The skin on the elbows of women is cracking. Rough skin on elbows

Why does the skin on the elbows often cause problems for its owners?

The fact that the skin at this place of the hands is dry is explained by anatomical features.

There are very few sweat glands in this area, the fat layer is thinner than in other places, and the load on the vessels and lymphatic ducts of the elbow is quite intense - the joints that are in this place require nutrients and oxygen. Feeding is carried out by the vessels, and the skin over the elbow joints gets much less nutrients than, for example, the dermis over the shoulder.

The dermis on the knees experiences the same problems - with the slightest organic disturbances, it becomes rough and even cracks.

To get rid of the problem, you should find out why the skin is cracking on the elbows.

Dry skin on knees and elbows - causes

If the body begins to peel off, first of all, you should consult a dermatologist. It is necessary to exclude dermatological diseases of an infectious nature - caused by a fungus or increased activity of opportunistic microorganisms, more often streptococci.

Many ordinary people believe that the main symptom of skin infectious diseases is that the body itches a lot. This is not at all the case - regardless of the reasons for the violation of the integrity of the skin, itching may occur.

Reasons why knees and elbows look imperfect.

  1. Genetic predisposition - insufficient secretion of sebum.
  2. Avitaminosis.
  3. Dehydration or malnutrition: a diet in which vitamins A, E, C do not enter the body.
  4. Endocrine and hormonal disorders.
  5. Neurological problems - neurodermatitis, psoriasis ...
  6. Failure to take care of yourself.
  7. Irritation from clothes.
  8. Sudden temperature changes if you do not dress for the weather.
  9. Professional loads - you have to sit for a long time, leaning on your elbows, or kneeling.
  10. Violation of the blood supply in the skin over the joints can cause increased stress - a sedentary lifestyle or vice versa, increased activity, lead to a violation of the peripheral blood supply.
  11. Allergic reactions.

Each case requires its own approach, and it is impossible to cope with dryness caused by infection and improper care with the same methods.

Peeling skin on knees and elbows - treatment

Skin infections are most often caused by fungi - in this case, self-medication can only lead to a worsening of the condition. If the question is: "Why do my elbows itch?"- answer: "endocrine or hormonal disorders", you should also turn to official medicine.

Home methods to improve the quality of the skin can be used in parallel with the main treatment - of course, the attending physician must be informed. Some home procedures cannot be combined with medical methods.

Creams and ointments are prescribed directly to eliminate peeling:

  • "Pitival" - with an antibacterial and antifungal component;
  • "Atoderm", "Celestoderm", - with hormonal components;
  • "Triderm" - the tool additionally includes an antibacterial component;
  • "Radevit" - with antipruritic and regenerating effect.

The range of pharmaceutical products is very wide, and that is why it is necessary to consult a doctor before purchasing a medicine.

If you do not find out why the knees or elbows suffer, the condition will worsen so much that the skin will peel off in layers.

How to get rid of peeling skin on elbows with home remedies

If the problem of dry skin is caused by a genetic factor, in order to solve the problem, it is necessary to increase the time devoted to self-care.

  1. Normalize nutrition, make sure that the diet always contains products from the following series: seafood, seeds, nuts, vegetable oils - something that contains saturated fatty acids, vitamins E, A, C and group B.
  2. It is necessary to abandon products that have a diuretic effect - coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks.
  3. After contact with water, a thick layer of oily cream should be applied.

Before water procedures - in about 10 minutes - peeling places should be wiped with lemon or potato juice. No need to waste time squeezing juices, just wipe the skin with half a cut potato or a slice of lemon.

You can pre-walk on dry skin with a scrub.

The best home scrubs:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • sugar;
  • steamed hercules;
  • ground coffee beans.

As the basis for the scrub, you should use honey, vegetable oils or dairy products: yogurt, kefir or sour cream.

After a shower, a place of increased dryness is treated with animal fat or ordinary vegetable oil according to the principle of a compress. That is, a gauze napkin is impregnated with a medicinal substance, then wrapped in polyethylene, and left overnight.

