Tiger grin tattoo meaning in prison. grin tattoo

Freedom-loving, beautiful and strong animal. A fast and determined beast. The tiger is the hero of many legends and myths, often found in the symbolism of the East and Asia. It is less frequently mentioned in Western culture.

Who will suit?

The tiger is a predominantly male symbol. Among girls, such a tattoo can hardly be called very popular.

Places and style of the tattoo.

A tiger tattoo is performed in almost all possible tattoo techniques: old school, realism, geometry, tribal. Among the sketches, the most popular are the grin of a tiger's muzzle, a tiger in a triangle and a paw of a tiger.

Men most often tattoo this animal on their shoulders, chest or arms.

The beautiful half of humanity prefers to get a tattoo on the shoulder blades, back or legs.

Symbol meaning

The tiger symbolizes power and strength. This is the overall average.
The tattoo, which depicts a calm and imperturbable predator in a familiar environment, symbolizes precisely power, strength, fearlessness.

Each additional stroke in the sketch of the tattoo affects its meaning. The list below will help the reader understand the intricacies of the meanings of popular tiger symbols.

  • Tiger with dragon. Such a neighborhood is most often found in the Yin-Yang symbol, where the dragon personifies the male principle, and the tiger is female;
  • tiger head- the desire for power, a sense of being chosen. Also, tattoos in the form of a tiger's muzzle indicate the high intelligence of the owner;
  • Tiger grin- readiness for battle, severe temper and aggression;
  • tiger paw- determination and perseverance. Ability to stay on track under any circumstances;
  • white tiger- a symbol indicating the uniqueness and uniqueness of a person. There is another, less positive meaning of this symbol - a foregone conclusion and resignation to fate;
  • tiger cub- a sign of playfulness and a childish attitude to life;
  • Tiger with a crown- symbol of the leader. Similarly, the tiger lion in some countries is considered the king of beasts. A symbol in which a lion is depicted with a crown on his head or next to it indicates a person's high position in society;
  • Tigress, often depicted with small tiger cubs. Women's tattoo, which indicates the important role of the family in a girl's life;
  • Tiger in a cage- the predominance of spirit over anger. The symbol indicates the owner's ability to keep emotions subordinate to their own beliefs;

tiger tattoo for men means the desire for power, strength and wealth.

For girls the image of a tiger means wisdom, steadfastness and calmness. The symbol indicates the exclusivity and uniqueness of a woman.

Related symbols: Symbols close in meaning and spirit are a lion, a dragon, an owl, a cheetah, an eagle.

Symbol history

The tiger is called the king of beasts in Asia. Here he plays the role of a lion in the symbolism of other peoples.

According to the ancient Chinese legend: five tigers protect the whole world. Its center and each of the four cardinal directions.

In ancient times, the Chinese believed that if a tiger attacks a person, then he acts on behalf of the gods. And so it was for what.

In Indian culture, the tiger was depicted on "military" insignia. By and large, here the symbol played the role of a medal or order "for courage in battle."

IN Thailand the symbol means sensuality and passion.

IN Japanese symbolism, the image of a tiger is found among the samurai. Here the tiger played the role of a protective amulet and brought good luck in battle. Or so the samurai thought.

In culture Ancient Greece and Rome you can find an image of a beast harnessed to the chariot of Dionysus (God of wine and celebration).

Significance in prison

In a criminal environment, a tattoo depicting a tiger is interpreted as "evil at the authorities."

The tattoo indicates the ferocious disposition of the owner. Such a tattoo is often done by "bulls", i.e. fighters are ready to solve problems by force.

The grin of a tiger on the chest indicates the courage of the owner.

A symbol that combines opposites. The tiger symbolizes strength, wealth and wisdom. On the other hand, it means aggression and ferocity.
Additional touches are capable.
Its own, special meaning in .

Tattoos have long become a whole trend in the art of drawings on the human body. Men put deep meaning and personal meaning into their tattoos. Tiger tattoo is an oriental sign of strength, aggression, beauty and speed.

Symbolic meanings of the tiger

This is interesting: Tattoos for men: sketches on the arm, wrist, shoulder, leg, forearm, neck, chest + 200 PHOTOS

If you want to decorate yourself with a beautiful tiger pattern, then:

  • It is important to know what message such a tattoo carries;
  • On which part of the body is it better to draw;
  • Choose a beautiful picture;
  • Is the color of the body pattern important?
  • What you need to know before applying the first tattoo?

