazurite) - (Ca,Na) 8 (S,SO 4 ,Cl 2)/(Al 6 Si 6 O 2) 4- a mineral of blue color, various shades and structure. People have been using it since ancient times. So, jewelry was made from this stone, paint (it was added to facing bricks), paint was also used for painting. In ancient times, in the East, this mineral was called the "stone of heaven."

tiling with lapis lazuli (Babylon)

The walls of the ancient city of Babylon, which is now in Iraq (ancient Mesopotamia, Mesopotamia) are decorated with magnificent paintings and blue tiles.

Artists of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance made paints from this mineral, and now you can find artistic oil paints prepared on the basis of lapis lazuli. The paint from this stone is called "ultramarine". In Russia, until the end of the nineteenth century, this mineral was called " azure stone" or " lapis lazuli«.

Sample of Afghan lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli was also known in ancient Egypt. In the pyramids of the pharaohs, figures of the goddess of justice Maat were found from this mineral, and the supreme judge of the country had to wear a lapis lazuli plate on his chest. In museums, one can see the pectoral decorations of pharaohs and nobles, in which, along with other stones, pieces of this mineral are inserted.

In medieval China, this stone was very loved by rulers of various ranks. It was called the "stone of power", the rulers decorated their hats with balls from it.

Stone lovers in our country know two types of lapis lazuli - Afghan and Baikal (or rather, it is correct to say “southern Baikal region”). Samples of this mineral are also brought from Tajikistan (Pamir). There are also deposits in the United States, Myanmar, Burma, Chile and Argentina. Quite large deposits are known in China, India, Canada and the African continent.

Afghan lapis lazuli has a bright blue and deep blue, sometimes violet-blue color, a uniform texture, and in the bulk of the stone, on a dark blue background, inclusions of golden pyrite are scattered like stars. The mineral is very beautiful. From the Afghan lapis lazuli back in the Middle Ages in the East they made magnificent inserts in earrings, diadems, rings and necklaces. Sheikhs and viziers gave such jewelry to their beloved wives, they were carefully kept and passed on by inheritance.

Baikal (South Baikal) lapis lazuli has a blue and blue color, often bright, of various shades. Along with lapis lazuli, samples usually contain white calcite, gray dolomite, indigo-blue sodalite, golden pyrite, and inclusions of feldspars and diopside are possible. These minerals give the samples a unique pattern and create a unique texture.

Well-cut natural lapis lazuli crystals are a rare find and highly prized by collectors. The crystals are small, usually less than one centimeter.

Physical Properties: the density of this mineral is 1.3-2.7 grams per cubic centimeter, its hardness is 3.5-4 on the Mohs scale (scratched with a steel knife). Crystals have a cubic, hexahedral shape.

Lapis lazuli is valued as a collectible and ornamental stone. It is perfectly processed and polished to a mirror finish. From it, due to the low fracturing, it is possible to make large objects - bowls, vases, plates, make caskets. The stone is also good in jewelry, cabochons and beads are made from it.

collection sample of lapis lazuli (Baikal)

Afghan lapis lazuli is quite rare in our country and the price for this stone is much higher, sometimes two or three times, than for Baikal. This mineral is not grown artificially, and cheap imitations cannot stand any comparison with natural stone.

Lithotherapy: meditation on lapis lazuli helps to get rid of annoying, unnecessary thoughts that constantly keep you in suspense and prevent you from moving on. Such meditation will relieve feelings of anxiety, drive out self-doubt.

Carved sculptures from Baikal lapis lazuli

For people prone to aggression and anger, excessive harshness in judgments will help get rid of these unpleasant qualities. This stone in jewelry can relieve headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, this mineral strengthens memory and makes a person physically and mentally active.

Lithotherapy believes that massage with lapis lazuli balls is useful for asthma, it can lower blood pressure and relieve insomnia.

The blue color of lapis lazuli corresponds to the "third eye" chakra - (frontal chakra, Ajna). Meditation on the blue color calms, helps to think sublimely and promotes the vision of the world in harmony.

Astrologers advise wearing lapis lazuli Aries, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces and Aquarius.

