There are no ugly ones. Why is it beneficial for a woman to be ugly

"God I'm scary"

- "Why am I so unlucky, why is everyone beautiful, but I'm not"

- "I think it's uglier

I'm out of the world"

“With this appearance, no one will love me.”

And someone lives with such thoughts every day.

What to do if you consider yourself ugly?

If, as you think, you are unlucky with external data?

I won’t write to you that happiness is not in beauty, that “don’t be born beautiful” or "do not drink water from your face."

I will not advise you to turn your shortcomings into virtues. I do not know how to do it.

I will not advise you that if you are ugly, then develop in a different direction.

Because I am convinced that it is very important for any woman to feel beautiful.

Beauty, appearance for a woman is not just important, but paramount.

More to the point, a woman who doesn't feel beautiful doesn't feel feminine either.

So what to do?

The first thing to understand is that there are no ugly women. Beauty is not only external data. First of all, it's grooming.

You need to take care of your beauty, your appearance, devote time to this.

I talk about it in class, I write a lot about it on the site, see the Beauty and Health section.

Next moment:

Beauty is self-confidence.

If you are not confident in yourself, then with any external data you will not feel beautiful.

Recognition of yourself and your strengths and merits helps to increase self-confidence. Many people don't know anything about themselves. You need to get to know yourself and your body and simply look for your virtues. Take inventory :)

Perhaps you are not tall, you do not have blue eyes and your breasts are not 5 sizes, but you have something else, no less beautiful, for example,

  • long fingers;
  • silky skin;
  • thin ankles;
  • graceful lifting of the foot;
  • beautiful knees;
  • thin waist;
  • straight back;
  • long eyelashes;
  • thick eyebrows;
  • beautiful shape of nails;
  • harmony;
  • splendor;
  • skin elasticity;
  • or maybe your hair is easy to style and lay beautifully.

You need to learn to look at yourself and find your beauty.

And here, attention, some parts of the body do not need changes, but simply proper care.

I wrote that my hair is very wavy, unruly, I spent all my youth trying to style it somehow, sometimes I hated it and envied women with straight hair. Is the hair to blame? And am I out of luck?

No, I just didn't know how to take care of them and lay them down.

How many emotions and beauty I missed, just not knowing how to take care of my hair!

You need to learn, look for a specialist, take a master class. Thankfully there are so many opportunities today.

I recently met with a friend, and she says to me: Do you remember, you wore glasses ...

The next moment: tightness is very hampering beauty. You have to work with it and learn to relax.

Slowly get out of the mink: become more noticeable, communicate more, try something new.

I strongly advise you to do bodily exercises: dancing, stretching, yoga and so on. Bring these skills to perfection.

Just recently, an ordinary girl comes to stretching classes, not noticeable, no special external data, and how let's bend and sit on all the splits, and at that moment she became very beautiful and immediately very noticeable.

Once again, external data can be anything.

But take care of your posture, flexibility, smile, skin and hair can everyone. Today there is so much information, so many offers, so many opportunities - just choose!

A woman is always beautiful when she is confident, when she is relaxed, when she is happy and content.

When she not only SHOULD, but also WANTS. Wants to live, enjoy and have fun.

If you want to learn more about it, really take time for yourself, get to know yourself, find your pleasure and happiness - come to the lessons at Together we can do a lot. Move faster and more confidently towards the life you have always dreamed of.

This article is written only for the site site, and can also be published in a book. It cannot be published on other resources without the consent of the author and publisher.

Tatyana Dzutseva

In contact with

There are no women who are absolutely and unconditionally satisfied with their appearance. But some, speaking about their appearance, flirt, while others are sincerely convinced that they are ugly. "There are no ugly women!" - convinced teacher with many years of practice; a master who owns ancient techniques, knowledge and is herself in the source of energy, trained at the Unity University in India Diana Shcherbanskaya.

Why not pretty? Because lazy!

There are no ugly women, it's just beneficial for some of us to be like that. At first glance, this may sound crazy. But the fact is that, considering herself ugly, a woman simply tries to avoid responsibility for some moments in her life. Say, I'm ugly, so I don't need to take care of myself. No need to look for a handsome and successful man, it is quite possible to be satisfied with someone simpler and, at the very least, live with him all your life. You don't have to get married, you can be a single mother. You don’t need to run to the gym at least every other day to fit into a dress from a fashion designer: “Anyway, it won’t decorate me ...” It turns out that beauty is not only serious dividends, but also big chores, and not every one of us wants to take them on yourself. So it turns out that a significant part of women owe their ugliness to ... classical laziness. Another reason is the unwillingness to stand out from the crowd and be in the spotlight, because this again obliges a lot. And, oddly enough, in some ways these women are right. The fact is that men are ambivalent about beautiful women.

Men are afraid of beautiful women

If women knew how many men - for various reasons - are afraid of beautiful women, they would not strive to become such. The beliefs that men are guided by, in our female opinion, do not stand up to criticism, they also seem more than convincing. Men, for example, seriously think that "a beautiful wife is someone else's wife." They are afraid of the competition that they can enter into being the husband of such a woman. In addition, representatives of the stronger sex are sure that beautiful women are more prone to cheating, if only because the male demand for them is much higher. So, sorry for the banality, one should not be born beautiful, but happy. And even better - self-confident.

