Determine your color type. How to determine your color type at home

In order for makeup to be flawless, to make your face rested and radiant, and not tired, painful and tortured, it is important to choose the right color scheme for it. The choice of colors in makeup depends on the type of appearance. What are the color types and how to understand which one is yours? Let's try to figure it out!

The concept of a color type is a combination of skin tone, hair shade, color of lips, eyes and eyelashes. There are four main types of seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn.

  1. Winter women have a bright, icy beauty - their appearance is exquisitely contrasting, it should also play on contrasts, here it’s suitable that on girls of other color types it will look too bright and even vulgar.
  2. The girls are fragile, charming, graceful and light. Delicate skin, illuminated from the inside, is their main decoration, so makeup should not be too plentiful and overloaded.
  3. The appearance of the girl is modest, feminine, calm and non-contrasting. By choosing the right makeup palette, you can turn the Summer Lady into a shining diamond.
  4. Sensual representatives radiate a special magnetism and natural charm. Warm, natural colors in their makeup will emphasize the depth of the image.


Each of the four appearance color types is divided into three subtypes according to the following criteria: cold - warm, soft - clean, dark - light.

Criteria "cold - warm"

Cold color types are Winter and Summer, and warm ones are Spring and Autumn.

Main features cold colors :

  • The skin is pale beige with a grayish undertone or pale porcelain;
  • Eye color is often blue or gray-blue;
  • Hair of ashy shades without warm undertones, without admixtures of reddish and reddish colors, or vice versa black and cold dark chestnut tones.

warm colors are characterized by:

  • Peach or golden skin, often with freckles;
  • Green or brown color of the iris with golden rays or sparks near the pupil;
  • Hair with wheaten, honey shades, with reddish or reddish-brown tints.

Criteria "soft - clean"

Summer and Autumn are considered soft, non-contrasting types of appearance, and Winter and Spring are considered clean.

For soft types are characterized by the following features:

  • The whole image is soft, non-contrasting, as if in a light veil or haze;
  • Eyes of muted tones: hazel, soft gray, gray-green;
  • Hair is often neutral blonde or light brown.

Character traits pure types :

  • A large degree of contrast (for example, between skin tone and hair tone or eye and eyelash color);
  • Bright, juicy, sparkling eye shades, bright white squirrels;
  • Hair is also bright pure tones, can be both light and dark.

Criterion "dark - light"

The dark types of appearance include Winter and Autumn, the light ones - Spring and Summer.

The main nuances of appearance for dark colors :

  • Golden beige or olive skin;
  • Dark, rich, deep eye shades;
  • Her hair is either dark or steel grey.

Light color types have the following characteristics:

  • Light thin skin, freckles are sometimes possible;
  • Eyes of soft, discreet colors;
  • Blond hair, sometimes with a slight red sheen.

So, we get twelve types of appearance, each of which has its own characteristic features:

Determine your appearance color type

You can find out which of the above types of appearance you belong to yourself at home with the help of a couple of tests for which you need to carefully prepare:

  • Alone, it is quite difficult to evaluate yourself objectively, so it is better to call someone to help;
  • The test is best done in a bright room without bright furniture in natural neutral light so that colors and shades are not distorted;
  • The skin must be thoroughly cleaned and jewelry removed from the face;
  • Clothing should be neutral colors, it would be even better to bare the shoulders;
  • If the hair is dyed, it should be removed under a soft white scarf;
  • The mirror should be located near the window.

Several ways to determine cold and warm colors:

  1. The first method is simple and does not require any auxiliary tools. Look at the inside of your wrist. If the veins on the wrist are cold blue, then you have a cold color type (you are Winter or Summer), if they are greenish, then your subtype is warm (you are Spring or Autumn).
  2. For the next test, you will need a white sheet of paper. Bring the paper to your face. If against the background of a white sheet your skin seems pinkish, bluish, pale pink, then you belong to the cold color of your appearance. If the skin seems yellowish, brownish with a golden hue, peach, then you can safely classify yourself as warm.
  3. This time you will need gold and silver jewelry. Take turns bringing the jewelry to your face. If next to a gold product your skin looks fresh, and with a silver one it looks dull and gray, then you belong to a warm color type, if vice versa, then to a cold one.
  4. The most "delicious" way for which you need an orange. Bring it to your face: the complexion has become brighter and lighter, and the bruises under the eyes have become less noticeable? So your coloring is warm. If skin defects have become even more pronounced, and the skin has acquired a grayish tint, then your coloring is cold.
  5. For this method, you will need fabric scraps of different colors. First, a fabric of warm pale salmon color and cold fuchsia color is brought to the face in turn. In which case does your face look fresher, your eyes begin to shine and minor appearance flaws are hidden? And in what case do you look tired, your face fades and turns gray, your features seem to blur? If the salmon color emphasizes your assets, you are a warm subtype. If fuchsia has given you a radiant, rested look, you are a cool subtype.

After it becomes clear to you whether your coloring is cold or warm, you can determine what your color type is: if your coloring is cold, then who are you - Winter or is it Summer? And if the color is warm, are you Spring or maybe Autumn?

Each person has his own color type of appearance: winter, spring, summer, autumn. A certain color scheme in makeup, hair color, clothes - can transform beyond recognition. With the right colors, the skin will acquire a healthy glow, the eyes will become more expressive, and the lips will burn with sensuality. In addition, a well-chosen wardrobe by color will help divert attention from flaws and emphasize the dignity of the figure.