One of the brightest stones in mineralogy. Lapis lazuli is often called the "heavenly stone" because it is fabulously beautiful and resembles the azure of a sunny clear sky. The name of the stone is translated as blue (from Arabic azul). In Persian, lazurite means blue. In the Ancient East, it was called "Bukhara lapis lazuli", "Armenian stone". In Rus' they called it "azure stone".

The bright cornflower blue mineral has a stunning natural hue that shines in both sunlight and artificial light.

The color palette of lapis lazuli is wide - from blue to deep purple. The brightest and most uniform in tone lapis lazuli are valued more than others. The aristocracy and noble radiance of lapis lazuli are given by small golden inclusions of pyrite, which sparkle wonderfully in the rays of the sun. Even in poorly lit rooms, lapis lazuli look very piercing, but at the same time gloomy.

The Egyptian pharaohs revered lapis lazuli along with gold - on their orders, tombs and sarcophagi were trimmed with ultramarine stone.

Luxurious lapis lazuli of juicy ultramarine tones was delivered to the court of Russian emperors by caravans from Asia. In the hands of skilled craftsmen, bright stones turned into treasures of jewelry art, which were hunted by representatives of the nobility and connoisseurs of all the refined beauty. The ultramarine pigment was mined from lapis lazuli and added to paints for painting. The pigment was also used to make clothes.

The "Heavenly Stone" has been famous for its magical powers since ancient times. The Indians used it to cleanse the aura of negativity, relieve feelings of anxiety, and get rid of difficult memories. In medieval Europe, it was believed that if you carry a lapis lazuli stone or jewelry with this mineral, then the most fantastic dreams will come true. Lapis lazuli was considered a stone of strong friendship and sincere feelings, capable of awakening sincerity in a person. Court ladies and gentlemen gave each other rings and other jewelry with piercingly bright lapis lazuli as a sign of the most favorable location and cordial friendship. Lapis lazuli is a stone for those who have decided to radically change their lives and sort out relationships with the closest and most important people.

Who is lapis lazuli stone for?

Numerous legends tell that lapis lazuli is a stone of love that guarantees mutual fidelity of lovers who wear it. If you wear it as a ring or bracelet on your hand, then you will forget what depression and melancholy are, crazy thoughts will go away, and sleep will improve. Lapis Lazuli saves its mistress from evil fate, strengthens the body and mind. It is an ideal stone for meditation and spiritual growth. Brings great luck to brunettes! Red-haired gives a good fate. And indeed - the color palette of ultramarine lapis lazuli is ideal for brunettes and redheads!

Astrologers believe that lapis lazuli reveals its energy to the maximum if its owner is born under the sign of Sagittarius or Libra. Representatives of other signs of the zodiac (with the exception of Capricorns) will not be harmed by the stone. The strength of its influence will depend on many factors - on the personal energy of the owner of the stone and the correct work with it.

How to tame your stone? How to find a suitable key to it, open and use its power?

Put the newly acquired stone in the palm of your hand. Close your eyes, calm down, focus and imagine how your physical body is enveloped in an invisible glow that radiates from the stone you have chosen. It will take a certain amount of time to “tame” a stone, to tune in to its energy. You must feel the nature of the mineral, feel its vibrations. For some it will be faster, for others it will be slower. It depends on many factors - on the level of your consciousness, on how you feel at the moment, and even on the time of year. For those who constantly practice meditation and other spiritual practices, such serious energy techniques are usually very easy.

Place of Birth
The oldest and largest deposits of lapis lazuli are in Afghanistan - these developments were known as early as 7 thousand years BC. It was from this country that the most valuable lapis lazuli was brought for the Russian imperial court. Also, the ultramarine color mineral has long been actively mined in Chile, the USA, Canada, India, and Burma. Russian deposits are insignificant, located in Transbaikalia.

Medicinal properties
The brighter and more charismatic the stone, the stronger its healing properties. Beautiful lapis lazuli has been confirming its abilities for thousands of years. Since ancient times, the stone has been widely used as a healing mineral - it relieved migraine sufferers from headaches, improved blood circulation and the immune system.