You can regularly wipe the elbows with dry skin or knees with a saturated soda solution. Only elbows or knees soar - it is not recommended to lower the entire arm into the solution.

Recipes for getting rid of the peeling of the area above the knee and elbow joints.

  • Dandelion flowers insist on vodka for a week - half a glass of flowers per 1 glass of vodka.
    Then a little of the resulting infusion is mixed with lemon juice and honey and lotions are made for the night. Similar use: a mixture of apple cider vinegar, glycerin and water.
  • During the day, you should constantly lubricate your elbows with a mixture of vitamin A and E.
  • Lotion from a mixture of aloe juice and vitamins A or E.
  • A compress of thick rice broth - put on the night.

Helps to restore the smoothness of the skin:

  1. herbal baths: sage, mint, St. John's wort, yarrow;
  2. rubbing the pulp of sour fruits or berries - plums, kiwi, currants, strawberries.
  • Raw potato mask mixed with cottage cheese and fatty sour cream.
  • Whipped yolk with honey - applied to the elbows for 30 minutes, washed off with hot water and then smeared with a fat cream.
  • Starch baths. The starch solution should be made very thick. Hands are bent and lowered into the starch mixture for 15 minutes. Then they are rinsed with hot water and generously treated with warm vegetable oil.
  • After contact with water, it is customary to smear the hands with a nourishing or moisturizing cream. During these manipulations, it is desirable to apply the cream on the elbows. This should be the rule.

People do not pay much attention to their own and other people's elbows. It would seem that they are special. This is not the part of the body that should look perfect. But when the skin on the elbows peels off and cracks, they begin to hide them under clothes. Sometimes, along with the above trouble, the skin begins to itch a lot, which disrupts night sleep. Itching and peeling on the elbows can be the cause of serious problems in the body. Why do elbows itch, peel, redden and blacken and what provokes these symptoms?

Elbows itch and peel - causes

The most common causes of unbearable itching and redness of this part of the body are various types of dermatitis. When itchy dry or painful weeping crusts form on the elbows, this is an allergy. The disease can appear after contact with an irritant or when eating it. Here is a list of common allergens:

  1. Perfumes, lotions, creams often contain substances that a person cannot tolerate.
  2. Soap is one of the answers to the question: “Why does the skin on the elbows peel off? As a rule, these are substances in it, such as methylparaben and sorbic acid.
  3. Food. The most allergenic are: sugar, chocolate, citrus fruits.
  4. Clothing is one of the common causes of peeling of the elbows and skin of the whole body. That is why some people pay special attention to the composition of fabrics.
  5. Drinks are the cause of allergies and even psoriasis. Most often it is alcohol, various types of tea, coffee, store juices and lemonade.

As you know, peeling of the elbows causes not only allergies, but also psoriasis. This disease is still not fully understood and all the causes of its occurrence are unknown. Most often it is:

Rough skin on the elbows with psoriasis delivers not only aesthetic discomfort. In contact with clothing, it damages the fabric. Weeping eczema can become infected when particles of clothing get into it.

Usually, peeling of the skin on the elbows is provoked by:

  1. Avitaminosis, namely: lack of vitamin A, B, D.
  2. Unsuitable body care products that contain flaky ingredients.
  3. Constant pressure on the elbows. When a person often leans on this part of the arm, he pinches the blood vessels and the skin receives insufficient nutrition, which is where dryness comes from.

In addition to peeling and redness, the skin on the elbows may darken and become rougher. In appearance, it resembles the skin of an elephant. At the same time, the elbows do not always itch and peel off, but sometimes cracks may appear on them.