Don't be born beautiful, but be born confident

"Do not be born beautiful," said the heroine of the cult film "The Most Charming and Attractive", "but be born active. More precisely, become active." This thought, wise in all respects, can be rephrased as follows: do not be born beautiful, but be born self-confident. Or rather, be her. True, self-confidence is always a consequence of something that distinguishes us from others, exalts us in our own eyes. For example, a woman is smart. Or charming. Or incredibly well-groomed. Anything that somehow distinguishes you from others, makes you unique. “Let me be ugly, but smart,” the woman says to herself. And with all his might, he gnaws at the granite of science, graduates from university and graduate school, and makes a brilliant career. And she marries a man who appreciates and loves her precisely for her intelligence.

Two ways to become attractive

The mind is, of course, good, but you should not forget about appearance. A woman in this case has two ways, at least.

The first is to become an ideal. It is difficult, but by no means impossible, especially with modern ways of working on oneself, such as fitness, massage, beauty salon, a good hairdresser, beautiful things. True, this method is quite costly in the material, moral and physical sense. And, as a rule, it does not give quick results. But when you achieve what you wanted, as a bonus, you will also have a reason to be proud - after all, you yourself created yourself.

The second path requires the ability to think creatively and fantasize. It is to create your own ideal and follow it. Create your own canons and standards. Decide once and for all that your face or figure is beautiful, and believe in it. And also come up with some kind of chip, a zest that will be peculiar only to you: say, beads, brooches or a neckerchief, and appear everywhere in these things. The extravagant hats of Katya Osadchaya are just such a distinctive sign by which even those who never watch TV recognize the TV presenter. By the way, sometimes such a feature can play a utilitarian role, for example, to lengthen the legs, as Madame de Pompadour once did, for the first time in history, wearing high heels.

Alexandra Voloshina

In a woman, weakness conquers.
Beauty is a mysterious force.
There are no ugly women
Each is beautiful in its own way.

We are looking for one among the beauties,
Because falling in love with a woman
It's like sailing under the sky
Reborn as a bird of paradise.

Our chosen ones are reaching out to us,
For which there are good reasons:
After all, beautiful women are even more beautiful
Men in love do

After all, the face of a lover looks like
On a living mirror in which,
A woman can see herself
The queen of power and obedience.

To see a beautiful woman
Need no more and no less
Every day a man be a man
And be able to be a mirror for women,

With a gleam of his eyes confirming to them:
Each one is divine.
There are no ugly women.
Each is beautiful in its own way.

Vasily Fedorchenko

There are no ugly women
And the most beautiful of all is only one:
Cherry blossoms for her
For her, the man drinks to the bottom.
Next to her and winter is summer,
Together with her, paradise and in a hut.
It's not much of a secret.
After all, she lives in his soul.

There are no ugly women
And the most beautiful of all is only one:
Her beauty never fades
Like a bouquet of old wine.
The beauty of a woman is from God, -
There is no reason to doubt it,
For some reason it's just awkward
Most desirable for men.

“What did he find in her, - sometimes they will ask, -
You can meet a hundred times more beautiful,
Why is he wearing it in his arms?
And he doesn’t sleep for five nights in a row”?
Someone will say: “Goblin knows him!”
But there is one undeniable truth:
There are no ugly women
And the most beautiful of all is only one!

Edward Vartanov

There are no ugly women!
I tell skeptics otherwise.
In a woman, a man opens
Something that others don't see.

Defense time is gaining
Like a motor on a runway...
There are no ugly women
Too bad not everyone is happy.

In the play of rainbows and dewdrops
On the ground, under the blue sky
There are no women who are not beautiful
Among those who love and are loved.

Years, you have no power over a woman -
And of course it's not a secret
For children, all mothers are beautiful,
So there are no ugly women!

Let the rains ring on the sidewalks
Let the snowflakes spin, teasing -
I know: there are no old women,
If there are friends of their youth.

A woman forgets in grief
Draw a line to your love...
There are no ugly women
You just need to see the beauty!

"There are no ugly women!" -
I declare to other skeptics
In a woman, a man opens
Something that others don't see.

Time is gaining momentum
Like a motor on the runway:
There are no ugly women
Too bad not everyone is happy.

In the overflow of rainbows and dewdrops,
On the ground, under the blue sky
There are no ugly women
Among those who love and are loved!

Years! You have no power over a woman
And of course it's not a secret
For children, all mothers are beautiful,
So there are no ugly women!

Let the rains ring on the sidewalks
Let the snowflakes spin, teasing, -
I know: there are no old women,
If there are friends of their youth.

A woman forgets in grief
Bring your love to the line:
There are no ugly women
You just need to see the beauty.

Women don't need to listen. They need to be felt. What she says and what she feels are two different things.

It's not about the number of your women, but their quality. And when there is She, the only one, next to you, why continue searching?

There are so many women in the world to sleep with and so few women to talk to.

There are men who are more eloquent than women, but no man has the eloquence of a woman's eyes.

Real men never take offense at women. They just wait for them to calm down and continue to love them further.

Everyone returns, except for the best friends, except for the most beloved and devoted women. Everyone returns, except for those who are needed more.

Chance is not the only one in life. There is only one life.

If there were no women, all the money in the world would mean nothing.

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