Let's talk in more detail about how to find out your appearance color type by hair, eye color, skin tone. We will see examples of women in the categories summer, spring, winter, autumn. Find out which palette is right for you: warm or cold. And if you are not sure that you have correctly understood the color scheme, at the end of the article you will find a test to determine the individual color type of appearance. You can get accurate diagnostics for free.

What is the appearance color type?

Probably, everyone noticed that putting on a certain thing, the eyes flash with fire, and the face is refreshed. Or, on the contrary, an unsuccessful element of the wardrobe gives the skin a gray tint and creates, in general, a tired look. This is the correct choice of suitable colors.

Appearance color type- the natural palette of a person, embedded in the natural color of hair, eyebrows, eyes, skin tone, its tendency to tan.

Stylists have developed a classification that has a parallel with the seasons. So, each person belongs to a certain species:

  1. Winter- pale, porcelain skin or swarthy with a cold undertone, dark hair, bright eyes.
  2. Spring- warm shades on the face, wheat or hazel curls, bright eyes.
  3. Summer- cold blondes, ash strands, pale pink skin, greenish eyes.
  4. Autumn- red beasts with peach or honey skin tone and olive or blue eyes.

In addition to color, each color type of appearance is determined by a cold or warm natural palette in a person. So autumn and spring are characterized by warm shades, and summer and winter - cold. A detailed description helps to choose colors for an individual image: clothes, hair color, makeup palette. The right shades will always be in harmony not only with the appearance, but also with each other.

Appearance color typeremains unchanged throughout a person's life. No matter what changes a person undergoes: he changes the shade of his hair, the color of his eyes with the help of lenses, tans or brightens his face - the color type remains unchanged. It is also worth noting that there are no mixed types of appearance.

Description 12 appearance color types, examples, colors

Each person clearly belongs to a certain color group. The palette changes, like the climate of the seasons: soft, natural, bright. Let's take a closer look at the extended classification.

Appearance color type: winter

This species includes spectacular girls with bright natural data, which are characterized by contrasts.

Hair: brown, black with an ash or blue tint, sometimes there is a cold, bright blond. Excluded golden hues. Eyebrows and eyelashes in tone with strands.

Color of the skin: pale with a porcelain or bluish undertone and a slight blush, prone to sunburn. There is another type: swarthy, olive skin, which acquires an even, dark shade when tanned.

Eyes: deep, bright, with a clear outline. The palette is diverse: green, blue, gray-blue, brown, pitch black.

Lips representatives are most often pale in color or with an olive undertone.

There are also subtypes of the winter color type:

  • Natural. This includes girls with pale skin of a cold tone, as well as chestnut hair.
  • Dark. Representatives with dark skin, almost black hair with a blue tint.
  • Bright. In appearance, contrasts prevail: light eyes and dark hair, cold blond and blue eyes, or brown eyes and pale skin.

Appearance color type: natural winter
Appearance color type: dark winter
Appearance color type: bright winter

The natural beauty of the winter color type is adequately emphasized by cold, bright shades: black, blue, gray, white. There will be blue, pink colors. Tones are also favorable: lilac, wine, lemon, emerald, chocolate. It is better to give preference to plain things with strict lines without floral prints. Add accent with bright accessories and makeup.

It is worth abandoning neutral, muted shades: pastel, peach, as well as a golden-red palette. Such colors in clothes will blur the brightness of the appearance, making the image nondescript.

Appearance color type: spring

This is the warmest and lightest look. Representatives of the category are gentle and airy girls, who are characterized by a muted natural palette.

Hair: shades vary from light wheaten to hazel, but in any case with a golden sheen. Over time, the tone may darken, but it will still give off a reddish tone. The strands are often curly. Eyebrows and eyelashes in tone, or slightly darker than hair.

Color of the skin: ivory, light milky, peach or golden undertone. Thin, delicate skin with a pronounced blush on the cheeks and golden freckles. On light skin, the tan lies with a reddish tint, golden tones darken to bronze.

Eyes: light brown, green, pale blue, gray, but in any case, a light palette.

Lips: from pale peach to scarlet.

The spring color type has subtypes:

  • Soft. This type is considered a classic spring with blurry smoothly fading shades.
  • Gold. It is considered transitional from "spring" to "autumn". It is characterized by golden-reddish hair.
  • Bright. This is the transition from winter to spring. There is a contrast between skin and hair. The curls can be nutty, and the skin has a milky undertone.

Appearance color type: soft spring
Appearance color type: golden spring
Appearance color type: bright spring

It is recommended for a spring girl to choose fresh, natural colors for outfits: white, beige, salmon, pink, golden, caramel. To give an accent, you can use: purple, soft red and blue, turquoise shades. When choosing things, it is better to give preference to plain fabrics with discreet prints. Large accents will overshadow the appearance of a gentle spring girl.

Representatives of the category should avoid cold and dark shades, as well as contrasting, clear colors. They will suppress the natural femininity.

Appearance color type: summer

It is considered the most common color type. The palette is cold and saturated, but not contrasting.

Hair: gray-ash, light steel or dark blond, possibly chestnut with a cold tint. No saturated colors. Eyebrows and eyelashes to match the strands. Representatives of this particular category often do not accept their natural mouse color and repaint.