Why does the skin on the elbows darken

Dark skin on this part of the body is a very rare occurrence, as many people think, but it is not. It's just that people suffering from this nuisance prefer not to bare their hands even in summer. The causes of skin cracks on the elbows can, as described above, beriberi and contact dermatitis. But that's not all. Due to these diseases, the skin on the elbows becomes dark and rough:

Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disease. It can appear after severe stress or thyroid surgery, with iodine deficiency. It also happens to be hereditary. Rough dark skin on the elbows is one of its symptoms, in addition to this, the patient experiences constant fatigue, nails and hair become brittle, headaches and forgetfulness bother. It should be noted that this disease is not treated, but there are a number of drugs that can eliminate all of the above symptoms. If there are at least three signs, you should visit an endocrinologist or therapist.

Diabetes mellitus is a violation of the absorption of glucose by the body plus a lack of insulin. One of the signs of the disease is very dry and dark skin on the elbows. The symptom is added: frequent urination, weight loss or gain, thirst, nausea, high blood pressure. The cause of the disease is an increased level of glucose in the blood, as well as a genetic predisposition and malnutrition. This disease, like the previous one, is considered incurable, but the right diet and drugs completely eliminate its symptoms.

Iron deficiency anemia is a lack of iron in the blood. Symptoms are: fatigue, a change in the taste of the usual food, dark dry elbows, and then other areas of the skin, pale skin of the face (sometimes with a greenish tint), loss of appetite, cravings for spicy and salty foods, fainting (appear in a very neglected state). The disease develops due to low iron content or its absence in the usual diet. It can be completely cured by eating a diet enriched with foods high in iron and taking vitamins.

If, in addition to dryness and darkening of the skin, there are other symptoms, you should definitely consult a specialist and confirm or deny the presence of the disease.

What to do when the elbows are dry and black?

First of all, you need to treat the diseases that led to this symptom. Or get tested to find out. If everything is in order with the tests, but the elbows are still peeling, you need to pay attention to moisturizing the skin. This is necessary in order to eliminate peeling and, if possible, itching. Elbow care begins with moisturizing and whitening products.

When the skin on the elbows cracks and darkens, you can anoint it with this mixture:

Lemon juice with sour cream

Preparation and application:

  • ingredients in the ratio - 10 milliliters (lemon) per 30 milliliters mix;
  • apply on cotton swabs, and then attach them to problem areas with a bandage (preferably before bedtime).

Apple vinegar


  • moisten cotton swabs in apple cider vinegar;
  • attach them to the elbows and fix with a bandage.

Be sure to enrich your diet with dairy products, vegetables and fish and take vitamins (A, E, B, D).

But what if the elbows are red, while itching and peeling?

If dryness and darkening on the elbows are easy to remove with the help of bleaching and moisturizing agents, then this number will not work with allergies and psoriasis. The task of the patient and his attending physician is to find and eliminate the allergen. As soon as it stops entering the body, the skin will become as it was. Food allergies, like psoriasis (some types), are quickly treated by fasting and cleansing the body.

This refers to a seven-day fasting with the intake of absorbents (! This method of treatment cannot be carried out without the consent of the attending physician and his supervision, mandatory preparation for fasting is required). Then you need not immediately, but gradually return to your usual diet, perhaps some foods will have to be permanently excluded.

Recipes on how to get rid of keratinized skin on the elbows

sugar scrub


  1. Sugar 20 gm.
  2. Sour cream 20 ml.

Method of preparation and use:

  • mix with each other;
  • apply on the elbows and rub for five minutes;
  • wash off.

A similar scrub can be made from salt, but both are contraindicated for itching and weeping eczema.

Sea buckthorn oil

They should smear the affected areas three times a day, and before going to bed, make a compress with a bandage and a cotton swab. This method is recommended for painful allergic lesions.

Calendula plus chamomile

Method of preparation and use:

  • calendula flowers (10 gm), chamomile flowers (10 gm), pour 50 ml of boiling water;
  • insist three hours;
  • strain;
  • add a spoonful of sunflower oil;
  • Apply before bed as a compress.

Decoctions can be prepared from the plant, then compresses can be made from them. A bath with a string is no less effective. To make it you need:

  • 3 tablespoons of a dried plant pour a liter of boiling water;
  • pour into a hot bath.