In folk medicine, lapis lazuli is used to restore visual acuity. An incredibly juicy and bright stone literally heals the visual apparatus with its radiation. Being engaged for a long time in any painstaking work that requires long-term concentration on small details, it is recommended to take short breaks and consider this healing miracle mineral.

The energy of the stone is of incredible value directly for women. According to researchers, lapis lazuli has a powerful rejuvenating effect, restores bone tissue, relieves menstrual pain, rheumatism attacks, and even improves blood composition! Ancient beauties removed warts and age spots from their faces, as well as such unpleasant phenomena as lichen and eczema. Ultramarine powder was mixed with vinegar and applied to the eyelashes to stop their loss and enhance growth. The same procedures were done to improve the condition of the hair.
In many ancient cultures of the world, pregnant women were advised to wear lapis lazuli talismans on their stomachs so that pregnancy would be easy, the fetus would ripen properly, prevent miscarriage and facilitate childbirth. According to lithotherapists, lapis lazuli beads help reduce pressure, eliminate nervous excitement, and treat insomnia.

Lapis lazuli is famous for its pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also often used against burns and bruises - wounds heal faster, swelling subsides.

Medieval medicine described lapis lazuli as a miraculous mineral whose heavenly radiance banished all diseases. But the famous Indian king of healing, Buddha Bhaishadshya-Gura, once sat on a delightful lapis lazuli throne, radiating a healing ultramarine glow. Those wishing to be cured of any ailments and diseases, it was enough to get an appointment with the great king - and the disease was removed as if by hand! Probably, the miracles of healing were also associated with the universal unshakable faith in the miraculous powers of lapis lazuli.

As described in ancient books, lapis lazuli powders and infusions healed from the deadly bites of poisonous scorpions and saved people from poisoning. It is historically attested that the ancient Indians ground lapis lazuli to a powder and took it as a medicine to remove various poisons from the body.

Suffering from a dry, debilitating cough, they put a stone of lapis lazuli on their chest - and the spasms stopped, as if by magic! Ultramarine stones were applied to the lower back or aching joints, and the pain left the body within a few minutes. Lazurite infusions were taken orally as a choleretic agent, as well as to remove the kidneys. Lapis lazuli with golden phenocrysts of pyrite saved from severe internal ulcers.

magical properties
The ancient Egyptians revered majestically beautiful lapis lazuli as a divine stone - it was actively used as a ritual guide for communicating with the gods. Ritual clothes of high priests were painted with lapis lazuli powder. The color ultramarine in many ancient cultures of the world was considered sacred, associated with the forces of the universe and higher spheres.

In ancient times, lapis lazuli symbolized sincerity and genuine friendliness. Gifts from lapis lazuli were believed more than words! Italian alchemists believed that lapis lazuli is a special mineral from which the philosopher's stone and gold can be obtained. In the bewitching divine blue color, they saw a special universal sense.

Lapis lazuli is a great helper for anyone who seeks spiritual development. The very energy of the stone and its vibrations direct all thoughts and feelings of a person to the divine principle, giving rise to such positive emotions as love, respect, mercy. The owner of lapis lazuli jewelry begins to feel more acutely the pain of others, to understand more deeply the psychology of human relations and becomes wiser and more holistic.

Like all powerful stones, lapis lazuli attracts success in business, financial well-being and, of course, love to its owner. Adherents of Hinduism claim that lapis lazuli perfectly cleanses the aura of its owner from the negativity accumulated over the years. Long-standing grievances, obscene acts and negative thoughts are transformed into such types of energy.

From the history of lapis lazuli

Divinely beautiful lapis lazuli has been next to man for many millennia and has always been considered a sacred stone. Historians find evidence that in the Bible, lapis lazuli has always been understood as sapphire! In the Mediterranean countries for many centuries it was revered on a par with precious sapphires, and only in the 18th century was lapis lazuli singled out as a separate mineral. Lapis lazuli in those distant times stood on the highest pedestal among gems. The dazzlingly bright ultramarine of lapis lazuli mosaics on the walls of ancient temples fascinated with its beauty and brought the souls of those praying to sacred awe.