Color of the skin: dark or light, but with a gray-blue undertone: olive, pinkish, milky, gray-brown light freckles may be present. The cover is thin, transparent, redness and capillaries are translucent. Swarthy tones lend themselves well to tanning, porcelain tones burn.

Eyes: pale blue, green, gray-olive, light cognac, blue-green. Shades are dull, blurry.

Lips: pale, milky pink.

There are subtypes of the "summer" color type:

  • Natural. He has a cold palette. Girls with earthy-olive or dark blond hair become representatives.
  • Warm. There is a subtle, warm undertone, hair is light blond or ashen blond.
  • Soft. There is practically no difference in the shade of the skin and hair, the complete absence of contrasts.

Appearance color type: natural summer
Appearance color type: warm summer
Appearance color type: soft summer

Calm, pastel colors will help to emphasize the appearance of a summer girl: milky white, beige, pale blue, mint, deep gray, lavender, ice blue. You can create an accent thanks to red-coral, raspberry, light yellow, grassy green details.

Warm and bright shades will spoil the image: orange, gold, lemon, bright red. It is worth giving up clear black and white things, they focus on the shortcomings. In addition, bright colors cross out the natural tenderness.

Appearance color type: autumn

Hair: light or dark red undertone. They can be bright orange, carrot red, cognac, chestnut-copper. The curls are thick, prone to curling. Eyebrows and eyelashes are often lighter than hair.

Leather: light, ivory or honey-peach tones. Brownish-golden freckles are scattered on the face and body, there is no blush. The skin does not darken when tanned, it burns easily.

Eyes: golden brown, cognac, light green, olive, bright blue or blue.

Lips: warm coral shade with pinkish notes, there are red ones.

Subtypes of the color type of appearance "autumn":

  • Natural. It is characterized by red shades of hair, yellowish or pinkish undertones of the skin.
  • Soft. Representatives of this subtype have more muted natural shades: light red or golden curls, beige-pink skin tone.
  • Dark. Chestnut-gold rich hair contrasts with light skin or eyes.

Appearance color type: natural autumn
Appearance color type: warm autumn
Appearance color type: soft autumn

Calm, natural shades will help to emphasize the warmth and brightness of the autumn girl: the color of foliage, trees, and the sun. Recommended palette: coral, orange, coffee, beige, mustard, maple, cherry, emerald.

Cold shades will give the appearance of soreness: cornflower blue, lilac, pale scarlet.

Determining your color type is not difficult. The right palette for makeup and clothes will help you look younger, bring charm and harmony to the image. The natural data will be advantageously emphasized, the shortcomings will be disguised, the emphasis will be only on the merits. I hope this article has helped you figure out individual coloring. For an accurate diagnosis, you can take an online test that checks the color type.

How to determine your appearance color type: online test

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    What natural color is your hair?

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    What color are your eyebrows and eyelashes?

Each person was already born with a certain color type, and no matter how hard he tries to change - dye his hair, remove freckles, whiten his face or wear colored lenses - all the same, his color type will not change, it remains for life. How to determine the color type of a person? Should I wear yellow, green, blue or red? Questions of interest to many will be discussed in this article.

There are only four color types: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Each person belongs to one of them. There are no mixed color types, so it is not at all difficult to clearly determine your belonging to one or another type. Many have studied the color types of people. How to determine the color type of a person? Today we will try to find the answer to this question.

  1. It is better not to determine your color type alone, but to ask someone to help. It is quite difficult to evaluate yourself in the mirror, and the assessment may not be objective. There is a high probability of confusing a color that really suits the face with a color that you just like.
  2. It is best to determine the color type in daylight natural light. Evening lighting can distort colors and shades.
  3. Before testing, be sure to remove all makeup. The presence of any cosmetics will not give an objective result.
  4. If the hair is dyed, then they need to be hidden by wearing a white or neutral light scarf or bandage. Hair of an unnatural color will also become an obstacle to obtaining an objective result.
  5. After all of the above is taken into account, you need to stand in front of the mirror and bring scarves, scarves or just pieces of fabric of such colors to your face: peach or salmon, rich orange, hot pink and gray-pink.

Bringing one or another color to your face in turn, you need to carefully study your face. Now the main thing is to correctly determine which color refreshes and revitalizes the face, with which the eyes begin to play, skin defects become less noticeable. There are different color types of people. How to identify yours with these colors? Very simple. If it fits best, then your color type is Spring, orange - Autumn, gray-pink - Summer and hot pink - Winter.

It's so easy to determine the color types of people. How to determine in other ways? Is there such a possibility? Yes, this is not the only method, there are many. And we will look at a few below.

Color type according to skin tone

How to determine the color types of people by skin tone? You can find out the answer to this question by studying this table. The table shows the correspondence of skin color to a certain color type.

How to determine the color types of people by skin tone
Color type name Leather
WinterTypicalBlueish, earthy-olive, pinkish.
ContrastingWhite-beige, alabaster, porcelain.
BrightPink with blush, beige.
LightAsh brown, porcelain.
SpringTypicalPeach-porcelain, ivory, there are freckles.
ContrastingLight golden, apricot blush, porcelain.
BrightPeach, beige or ivory.
LightIvory with golden freckles, light peach shade.
SummerTypicalIvory with golden freckles, peach.
BrightIvory, pink, light olive shade.
LightLight, porcelain, there is a pink blush, pink-beige, light with gray-brown freckles.
AutumnTypicalYellow-beige, peach.
ContrastingPink-beige shade, ivory color with a peach blush.
BrightPeach, warm, beige-chestnut.
SetlayaIvory, light beige with peach blush.

