Jewelry of the dead: is it possible to wear such an inheritance. Can I wear someone else's jewelry? Jewelry donated by man

Girls in the understanding of men are gentle, fragile, sweet creatures. Men often compare them with flowers: every lady has her own unique charm, just like a flower.

This is probably why the representatives of the stronger sex love to pamper the ladies with flowers. Romantic, sentimental natures especially adore flowers. No less desirable gift for any girl is a piece of jewelry. If your sweetheart loves flowers and jewelry, present her with a chic flower-shaped piece of jewelry as a sign of attention. You will see how
Jewelry donated by a man to a beloved person can tell about his feelings and intentions. From time immemorial, the stronger sex has been giving ladies jewelry - earrings, rings, pendants and bracelets - for their birthday, name day, Valentine's Day and just for no reason. There are also men who do not pamper their girls much with jewelry - they prefer to give others, in their opinion, more practical things. But if you conduct a survey among the fair sex, the answer will be unequivocal - it’s still worth giving jewelry, and

Bijouterie, silver products increase self-esteem, cheer up, allow you to look original not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. Isn't that what men want? Make your girlfriend happy. Even if she sees this happiness in cute trinkets that can be changed by combining with various outfits. Why do girls delight in jewelry as a gift?

  • Jewelry made of precious metals is not only a beautiful, but also a valuable present. As a rule, it is customary to give expensive jewelry to the closest, dearest people. Any girl will be pleased to realize that her young man values ​​\u200b\u200brelationships and feelings, considers her a loved one;
  • A gold ring or a silver set, any jewelry, is usually presented in a beautiful package. It can be a velvet case in the shape of a heart or a dove, a flock bag or a box with a bow. There are no women who would not appreciate such a gift - the fair sex appreciates romance and fantasy in men;
  • Earrings or a ring can be presented to your beloved girl in an original way - to make a surprise that she unexpectedly finds in a certain place;
  • Jewelry made of precious metal is given at the moment of marriage proposal. Therefore, every girl will be happy to receive an engagement ring with a diamond and a declaration of love from her boyfriend.

Jewelry store Valtera offers collectible jewelry at affordable prices, with discounts up to 50%. You can give jewelry gifts to your ladies as often as possible without big financial losses.

The content of the article

When preparing to attend an important event of dear people, the most difficult thing is to decide on a gift, and the most responsible thing is to choose the very gift.
Jewelry- one of those almost win-win options when a gift is likely to please a dear person. After all, it belongs to the category of precious jewelry. And by giving jewelry, you only emphasize the importance of the personality of a gifted person for you.

Such a present is not only pleasant to receive, it is also insanely pleasant to give. But in order for such a present to bring real pleasure, both you and your dear person need not only to choose such a piece of jewelry that its future owner really needs, but also to present it correctly. Today we will give some tips on how to decide on the decoration and how to give it.

Reason for a precious gift

Jewelry is an expensive and memorable gift. It will remind you of you, if not all your life, then a significant part of it. Putting on jewelry, a gifted person will always remember you and the event in honor of which he received such a precious present.

Based on the foregoing, the event to which you plan to present jewelry should be really important and enjoyable. So, there are people who do not like their birthday as a holiday. Accordingly, they do not want to receive this gift for their birthday.

So, when to give jewelry?

It is customary to give jewelry to dear people on such important dates as prom and wedding.

In a narrow family circle, the occasion may be the anniversary of the joint life of the parents or the 18th anniversary of the son or daughter.

Loving grandparents often try to present jewelry to their grandchildren at the age of majority, as a sign that the child has already grown up to an important and responsible date in his life and has an adult life ahead of him.

In addition, the anniversary date is a great occasion for a precious gift to a person important to you.

A ring - a symbol of love and devotion, it is customary to give on the day of the engagement to your chosen one.

It is customary for very young children to be given gold and silver crosses by godparents on the day of baptism. The cross will serve as a talisman and a reminder of an important day in the life of the baby - baptism.

When should you not give jewelry?

If you are planning to present an expensive piece of jewelry to a not too close person, first of all you should think about whether such a gift will burden him? Will he feel awkward and obligated to you?

Precious jewelry should only be given if you are 100% sure that the person will be happy to receive such an expensive gift from you. If you are not sure, it is better to limit yourself to semi-precious jewelry.


Just go and buy "something more expensive" is not enough.
To make it pleasant for both you and the future owner of the jewelry, when deciding on a gift, you need to be a little Sherlock Holmes. If you take into account the tastes and character of a woman (or a man), then it will be doubly pleasant for both.