We have prepared for you an overview of the symbolism of the tiger, many options for sketches and photos of this animal for application to the body.

tiger like energetic, strong animal occupies a large place in various cultures, mythologies, religions. In different parts of the world, this predator was assigned a different place in symbolism, but it is always weighty and significant. The word is of Iranian origin, it is derived from "tiger" - sharp, sharp. The tiger is one of the fastest and most powerful land predators, the largest of the "feline",

Tiger in Chinese culture

In China, the tiger occupies a similar place to the lion in Western culture. In the country of the sky, it is the tiger that is the king of animals, it represents the male principle in nature, it is the absolute dominant. Allegorically, this animal personifies justice, power, fearlessness. In Chinese art, there are four most important and most intelligent animals - the tiger, dragon, phoenix and tortoise.

The striped beast is given great importance in Chinese military sagas. "Tiger Warrior" is called a brave soldier. In folklore, such wild cats protect good men and kill bad ones. Drawings of a toothy beast decorate the walls of houses and temples so that evil spirits do not penetrate into them. The Chinese believe that the tiger's claw is a powerful amulet that will give its wearer the courage of the beast.

In the 12-year zodiac horoscope - the tiger is the third animal. Those born in the year of the tiger (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010) have a strong and decisive character, are endowed with passion and courage, and are ready to take risks. Such people are clear leaders, they know how to be in the spotlight, endowed with natural attractiveness and charisma.

There are 5 varieties of tiger:

  • 1950, 2010 and 2070 - metal;
  • 1902, 1962, 2022 - water;
  • 1914, 1974, 2034 - wooden;
  • 1926, 1986, 2046 - fiery;
  • 1938, 1998, 2058 - earthen.

Famous people who were born in the year of this predator are Ivan the Terrible, Marco Polo, Karl Marx, Mary Stuart, Charles De Gaulle, Ludwig van Beethoven, Agatha Christie.

Tiger in religions

There were no tigers in the Slavic lands, so they only heard about him and made up legends, they called him babr. In paganism, there are no gods personifying this animal, but the babrs were called the “fierce beast”, which caused numbness and fear.

In Hinduism, striped predators denoted the warrior caste. The wife of the god Shiva, Durda was often depicted riding a tiger.

In Buddhism, wild cats are believed to exorcise demons. Tiger statues can be found near the graves, they are painted over the doors to the temple. It is believed that only the gods can ride the four-legged.

Talisman or totem

As a talisman, the tiger is a powerful energy amulet. The image of a ferocious predator demands respect, it is both feared and revered, it is aggressive and noble. As a symbol of protection, it protects against diseases and dark forces, gives good luck in risky business and big undertakings.

The wild predator is considered strongest totem and not everyone is able to withstand its impact, he does not like lies and hypocrisy. People who are ready to decorate themselves with such a symbol need to accept the energy of a fast and powerful beast, learn to understand and manage their inner strength and keep self-control.

A striped cat on a mental level takes under its protection the person who has applied, helps him on his life path and energizes him. This sign can give decisiveness to indecisive people. It will help men to strengthen their authority in the home, at work, strengthen their fortitude.

Many tribes in Southeast Asia chose the tiger as their spirit animal. People believed that after death they become tigers, and those mustachioed predators that live now are their deceased relatives.

tiger in feng shui

The ancient science of energy flows around us believes that the striped beast is the strongest symbol that can neutralize negative waves from the outside. In any place with destructive energy, a figurine or image of a predator will weaken the negative impact. The tiger helps to strike a balance between logic and reality. Feng Shui says that the head of the tiger guards the house and brings good luck.

Tiger in heraldry

On the family coats of arms, the image of a striped beast meant rage and strength. The tigress symbolizes a formidable mother who is ready to defend her cubs to the last. Tigers are in the coat of arms of Malaysia, Singapore, Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai. This image is used on the emblems of fighting and football clubs.

The meaning of the tiger in tattoos

In the modern world, the image of a tiger on a male body is very popular. Such a tattoo can convey a strong spirit, authority, determination and power of a man's character. There are a lot of options for drawing a picture, so you will always be original.