Description of the Winter color type

Winter is a very bright type of appearance. Dark hair with contrasting porcelain skin is all about the Winter woman. She is always visible in the crowd. For women with the Winter color type, it is not even necessary to apply makeup, it will stand out in any case. Dark eyes, black eyelashes, full juicy lips, sometimes with a cold bluish tint. People of the winter color type are characterized by a beautiful even tan or a predisposition to it.

The Winter color type can be divided into 2 groups:

  • contrast (in other words, Snow White);
  • non-contrasting winter.

Contrasting Winter:

  • almost snow-white skin has a porcelain tint;
  • dark brown or black hair.

Non-Contrasting Winter:

  • dark skin with an olive or bronze tint;
  • hair is dark brown or black.

Description of the color type Summer

Summer is also a cold scale, but not a contrasting one. The most common type of appearance.


  • skin with a light pink, light gray or gray-beige tint;
  • hair with an ashen tint, blond, more often light blond;
  • eyes - gray-blue or gray-green, a dark brown variant is possible, but rarely;
  • lips are pale with a pink tint;
  • skin lends itself well to tanning.

Description of the color type Autumn

Autumn is a very interesting, "juicy" type of people, they are literally "chameleons". Girls of the Autumn color type can easily drastically change their style. Autumn is the most versatile color type.

Main features:

  • skin with a golden hue has a large blush on the cheeks;
  • hair of golden, red or other color with a red tint;
  • eyes with a warm tint;
  • the skin does not lend itself well to tanning.

Description of the color type Spring

Spring is the lightest color type.

People of the Spring color type can be described as follows:

  • thin, almost transparent skin has a slight blush;
  • Hair with a warm undertone, it can be wheaten, honey, golden or light brown;
  • light eyes: light brown, light gray, light green, or light blue;
  • eyebrows and eyelashes to match the hair - also light;
  • lips with a warm tint - apricot or peach with a yellow tint;
  • the skin does not lend itself well to tanning, it can rather just turn red.

Comparative characteristics of color types in the table

How to determine the color type of a person? The table will help you see the difference between color types. This table presents a comparison according to certain criteria:

HairBlack, jet black, dark ash, dark chestnut, possibly platinum blonde.light chestnut with a golden or red tint, straw. Reddish, yellow or honey notes are possible.Blond or brown, but there is always a cool ash tint.Exceptionally warm shades. Often all shades of red: carrot red, golden red, copper.
LeatherMilky or porcelain in color, sometimes olive or reddish brown. Whatever the color, there is always a transparent bluish tint.Very delicate, light, velvety, almost translucent, ivory or baked milk. A slight natural peach blush may be present.Milky pink or white with a slight blush, almost transparent with a cold bluish tint. A variant of walnut or olive tint is possible.Definitely in warm colors. It can be honey golden, or Champagne color option. Sometimes it can be peach or light beige.
EyesBright, shining. It doesn't matter what color - gray, green, blue or black - the main point is their contrast with snow-white squirrels.turquoise, gray or walnut. Often there are blotches of other shades - gray-blue, gray-green,, light brown with matte whites and a dark brown iris outline.Gray, steel, sky blue, olive, or dark brown. That is, there are possible different options - you should not make a special emphasis on the color of the eyes in this color type.
Suitable colorsCold: white, black, purple, turquoise, blue, all shades of gray, blue-pink-violet, cold lilac, emerald, blue silver, steel, metallic.Light: peach, apricot, champagne, sun yellow, golden brown, yellow orange, apple and yellow green, pink, milk chocolate and caramel, coral, tomato, terracotta.Cool delicate shades: sky blue, lilac, turquoise, blue, lilac, raspberry, lemon yellow, raspberry red, ripe cherry, pink, brown pink, hot plum.Warm brown, golden, red, mustard, orange, brick, sand, terracotta, plum, olive.
Unsuitable shadesPastels and muted colors such as browns, warm yellows. Also the color of milk chocolate and baked milk, yellow-green, brick, smoky gray.Pure white, black, navy blue, purplish pink, grey, cherry, raspberry, burgundy, dark cocoa green, indigo.White, red, black, orange, brick, yellow-green, apricot, indigo, milk chocolate, fuchsia.Light blue, blue, black, white, bright orange, blue, purple, pastel summer colors.
Jewelry and accessoriesEverything is bright and sparkling, diamonds, crystal, rhinestones, platinum, silver, gold, black and red stones.Graceful, refined: turquoise, yellow pearls, topaz, red and yellow gold, amber and sapphire.Discreet jewelry: matte silver or white gold, blue aquamarine, diamonds, gray-pink pearls, blue or milky opal.Jewelry made from natural materials - feathers, leather, ivory, wood, amber.
MakeupWe select bright colors, but apply them a little. The main thing is the play of tones. The color palette is pink in combination with beige white or gray, blue, blue, purple, emerald green.It is necessary to focus on natural delicate flowers - peach, milk, young greens, hazelnuts, nougat, aquamarine.Cold milky or smoky tones: silver, eggplant, purple, violet, brown with a gray tint.Natural tones: golden, terracotta, brown, eggplant, olive.

Celebrities of the Winter color type

Determining the color type of a person is very relevant among celebrities.

