Felt frog. felt toys

This cute little felt frog will happily settle into the children's room and meet other toy inhabitants. You can sew such a frog from soft green felt. The pattern of this toy is simple and consists of a small number of parts, so it can be made quite quickly.

To make a small frog, we need:

  • - green, pink, white and yellow felt;
  • - threads of green, white, yellow, pink and black;
  • - scissors;
  • - synthetic winterizer;
  • - a needle;
  • - paper in a cage (for making a pattern of a toy);
  • - pencil.

How to make a small frog

1. The pattern of this little frog consists of only five parts. On paper in a cage, draw a frog's head, a torso with hind legs, a front leg, a tummy, a small flower. We cut out the drawn parts of the pattern from paper.

2. Let's straighten a sheet of green felt on the table, put the details of the head, paws and torso on it. We circle each detail the required number of times and cut it out. For a toy frog, we need two parts of the head, two parts of the body and four parts of the legs.

3. From white felt, you need to cut out the detail of the eyes in one copy.

4. Cut out one detail of the tummy from pink felt.

5. Cut out one small flower from yellow felt.

6. Sewing a toy frog, let's start with the head. First, take one part of the head, attach the white part of the eyes to it and sew it with basting stitches of white thread. Stitches should be small and even.

7. This part of the head is compatible with another part of the head and sew them with buttonhole stitches of green threads, leaving an unsewn section at the bottom.

8. Now sew the body of the frog. To do this, first take one part of the torso, attach a pink part of the tummy to it and sew it with pink threads, making small basting stitches.

9. Fold this part of the torso with the second part of the torso and sew with green threads along the edge, making buttonhole stitches, and leave an unsewn section at the bottom.

10. Fold the details of the front legs of the frog in pairs and sew them with green threads with buttonhole stitches, moreover, you need to leave a hole on each leg.

11. Take a synthetic winterizer and evenly fill all parts of the toy - paws, head and torso.

12. Sew a hole on the body of the frog with green threads, making neat buttonhole stitches.

13. Attach the head to the body and sew green threads with hidden stitches.

14. On each front foot, carefully sew a hole with green threads.

15. Sew the paws to the body with the same green threads, while making sure that the paws are at the same level.

16. With black threads we will embroider small pupils on the white part of the eyes, the pupils should be located at the same level symmetrically.

17. With pink threads, we will embroider a small mouth in the form of an arc for the frog.

18. Take a flower cut out of yellow felt, attach it to the detail of the frog's belly and sew it with yellow threads, making small basting stitches.

The little felt frog is ready. This frog can be not only an ordinary children's toy, if you sew a loop of ribbon or colored decorative lace to the figurine, then the frog can serve as a key ring or pendant for a children's bag. If you sew several of these frogs, you can make a mobile for a crib or stroller. In addition, such a frog can turn into a Christmas toy and decorate the Christmas tree.

Modern trade offers a choice of a huge number of various soft toys, but everyone has such toys. And I want the child to have a unique toy that would be made with soul and love and radiate special warmth. Therefore, we suggest that you sew a toy yourself, for example, from felt. You can start by sewing a fun frog. It is very easy to perform and will be a great tool for practicing working with felt.

Master class: felt frog

This frog can serve not only as a toy for a child, but also as an element of interior decor and even a Christmas tree toy. For work you will need such materials and tools:

  1. Green, red, white felt.
  2. Filler for stuffing - holofiber.
  3. Two black beads.
  4. Ribbon.
  5. A set of threads.
  6. Needle.
  7. Paper.
  8. Scissors.
  9. Pencil.


First of all, for work we need a pattern of frog details. On paper, draw the contours of the details. We will need the head and torso, they will be a solid figure, then the front and back legs, belly, eye and cheek. Of course, even for paired parts, only one circuit is needed. Cut out the paper pieces.

Cheeks need two parts - on red felt.

The head with the body (two parts), the front legs (four parts), the hind legs (four parts) - this must be cut out of green felt fabric.

We sew the tummy and eyes to the part of the body. We make out the muzzle, for this we sew red cheeks and embroider the mouth with red thread.

Put together the two parts of the body and sew them together, and leave a small hole at the bottom. Through it we fill the head and body of the frog with holofiber. After that, the hole can be sewn up.

The next step is the paws. We sew the details of the paws in pairs and leave a hole for stuffing. We fill the front and back legs with holofiber and sew up the holes.