In psoriasis, effective remedies such as:

  1. Birch tar (ointments, compresses).
  2. Celandine (baths).
  3. Aloe.
  4. Mumiyo.
  5. Naftalan oil.
  6. Solidol.
  7. Hormonal creams.
  8. Antibiotics.

To the question: why the elbows turn black there are many answers. Many remedies exist to eliminate this problem, however, a visit to a doctor is a must. Otherwise, choosing a treatment at random, a person risks harming himself by making an incorrect diagnosis and choosing the wrong treatment, since the existing disease will develop safely, and some drugs can worsen the functioning of various organs.

Elbows peeling? This is indeed a very unfortunate occurrence. In addition to the fact that flaky elbows look extremely unaesthetic, cause a lot of discomfort to a person, they often also indicate that certain disorders occur in the body. That is why a person should in no case ignore the peeling of the elbows. What to do in this case?

The first thing that is still necessary is to seek advice from a doctor - a dermatologist. He will be able to professionally find out the causes of the problem, prescribe the appropriate treatment, and, if necessary, send him for a consultation with another specialist. The most common causes of skin peeling are the following reasons:

  • Psoriasis

Psoriasis can lead to damage to the entire area of ​​the skin, including the skin of the elbows, as a result of which they begin to peel off. For a dermatologist, in this case, it will not be difficult to diagnose the disease, since it also manifests itself with a number of symptoms typical of psoriasis. Treatment in this case is quite long and specific. Unfortunately, today medicine cannot fully cope with psoriasis. The maximum that can be achieved is to reduce the manifestations of the disease to a possible minimum. This disease is treated by a dermatologist.

  • Disruption of the endocrine system

Violation of the endocrine system in all cases leads to destabilization of the state of the hormonal background. And as a result of a violation of the hormonal background, problems with the skin are a very common phenomenon, including flaky elbows. Therefore, a dermatologist, not finding problems on his part, can refer a sick person for a consultation with a doctor - endocrinologist. An endocrinologist will examine a sick person, prescribe a blood test to determine the level of certain hormones. If necessary, a sick person will be prescribed a course of treatment.

  • Vitamin deficiency

In the event that the human body lacks vitamins E and A, the skin on the elbows can begin to not only peel off, but even crack quite strongly. To fix the problem in this case, you must immediately start taking multivitamin complexes that include vitamins A and D. Moreover, doctors recommend not spending money on super-expensive vitamins - the most common Aevit and Undevit are very effective. In addition, remember that you can get rid of the lack of vitamins quite quickly, simply by simply adjusting your diet. Include onions, parsley, dill and other herbs, vegetable and butter in your daily menu.

Proper elbow care

However, sometimes the elbows can peel off without any disturbances on the part of the body, simply as a result of improper care for them. But caring for your elbows does not require much time or particularly large material costs. It is enough to pay quite a bit of attention to this procedure, and you no longer have to hide your elbows under long sleeves.

  • Cleansing the skin of the elbows

If the skin on the elbows is peeling, the first thing to do is to thoroughly clean the elbows, removing dead skin particles from their surface. The following method is very effective for this: before going to the bathroom, about 10 minutes in advance, carefully rub them with either half a potato or a slice of lemon. And while taking a shower with a hard washcloth, carefully rub your elbows.

  • Softening the skin of the elbows

After taking a bath or shower, during which the skin of the elbows was cleaned, it is necessary to soften it. After water procedures, the skin is most susceptible to the effects of emollients. Moreover, you can use not only special moisturizers, but also various improvised means: any vegetable oil - olive, mustard, sunflower, or animal fats. The selected agent must be applied to the skin in the area of ​​the elbows with a thick layer, put a soft cloth bandage on top, cover with plastic wrap and fix with a bandage. A similar compress should be left all night.

  • soda baths

If the skin on the elbow is peeling, hot soda baths help well. To do this, dissolve five tablespoons with a slide of baking soda in one liter of water. The water should be as hot as your skin can handle. Place your elbows in a container of water for about 30 minutes, adding water as it cools. After that, you also need to use a scrub.