A pronounced Winter color type in such famous people: Anna Zavorotnyuk, Liv Tyler, Oksana Fedorova, Penelope Cruz, Megan Fox Monica Belucci, Keira Knightley.

Celebrities of the Spring color type

The following celebrities can boast of the appearance of the Spring color type: Princess Diana, Anna Kournikova, Claudia Schiffer, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kim Cattrall, Britney Spears.

Celebrities of the Summer color type

Such people have a "summer" appearance: Alina Kabaeva, Natalya Vodianova, Letizia Casta, Mischa Barton, Liz Hurley, Scarlett Johannson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Jennifer Aniston, Mila Jovovich, Uma Thurman.

Celebrities of the Autumn color type

A pronounced color type Autumn in such famous people: Yulia Savicheva, Julia Roberts, Amalia Goldanskaya, Giuliana Moore, Anna Bolshova, Marcia Cross, Lindsay Lohan.

Such different and interesting color types of people. How to determine (photos of celebrities - to help), we now know. Good luck to everyone in determining your color type!

Each person has a unique color.
Depending on the color of hair, eyes, skin, on the depth or softness of facial features and many other factors, each represents a unique set of colors and shades - such a set of features is called a person's color type.

In this article you will find test for self-determination of color type. The article was prepared based on the site

Of course, you can wear clothes of any color. But if you want to look your best, then you should choose colors that are in harmony with your natural color, and for this you need to know which color type you belong to.

In colors NOT of your color type:
I want to use more makeup or "refresh" clothes or other accents around the face.

In the colors of your color type:
we get more compliments, look fresher even with minimal make-up and at the end of the day.


Methods for analyzing color types

To date, you can find many methods for determining the color type:

  1. seasonal method- the first, and still the most popular method for determining the color type, which divides all people into Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. This system is not universal and suits only a quarter of the population, in other cases it often does not work.
    This method does not answer many questions. For example, what type of people are those who look great in clothes, both cold and warm shades?
  2. Free choice method: "I think it suits you." It has no theoretical basis and is extremely subjective, therefore it has little in common with reality.
  3. Many other methods that can be called before another ( tone method, directional method etc.), but the essence of which is no different from method of 12 color types which is discussed in this article.

The 12 color type system is not a fad at all, but a scientific method based on color theory developed in 1898 by Professor Albert Mansell.
Her conclusions can hardly be overestimated: just imagine your life without poorly chosen clothes, makeup, hair color, jewelry and accessories. Think how much money and time you can save!

Albert Munsell color space.

The 12 color type method is based on the principles of the theory of the famous artist and art teacher Albert Munsell.
At first glance, it may seem complicated, but in fact, everything is quite simple.

Color in the Munsell system is defined by three values:
Color tone(hue, hue) - From Cold to Warm.
Depth(lightness, value) - Light to Deep.
Saturation(chroma, chroma, saturation) - From Vivid to Soft.

Imagine a color space as a cylinder.

The central axis is lightness, it changes vertically from black to white.

Saturation changes from a neutral center to more saturated edges. The farther from the center, the purer the color, and the closer - the more muted the shade, it has more gray tones.

Color tone changes radially, in a circle, and divides space into five segments: red, yellow, green, cyan and magenta.
For example, the colors at the bottom of the cylinder will predominate in the Deep color, and in the upper part of the Light color.

The diagram below shows how saturation changes.

The most saturated and contrasting tone along the edge becomes softer when white, gray or black shades are added.
Pure colors, depending on the temperature, can be found in the palette of all color types, but they are mainly characteristic of Winter and Bright colors.

System of 12 color types is the most accurate method of analysis because it simultaneously takes into account all three aspects. You can be sure that the colors selected for you using this method will be in perfect harmony with your individual color.

General information about the theory of 12 color types.

Each person has one of six basic color categories, which is the main determining factor in the analysis of its natural color.

Dark- deep and rich.
Light- light and elegant.
Soft- Calm and subdued.
Clean- contrast and bright.
Warm- without cold shades.
Cold- without warm shades.

Seasonal theory of 12 color types can be called "transitional", in it the traditional 4 seasons - winter, summer, autumn and spring - smoothly flow into one another, and where they intersect, a new season is formed.

For example, Deep Autumn is a mixture of Autumn and Winter. Representatives of this type are endowed with the warmth inherent in Autumn and the intensity of Winter.

As can be seen from the diagram, each of the 6 main characteristics is specified by one of the two adjacent secondary ones.

Thus, we get 12 main seasonal color types:

Deep Winter.
Deep Autumn.
Bright Spring.
Bright Summer.
Pure Winter.
Pure Spring.
Soft Summer.
Soft Autumn.
Warm autumn.
Warm Spring.
Cold winter.
Cold summer.

In fact, each of the original 4 groups (seasons) is divided into three more detailed and precise categories, which formed the basis of the theory of 12 color types.

Let's take a closer look at, for example, Winter.

According to the diagram, it can be seen that during the transition to Summer, Cold Winter appears, to Autumn - Deep Winter, and to Spring - Bright Winter.

These transitional seasons share some of the common colors of the main seasons.
The palette of Bright Spring and Bright Winter has emerald green and black, while Cold Winter and Cold Summer share Purple and Crimson.

This scheme is very successful, because it gives an answer to the question why people of one color type are suitable for colors that traditionally belong to another type.

In places where the seasons transition into each other, the colors are more neutral than strictly warm or cold.
To determine which color type you belong to, you first need to find out which of the 6 main characteristics is dominant in your color, and then determine the secondary category.