If you want to give expensive jewelry to your chosen one, first watch her. Does she prefer earrings or chains with pendants? And what color? And what sizes? And with what stones? You can safely give your wife rings if she prefers them more, but a young girl, most likely, expects to see a ring as a gift as a symbol of your marriage proposal. Therefore, by making such a gift and not planning a life together, you risk getting into a mess.

What to give

Now we will give some tips on what kind of jewelry should be given to children, young girls and women so that they would be pleased.

To a small child.
A child, being very small, of course, will not appreciate the high cost and importance of such a gift as precious items. He will not even remember who gave them to him and how it happened. In the same way, he will not remember the reason. But other people close to him will remember. When the child grows up, he will probably find out the details of the appearance of such a precious gift from him. Therefore, if you just want the baby to have a precious product from you when he grows up, we advise you to give something neutral and important both in childhood and at an older age. So, you can give a teaspoon made of silver or a cross. With the help of silver products, parents can even purify water when preparing food for the baby, since silver has such a property.

For an older child of 4-5 years old, you can also give earrings (if it's a girl, of course). Just try to ensure that the earrings do not have sharp corners, and the clasp is fixed with high quality and does not unfasten during the game. And for such a little girl, take lighter earrings. 2.5 grams is the maximum weight.

If you decide to give a woman a piece of jewelry as a present, then take into account both her tastes and her age. Women aged and jewelry should be large. Although of course the physique of a woman also consider. Thin ladies, regardless of age, will face thinner chains and rings. Pendants also choose not too large. In general, when buying a gift, consider all the factors in the complex. And, by the way, mature women can give a brooch. Only for older women it is better to choose jewelry of a more restrained classical form.

To young girls.
Young girls are very fond of all kinds of jewelry. They should be presented as a present with neat jewelry of small sizes. Youth is always fragility and elegance. Therefore, the younger the girl, the more refined the jewelry and the prettier stones should be. It is better to choose products with semi-precious stones. Precious stones in jewelry should be given to already married women.

The most common pieces of jewelry for men are tie clips and signet rings.

But, before deciding to buy a man a clip, pay attention to whether he wears shirts. After all, most often a shirt is a wardrobe item for office men. And now many men are busy with other activities.

As for other jewelry, you should also take a closer look at whether a man likes to wear them at all. If he loves, then a massive signet ring or a chain with a cross or amulets can serve as a wonderful gift.

Financial opportunities

To give a gift from the heart, you need to very well evaluate whether you are financially as expensive as a surprise as a piece of jewelry.

Yes, you can take a loan or borrow money, but this will not be an option. Borrowing money is always morally unpleasant. Therefore, the gift will be burdened with an unpleasant event for you.

If you were asked to buy a diamond jewelry for you, and you understand that it is not financially possible for you, then it is better to think about what you can give so that the person who is waiting for the gift is satisfied. It is not worth replacing a diamond with a cheaper stone.

How to give

And our last tip for today is how to give jewelry.
After all, how you present a surprise, half depends on whether a person likes a gift.

If a man wants to make a marriage proposal, then you can do it enchantingly by dropping the ring into a glass of champagne or placing it on a rosebud. Let's say right away that pearls do not like frills from dipping into wine. Therefore, when giving a ring with pearls, in order not to spoil this stone, it is better to choose some other spectacular way to present a present.

And one more thing - take care of the packaging. Velvet cases and special jewelry boxes are a must. Don't skimp on them. Indeed, in a candy, the wrapper is no less important. For children, interesting cases are sold in the form of toys, insects and animals.

And lastly, give a gift sincerely and from the heart. After all, the main thing is not even a gift, the main thing is attention and feelings. If you show an unfeigned desire to give this gift, then both you and the person to whom you are making a surprise will be truly pleased.

Below will be presented 6 precious jewelry that can negatively affect the course of events in the life of its owner.

Almost all women, and some men, have a weakness for precious jewelry. These gizmos get to people in various ways: some of them they buy on their own, and some are presented as presents. But there are also lucky ones who find jewelry right on the street. But putting on, for example, a necklace around the neck or a bracelet on the wrist, do people think that these jewelry can bring them grief and suffering?

Below will be presented 6 precious jewelry that can negatively affect the course of events in the life of its owner. So.