Lapis lazuli beads are one of the constant finds at the excavations of the ancient world civilizations. Surprisingly beautiful women's jewelry of ultramarine color once belonged to royalty and representatives of the nobility. Ancient Indian and Babylonian priests carved mysterious spells on azure stones. “Stone of the sky” – this is what the representatives of the Sumerian and Egyptian civilization called the mineral, who used lapis lazuli as a measure for values ​​6000 years ago. The supreme judge of Egypt had on his chest a talisman figurine of the goddess Maat - the Egyptian goddess of truth and justice (Daughter of the Sun God).

) is a symbol of divine favor. Impenetrable to sunlight, lapis lazuli stone impresses with its blue and nobility of shades: blue, green and gray.

For the first time, the mineral was mined in the Pamirs more than 7 thousand years ago. At first, gems were used for lining palaces, only later they began to make crafts and jewelry from them. Archaeologists have found jewelry made from gemstones in the Egyptian pyramids.

In Europe, wealthy people decorated the interiors of their houses with mineral items. Artists, grinding the stone into powder, mixed it with oil and got a rich ultramarine color.

In Rus', he was given his name - an azure stone, or an azure stone. It can be found in the decoration of the Winter Palace, St. Isaac's Cathedral and the palaces of Peterhof.

Appearance and physical properties

Externally, the gem is like a reflection of the starry sky: the surface is saturated blue with golden inclusions of iron sulfide, like stars. No wonder he always enjoyed the respect of jewelers, priests and astrologers.

Consider the physical characteristics of the mineral.

The lapis lazuli stone is distinguished by its blue color scheme: azure blue, greenish blue, blue gray.

Minerals of a special color have additional names:

  • rich blue - indigo, or niili;
  • blue light colors - asmani;
  • just blue - sufsi;
  • dark blue - lapis lapis lazuli.

The gem is opaque, brittle in structure, the hardness is only 5.5 on the Mohs scale, the average density is 2.4 g/cm3. In its chemical composition, lapis lazuli incorporated oxides of sodium, calcium, aluminum, sulfur, silicon and chlorine. Hence the long chemical formula of the gem - Na6Ca2(AlSiO4)6(SO4, S, Cl)2.

The composition of the mineral is an aluminosilicate with the addition of sulfur, even some of the silicon atoms are replaced by sulfur. Interestingly, the more sulfur anions, the richer the blue color.

Hydrochloric acid destroys the crystal, with strong heating it becomes darker in color.

Gem Deposit

The mineral was formed as a result of the interaction of magma and sedimentary rock. There are deposits of lapis lazuli in many parts of the world. Lapis lazuli is mined in Afghanistan, where the oldest mine Badakhshan is located, Argentina, the USA, Tajikistan, Chile. In Russia, a deposit has been developed in the Southern Baikal region.

The Afghan gem was found at the excavations of Troy and in the Egyptian pyramids. Samples from the Baikal region are of the same high quality as those from Afghanistan. Light-colored crystals are mined in Tajikistan, they cost less than the rest. In Russia, the gem began to be mined only from the middle of the 19th century.

The reader may have a question: is lapis lazuli gemstone or not? In fact, this is a semi-precious stone, it belongs to the section of ornamental stones of the first order. This section includes: jade, rock crystal, and others. Lapis lazuli is often used to make jewelry to order according to individual sketches; such products are highly valued by collectors.

Mineral types

Varieties of lapis lazuli are classified only by its color. Blue lapis lazuli is not the only representative of the gem. Scientists have confirmed that specimens of light turquoise and even dark purple color, according to the chemical formula, are lapis lazuli. The biggest value on the market are indigo and dark blue minerals. The presence of golden or silver blotches only increases their value.

The value of these mountain fossils depends on the saturation of the color:

  • Niili - refers to the highest grade, bright blue, indigo, often with a purple tint and unusual transitions between shades. The most expensive variety.
  • Asmani, the color of the sky, a paler shade of blue, cyan.
  • Sufsi, plain blue with a greenish tinge, is the cheapest variety.