Step 1. Choosing a dominant feature

First of all, you need to choose one dominant characteristic in your appearance.
There are six in total:
Dark- deep and rich.
Light- light and elegant.
Soft- Calm and subdued.
Clean- contrast and bright.
Warm- without cold shades.
Cold- without warm shades.
Below are all six main categories in pairs. For each characteristic you will find a detailed description and celebrity photos as examples.
Consider each pair of characteristics and, if none of the characteristics of the pair is characteristic of you, is not dominant in your appearance, move on to the next.
You need to choose only one characteristic that is most characteristic of your appearance.. It's not a difficult task - look at your skin, eyes and natural hair color - no one knows you better than yourself. Be as honest with yourself as possible. In order to attribute oneself to a certain category, all three criteria must match, according to which the choice is made.

Dark or Light?

Celebrities with the dominant characteristic of color "light": Owen Wilson (Owen Wilson), Sharon Stone (Sharon Stone), Gwyneth Paltrow (Gwyneth Paltrow), Kate Hudson (Kate Husdon).

The Light Seasons are characterized by the following features:

  • Hair: light, most often blond.
  • Eyes: light, blue, green or light brown.
  • Leather: light and thin.

Slight visual contrast between the eyes, hair and skin, they do not stand out and do not differ much in color without makeup.

Celebrities with the dominant color characteristic "dark": Ben Affleck (Ben Affleck), Natalie Portman (Natalie Portman), Vanessa Hudgens (Vanessa Hudgens), Julia Roberts (Julia Roberts).

The dark seasons are characterized by the following features:

  • Hair: Dark, black, dark brown, dark red.
  • Eyes: Dark, black, dark brown, reddish brown, dark hazel or blue.
  • Leather: can be light, medium or dark.

Greater degree of contrast between eyes, hair and skin.

Is it cold warm?

Remember that this is not a shade, as in the old color type analysis methods. This is the dominant characteristic of your appearance, and you can classify yourself in this category only if all three features (eyes, hair and skin) match the proposed description.

Celebrities with the dominant characteristic of color "cold": Linda Carter (Lynda Carter), Lauren Graham (Lauren Graham), Kimberly Williams-Paisley (Kimberly Williams-Paisley), Christie Brinkley (Chriestie Brinkley).

The cold seasons are characterized by the following features:

  • Hair: can be ash-blond or with an ash tint, rich dark chestnut without red, black.
  • Eyes: most often blue, but there are also yellow-brown or blue-gray.
  • Leather: There is some natural pinkish glow.

Cold seasons come alive in pinks, blues or berries.
In warm, earthy colors, especially golden yellow, you will noticeably fade.

Celebrities with the dominant color characteristic "warm": Julianne Moore (Julianne Moore), Lindsay Lohan (Lindsay Lohan), Jenna Fisher (Jenna Fisher), Nicole Kidman (Nicole Kidman).

Warm seasons are characterized by the following features:

  • Hair: Red or auburn hair, but warm reddish browns are also not uncommon.
  • Eyes: can be green, as well as brown with a golden or warm tint. Quite often you can see golden rays or sparks around the pupil, as well as freckles on the face.
  • Leather: has a peach tint (as opposed to pink, characteristic of the Cold seasons).

The whole image can be described as a "warm golden glow".
Cold tones look unnatural on you.

Soft or Bright?

Soft and Vivid characteristics can be easily confused with other categories.
Of all the categories, Soft coloring is the most difficult to determine.

Celebrities with the dominant color characteristic “soft”: Drew Barrymore, Ashley Olsen, Gisele Bundchen, Justin Timberlake.

The mild seasons are characterized by the following features:

  • Eyes: usually blue-gray, amber, gray-green or soft hazel.
  • Hair: light blond, "mouse" or faded blond, without natural light accents.

Representatives of the Soft color type look best not in pronounced warm or cold shades, but in relatively neutral tones. They combine the features of both categories, but neither one nor the other prevails. Too bright colors instantly suppress them, and too dark make the image lifeless.
All colors of this type have some haze.

Celebrities with the dominant characteristic of color “pure”: Emilie de Ravin, Courteney Cox, Julianne Hough, Megan Fox.

A pure color type is the exact opposite of a soft one, there is almost always a noticeable clarity in their skin and eyes.

  • Eyes: mostly bright, sparkling blues, hazelnuts, greens, etc.
  • Hair: can be natural dark shades, light brown, light or completely blond.

The degree of contrast between the eyelashes and the eyes is usually high, and the whites are always bright white.
Muted colors on representatives of the Bright color type look dull and faded. To shine, they need bright and contrasting colors.

Step 2. Selecting a secondary characteristic

If you have identified the dominant characteristic of your type of appearance, then half the job is done.
It remains only to find out which additional category you belong to. To do this, you need to find out which shades suit you more - cold or warm.

All colors will have such a choice, except for the dominant Warm and Cold - they will have to choose between Bright and Soft.

With the exception of Warm and Cold colors, in the palette of all other color types there will be both warm and cold shades.

How to conduct a color type test at home?

  • You will need a well-lit room and a large mirror, some tops, scarves, scraps of fabric, or just sheets of paper in various light colors.
    Go to the mirror and try on or attach to yourself all the things in turn. look, in which colors you look brighter and fresher, and in which colors you look pale and dull.
  • It is important to carry out a color test without makeup on the face. If you dye your hair, keep it away from your face so it doesn't interfere with your perception.
  • If you find it difficult to determine which shades suit you, ask for an opinion from the outside. Try to take a picture - in photographs we can often assess ourselves more impartially.