Found jewelry

Such jewelry is, so to speak, a "lottery". Maybe they will bring good luck, or maybe, on the contrary, misfortune. Everything will depend on what the karma of their former owner is. But in any case, we must not forget the old saying, which says: "Getting good from someone else's good will not work." The pectoral crosses found deserve special attention. Such decorations definitely cannot bring good luck. It is best to get rid of them as soon as possible. And it does not matter whether the cross is gold, silver or with diamonds. Nothing good can come from such a find.

Stolen jewelry

Such precious things cannot in any way benefit the one who stole them. Since ancient times, there is one belief. According to him, the thief took all the negativity and possible illnesses from the person whose precious jewelry was stolen.

Jewelry purchased at a pawnshop

Here it is immediately worth noting that people do not rent jewelry to a pawnshop from a good life. As a rule, this is preceded by some kind of criminal or tragic event. Accordingly, jewelry that has fallen into a pawnshop can also have negative energy, like their owners. Things purchased in such establishments should be treated with caution. Who knows, maybe that cute pendant over there can lead you to the same financial ruin as its previous owner.

Jewelry donated by unkind people

Precious jewelry is often compared to ... food. For example, if a dish is prepared in a bad mood, it can cause digestive upset - nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. And jewelry donated by bad people can also bring bad luck, since the donors, along with the gift, send a negative message to the addressee. Of course, many may not agree with such a "bold" statement. But, judge for yourself, often, for example, you can hear from women that earrings given to her by a grumpy mother-in-law seem to attract tears, troubles and all kinds of sorrows. Or another vivid example: a ring donated by envious colleagues suddenly begins to attract various illnesses and troubles into the life of its owner. Experts are sure that presents given not from a "pure heart" and with negative thoughts can radically change the life of the recipient of the gift. But, alas, not for the better.

Jewelry with artificial stones

family jewels

For many centuries, there has been a tradition of passing jewelry from generation to generation. And this is no accident! After all, these things, especially those that have stones, are able to store and transmit energy for many centuries. As a rule, family jewels bring good luck and are a kind of family amulet. Therefore, they try not to tell anyone about them and hide them from prying eyes. However, some people, for whatever reason, sell their family jewels. It is absolutely impossible to do this! It is believed that a person gives away his luck, luck and health. They also say that family jewelry sold can cause irreparable damage to the person who sold them, and even put a curse on his entire subsequent family.

Jewelry that belonged to another person can get to you in a variety of ways. But is it possible to wear other people's jewelry, will they bring trouble? Sometimes the new owner of a piece of jewelry may not be aware that their ring or bracelet belonged to someone else. Why is it important to know the history of jewelry? Because they save and accumulate the energy of their owners.

Most of the precious jewelry is made of gold. This metal stores the received energy information. If you wear the product on the skin, it will begin to share the accumulated energy. Why do experts not advise wearing other people's gold jewelry? This is explained by gold most readily accumulates negative emotions and feelings. Even if the ring or chain is received as a gift, one cannot be sure that they will not bring harm.

It is even more dangerous to wear the found jewelry. Its history is not known, you do not know what kind of person wore it, what life difficulties he experienced, why and under what circumstances the loss occurred. But all the energy of the former owner was reflected in the decoration. In addition, many magical rituals (conspiracies, guidance and removal of damage) are carried out with the use of jewelry. And an ordinary ring can turn into a repository of illness and adversity.

A pawnshop gold item can also bring trouble. The person who turned it in will regret that he could not redeem the jewelry. You can buy stolen goods at a pawnshop without knowing it. And as a result, the precious product will radiate regret and sadness of the person affected by the theft.

Why do round closed jewelry (rings, necklaces, earrings) accumulate energy most intensively? Because their closed circuit does not allow energy to splash out. That is why you should not be allowed to try on or wear your wedding ring. After all, a person asking for this can change the energy balance of jewelry. It is also not recommended to measure other people's rings. You can involuntarily convey your negative emotions to the owner of the jewelry. The golden ring attracts the diseases of its owner. Therefore, it is undesirable to buy used jewelry from strangers.

Jewelry inherited or inherited from a deceased relative can become both a strong family amulet and bring a lot of trouble. On the one hand, a grandmother's ring or grandfather's watch gives protection to the spirits of ancestors and protects the family and home. Why can they hurt?

Gold and precious stones hold vibrations for some time that reflect the circumstances of death. Such an energy field is called a necropolis. It has great strength and durability. Therefore, it can influence its new owners even after many years. Everyone knows stories about diamonds that bring death to their owner.