Elbow color change

However, the problem may be not only that the elbows are peeling. Sometimes the skin on the elbows simply change its color, acquiring a dark shade. On the one hand, it does not cause any particular inconvenience to a person. However, the dark skin of the elbows often looks messy.

But bleaching it is not so difficult. Firstly, you can use specially designed whitening cosmetics for this purpose. And you can use improvised means: rub the skin in the elbow area in the morning and evening with either lemon juice, or half an apple or cucumber. As a rule, in just a few weeks your elbows will return to their original color.

Peeling of the skin on the elbows is a phenomenon that brings not only unpleasant physical sensations, but also spoils the general perception of a person by others. The skin of the elbows and knees is devoid of moisturizing sebaceous glands, so the lack of cosmetic care provokes dryness and cracking. But if the problem of dry elbows does not lose its relevance even after moisturizing procedures, then the reasons should be looked for in possible diseases or dysfunctions of internal organs.

Work for women is often associated with the need to sit at the table. Elbows, the skin of which is dry and sensitive, experience a strong load, since all the support falls on them. Therefore, even a healthy person often encounters discomfort caused by a rough keratinized layer of the epidermis on the elbows.

It is difficult not to feel the problem - the skin becomes rough and uneven to the touch. The color changes to darker, the scales are constantly peeling off. The skin layer becomes thicker, severe dryness provokes the appearance of cracks, which bring physical inconvenience, itching, look untidy and repulsive. You can see an example of dry, flaky skin on the elbows in the photo on the left.


Peeling of the skin of the elbows appears not only due to the lack of proper care and hygiene, but is often provoked by adverse external influences, malnutrition and a number of diseases.


The most common causes of coarsening and peeling of the skin of the elbows are constant mechanical irritation and pressure. This is faced by people who spend their working day at the counter, computer desk. Leaning on the elbows, they alleviate the condition of tired legs and back, but add stress to the skin of the elbow joints. There are other external influences:

  1. clothing material. Synthetics with ribs or coarse knitting of the fabric often cause irritation of the surface of the skin of the hands, itching and peeling. It is recommended to wear clothes with sleeves made of coarse material over thin turtlenecks and shirts.
  2. Lack of protection and care. Exposure to the skin of chlorinated water from the pool, cold wind, scorching rays of the sun provokes its drying and coarsening. The elbow area without protective and moisturizing systemic care quickly loses its elasticity and softness.
  3. Temperature changes. Too hot water in the bath, a long stay in a cold room without warm clothes - the causes of skin irritation, loss of moisture, coarsening of the upper layer. Seasonal climate change is a common factor in the appearance of cracked elbows. Dry air in the room due to heating in winter is bad for the skin.
  4. allergic reactions. Poor-quality cosmetics, expired hygiene products cause redness, peeling and itching. Sensitive, dry skin of the elbows reacts especially sharply.


Violations of the internal organs are manifested by noticeable external symptoms. Skin diseases cause the epidermis to thicken, crack and dry.

  • Psoriasis. It affects not only the elbows, but also other parts of the body. Causes redness, itching, exfoliation of dry scales. Exacerbated by stress.
  • Ichthyosis. It appears due to a mutation of genes or a malfunction of the immune system. In people with such a disease, the skin is like fish scales, not only external organs are often affected, but also the liver, the cardiovascular system.
  • Dermatitis. On irritated skin, itching, dryness, and burning appear. There are painful crusts in places of scratching, cracks.
  • Avitaminosis. The lack of essential substances most often manifests itself in the spring, because during the winter the body completely consumes reserves. In addition to fatigue, pallor, brittle nails and hair, dryness and peeling of the skin appear.
  • Neurodermatitis limited. It occurs due to hereditary predisposition, stress. The affected skin thickens, itches, an infection gets into the microcracks, provoking redness and inflammation.
  • Hyperkeratosis. These are violations of the natural process of desquamation of dead cells. The affected areas of the skin thicken, the skin coarsens, cracks. The phenomenon is provoked by diabetes, overweight, hereditary metabolic failure.
  • Disorders in the work of the endocrine system. The hormonal background is responsible for the state of appearance, therefore, jumps in hormone levels lead to dry skin, brittle hair, and nails.