After that, you can sew the legs to the body. And sew the beads in place of the eye.

The finished frog can be tied with a ribbon bow or a scarf.

Master class: a felt frog in a sundress

Materials and tools:

  1. Red and green felt fabric.
  2. Frog patterns.
  3. A set of threads.
  4. Synthetic filler.
  5. Eyes (there are ready-made ones on sale).
  6. Colorful chintz.
  7. Beautiful buttons.

If all the materials are ready, you can get to work. Cut out the pattern pieces and transfer them to the felt. All parts are green, except for the circle. Cut out felt pieces. Fold the paired parts in pairs and fix with pins, trim the edges if necessary.

Let's start sewing toys. First of all, we sew the body. The seams should be even and beautiful, since we will have them from the face. We begin to sew the body from the legs. Having sheathed the paws, you need to stop and fill them with padding polyester. For convenience, you can take a pencil to evenly distribute the synthetic winterizer over the paws.

After that, we continue to sew the body. We sew in a circle until a small hole remains, through which we fill the torso itself with filler. And sew up the hole completely.

We proceed to the red circle, which will be the collar of the frog. It needs to be sewn around with a thread and pulled to the center.

The next stage is the muzzle of the frog. Glue on the eyes. If you could not find ready-made eyes, you can do it yourself or embroider. The mouth is embroidered with red thread.

Just as the torso was sheathed, we sheathe the paws in a circle and stuff them with synthetic winterizer filler. We sew up the hole through which the filler was introduced.

We sew the two halves of the head, without sewing to the end, to fill the head with padding polyester. And sew up the final hole.

All the details are ready, now you need to fully assemble the toy. To do this, sew the upper legs to the body. Then you need to sew on a red collar, covering the place where the upper legs are attached. Sew on the head last.

Since we have a frog in a sundress, we need to sew a sundress. Take a piece of bright colorful chintz nine centimeters wide and twenty centimeters long. We sew it on the side and pick up the top edge to make a skirt. The bottom of the skirt can be hemmed or overcast with beautiful bright threads.

We hem the skirt under the frog collar. Cut off two more pieces of chintz measuring 1x3 centimeters. And we sew straps to the sarafan. At the end, take two beautiful buttons that match the style of the sarafan, sew to the straps.

The frog in the sundress is ready.

Two master classes on sewing a felt toy are presented to your attention. These cute, funny frogs are sure to please your child. And most importantly - none of his friends will have such a toy anymore. But not only for those who have children, these felt products are suitable: they can perfectly decorate your interior.

Video on the topic of the article

We sew toys with your own hands - after all, this is a favorite pastime of many needlewomen. They are made easily and quickly, do not require special processing, but look more interesting than those bought in stores.

Using the example of making a frog, a tadpole and a whale, you will see how three different patterns can be made from one idea.

We sew toys with our own hands - a frog and a tadpole.


Felt (felt): for a frog - green and white, for a tadpole - black and white /

The threads are white, green and black.


Beads or beads for the eye - two for each representative of the fauna.

Pattern paper.




Compass, pencil.


Very simple, draw circles with a compass and finish the paws, tails as shown in the figure.

DIY felt toy master class - frog and tadpole


From white felt we cut out a circle with a diameter of 18.5 cm. Stepping back 0.5 cm, lay the middle stitch and gently tighten. Inside we add a synthetic winterizer to give a round shape.

(If the stitch is coarse, large folds will form when pulled together and the work will look ugly and puffy.)


Cut out the body of a frog from green felt according to the pattern.


We put the frog pattern on top of the white felt ball, so as to close the place of contraction. We begin to sew, pay attention to how the tail is sewn, with a small pin behind.


We sew the body in a circle with an overcast stitch, leaving the paws not sewn. Before completely sewing up the frog, we sew on the eyes (at the beginning I wanted to, I made white ones and draw pupils, but after sewing, I realized that just black ones would be better). And we put a little more padding polyester to form a convex back.


We decorate the mouth and nose of the frog with black thread for greater expressiveness.


We form the front and hind legs. On the front legs we make a stitch on the “wrists”, and sew the hind legs to the body, bending them.


It turns out such a frog - a frog!


Now we make a tadpole. According to the pattern of black and white felt, cut it out. And we sew like a frog without legs. Don't forget to sew on the eyes and mouth. Please note that the tail is made of white felt and sewn to the body with beveled stitches.

We sew toys with our own hands - Blue whale


Felt (felt): blue and white colors.