The color of lapis lazuli depends on the ratio of all its components.

Description stone in appearance it is divided into three groups:

  1. Homogeneous without impurities.
  2. Spotted with numerous veins.
  3. Spotted with stripes.

Spotted specimens with stripes are widely used for craft work. But samples of the highest grade lapis lazuli are used exclusively for the manufacture of unique jewelry and luxury items.

Uncut lapis lazuli has also been used in the manufacture of unique jewelry. Healers and magicians prefer to work with him, as his natural properties are not distorted by the finish.

How to properly care

When purchasing lapis jewelry, you need to remember about the insufficient hardness of the mineral. Therefore, it must be protected from falling and any mechanical influences.

Interaction with household chemicals and cosmetics is undesirable.

Do not expose to prolonged exposure to sunlight.

The blue of the gem changes its shades with temperature changes; you should not subject the crystal to such tests.

The ancients considered the azure stone a symbol of well-being and success, love and sincerity. They were sure that he helps a person to talk with God. The azure stone will relieve stress, relieve depression, bring peace and tranquility to the house.

Lapis lazuli - from the Arabic word "azul" - sky blue or "blue stone" - this is how the Arabs call it. The main component is lapis lazuli - 25 - 40%, there are other minerals, for example, augite, calcite, diopside, enstatite, mica, hauine, hornblende, nosean, pyrite. Lapis lazuli is considered as a breed, and should not be considered a synonym for lapis lazuli. Lapis lazuli itself is unstable to high temperatures and acids.

In high quality stones, the color is evenly distributed. There are spotted and banded stones. Lapis lazuli from Chile and Russia has a strong grayish calcite. Stones with uniform inclusions of pyrite are most valued, but an excess of the latter causes a greenish tint. You can enhance the brightness of the color of the stone by slight heating and additional staining.

Lapis lazuli. Synonym - ultramarine.
Lapis lazuli is an opaque stone. Not resistant to heat and acids. Color - all blue shades - azure blue, violet, greenish blue ...

The brighter and richer the color, the higher the value of the stone. And, as you know, the blue color attracts and excites the imagination, because we, looking at the blue of the sky, always think about something sublime and mysterious.

Hardness 5-6
Density - 2.5 - 3.0
Pleochroism - absent

Be that as it may, most often we meet the name - lapis lazuli stone. Luster of lapis lazuli from vitreous to greasy. Lapis lazuli is fragile and easily polished. Golden inclusions of pyrite on a blue background give polished lapis lazuli a look reminiscent of the night starry sky.

The deposit, which is over 6,000 years old, is located in Afghanistan in the Hindu Kush mountains. There are several varieties of lapis lazuli - from indigo blue to sky blue, and there is also a greenish blue. In Russia, lapis lazuli is mined in the Baikal region. There are deposits in Tajikistan, Chile, Angola, China, Canada, Pakistan, USA.

Lapis lazuli was used to make ultramarine paint. Some of the surviving palaces and temples of that time are decorated with lapis lazuli mosaics. Lapis lazuli is a fabulously beautiful blue stone. Probably due to its blue color, lapis lazuli has long been considered a sacred stone. He was one of the favorite and revered gems. Some researchers even suggest that in ancient written sources, under the name - sapphire, lapis lazuli was meant.

In the excavations of ancient civilizations, lapis lazuli beads and pharaoh masks are found. Lapis lazuli was seen as a symbol of power, so in China it was used to decorate the headdresses of emperors, and Chinese women used lapis lazuli beads to decorate their thick and black hair. Lapis lazuli was valued in China above gold. They decorated the palaces of the eastern rulers, and the stone became the subject of attention of merchants and ambassadors. Gradually, the rulers and nobility of Europe began to decorate their palaces with statues, fireplaces, vases made of lapis lazuli.

Today, lapis lazuli is used both in jewelry - rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, brooches, beads, and in sculpture, interior design and other handicrafts.

There are imitations with pieces of lapis lazuli, pressed and glued with synthetic resin. There is also synthetic lapis lazuli of fairly good quality. Lapis lazuli is often imitated by coloring various white stones or jasper ("Swiss lapis") blue. Get an imitation of lapis lazuli by dyeing synthetic spinel blue.