Jewelry from a deceased person can be removed no later than 3 days after death. Jewelry cannot be shown to other people and worn before the expiration of 40 days. The procedure for cleaning products is the same, but each stage lasts 9 days. Many believe that the wedding ring of the deceased cannot be worn, it is best to hide it in a secluded place. However, a ring given by a relative during his lifetime does not carry negative energy.

Why can antique jewelry be worn only a few times a year? Antique jewelry has survived many lives and has accumulated the feelings and emotions of many people. They have powerful energy. Therefore, their daily wearing can affect the biofield and the fate of the new owner.


Gems that previously belonged to someone else can be called an energy surprise. The gem, having its own biofield, complements it with the energy vibrations of the previous owner. What will be the impact of the merger of biofields is unknown. Therefore, be sure to clean the stone before you start wearing it.

A diamond, inherited from parents, is a strong talisman. It has more powerful protective powers than a purchased new stone. Ruby accumulates information about diseases and injuries, so you can not wear it without cleaning. An emerald is considered a very strong amulet. It is one of those rare stones that can be worn by mother and daughter in turn.

How to clean jewelry?

Other people's jewelry can only be worn after cleaning. Energy therapists advise cleaning any jewelry, even a gift or store bought. Why is this procedure necessary for new products? A gift may not be made from a pure heart, but a ring from a store has been tried on by many people with different thoughts and feelings before you. Having cleaned the jewelry, you can wear it without fear and fill it only with your positive energy.

It is enough to hold a new product for several minutes under running water. Other people's things require more thorough and lengthy cleaning. For 3 days, the decoration is placed in water, for 3 days in fine salt and for 3 days on the windowsill. You can consecrate the found jewelry in the church or hold it in consecrated water.

Why is it better to wear a bracelet or rings on the right hand at first? Because in this way, jewelry will fill up with your energy faster. Gemstones can be cleansed with herbs, moonlight, or fumigation.

Kiss me passionately! Kiss me with gold and diamonds!

Gold, platinum, silver, titanium, rhodium, pearls, diamond, sapphire, emerald, ruby, garnet, topaz, opal, jasper, agate, diamonds, semi-precious stones - this is not a complete list of what amazing jewelry is made of. And, undoubtedly, any product from these magical gifts will turn a woman's head.

Jewelry as a gift is an eloquent expression of our feelings for another person.
All women expect to receive a jewelry gift! It is a fact. Women are fragile and delicate creatures. Infinitely adorable. We love romance, aesthetics, emotions and whims. Therefore, by presenting jewelry to a woman, you will emphasize her uniqueness and significance.

What is there to hide, many women, wow, how long they have to wait before receiving the first piece of jewelry as a gift from a loved one. Most men decide on such a "epoch-making" sign of attention only after a couple of years of relationship. And for jewelry with precious stones, it takes even longer. Yes, not all men are ready to give jewelry as a gift. But every loving man will certainly do this for his soulmate.

So, 15 reasons why jewelry makes the perfect gift.

Jewelry is expressive and meaningful

Each piece tells a story. “We bought this when we were at the sea”, “My mom gave me this for graduation”, “My boyfriend bought this for me on the first day of spring!”

Jewelry touches our heart. They affect our lives. It's like a pointer along the way. A kind of "landmark", which we will always keep and remember.

Jewelry is romantic

Almost all jewelry was given for romantic reasons. Pendant in the shape of a heart - to your sweet dates. Earrings with diamonds - during the moonwalk. Anniversary ring. Earrings with emeralds - "just like that."

Jewelry is a gift from the heart. And, of course, this is a sincere gift. Nothing touches us like jewelry. The jewelry is breathtaking. Beauty. Shine. It's like a million stars in the sky!

Jewelry brings couples together. Across the globe, a man gets down on one knee and paves the way for a single woman. When he thinks of a proposal, engagement, wedding, anniversary and other important events, he thinks romantically. Jewelry is the whole romantic package in one bottle.

Jewelry - universal

Jewelry is a win-win option: all women like it, regardless of age, preferences and social class. Also, the same jewelry is suitable for many styles of clothing.

Jewelry - last a lifetime

You can wear the same ring at 20 or at 60. They last a lifetime. All your life! Jewelry is intimate. They follow us through life. They are part of who we are.

It's amazing how much is connected and dependent on our jewelry. They make us feel good. They make us smile.

Rings, pendants, earrings, bracelets, we can't live without them. They reveal our personality; cheerful, creative, bold, artistic. They show us where we've been and where we're going. Jewelry is a personal journey for us. We love our diamonds and gold!