We offer several ideas and their meanings:

  • The head of the tiger is not only a sign of strength, but also of passion;
  • The grin of a striped animal, a menacingly growling tiger - symbolizes fearlessness and courage. Such a tattoo can enhance the energy and authority of a man, will serve as a powerful guard against negative waves. Another meaning is that a person is ready to fight back anyone.

Such a tattoo can be attributed to the prison. In the underworld, a toothy beast with an open mouth means that the owner of the tattoo is embittered at the authorities and law enforcement agencies. In the zone, such a tattoo can have another meaning, that a man is a bull and a fighter, can carry out reprisals against anyone.

  • White tiger - this animal is very rare in nature, so the owners of such underwear want to emphasize their uniqueness and individuality. It is chosen by extraordinary, multifaceted people who respect intelligence, wisdom and uniqueness;
  • The tiger, made with geometric lines, creates the illusion of movement. There is a symbolism of elusiveness in this tattoo;
  • The Siberian tiger is the largest species of these animals, so such an image speaks of strength and power;
  • The sleeping king of the jungle is applied as a talisman, he guards the hearth and brings peace of mind. Perfect for eccentric people, for those who want to balance and balance their character;
  • The tiger in a cage is applied to the body by those who want to emphasize the ability to self-control, restraint and faith in principles;
  • The crouching mustachioed beast is associated with grace and wisdom;
  • A tiger with coins is a symbol of successful business, financial well-being and success in business.

For Asian monks, it is a symbol of power. Images of a lion in European and Arabic cultures have similar meanings. The tiger in heraldry demonstrates the invincibility of the clan, city, empire.

Among the Indians, the tiger is one of the divine incarnations of Shiva (god). A tattoo with a tiger was applied to the body by Indian warriors.

In Japan, the tiger is a symbol of masculinity, tiger tattoos help to win and perform feats.

In China - painted images of a tiger protect from evil spirits, sculptural images (statues) are installed in front of the gates of courtyards and in front of the front doors to the house.

The Dark Side of the Tiger

The tiger tattoo is common in the prison environment. There, the Tiger with an open mouth symbolizes a person's ability to stand up for himself under any circumstances. Such a tattoo warns of superiority over cellmates, the cruelty of its owner. And also about the opposition of the wearer of the tattoo to the authorities.

Dark or low manifestations of power are:

  • Bloodlust.
  • Cruelty.
  • Ruthlessness.
  • Rage.
  • Cunning.
  • Power.

Light side of the force

What does a Tiger tattoo mean in civilian life? Tattoo pictures (not tattoos, but tattoo stickers) can carry a nobler meaning, express more sublime manifestations of power. Noble interpretations of the image of the tiger:

  • Force.
  • Independence.
  • Masculinity.
  • Honor.
  • Heroism.
  • Fearlessness.
  • Will.
  • Leadership skills.

Types and styles of tattoo

Types of tiger tattoos are shown in the photo:

Tiger Tattoo Styles:

Women's and men's tattoos

If the Tiger is a male symbol traditionally used to decorate the male body, then its paw is a traditional female tattoo (see examples in the photo). Pictures depicting the traces of the beast mean animal passion. They can be small and inconspicuous (on the arm, back of the wrist, ankle) or take up most of the back.

However, the tiger is not only a symbol of strength and power. This catalog contains the meaning and photos of tiger tattoos. In general, the meaning of a tiger tattoo is very diverse and multifaceted. The meaning of tiger tattoos is associated with power, ferocity, passion, and sensuality. The meaning of a tiger tattoo is largely due to this fact. The meaning of tattoos depicting tagra is very diverse. The tiger is an oriental symbol of strength, ferocity, cruelty, anger, beauty and speed. In the cultures of Asia and India, tiger tattoos have a meaning of aggression and protection, where the tiger replaces the lion as the main symbol of greatness and savagery.
On the other hand, tigers can also symbolize femininity, power, anger, revenge, and cunning. I have a grin of a tiger in a black beret on my right shoulder, I served in the marines - reconnaissance battalion ... Tattoo and for her I will answer at least to anyone one on one ... On my left shoulder I have a scorpion Tattoo, in Chechnya calol and that is also Zonovskaya ...