How to distinguish natural lapis lazuli from imitation? You have to wet the stone. If it is real, its surface will be evenly moistened, if it is a fake, water will collect in drops. Real lapis lazuli is beautiful only in bright sunlight, fakes shine even under artificial light.

Healing properties of lapis lazuli and stone treatment

In ancient times, people believed that this soft and fragile stone could save a person from poisoning. It was ground into powder and added to medicinal mixtures. He was also credited with treating ulcers of internal organs. And yet, the ancient physicians claimed that if you look at the stone for several minutes a day, you can improve your eyesight.

What a person will not believe, if only to return the most precious thing - seeing eyes. Yes, and in our time, we should not forget the recipes of our ancestors and use all available in parallel with trips to microsurgery. The likelihood that lapis lazuli beads will normalize blood pressure and calm the nerves is possible, but most likely, if you have not tightened up to chronic hypertension. In any case, lithotherapists recommend lapis lazuli jewelry that will distract from bitter memories and insults.

If you contemplate the beautiful in the hope of healing, then most likely you will gain a positive attitude, learn to better understand and feel other people. And that means you'll be happy. Therefore, lapis lazuli certainly belongs to those stones that can be called a stone of goodness and love. What do astrologers say? Lapis lazuli is a stone that suits all signs of the zodiac, perhaps only Capricorn and Cancer are indifferent to him.

The magical properties of lapis lazuli

In ancient times, lapis lazuli was a reliable amulet. Many believed that when going into battle, one should take an amulet of lapis lazuli with them, then the warrior would be under reliable protection. At the same time, lapis lazuli was a desirable stone as a gift in diplomatic relations.

Lapis lazuli stone and jewelry

For jewelry, bright blue is more often used, and Badakhshan (Afghanistan) lapis lazuli with golden inclusions. Processing of lapis lazuli is carried out in the form of a cabochon or plates, the stone is mostly not cut, but polished. Lapis Lazuli is a soft and brittle stone that can be easily polished.

The frame of the stone is gold or silver, but even without a frame, the stone looks great - these are beads, pendants and other jewelry. Earrings, brooches, bracelets, set in precious metals, are luxurious jewelry for every woman.

The stone itself is priced per gram - an average of $ 2 - 3, maybe higher, that is, its price is not too high. But jewelry with lapis lazuli is extremely popular, because it was not for nothing that pharaohs adorned themselves with them, who considered themselves "gods" on earth, and lapis lazuli was called the "son of heaven." It was in ancient Egypt that gold jewelry with lapis lazuli appeared. This stone looks unusually in the bright rays of the sun, with electric lighting it loses its brightness somewhat. The most expensive is Afghan lapis lazuli with gold inclusions.

Most often, lapis lazuli in jewelry goes well with silver and is not very friendly with other stones. After all, the brightness of the stone, its brilliance and saturation, especially in sunlight, is amazing, so he likes to be alone in jewelry. However, harmonious combinations in the hands of a master jeweler are obtained when lapis lazuli is adjacent to turquoise or coral, pearls or carnelian. Lapis lazuli is also used for inlays and mosaics, figurines and vases are made from it.

How to wear and combine lapis lazuli jewelry

Lapis lazuli, which is used in the jewelry industry, is an inexpensive stone. It looks most advantageous in a gold or silver frame.

You can decorate your office suit with a lapis lazuli pendant in combination with a similar bracelet. Your outfit will look both restrained and luxurious at the same time. Lapis lazuli beads will decorate a summer dress with a bright floral print. Lapis lazuli goes well with denim.

Earrings with lapis lazuli emphasize the whiteness and beauty of the neck. Lapis lazuli is suitable for everyday outfits. But for an evening out under artificial lighting, he loses some of his beauty.

Caring for lapis lazuli jewelry

The stone requires a careful attitude, because it has a low hardness. Therefore, lapis lazuli jewelry should be protected from bumps, scratches, sudden changes in temperature and chemical influences. Gently washed in water, lapis lazuli will shine for a long time and give you joy.

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