To draw up the right plan of action in the fight against peeling elbows, analyze the symptoms of this problem.

You need to see a doctor if:

  • the skin on the elbows flakes off, accompanied by redness, itching and the appearance of crusts;
  • regular care procedures only worsen the condition;
  • cracked skin began to hurt, bleed;
  • along with dry skin, signs of hormonal failure appeared - menstrual irregularities, a sharp increase in weight.

A dermatologist will select a treatment with special creams and vitamin complexes, if necessary, send for a consultation with an endocrinologist. In the absence of alarming symptoms, treatment is carried out with home remedies.

Folk recipes

When the skin cracks, cleansing is done first, then moisturizing, and nourishing and protective procedures are last. The keratinized top layer is removed after thorough steaming, scrubs and gommages with natural ingredients are used. Do not recommend rough cleaning techniques with pumice, metal washcloths and nail files. Their use injures the skin, the wounds then become inflamed, creating another problem.

Scrubs and peels

The ingredients are mixed in equal parts until a homogeneous mass is obtained:

  1. Crushed pulp of half a lemon, salt, honey.
  2. Lemon juice, sugar.
  3. Ground coffee, kefir.
  4. Fine salt, coffee grounds, honey.

Peels with fruit acids will help soften the skin before scrubbing:


Treatment of dry elbows can also be carried out by applying moisturizing masks, which include dairy products, herbs, eggs.

Mask Components Action on the skin Result
Sour cream Moisturizing


Relieves dryness
Kefir Moisturizing


Increases elasticity

Removes darkening

Potato Mitigation


Restores softness

Heals cracks

Cereals cleansing Exfoliates dead cells

Evens out the relief

egg yolk Whitening Gives silkiness, smoothness, elasticity





Relieves irritation

Decoctions of herbs are used as the basis of the mask, if desired, add honey, cottage cheese, thicken the mass with ground flakes, starch. Nutritious properties will give the composition a spoonful of cosmetic oil. Use sea buckthorn, almond, coconut, olive. Simply lubricate dry areas of the skin with fish oil. The positive effect is noticeable after a course lasting at least 1 month. Repeat as the problem arises.


The procedure, carried out 1-2 times a week, enhances the therapeutic complex therapy. Recipes with butter:

  1. Olive oil is heated in a water bath to a comfortable temperature (40 ° C), elbows are immersed in it for 15 minutes. After wipe the skin with a napkin, cleanse and moisturize.
  2. Therapeutic. Dry flowers of calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort are added to 2 liters of water in a tablespoon. Infuse for 40 minutes, then 1 tsp is mixed into the liquid. onion juice, 2 tsp. lemon juice, 50 g olive oil. Elbows are lowered for 15 minutes in the bath, then treated with a scrub, moisturized.
  3. 2 tsp potato starch is diluted with a glass of warm water, add 1-2 tsp. vegetable oil. Keep the elbows in the mixture for 10 minutes, then wipe with a cotton swab, apply the cream.
  4. Softening. Dissolve 2 tbsp in 4 cups of warm water. l. baking soda. The elbows are immersed in the liquid for 10 minutes, then rinsed and smeared with a nourishing cream.

Pharmacy funds

When there is no time to prepare masks and compresses, they use ready-made healing creams. In the period of exacerbations of peeling of the skin of the elbows, apply:

  • Lipikar balm - moisturizes, softens;
  • cream Atoderm - hypoallergenic agent;
  • Pitival cream - relieves irritation;
  • cream EVO - with vitamin B3 and urea, restores, softens;
  • ointment Radevit - softens, stimulates regeneration;
  • Salicylic ointment - softens, disinfects.

Replace aggressive shower gels, use moisturizing foams, creams for washing, add glycerin to them immediately before the procedure. A course of vitamins A and E increases the protective functions of the body, Vetoron drops with beta-carotene prevent moisture loss.