1. A grinning tiger with standing ears means: I will tear for myself, for my loved ones, I hate and deny power! 2. A grinning tiger with recumbent ears means: he fell for a cormorant, everything has a wine character! The tiger is a free, strong and beautiful animal. Tigers lived in the gardens of many wealthy aristocrats, representing a sign of courage and superiority. The tiger personifies the masculine principle, its strength comes from the moon and the sun. In the eastern horoscope, the tiger symbolizes such qualities as strength, activity and leadership, courage and courage.
In the Japanese horoscope, the tiger is a sign of glory, victory, heroism. A person, choosing a tiger sign for a tattoo, shows his free character. Tiger sculptures are present at the gates of many ancient buildings that have come down to us, on the coats of arms and protective shields of ancient warriors, implying protection, strength and fearlessness. If a tiger tattoo on the back contains an open mouth and an outstretched paw with claws, this may indicate the aggressive nature of the owner.
In Indian mythology, the tiger corresponds to wisdom and calmness. This is not a bad idea for a tattoo with a tiger on the shoulder: a calm and formidable beast, ready at any moment to rush to the victim. A photo of a tiger tattoo can be found in the catalog of any tattoo parlor, this is one of the most popular subjects among lovers of body painting. In the province of Yunnan, there are legends about people who could turn into tigers, like the legendary werewolves. In Japan, the tiger symbolizes masculinity and helps hero warriors perform their feats. In Korea, he is a link for the World of the earthly and Heavenly chambers, and on tattoos he is often depicted together with the dragon in the form of the Ying-Yang symbol. The tiger can be depicted in a realistic way, using a technique that resembles an engraving, or you can choose a traditional version from the many Asian drawings of this animal.
During the Chinese New Year parade on the streets there is an image of a tiger with large eyes, open mouth, bared fangs and developing hair. Tigers in nature are wild, fast, merciless and beautiful. How this majestic beast will be on a tattoo depends on the character, personality traits and life values ​​​​of a person. The tiger in the underworld symbolizes anger at the authorities, in particular, the police.
In the zone, often, a tiger's head is carved. Bulls and fighters become its owners, and speaking in an understandable language - people who are ready to carry out physical violence on the orders of their leader (thief in law). The tiger on the body can also act as a kind of amulet against evil spirits, protect from enemies.
It should be noted right away that in prison, not only the symbolism of the tattoo itself matters, but also its size. Very often in places of deprivation of liberty they depict a tiger with an open mouth. A tiger tattoo is determined by the qualities of the animal itself. If a person has an image of a tiger on his body, then he can attract attention not only with his anger and cruelty, but also with greatness, brightness and care for his loved ones and loved ones.
Owners of a tiger tattoo in the zone are honored and respected. Today, in prisons, a tiger tattoo is often applied, which has its own history and interpretation. A tiger tattoo is, first of all, a way of self-expression. The Dragon. The combination of a dragon (see dragon tattoos) and a tiger in the Chinese Yin-Yang style. In Indian Buddhism, the tiger is a symbol of spirituality (see Buddhist tattoos and Indian tattoos).

To date, quite popular images for tattoos are the grin of wild animals. Both girls and guys like to embellish their bodies with the grin of a tiger or, say, a panther. However, you should definitely know what each of the images symbolizes and what changes in your life can occur after applying a tattoo.

A sketch of a tattoo with a grin of any animal should be done by a professional master, because the drawing, as it is correct, will be in a realistic style, and it is rather complicated from an artistic point of view. Both color and black and white sketches look good.

Tattoo with a grin - aggression and unpredictability. Many guys make an image of a wolf grin on the entire shoulder, then it looks as impressive and impressive as possible, and if you have good biceps, it’s also furious. Freedom is also not alien to the wolf, so this is fully highlighted in the tattoo. Often they depict a jumping wolf with a grin or a predator while running.

A tattoo in the form of a grin is, first of all, anger and anger. There is nothing unexpected in this, but the meaning of such a drawing is very ambiguous. For example, the inhabitants of India used to firmly believe that the image of a tiger grin applied with henna could protect human life. Even today there you can meet a lot of people with such tattoos. But in Thailand, the grin of such an animal as a tiger means not so much anger as the passion and sensuality of a person whose body has a grin pattern.

A tattoo with a grin means power. And also a tattoo with a bear speaks of the indomitability of the owner of the tattoo and his courage. Bears and everything connected with them are very much respected by the Indians inhabiting North America. Natives of this people claim that bears are actually very kind and peaceful creatures, just hiding under the mask of anger and rage.

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