Compare your successful colors with the ones below and see which suits you best.

Dark Cold:

Dark Warm:

Deep Winter.
Deep Autumn.

Note: If you belong to the Cold color, then there will not be a single warm shade in your palette.

Cold bright:

Cold Soft:

If bright shades are more suitable for you, then your color type is Cold winter.
If you look better in soft tones, then you are Cold summer.

In this case, you need to find out which of the colors suits you best - Bright or Soft.
Note: If you belong to the Warm color palette, there will not be a single clearly cold color in your palette.

Warm bright:

Warm Soft:

If bright shades are more suitable for you, then your color type is Warm Spring.
If you look better in soft tones, then you are Warm autumn.

Soft colors - cold or warm?

Soft cold:

Soft Warm:

If cold shades are more suitable for you, then your color type is Soft Summer.
If you look better in warm colors, then you are Soft Autumn.

Bright colors - cold or warm?

Bright cold:

Bright Warm:

If cold shades are more suitable for you, then your color type is Bright Winter.

If you look better in warm colors, then you areBright Spring.

Step 3. Tips for determining the color type. Hair color. Eye color. proofing method

Please note that eye color and hair color are just hints, they are the same for most, but you may be the exception to the rule. The main thing is the reaction of your skin to color.

What is your natural hair color?

Your natural hair color is an important factor in determining your color type.

The color must be natural! Artificially colored hair will not help in determining your natural color.
If you dye your hair so long ago that you no longer remember its natural color, find in the photo or remember what your hair color was over the age of 4-6 years, and use it in the analysis.

With a few exceptions, often the owners of hair of certain colors belong to certain color types.


If you have…
Golden blonde hair like Kate Hudson, you can be bright spring, bright summer or warm spring.
If you have…
Ash hair like a young Farrah Fawcett, you can be bright spring, bright summer or cold summer.


If you have…
Blonde or light brown hair with a warm undertone that appears in the sun, like Kirsten Dunst, then you belong to the color type Bright Spring or Bright Summer.
If you have…
Ash brown hair, then you are most likely Soft Autumn, like Calista Flockhart, or Soft Summer.
Brown hair, without an ashy tint, usually indicates that you are - Deep Autumn, like Vanessa Minnillo (Vanessa Minnillow) or Bright Spring.
Black hair is often a sign of any of the three Winters, for example, Deep Winter like Aishwarya Rai, or Deep Autumn.


What color are your eyes?

According to Laura Alexander, by the shade of the eyes, it is possible with an 80 percent probability to find out belonging to a certain color.
note that it is not the color itself that is important, but its characteristic - smoky, cold, bright, etc.

Contrasting and bright: blue, green or brown.
You probably belong to the color type Bright Spring, Bright Winter or Bright Spring.
Cold and light: gray or blue eyes. Your color type is most likely one of three Years ( Light, Mild or Cool Summer).
Warm and golden: : hazel, topaz, hazel or green. Your color type Warm Spring or Warm autumn.
Soft and smoky: nutty or with a hint of turquoise. It is possible that your color - Soft Summer or Soft Autumn.
Deep dark brown or rich hazel. You belong to the color type Deep Autumn or Deep Winter.

proofing method

If you have already determined your dominant characteristic, but are not completely sure about the secondary one, the color proofing method will help you.
Most of the colors of adjacent seasons overlap, but each has characteristic colors that suit a certain color more than others.
Below are a few such key colors for each dominant group:

Deep Autumn or Deep Winter?
Salmon Pink purple (fuchsia)
light peach cold pink
Terracotta Burgundian
Bright Spring or Bright Summer?
bright coral deep pink
camel wool Coconut
light moss sea ​​wave
Warm Spring or Warm Autumn?
light mango Pumpkin
medium blue Jade
bright red Rusty brown
Cold Summer or Cold Winter?
soft white bright white
Lavender bright purple
Crimson Red

“I have a great wardrobe. I know very well what suits me. Models, styles, colors - I select everything for myself. But individually, things look perfect, but as a set, everything seems to be combined, but everything is not right on me: faded, strange shades appear, and expensive things look cheap and tasteless. I can't figure out what's going on!"

Familiar? And the reason is that many of us do not know our own color type.

Color type. A certain type of appearance, under which ideally appropriate shades and colors are selected. This is the color given to everyone at birth by nature itself.

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Let's start our own discoveries

Now the test of the color type of appearance according to the seasons is very popular. Such an understandable theory of character gradation, as seasonal, very often gives erroneous results. Why is that?

The division of a person into a cold or warm color type is not entirely correct. There are a lot of people with a neutral type, which can easily fit into several seasonal color types at once.

The determination of the color type by the directional method (according to the theory of Alfred Mansel) is now confidently taking the first position. There is a differentiation of the human type into such characteristics as:

  • Depth(color saturation. Light-dark)
  • Undertone(temperature shades. Warm-cold)
  • Brightness(purity of color. Bright-muted)

Three characteristics are selected for each person. Among them, dominant, secondary, tertiary are revealed. This method allows you to determine your only, unique color combination. Find a real guiding star in the world of the color intended for you by nature.