Proper nutrition

A balanced menu and the absence of harmful products in the diet are the key to moisturized, supple skin. To get rid of dry elbows, prepare dishes from such products:

  • turkey, chicken, rabbit are protein;
  • soybeans, oily fish - contain Omega 3 fatty acids;
  • carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes - vitamin C;
  • parsley, broccoli, spinach - vitamin A;
  • liver, yolk, dairy products - B vitamins;
  • nuts, flaxseed, vegetable oils - vitamin E.

Limiting sugar and coffee increases the synthesis of collagen and elastin. It is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, lack of moisture is one of the reasons why the skin on the elbows peels off.

After a course of treatment for peeling of the skin of the elbows, they try to maintain the effect by following simple rules:

  • avoid prolonged hot baths;
  • protect elbows with moisturizers after visiting the pool, tanning sessions;
  • protect the skin of the elbow joints from excessive loads;
  • not be exposed to icy wind, direct rays of the sun;
  • buy clothes made from natural fabrics.

When washing in the shower, special products are used, which contain moisturizing ingredients. Elbows are cleaned with a soft hair brush, a washcloth provokes even more coarsening after hard removal of the top layer of skin. Moisturize the elbows with your favorite oil, milk, cream, you can use a children's one. Special soft pads under the arms at the workplace will relieve the mechanical impact on the skin of the elbows, prevent dryness and flaking.

Peeling of the skin on the elbows is a fairly common phenomenon. Unfortunately, people suffering from such a problem do not notice it immediately and seek help already when the skin takes on an aesthetically unsightly appearance or a characteristic itching appears in the elbow area. There may be several reasons for this condition, but only a consultation with a dermatologist based on the results of a study of the epidermis will help eliminate the disease.

Factors causing the development of the disease

Doctors say that the condition of the skin fully reflects the physical and psychological health of the entire human body. The first and most common cause of peeling of the skin on the elbows is non-compliance with the rules of hygiene in this area of ​​​​the hands.

Most often, office workers face the problems of rough skin - people who spend a long period of time at a desk, intuitively leaning on it with their elbows. From regular pressure and friction on a hard surface, the skin of the elbows begins to coarsen, and then peel off. In this case, only regular skin care and preventive procedures can eliminate the problem.

The main causes of rough and flaky skin on the elbows:

  • Individual intolerance to certain cosmetics - gels, toilet soaps, creams;
  • Skin diseases - psoriasis, various types of dermatitis, allergic manifestations;
  • Improper and unbalanced nutrition, vitamin deficiency. In this case, it is a lack of vitamins of group E, D, A, trace elements - iron and magnesium;
  • Regular contact with a humid environment, work in conditions of high humidity;
  • Hereditary predisposition to dryness of the epidermis in the joints;
  • Diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Nervous breakdowns, depression, overstrain and stress;
  • Wearing specialized clothing made of coarse fabrics.

Each of the factors can be a direct cause of the problem of dryness and flaking of the skin, but only a specialist can unambiguously determine this. In any case, if your skin is dry, and professional activity is associated with possible external influences on the epidermis in the elbow area, take preventive measures to localize the disease - change detergents, use softening creams and compresses. If the skin is rough and cracked, in no case do not clean it yourself, in order to avoid infection in the wounds.

Folk remedies for moisturizing

If the cause of peeling on the skin is not associated with changes in your health, but depends only on external influencing factors, use the following methods to resolve the problem:

  1. Once a day, lubricate your elbows with natural olive oil;
  2. Use homemade ointment based on baby cream and table salt to soften;
  3. Ointment based on glycerin with the addition of a small amount of salicylic ointment and olive oil;
  4. Provide the skin with external fortified nutrition - apply a slice of fresh grapefruit or orange to rough skin.

Perform activities only after taking water hygiene procedures, preferably at night. Hold the compresses for at least 20 minutes, then treat the elbow with warm soapy water, dry it and lubricate it with a nourishing cream based on natural ingredients.