Diamonds are forever

There is no item on earth that you can spend your money on that will always look brand new. This is an amazing thing about diamonds. They are eternal! As is your love. Do not bend or scratch them. They don't wear out.

Jewelry can be sold

If after ten years you don't like your rings, you can sell or trade them. Jewelry has value. You can make an individual design or melt it into something else. We are always on the lookout for the best items. Houses, cars, appliances. Jewelry is no exception. Trends change, fashion comes and goes, jewelry is always on the move. I do not like? Tired? Get something new.

You can't do that with flowers, soft toys, or candy!

Jewelry can be transferred

Jewelry is one of the few items in life that can be passed down from generation to generation: your grandfather's pocket watch, your grandmother's engagement ring, your mother's pearl necklace.

These elements bring out sentimental value to us. They are priceless! They cannot be replaced. Just by looking at them, we come back from the flood of memories. What great memories! You can touch them. Feel them. They connect you to your loved ones and make you feel closer.

And of course, a piece of jewelry can be made more personal and memorable if engraved in the form of a message or an initial.

Jewelry is an indicator of deep feelings. Jewelry can say for you those important words that are in your heart. “I love you!”, “You are special”, “Will you marry me?” are just a few examples.

Jewelry - unique

Today there is a wider selection of jewelry styles than ever before. Gone are the days when buyers were limited to buying only gold or silver. Women's and men's jewelry is now available in metals such as platinum, titanium, rhodium, and can be used to create exquisite jewelry masterpieces. Therefore, it is rare to see two people wearing the same jewelry.

Jewelry - incredibly affordable

Jewelry fits any budget. Jewelry comes in different types and in different price ranges. You can find both a very beautiful and inexpensive item, as well as a chic item with precious stones or diamonds.
Jewelry - prestigious and popular

Jewelry has been popular and valuable since ancient times. These are original products made from bones and teeth of animals. The practice of making jewelry has stood the test of time. Shark tooth necklaces are still available, but most jewelry today is made from beautiful gemstones, imitation stones, shells, and precious metals such as gold, silver, and pewter. While jewelry styles change over time, jewelry remains a popular and prestigious choice for most gifts, no matter the occasion.

Jewelry - small

Many people avoid huge gifts. After all, you need to find a place to store them. The jewelry is quite small. And don't worry about finding a place for them.

Jewelry is an investment in the future

Undoubtedly, jewelry is an indicator of the seriousness of male intentions. Jewelry as a gift to a woman says - “I am yours. Oh, how dear you are to me, my love! But that's the way it is.

Gold is the way to happiness

There are folk signs that wearing a gold ring on the ring finger is fortunate and good luck; on the index - to career growth; on the little finger - to well-being in the love sphere; on average - to strengthen the immune system. A person who wears a lot of gold unconsciously increases the circle of influential acquaintances.

The Latin name for gold (Aurum) comes from the word aurora, which means dawn. Gold is a conductor of solar energy, which leads to the emergence of life on Earth. Its energy is life-giving for the body, absorbing our feelings in moments of happiness and joy. The longer you wear gold jewelry, the more energy you get.

Gold has healing properties

Since ancient times, gold has been considered a symbol of wealth and success of its owner. And just as long ago it was known about its miraculous properties.

To get rid of sadness or forget quarrels and resentments, it is enough to pick up a golden object. Gold has a beneficial effect on the entire body, especially the heart. Rings activate the work of the heart, strengthen the immune system and awaken creative inspiration.

Studies prove that gold can eliminate breast cancer and also treat AIDS. Gold has a beneficial effect on humans, it has bactericidal properties and is hypoallergenic.

As you can see, jewelry is not an ordinary gift. I can even say with confidence that this is the best gift in the world. This is a touch on our whole life. Jewelry is part of who we are. But above all, they create strong bonds. Deep satisfaction. Nothing else lasts as long and means so much. They make our hearts beat faster. They make our eyes sparkle. They cheer up. No other gift can do this. Jewelry is the greatest gift.

Present a piece of jewelry for your next occasion! Earrings for New Year's Eve, a heart necklace for Valentine's Day, a sun pendant for your first child, a mother's ring for March 8, a bracelet for a birthday, Anniversary, etc.

Look, it's like the story of your life set in diamonds and gold. It's fabulous!
If you have a special event coming up, or just want to make your own special occasion, do one thing for me...

Buy a piece of jewelry!

You will be happy with what you have done!
For the rest of your life!

Good luck and Love to you! And, of course, golden joys!

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