The threads are white, blue and black.


Beads or beads for the eye - two each.

Pattern paper.




Compass, pencil.


DIY felt toy master class - whale


From white felt and synthetic winterizer we make a ball, just like in the previous master class.


Cut out the body of a whale from blue felt according to the pattern. We apply the pattern on top of the white felt ball, so as to close the place of contraction. We begin to sew in a circle with an overcast stitch, leaving the tail and fins not sewn.

Used things are in every home. Using fabric from an old hat or jacket, you can sew a wonderful thing. A felt frog is easy to make, but it will allow adults and children to feel the joy of joint creativity and noticeably refresh the interior of a children's room.

Learning how to properly sew a felt frog: tools and materials

Before you start making a toy directly, you need to make a pattern. It can be transferred to the fabric on its own, approximately as shown in the figure below. Cutters use chalk for this purpose, but you can get by with a pencil:

The list of materials for making a frog is quite extensive, but if something is missing, you can easily replace the element with another:

  1. Felt fabric (green and red);
  2. Threads (preferably white, green and red);
  3. Material for the peephole (possibly buttons or riveting);
  4. Material for stuffing toys, ideally - synthetic winterizer;
  5. Cotton or chintz fabric in bright colors;
  6. Several beautiful pins or buttons.
  7. Chalk or chemical pencil.
  8. Materials for the design of elements of clothing and entourage.

We take a piece of felt with the silhouettes of frog parts applied in crayons and carefully cut them out.

For cutting out of felt, it is best to use a sharp clerical knife, in extreme cases, scissors.

Further sequence of actions.

It makes sense to fold all paired elements one with the other and sew them with several large stitches. There is an option to pin them with pins. The main task is to ensure that the body of the frog is not “quelled”, does not lean down, and parts do not fall off from it:

The second stage is the careful stitching of the individual parts of the soft toy with inconspicuous (ideally white) threads. It is worth sewing as shown in the figure or “over the edge”, the main thing is to connect the edges of the pattern as accurately as possible in order to avoid overlapping pieces of fabric on each other. It is desirable to ensure the most even seam.

Some craftsmen sew using a sewing machine, but if you instruct your child to do it by hand on their own, it will only be more interesting.

Then you need to fill the resulting "bags" with padding polyester. You need to fill it tightly, but make sure that the filler does not “leak out” from under the seam and is evenly distributed throughout the volume of the toy. It is most convenient to do this with a pencil or a pin. An example of a successfully "filled" frog.

By the way, it is not necessary to use a synthetic winterizer. If you want to make a toy with your own hands, but do not have this material, you can stuff the frog with sand, cotton, or even shredded paper.

How can and should you make a frog face?

Of course, a frog without eyes, a nose and a mouth does not look very pretty. In order for her face to gain expressiveness, it is worth cutting out the missing elements from black and red fabric (not necessarily, by the way, felt!) And carefully fixing them with glue or, again, threads.

The mouth can even be embroidered with red thread. As for the head as a whole, sometimes the craftswomen make it separately, effectively design and decorate it, stuff it, and then just carefully sew it to the body. It turns out beautifully and imperceptibly, as in the figure below:

By the way, in this version of the Bridegroom, small multi-colored buttons are used to decorate the costume and make the eyes - it turns out very effectively. There are options for decorating coins, empty yogurt boxes, matches, and even shells inside children's chocolate eggs.

And of course, your pet is not happy to be naked. “Clothes” for him can be cut out of paper, the remnants of felt or any other fabric, scraps of leather and soft plastic - there are many options here, and it all depends on the imagination of the needlewoman.

The resulting frog can not only be “dressed”, but also given in its paw, for example, an arrow or a book. Knowledge of Russian folk tales opens up the widest scope for the most daring experiments, including when choosing a habitat for a frog. For example, you can “plant” it on a leaf of a water lily or “settle” it in a Castle previously made of cardboard.

The main thing, given the miniature size of the craft, is not to rush and do everything carefully. Simple work, for example, cutting felt according to patterns, can and should be entrusted to a child, because the joy of owning a toy made by oneself is much greater than from a purchased one!

Video tutorials on the topic of the article

There are some nuances in creating a felt frog that are difficult to understand without watching the master class. The method of connecting the torso and legs, shaping the facial expression, preparing the pattern and stuffing the frog with filler will bring many pleasant minutes and will not bring disappointment from a damaged craft if you combine making your future pet with watching the following videos:

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