Another recipe that helps soften the skin of the hands and prevent peeling is a cream made from almond oil and natural honey. It is advisable to leave such a compress overnight, after applying sterile cotton wool, polyethylene and a fixing bandage to the elbow.

Medical therapy

Treatment of skin peeling with drugs is used in cases where diseases of the internal organs or the human endocrine system become the cause of the problem. Please note that the main stage of therapy is the elimination of the underlying disease, so such treatment can be considered complex.

  1. Diseases associated with pathologies of the endocrine system. Symptoms often include general weakness, increased sweating, bradycardia, and swelling. Along with this, the skin in the area of ​​the elbow joints becomes dry and rough, itching and peeling are noted. A dermatologist can prescribe hormonal-based medicinal ointments or gels that can relieve itching and restore the normal state of the epidermis.
  2. Psoriasis. Affected areas of the skin are the main symptom of incipient psoriasis. The foci are localized on the head, legs and arms in the elbows. It is impossible to get rid of the disease completely, but it is possible to stop its course and cleanse the coarsened skin areas. For treatment, experts prescribe anti-allergic, vitamin and antihistamine preparations that moisturize the skin and prevent further peeling.
  3. Diabetes. In this case, topical drugs will only help moisturize the skin, but not cure it. It is possible to completely get rid of the problem by conducting maintenance therapy and radically changing the lifestyle - dietary nutrition, giving up bad habits;
  4. Disturbed metabolism and vitamin deficiency. The first thing the doctor pays attention to when identifying such ailments is the saturation of the body with vitamins and microelements. If the problem appeared in the winter, multivitamin mineral complexes may be recommended. In summer, the need is reduced to a revision of nutrition and the inclusion in the diet of a certain group of fruits and vegetables, freshly squeezed juices.

But even if you are completely sure of the source of the problem, do not rush to make a decision on your own. Perhaps the reason for the peeling of the skin on the elbows is completely different. Consult with experts and follow their recommendations.

Pharmacy preparations

Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of dosage forms that moisturize and restore the epidermis. Ointments, gels and creams based on natural ingredients help to quickly restore the upper, roughened layer of the skin.

When choosing drugs, be sure to pay attention to the components that make up its composition. The instructions should state that the ointment or gel is used for external use. The principle of operation is the same for almost all products - they soften rough skin, then nourish it, and after that they cover the elbow with a thin layer of a protective film.

As a rule, in such ointments, manufacturers use only a few basic ingredients, changing only the composition of the vitamin and trace elements. These are mink oil, lanolin, urea and cocoa. In some cases, oils saturated with glycerides - mango, peach, shea butter - can be added to them. Cosmetics based on these components are also used in preventive measures when there is a risk of dry or flaky skin.

Restore elasticity and color

After treatment and procedures for cleaning the epidermis, skin areas acquire an unpleasant reddish tint. In order to restore the elasticity of the skin and give it a healthy shade, you can perform a number of procedures:

  • Apply a compress of grated raw potatoes to the elbow and hold for 40-60 minutes;
  • Use a compress from a mixture of ammonia and liquid soap. The components are used in equal proportions and held in the problem area for half an hour;
  • Acetic solution based on liquid soap. The agent is rubbed into the problem area, and after 10-15 minutes it is washed off with warm running water. After that, a nourishing cream is applied to the dried elbow;
  • Herbal baths. Sage, chamomile, string and mint are steamed in equal proportions, and then diluted in a small amount of warm water. Elbows are kept in the bath for 15-20 minutes.

Peeling of the skin on the elbows, even if the problem is caused by external factors, brings a lot of unpleasant emotions. First of all, this is due to the unsightly aesthetic perception. Before taking any action to eliminate it, get qualified advice from a specialist. Perhaps the reason for this skin condition lies in something small and it is possible to improve the epidermis at home without resorting to drug treatment. If you belong to a professional risk group, follow basic hygiene rules, take preventive measures and regularly monitor the condition of the skin on your elbows.

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