Starting research

How to conduct a color type test at home. So, first of all, we need light. Not evening, artificial electric, but natural, scattering, daytime. The ideal place would be a window facing north. A large mirror and actually you. Without makeup, with thoroughly washed hair (the color of clean curls is lighter).

Step 1. Depth

Har-ka Leather Hair Eyes Adviсe
Dark olive, beige, with a yellowish tint black, dark chestnut, dark brown, red shades possible dark brown, hazel green, dark marsh beware of pastel, light shades, dark, plain clothes will do
Light light, beige, ivory ashen, golden, from light to medium blond. gray, gray-brown, gray-blue, blue, green-blue, green, light brown avoid dark colors closer to the face area, clothes of light solid colors will do

Representatives of the dark color type have matte, dark skin, color-saturated hair and eyes. The eyes are brighter, stand out against the background of the entire face. Bright representatives Penelope Cruz, Julia Roberts, Natalie Portman.

Light representatives have a soft, neutral appearance. Eyes of medium saturation, radiant. Vivid examples of this type are Diane Kruger, Sharon Stone, Gwyneth Paltrow.

Step 2. Undertone

Har-ka Leather Hair Eyes Adviсe
Cold any saturation, with bluish, pink undertones gamma from dark ash to dark blond blue, light blue, gray, green-blue, gray-blue, cold brown you do not need warm, golden hues, the ideal colors are bluish, cold
Warm golden beige, yellow, peach golden blond, brunette, reddish, golden chestnut, copper hazel, green, golden brown, hazel, dark yellow, dark blue, gray-blue move away from cold shades, pure white is especially contraindicated, warm, golden tones suit you

Cold ones do not have any hints of warmth in their appearance. Hair, skin, eyes are soaked in cool, gray and blue and undertones. They do not have copper, gold shades. Often their faces are pale. Outstanding representatives are Carmen Kass, Lauren Graham, Linda Carter.

Warm types have in appearance (eyes, skin, hair) warm undertones, without a hint of a cold shade. Outstanding representatives Julianne Moore, Nicole Kidman, Jessica Chastain.

Step 3 Brightness

Har-ka Leather Hair Eyes Adviсe
Bright "transparent", light, thin, "porcelain", beige, ivory black, warm chestnut, medium to dark shade green, turquoise, steel grey, light blue, green blue do not wear dull colors in clothes, avoid muted, dark solid colors, you need high contrast
Muted almost colorless, matte, often with freckles, gives off redness light grayish tones, ash, copper, golden chestnut light to dark brown, walnut, marsh avoid bright colors, a smooth, imperceptible transition is ideal for you, clothes are plain, light colors

A bright color type allows you to wear two bright contrasting colors in clothes. Outwardly, they differ precisely in contrast, brightness, radiance. Very often they have luminous light eyes with ice-blue or pure white proteins. And the skin can be of different shades (cold, warm). Bright representatives Dita Von Teese, Courteney Cox, Megan Fox.

Muted ones create a soft impression, they have no contrast between the color of hair, eyes and skin. Their appearance ranges from medium-dark to medium-light shades. They do not have radiant eyes (they are not very dark, deep, soft). They have mixed characteristics (dark hair + light eyes, cold skin + warm eyes). Outstanding representatives Drew Barrymore, Jessica Simpson, Ashley Olsen.

So, we have decided on the dominant characteristic of our color type. Now, let's conduct a test on how to determine the color type of appearance for cold-warmth. There are three such methods (veins, precious metals and handkerchiefs). Let's consider each separately.

Vein test

Carefully examine the hand from the inside (where it never tans). We need to understand the color of the veins in the elbow and wrist.

  • Veins are blue, with a greenish tint. Your type is warm or neutral warm.
  • The color of the veins is clearly cold, blue. Your type is cold or neutral cold.
  • Blue and with greenery (one on the elbow, others on the wrist). You are a neutral type.

This is not to say that this test is suitable for all people. In those who have dense, dark skin, it is difficult to see the color of the veins. You can try in a different way.

"Decoration" test

It can be done in two versions. Both will require a pair of gold and silver jewelry. You need to test in natural light.

  • Option 1. Without makeup, sit in front of a mirror and, in natural light, bring gold to your face, then silver. The metal that does not suit you will not fit into the whole picture of your appearance.
  • Option 2. Put gold and silver jewelry on your hand together and look at them against a neutral background. Which of the decorations looks more harmonious?

Gold suits you - you are a warm type

Silver suits you - cold

If it seems that none of the metals suits you, or vice versa, both are suitable - you are a neutral type.

Determination of the color type according to the "Handkerchiefs" test

The test for determining the color type of appearance with the help of scarves is one of the most simple. We need two handkerchiefs of warm pink and cold pink. Apply them to your face in turn. If the color does not suit you, a grayish shadow will appear on the skin of the face, all the flaws will appear, even a not quite healthy blush will visually glimpse.

Warm pink suits you - your type is warm or neutral warm.

Cold pink suits you - you are a cold or neutral-cold type

Draping (autumn-spring)

Draping is used by almost all image makers. We need to arm ourselves with multi-colored fabrics that we will apply to the face (again, not made up).

How to do it right:

  • Daylight
  • Sit in front of a light source
  • Behind should be a neutral background
  • If you have dyed hair, cover it with a white scarf.
  • Apply pieces of cloth to your face in turn and watch his reaction.

Approximate colors of the test for determining the color type of appearance

Depth: light-dark

Undertone: cool-warm

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